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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Heresy, Thy Cursed face is of a an adorable fish with cute teeth. More seriously and to be fair... yes, the DS version is actually is a major improvement, lot of sidequests, waifus that are actualy viable ("Fiora" or Nera as we call her now, is not a walking pitfall, is the mage of the waifu, and funny of all, is apparently the strongest at higher level.), rebalanced, and let's not forget the best: party convo, which alone, justify replaying this version. You don't even want to have monsters in your party because of that, eh... Kind of surprised me that you dropped DQ3, I really think it's a good game, but well, it's the last classic DQ. Just talking about it makes me want to replay both of them. I mean, probably ? Your are also living those timeskip in a way. Harvest Moon tends to be a addicting and boring series. I hope you like melancholy though, because boy, this game's ambiance is sad at times.
  2. Dragon Quest V on DS, preferably. It's very fun to revisit places you have been before after a timeskip. Both to see what changed, what NPC changed, and to see the reactions of your companions, both new and old. Oh yeah, Glennstavos make a good point, Phantasy Star 3 is pretty cool too.
  3. He painted it white. And somehow, it looks even more awesome ! Interesting details.
  4. I apologize for my previous post, something got iffy and I couldn't edit. Good thing it was a in spoiler. Just saying so you guys don't get trapped, like I could have and put spoilers in daylight, be careful.
  5. So it's sure that we are joining the church ? Aww, I wanted to murder-kill everyone. 😞 Like, seriously. Oh well, no one expect the inquisition am I right ?
  6. Oh it's simple. It's said at the end of the game, dunno how Celice knew that though. Short answer: Lewyn is possessed by Hoselty. Long answer: Lewyn actually died at the battle of Belhalla, but the tome of Hoselty who possess the will of well, the dragon Hoselty, ressurected him, it's kind of hard to tell if it's more Lewyn or more Hoselty that came back, fact is, it changed him, and we got second gen Lewyn, who's not the best dad and husband and king ever. Pretty cool, huh ? Fun little tidbit, If I remember correctly, there's some unused concept that some other legendary weapons being able a to do that as well.
  7. Ehehehe. Can't get laid during the war, that is both funny and saddening. I love how the dude zeroed on her instantly. Heck, even her stats seems kinda too good. Man, what is up with the Enlighted One class sprite. I'm confused at what he is supposed to wear.
  8. They understood how King Crimson worked. Or they became the Ultimate Life Form. That class name though just invite all the snark in the world, it's crazy, a mere timeskip was needed to be 'Enlightened'. Why the hell would you want to join the church. That has to be a lie. LIE LIE LIE. They look so perfect post-timeskip. But wow, Raphael looks so much different. I really did not recognized him. His face and hair changed so much. Real talk, does the game make sense so far ? ... I hope she suffered. 😛 Oh I don't hate her. I just like when people suffer when they are... well, suffering.
  9. Thanks for the screen ma bro. 😄 Hubert doing a cosplay of dracula and actually looking good. That smile is also a winning one.
  10. Can we all appreciate how his weapon is called "Scythe of Sariel" ? Death Knight is Sariel from Touhou comfirmed. (Yes, Sariel is also a real angel, but hush)
  11. Insert Code Geass fish meme here, you know which one. 😛 No wonder Elde dislikes crests and all that bad stuff. In other news, Sad Elde is moe. I want to make her cry now. You have to understand, they must make sure that if people have to die because of an accident, it must be a lot of them. 😛 The cooked fishes aren't going to kill many people after all. This... this interest me. The possibilities and implications of what you could do with that are pretty big.
  12. Subtle screenshot. Real subtle. Totally not a villain or someone who's gonna die. Noooooooope. The haircut is subtle. Reaaaaaaaaly subtle. They really are throwing it all under the bus huh ? 😛 Heresy. 4chan is perfection. Not perfection of maturity. Real talk, I must have been in the good threads, because they were pretty civil as far as 'hellscape' can be, it really is not perfect (no shit), but if you want a good laugh, learn and see things you wouldn't be able to, 4chan is cool. 4chan to learn things, oh the humanity...
  13. 800$. Okaaaaaaaaay. I don't believe it for a second... but let's talk about it. I had a hard time buying a PS4, 3DS or a poor ass laptop, how could I ever pay a console that cost this much ? I'm poor as hell though, yes, but still. It's a computer though, more than that, a pre-customized machine that can still still be used for a lot of things. Not a console with fixed parts that is limited in what it can do.
  14. Joro-Gumo from Nioh would like to have words with you. Delicious, words to you. Before trying to kill you with her spider butt covered with shard of tea cup. That's cheating, you are posting literal best wolf girl in the world. That's unfair. Who is Vika ? 😄
  15. Of course Wolf Girl are superior to Cat Girl, it's obvious as 1+1=2. The hell kind of debate is that ? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Now Fox Girls on the other hand, we might touch into something worthy. (Plus, fox girls have longer hair and tails... and they may have multiple tails, just saying.) Oh hey, Kongiku and Yuzuruha~~ I'm frankly disappointed. It seems that the creator of Fnaf himself forgot that the animatronics weren't supposed to be made of fur. I'm starting to lose faith in Scott. To be fair (Holy shit she is perfect that's why I married her)... we're not... sure if this is a wolf. It looks like one, but how can she be called a wolf girl... when she transform into something that isn't a wolf ? (does the mind game work ? 😛) Is it me or are the boobs differents ? ... What ? I have to ask about Senran Kagura since it's half dead.
  16. Labyrinth of Touhou 2 and PQ2. I might also try to 100% Etrian Odyssey 4. Wish me good luck for the first one, because boy, got destroyed by the first boss. Which is a rat. with a parasol. in his mouth. ... To be fair, I was trying the in game challenge where you have to win the boss fight with a team level lower than the boss for more loot apparently. Still hurt. 😞 Touhou doesn't screw arround.
  17. Hmmmmm... On the 4chan board, there's a so called leak from "some Korean forum, but no source other than that", ah ah... I'm not saying it doesn't look fun... but I'm saying it sounds fake. Well, some part of it. Alas, our hunger are still there.
  18. Please, we are not starving. We are simply deranged. 😛 Interesting things I've seen that I did not before though. Just gonna drop one thing, I think that the homosexual options for male are kind of disapointing. And the memes are gonne flow.
  19. Huh, that's looks good, but well, I don't know how reliable Famitsu truly is. Sometime IGN say amazing and stupid, Fates "An emotional and engaging story", which was BS, but there's also Pokemon ORAS with 'Too much water', they kind of were right about that one. It varies, a lot.
  20. My condolences, losing a pet always hurt a lot, let alone multiple ones, I know about that: You have my honest and deepest sympathies. I wish those adorable tiny birdies a long life and plenty of happiness with you. Because seriously, they are adorable !
  21. He used the power of his Stand, King Crimson Requiem, granting him unlimited time skip when he want, but he lost the arrow precisely after the 5 years time skip, so he got nerfed. And so, the ultimate plot twist is there: Byleth was blond all along, his green hair was actually just a result of Requiem. In all seriousness, it'll be pretty boring if it was a time skip like the Master Sword, it cheapen the impact but on the other hand... a simple time skip cheapen the impact in the first place too, it's a lose-lose situation, but meh, we'll be seeing if it's good or not. Obviously, Sothis was talking about how much time Ms.Holly has left to live. Duh. 😛
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