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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Subtle, Fire Emblem. Subtle. ? That axe look like the Devil Axe. I like it. But they look cool. AND THERE IS FISHING ! ... Why though ? What is the connection with war here ? Just pointing that out. They have an actual story behind them. Something that Garon and Sutr doesn't have. Okay, except Gharnef and Izuka. But Ashnard and Nergal ? Fair game. Even Jedah is better than Garon and Sutr, he have actual motivations, as barebone as he is. Note: Yeah, they look obviously evil. But that's not the problem I believe. I mean you're right and all, all FE players are in for mass-murder, we do war after all, but you are clearly biased yourself. Maybe he just bathes in red painting. Or the blood of feminists. Or politicians. Or heck, maybe it's tomato juice and he is just vegetarian and doesn't want to waste food. (If he have the New, Jack. Of Blade ! voice, I'll be rolling on the floor dying of pleasure and laughter.)
  2. I think you are putting waaaaaaaay too much thinking about it. Much more than the writers actually did. And I disagree too, Chrom did not develop, he was never a shounen hero, whatever he is, he was that from start to finish. And sometime he was bipolar as hell at times. To be fair, it's a great read. I don't believe it was ever intended, but it's good to dream, but I don't believe it, at all. Btw, big up for the feroxian, who suceed at confusing the heir of Ylisse, possessing the one and only Falchion, accompanied by people who are clearly not bandits... for bandits. I'm just leaving that there, as an example as why I can't take the story seriously. But crap, if that's how you see the story and enjoy it... who am I to tell you otherwise ? There's a genuine passion in your analysis, and if that's how you see truly see it, it's cool. I disagree, I think it's wrong, but it's cool. It would have been awesome if the reason why Validar have such a hard on for destiny was because he was proven time and time again in his life that no, he couldn't just fight it, and just decided to roll with it before eventually taking a mask of 'pleasure', fake or true, upon seeing the same despair he faced before, it would have been so interesting, as while the shepherd had it ridiculously easy in doing everything, coffee included, he never did. (Fanfic writers, bring some salt into your stories, use this idea, it's free !) But even if they did that in the original, they would have probably demonized him or something.
  3. Sigh, okay, I'll try. But only because you are eloquent and nice. Not a good idea on my part as I was going to sleep, but you want my pov, and I'll feel like an ass if I didn't gave it. I'll try to keep simple and short, for everyone's soul. You say that Chrom isn't one dimentional, but I disagree, he is a bland cliche nice hero, he never doubt himself except at two point of the game, the first when talking about his father, but it's badly done, as they say, show don't tell, we literally don't know jack about his father beside what he say, and about Emmery's death (Oh dear, her death was so stupid, but it's been done to death by people that are way better than me), but all of that before get quickly forgotten under the carpet. Remind me of Walmart (shh), like, that dude is an ass, a stupid evil ass, but he make genuine good point, you don't create a united world by commiting suicide or spooting nosense about peace. Celica got that yes, you need to fight. But he is portrayed as wrong in everypoint. Also, no, Emmeryn isn't a deconstruction, she is idealized by everyone and their mother as someone who did no wrong and that her 'sacrifice' make her noble and shit, which is ridiculous as many people pointed out. Most main characters, and even Alm, Celica and Corrin do, and it shows, truly in the story. They doubt, question themselves, and heck they knows things, real things and so does the player, about their parents who actually appears. Eliwood's dad is cool. Chrom isn't like that, at all. About plotholes, let's just talk about the biggest one, and the one that matters, Grima, the guy need the Fire Emblem, but magically appears without it completed just because, I'm just naming the one that is the largest. The bad guys ? Most of them are cartoon bad guys who are just ridiculous. Even the major antagonists. I don't know where to start, the gigling ? The exposition ? Excellus is hilarously bad. Of course, I not all characters are bad, especially when you read their support, like said Cordelia (The miss perfect, person who love the hero but doesn't get him for one reason or another), or Olivia, but I feel the same as it was the same as SMTIVA, I wonder if they really wanted to do that, and if it wasn't just accidental, because damn, how can a game that produce so much fail in writing, can produce so much win ? It's uncanny. Too tired, hope I made a good job, probably not, maybe someone will do a better job. Or not. :/
  4. Well, sorry for wanting to state my opinion and being honest. :p I'm assuming, and that's probably a pitfall, ,but here's how a debate between us is probably going to go if it happens, we're going to say things, and then it will be my turn, I'll be blocked to make the debate advance because I'm not good at it. It happened before, and I don't like that. At the end of the day, I think Awakening have a bad story, and you don't. It's better if we just agree to disagree, we bother less people that way. Boy, you do say sensible things about SoV. RIP Shadow Dragon Marth, so easily forgotten, and so much better than those noob. In spite of that, though, I prefer SoV story wise to Fateswakening. But between Chrom, Lucina, Robin, Corrin, Alm and Celica, I'll pick Alm and Celica any day, why ? Because they are not one note cliche and have more to their personality, they are more sublte and tonned down, like in 'the good ol' days' of FE7 and the like. The fact that I'm saying that about characters that are strangled by the red string or fate is both ironic, and give an even bigger punch to the others. And I say that after Thane destroyed the pedestal that I had for FE7's plot, because the writing style is still something that I look at fondly. You can like it, it's perfectly fine, saying it is good is probably another story, I dare you to say that Awakening or Fates have good, smart, intelligent stories. ... I agree that it doesn't mean you are stupid. And I don't think he meant that.
  5. I disagree with Awakening, I believe it is straightforward bad anime tropes, characters and story from start to finish, along with very bad gameplay, contrary with Fates being more "subtle" in it's badness, and being a pure waste of story potential from start to finish along with myriad of plot hole with a good gameplay. Except Revelation. Fuck Revelation. Conquest, good. Birthright, better Awakening. Revelation, pure insult. I don't want to debate, because you have a Severa avatar... nah, it's because I'm shit at debating, and because I believe there's nothing to debate, I won't bulge on it, you won't bulge on it... it's a simple matter of opinion. Har har. :p Ike is not an obnoxious kid who at the end of the day had the author completly break the messages of it's works and it's plot just because. And he doesn't want to be the Hokage or find the One Piece or whatever bad shonen dream. I don't understand the comparison much. And... I did not finished my One Piece homework so I can't talk much about it. My point was, Ike feel like a genuinely good written characters, with a personality, with some subtle developments here and here, that is not bad anime, in other words, an actual character. That you don't have to cut bad/good writing his interactions to believe that indeed, he is a character. Which no characters from Awakening and Fates can't claim. What I quoted was an example of what you can find in Fates and Awakening, and bad anime. Also, we don't talk about Black Clover. That's actually, partially true. To an extent. Indeed, you can't just judge a character only from their first line of dialogues, problem is, I'm not judging Fateswakening (good name btw) on their worst supports, I'm judging them on most the writing period, thank you very much, and I'm sorry, but I can't call most of them good. And okay, one can make the case that characters from Fateswakening aren't all like that, but that's hardly a good thing, one character is a complete joke, until you read somewhere that the reason he or she is like that is because of that one moment in their life that sometime doesn't really justify crap (a lot of them). Or Xander being a model guy in support, but being an hypocritical delusional guy on story. Fates is very inequal and bad and weird and all. To be fair, PoR had one of those bad one quirk character, Ilyana. Brrr. Okay that, I can see that, and I'm not gonna lie, what I bolded might be true. But it doesn't change the fact that there is stark contrast between Fateswakening and the others games. They were generaly of good quality, and if we compare them to Fates, the quality was consistent.
  6. It's the main characteristic of every fandom you mean. :p And every society. Or every country. Or whatever. I know you are not talking to me, but I quote you because, well, it's convenient for me to tackle the 'anime problem' Fates and Awakening have a plot and characters that can be summed up as 'anime tropes, used badly', Fates slighty less so, but still pretty bad. Compare to other Fire Emblem, like every other titles, even Echoes. Who have Faye. Seriously, the change are uncanny. You never seen Ike awkwardly walking while some girl were bathing, no ? Or Eliwood and co having a beach episode ? Or any character of those game being a walking, one dimensional, representation of a trope ? Here's the difference. Awakening/Fates is stupidly anime, while the others, not so much at all. Hell, FE4/FE5 can be called genuine dark fantasy. Even after all this time, I have a hard time to associate my first Fire Emblem, FE7, with something anime, because it doesn't seem like that at all. I can't exactly blame people to be cautious when the avatar of Three Houses is the new teacher and the game is seemingly into a highschool setting (something that manga and anime love use, most of the time poorly). It's how they use it in the end, and I agree, but it's hard to trust them after Awakening and Fates. Of course jumping the gun doesn't help. I'll see what the game will be at the end.
  7. You have my attention, friend. Get in loosers ! We're actually going to see a plot that is going somewhere. Featuring, Hit-The Fuhrer. Ah ah ah... oh those silly censorships. Well, I'll be honest, it's weird as fuck to see them.
  8. Never saw it coming. Nope. Insert fail sound there, or the chipmunk, I like the chipmunk. :p But wait, maybe the true 'twist' is only to hide the 'real' twist !!!!1!!! Oooooohoooo ! (guess what fanbase I'm mocking.) No but seriously, we all saw that coming from thousands of miles, let's see what those guys will do with it. Hope they won't fail though. If there's a freaking dragon behind it all... If it's like Echoes, I'll be happy, even though they did not 'directly' tackled the subject, but they did perfectly okay. I wonder how they'll do it. Poor Maira and Blagi, good intentions, but only for it all to be forgotten and having the point of some of their actions missed.
  9. He is considered the worst ? Huh. It's relatively simple why Forsyth would be low on the tier list though, he is a Soldier/Knight/Baron, the more you advance in the game the more this class fall, because it's slow as heck and have low mov. You'd rather wants Dread Fighters and Gold Knights, well I say 'you', it's more like 'me' and 'others'. I never used Mycen, because I had better.
  10. B.Leu


    More like every drama in general. :p But yeah, private is, surprisingly, supposed to be private, but then somebody start things and point finger at you, it's natural to respond to it. As unfortunate as it is, "s/he started it" is actually a valid excuse for many things in life, no matter what parents or teachers try to tell. It's not mature, but well, not many can suffer being publicly accused of something while having millions of eyes in your direction. There's also the moral call of 'people deserve the truth', add to that everything up to the lies, the truths, the half truths, the various testimony, and voila mes amis ! You got a wonderful can of worm. Sad affair.
  11. Well, one could make a case to what exactly restored Celica's self, her death, or Mila, but eh... The "witch case" is weird, on one hand, it seems to be a thing only Duma can do, but then there's Nuibaba who worship Mesuda, that come from 'I dunno', and unlike Duma's witches, she is stil fully herself. There's also the funny bit that when you kill a normal witch, they don't fall of, they just disapear if I remember correctly. Also, GG Jedah, Celica's soul totally restored Duma's self... Which makes me wonder if Witches' souls are truly lost, or if the process just restrain it. Sonya's sisters still have some personality after all. And Celica beg Alm to kill her no ? So she to have some personality left. If so, sheesh , way to waste a good soul Jeje ! :p So yeah, I dunno if Duma's death killed the witches or not, o ifr Sonya has truly become a witch. For all we know, she either found a entity like Nuibaba, or she just lived as a hermit and gained a title of 'witch'. Maybe it's part of that Fel Magic. Mystery for the ages.
  12. B.Leu


    How to say this... That's one way to do things.... it could have been better too. At least, if he's honest, he is having therapies. Ah, way to put a Fridge Horror, eh ? :p Oh hey, "I'm accused of butchering an entire family last night, but I don't remember if I actually did that.", I exagerate obviously, but... To be fair, maybe he genuinely doesn't remember and... huh yeah no, that's still weird. Me think he's probably lying, but to be fair, with no irony this time, who would wants to say they did... that ? Honesty is best policy, but there's things that people really don't want to say, and that lead to them not saying it (shocking isn't it ?), and that lead to others being more suspicious, and more angry. He should have been savvy enough to know that. :/ The faux pas is extreme in this one.
  13. I dunno guys, putting your students under the bus seems like what any "normal" teacher would do. :p I mean, it's not your fault if your students fails, that mean they clearly don't want to work. They failed their not-casual exams. :p
  14. Good grief, is it me, or does IS really seems to have problems with release of their games ? First, it was Revelation, then SoV, now this ? Well, dunno if it's true or not, but sheesh, I'd be worried about my reputation in their places at this rate. :p
  15. That wouldn't be surprising, and remember Nowi ? I dunno if 'voice in your head' is actually the worst offender. (But hey, I agree, it'd be fun. :p)
  16. If I can be the new coming of Alvis "Syg Burn", or Loptyr 'My class name have been taken by bad characters', I'll do it. Seriously though, if it makes me an incarnation of something bad, and makes me able to actually be a bad guy, or, heaven forbid, do an independent path (Der Langrisser, never forget), boy oh boy ! If Byleth is just the second coming of Robin, the power of Meh, will be powerful in me. Depends on what they do really. I'm still waiting for the day when an actual character is the Fire Emblem of the game.
  17. If there was a system of points like in Harry Potter, which have to be one of the things to never ever do in a school, I'd actually agree with you. Well, maybe there will be one, but in which case, WTF is wrong with them ? except if it's assumed. And meanwhile... Flere210 have this, and I kind of agree. Of course, there's also the fact that having the new super badass teacher in there picking one house is one way to destroy the fragile balance, but meanwhile, there's also the church, if it is anything like the church in real-life medieval/whatever, you don't screw with the church, ever, you don't want to be in their shit list. So maybe the other houses will be salty, but the salt will be purified by fear of the church. No one expects the spanish inquisition... except you probably should, because you are kind of living in their houses. :p One house to rule them all, one house to find them. One house to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. It reminds me of FE4, Sigurd, Quan and Eldigan were from some sort of super-school. Good time !
  18. No, sire. I'll probably go with the nazGERMAN inspired Black Eagles, as german science is sekai ichi and all of that. Seriously though, it's because, Empire, axes, magics, Eldelgard, and it's black. Black is a cool color. Their ties to the church actually makes me wants to join them more, because I could learn more of them, and possibly, if the game is actually well made, support them or just destroy them. There is no place for corrupt religion in my world. Golden Deer, more like, Golden BEER, am I right ? Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. This isn't funny don't laugh. :p
  19. 'Respectable member of (a) subreddit'. What, nani, that exist ? :p In any case I have only one thing to say: Tfw the leaks are better than everything Nintendo officially gave us. Trolololo lol. It's too good to be true, but meanwhile, some things are aligned with what they gave us, so things are going to be taken with a grain of salt. Then, we will possibly be salty. :p I do like what I'm seeing, but it's not official, so... Still sounds better than fates and awakening stories and gameplay. Also, the best things in the world: Sideburns !
  20. Well, for one, make something ennemy exclusive, that the player can't have, and well, they will want it. Two, after a while, it's only a matter of time before it's implemented, depending of the gameplay of the series. Like, for exemple, FE4. This game is the biggest 'the ennemy have cool crap you can't have' Fire Emblem of the series. ...Honestly though, the only reason I wanted soldiers was because they were ennemy only, but everything changed... when the spear fighters attacked, I mean when they became common, especially in fates, which you basically had a better version of it. Kind of sad. It's probably because, if Swordmaster exist, why can't a version of other weapons can't ?
  21. B.Leu


    Infidelity, that's not cool at all, but most importantly, it's not my business, it's as private as private can gets, the issues can run deeper than that, and spiral into shit. Doesn't forgive anything, but I can understand why someone would gradualy snap. For the record, I'm not, under any circumstances, saying what he did was all fine and shiny, just speaking about it makes me want to throw up. If he screwed up, he need to assume. But he doesn't deserved to get stoned to death or get pushed to suicide by a bunch of pseudo-SJW memist who seek... whatever thing they call justice. The last one is a terrible way to go. Jail/asylum/amends, seeing a therapist, get better, and it should get the job done. He did not rape anyone, did he ? He was apparently 'just' winging it. ... God, just talking about this is making me depressed. My skin is not tough enough for this. This might be just me, but this should be on serious discussion. :/ Thanks to you for the post, TbuN, it's good to see that some people are speaking sense on reddit at least. As weird as this sentence sounds. And, you are speaking sense too. I don't want to insult you eclipse or anything, and I dunno if it hide something, but... the bolded part just invite snark. :p Ah... thanks for making me laugh, it's really too grim arround there.
  22. B.Leu


    Man, I took a look at his reddit and comments section... and man, the shitstorm, the insults... it's depressing. I mean, I know he probably deserve it and all, I'm not going to search dick pics, thank you very much... but it's savage. Call me soft, that's what I am after all, but it's heartbreaking to see it. All it took was one moment, and hours later everyone hate somebody. I'm not sure if some of them are even doing that for the 'right' reasons. Guess Internet can't always be as pink and pretty as the Sakura skin of the forum, huh ? Who would've thought.
  23. B.Leu


    So what, Jared is the new Vic now ? More seriously, for the cheating, I might come across as assholish, but it's their lives, their businesses, not mine, and I'm not going to get a headache because of this sort pseudo-political mess. And I very rarely attach the creator to their contents. Now for the so called pics... at least there seems to be more proof than Vic, that's something. Still smell like old lady gossips. If true, that's... really dump for his part, like seriously who does that ? Are we sure it's not... photoshoped or some crap ? Bah, this is way too complicated and depressing for me.
  24. He's always a determined leader though, well, except directly after mindscrew, but you see what I mean. The Compilation, Advent Children, Crisis Core, whatever, made FF7 more tedious than it should have been imo. I can accept that there's a difference between pre and post mindscrew Cloud, yeah, but it's nothing that justify him manteling DarkSasukedu71 after the game. Like, it's the point of an end of a game, to wrap things up. Without contents of questionable quality. KH at least have the excuse from being from another universe, with his own different problems, but even that is scretching it as how... edgy and dumb all of it is. Dunno about KH3.
  25. Oh hey, someone who get it. Bring him a pizza. You're so not prepared for AV though, because the Glum is there and boy, it's out of nowhere. Like, I thought it was the point of the end of the game, to deal with everything and put an end to it all, or am I just stupid ? Of were they was just that stupid ? And then the Compilation, put oil on the fire of my confusion. The funny thing is, Cloud, pre-mindscrew, had his moment of dorkiness of all things, and they were quite funny, so I dunno why people talk about it post mindscrew as if it was a big change and everything.
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