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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I've seen the video, it's awesome. Death Jester's awesome ! I'm kind of disapointed by the class outfit to be honest, Kevin's first class change looks fine, just fine, but I still expected more. Lise's is kind of meh. Angela's too. I know that expecting hair and skin colors to change is a tad much, and I know it's only first class change, but still... Dark class, Light class, the whole philosophy undertone behind them, the class cutscenes really don't do it for me. I really hope they'll be more like in they official arts, like LLDuran looks like the paladin that he is, and DDDuran looks like he is going to jump at everything and making them a new ass with dat bone/flesh/whatever sword. LLAngela looks like a peaceful queen, DDAngela looks like a megalomaniac. Hawke don't change that much, Charlotte just looks like she is starting to grow up a tad. They all look like they actually went to an adventure and are at the end of it. ... Okay, in some of the arts it looks like they overused the makeup but they were cool. Pointless complain over my fantasies... I'm not disapointed with the special attacks though. Bijuu's boobs jiggle but it's subtle. Thankfully. 😛 What. WHAT. NEXT YEAR ?! Press F. Like, oof, big fat oof. Talk about a supreme mood killer. Rip this year for a fresh Seiken remake. 😧
  2. 25 year old 'man' here. I confirm, that happened to me. I'll have to check if it still does. It is weird, but merely midly eyebrow weird. The only thing I find weird is is to see our Emperor Crimson still being so tiny. And by weird, I mean funny.
  3. I honestly don't know what the heck they were trying to do with Bern. At first I was pretty "sarcastic haha, the nervous anime wreck that everyone meme" and thought nothing of her or her fanbase. Then I saw what was behind, and it was a revelations, then, I wondered what the hell; "is it supposed to be serious or funny ? I don't even know." One moment it's funny, one moment it's not. Both now and after. It's total confusion. In some endings, she revert back to her old habit... which is something that I'd do as well I guess, but still, I dunno ?... It doesn't help that I can relate in some part to Bern. Then, there is Marriane, who act more... huh, realistic, despite having less reasons to act the ways she does but sometimes, it's a subdued type of fun, and more well, what she is supposed to be. All in all, good old Bernadetta is confusing.
  4. Yeah, Denim's new design is badass. Can... can we talk about how he have personal ninjas at his service though ? No ? You know, Lans is not exactly wrong about how people doesn't care about anything as long as they can live a somewhat carefree life and blabla, we know the drill. Too bad it's the only smart thing that come from his mouth, him saying 'Oh hey, here's the queen Kachua' doesn't help. Dat sword. We all want dat sword. Funny thing is, Deneb was an ennemy in the first game. Funny world huh ?
  5. Exactly. I was kidding and only said that to point out how Kachua is fucked up in the head, and yeah it's pretty gross, but sshhhhhh. Denim's fine, which is kind of funny considering what he can do, but Kachua has... some serious problems.
  6. I dunno man, DARK KNIGHT is a pretty trustworthy sounding name.... 😛 Wait what, Oz is a rapist ? Wtf ? Well, fuck Kachua am I right ? Attack Denim, run away, and just look at the execution. It's funny, Vice doesn't even try to reach out for her. maybe everything he did was just sexual tension he had toward him talking and that's why he do the opposite of what Denim does. I wonder how many problem wouldn't have happened if Denim and Kachua had sex, and I'm serious... half-serious about it, talk about a bad case of late teenage crisis. -_- I felt really bad for Vice in that scene. He was an utter ass, but when you know why he was executed... I guess it's karma, but still. The face doesn't help.
  7. They are questioning their worthless existences, as they're utterly useless. Except for the units that are usually on my team, but that I have to bench. Those are happy and get free candy ! And those that I love. ... It's a very specific group actually.
  8. Wait. Spice & Wolf VR ? Wait. Spice & Wolf VR 2 ? Whaaaaaaaa. I did not knew about that, is it good ? It looks good, very pretty. Man, they really do VR things about everything everywhere these days. Too bad I can't buy those newtech. 😛
  9. Well, I dunno for BN, but from my (admittedly faillible) memories, for Starforce 3, it's like this: New zone unlocked, but there's ton of doors that are stopping your progress, interacting with said door gives you a stupid indice about what you need to do, look up a guide it's easier, it generaly end up with a boss you already defeated in the main game, but stronger. Then you unlock the true post-game zone which is hard with a hard boss. Finish that, congrat you finished post game. But there's more if you want to 100% it all. The final boss is enhanced and is now called Crimson Dragon SP !. Yaaaaaay !. You want to have all the cards, good luck with that. Then you have to beat even stronger version of bosses including the freaking post game boss, then the final boss is enhanced, again, that you have to beat (duh). Good luck you'll need it it's hard as trust me. I felt pretty damn proud about myself after the credit showing off my 8 stars and congratulating me, but good grief was it tedious and long. (Yeah, there's 8 stars, you gain them that by basically doing everything I said above) I pride myself of 100% games when I can, but then comes the time to 100% SF1 and SF2... I chickened out, it's apparently more or less the same. Funny thing is, there's a youtuber who told himself "Hmmm, Crimson Dragon Sigma is not hard enough, let's buff him even more". And beat it. It's crazy.
  10. Ah shit, here we go again. Gonna have to replay those two series once again. For the first time. Again. 😄 But no kickass soundtrack for the trailer. 0/10 trailer, wouldn't watch it again. I get they couldn't use Esperanto or Freesia- it's Zero and ZX- but sheesh ! 😛 Hope we the frenchies won't be screwed out of the dub this time for ZX and ZXA. The Zero series hates your ass, especially if you wants to unlock things. Getting A or S-rank is a difficult exercise. ...You can tell just where the Gunvolt series got that from, but at least, I feel I could, and I did, genuinely improve with Gunvolt. ZX1 feels kind of unpolished at times. ZXA feel more polished and balanced and actually like a metroidvania. And a better map. ... Which is ironic coming from the game where using the boss forms is stupidly stupid and impratical except for a very few dedicated cases. Always regretted that part of the game, but at least all the other biometals where actually more useful. Still not the best. I always though they still could do better. Also yeah, huh, RIP. No ZX3. 😞 Battle Network and Starforce are an aquired taste I'd say. They're just that original. Then if you enjoy the food long enough, you'll finish it. Otherwise.... I did not even finish the BN series, and the only game I 100% was Starforce 3. Don't remember which. And 100% one of those games is not easy. At all. Really. Seriously. It's stupid.
  11. "Where are my comrades" Gee I dunno, probably not on the ground. 😛 Again, I have to mention of how fascinating and blueballing it is to see that it's the chaos route where you're like 'we're gonna fight, but not like pure evil assholes'.
  12. Avdol ? Muhammad AVDOL ! is this a jojo references. Some names of the equipments are really, really badass, like Dagda Armor, Babel Coat, the guys knew some good stuff, but some lose some of their superb then, well.... A sword called Hamlet or Sleipnir. Didn't knew that Hamlet was in truth a sword created by Shakespeare, or that Odin's beloved horse was actually a sword that he rode to the battlefield. 😛 I exagerate, kinda, it's not rare to see Sleipnir become a ring or an amulet in RPG a sword called that is just new. But a sword called Hamlet is really new. Could be a references to the poisoned sword in the piece... but well, "blood and thunder". I said it before, and I said it again, I love how you encounter the others team and the consequences of their actions, it really add something great to the game.
  13. "I said I'll do anything...". WTF Vice. Even your ennemies are disturbed. ... The literal definition of ''vice" ! 😄 "I will crush our opponents with my superior intellect !"
  14. They are allowed to live ? They are ? I don't remember about it, is it specified ? ... How does one take a crest anyways ? Your second post... doesn't really help, since lives, that she created, are on the line. She's seemingly up with Those who poop in the dark in term of bad things. Because we don't know jack about her creations, if they are really creation, or just give birth. And discarded like trash or just freed like a person. It's kind of freaky in a way. Well it's not just that, but there's a bit of that too. I mean, the continent is under Rhea/Seiros' thumb, it's more like it 'help' Edelgard in her justification. Oof, savage ! Yup. I'm not having any illusions about Edelgard, she is pretty stuck up, will only have her way... she have many things that made her unlikeable. That's one of the very thing I love about her. It's kind of funny and ironic, because she share many traits with Rhea. Everyone is destined to fail and/or turn bad. Byleth being there help them and their visions of the future being 'good'. Except maybe Claude, but he too have his moment of... 'WTF are you doing Claude ?'.
  15. Yes, it would cause some great enhancement, doesn't change the fact that it'll cause another problem on top of talented and rich people, and might enchance those. Again, my comparison with MHA. (About MHA, I'm just saying, their quirk-oriented society is crap, you cannot convince me it's not true, the fact it's japanese doesn't help, but I won't talk about that point.) ... I admit, I forgot about Ingrid/Sylvain ending though. As for Rhea, why the hell would she give this particuliar crest if it wasn't in the hope for Sothis possessing Byleth then ? She outright call them 'another failure' after taking BE path. Just like their mother. It's pretty clear what was the fate Rhea wanted for Byleth: a lack of it and Sothis taking over. Except Sothis did not want that. Eeeeh... agree with some disagree with other, dunno about some. Religious war, technicaly no, it's some battle and cowering up messes. Schisms, definitely. I wouldn't call that harsh punisment, just... disapprovement. Indocrination, they're already 'indocrined', it's the local religion after all, and they're not forceful about it. Private religious army... well, it is the inquisition, so of course they would have them. Child soldiers... huh ? It's just an academy for the 'elite' and that's all that done. Atrocities is a big word, but they do bad thing, she doesn't really justify them though, personaly, I would add 'creating people so they could house Sothis' soul' first. Burning the capital was full crazy Seiros in her, poor, defense.
  16. Yeah, I had problems with it too, it's something that grown on me I guess.
  17. In insight, instead of saying 'the crests are a problem', I should have said 'how the crests are used is a big problem', yeah. I'm very dumb sometime. The heat doesn't help. This talk reminds of MHA, even if MHA don't do jack about it. There's the whole dark beast problem for one, but the problem I allude to is more social. How to say it... do you know My Hero Academia ? Almost everyone have a Quirk, a super power that they obtain, some are more useful but others are useless, and only the best can hope to go to a hero school to possibly become a hero, with society, teachers and the like, leaching on people who have those 'useful quirks', which can leads to disasters. And then there those who are quirkless, who are looked down upon by society. Replace Quirks by Crest, and try to apply it more... 'widely', do you get my point ? (and ignore te hero school thing or replace it by nobility... or I dunno.) It could lead to the same problems with crests more widely. Obviously I could be very very wrong.... but it seems to me like it's replacing a big problem with another. Yeah, huh, I doubt it since Byleth was stillborn, and got his crest only under the possibility that he could specificaly house Sothis, which they end up not doing. We seem to have a different view on Rhea. She seem downright psycothic at times.
  18. ...LGBT and SJW would have a field day with this post. 😛 Jokes aside, How are they not a problem ? People are constantly screwed over by this, no matter how I look at it, people will continue to get screwed over, either by the crest quality, or the fact that everyone can have a crest. Or, you could say that it's rather a problem with society. Hence my point of 'Eldelgard kickstarted a change that will become positive depending of who you joined'. You say that you don't solve discrimination by removing what make people different, and well I agree to an extent (we don't have a thing called holy blood or crests in our society)... but the game kind of disagree with it, since it works both way. So it seems that actually both solutions are possible. But Rhea, fully Seiros or not Seiros-ed is coo-coo in the first place no matter how you look at it. ... Mind you, I have some problems with the church route, it's super weird, they try to portray, or rather say that Rhea is Sothis before her mother died as if she was super nice, while forgetting that she was visibly no mercy who killed everyone that did something against the church and their words. Or looked at it funny. Or even question it.
  19. One thing that is pretty cool about Edelgard, is that no matter how you look at it, what she did ultimately caused the continent to become better, not matter what side you take. And also thankfully because you're here to say 'Nope'. It's pretty fascinating. Because you are not going really far if you are trying to tell me that trying to work pacifically 'with the system' would have done much good, because you know, Reah the yandere pope, who is actually the jesus of her religion who pretty much don't care about anything if it's not about her mom. And as much of a meme this is, crests are indeed a big problem.
  20. It might be a small mercy that he doesn't know it yet. Poor dude have way too much problem with his sis already. 😛 Those names. The PSP translation help, but still. 😄
  21. Honestly, I'm just half-throwing my hands in air in there at half you and half me. But yeah, you're right I should have been more patient. I apologize to you two. But don't exagerate what I said, I said a part of it was up to interpretation. 😛 ... Huh, I get it, that's one of the reasons I hate comparisons sometimes. Well obviously, Kronya is crazy, she is part of TWDID, it is shown that the alliance in uneasy, and they clearly does things behind Eldegard/Flame Emperor's back, with her showing anger at it. (Visibly, she need them that much I guess ?) Hah, I do see your point now. I still disagree somewhat, but I see it. It's basically the same line, but with a different conclusion. I just added if she wanted to kill him or not, and that kind of clouded me I suppose.
  22. ...I also knew the moment bad comparisons were done, things were going south, I was right. Does a lion can think logically like a human can ? Can you trust it to do something smart ? Can you fully expect to have an alliance with it ? Is a lion not a wild animal ? No. It doesn't make sense guys. Unless I'm wrong, in which case explain to me, because I'll be really happy to have a lion as a human-like friend. 😛 Although I guess I'm not perfect, since it actually seems that some part of the plot is up to interpretation... but you guys aren't helping either by doing whatever you are doing.
  23. This is why I said 'Oh boy', there is going to be a 'Eldi did nothing wrong' camp who are going to say that she is pure and perfect and all and that everything she did was totally not morally ambiguous, and a 'Eldi is Satan incarnate plan' who are going to say that everythng that happened is her fault and pretend that everything is perfect in the world and that she had no reason to do what she did. Destroying and ignoring the gray and gray morality of the entire game. Not killing Jeralt would actually be actually a fair assumption from her part yes. "What a great and spendid idea ! Let's kill Jeralt, the strongest knight in the world ! Who is also the father of the new mysterious teacher who possess a mysterious Crest, who also possess the Sword of The Creator. Who is also the crush of I, Eldegard, that I also want them to possibly join me. Yes, this plan is so perfect, there is no way or form it would bite me or us in the ass." ...Please, you guys cannot be serious. Yes. Responsible. Indirectly. To an extent. Or I'm stupid and Eldegard is that stupid. We know Kronya is. Or for all we know, it was probably TWDIND atempt at screwing her over, or I dunno.
  24. And I agree, it does, but only to an extent. Like I said, the alliance was loose, she doesn't control them and they doesn't control her. She is responsible, but only to an extent and nothing but an extent.
  25. Oh boy... There's no indication that Edelgard was responsible, she doesn't control TWSIND, it's shown multiple times, it's pretty clear from the start that the alliances is pretty loose. I agree, at first I was like 'excuse me ?' but in insight, it feels more like she was into 'yeah, you should hate and kill those bastard', with a hidden undertone of 'me too'. It's pretty clear from the start that she really like Byleth to the point where it's shown and said that she derails her plans just for them.
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