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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Really ?! Boy, I can't wait to play it ! I tried to play in japanese way back... without any understanding japanese in the first place, yeaaaaah... it went surprisingly well at first, but after three dungeons I was at lost. Behold ! The creator of Atlus' favorite cash cow franchise !
  2. I remember, I helped my cousin with a particulary nasty boss of SC3 solo adventure. It was challenging as heck, couldn't even beat it, but I could at least, drop the health bar of the boss below half. Man, those were fun days. It was kind of like SC2's, balanced with the foot, but some game don't need to be balanced to have fun.
  3. Early copies of game already, filthy rich peoples who make the economy runs. :p Seriously though, I'm surprised, that was super fast. ... Huh. Can't wait for his Stand, The Loli, or The Lolitta, or The Gothic or... ? RIP the dignity of the hero's stand of Soul Calibur VIII in VIV then. Look forward for the Over Heaven version. And the Ultimaito. With infinite... Gravidius range ? Holy crap, I just realized, Over Heaven is so fitting for Raphael ! It's actually his character ! Heavy lore and spoilers bro. :p
  4. I know right ? And for a Blacksmith, he is bishonen as hell. Cassandra is kawai too, look at that haircut. Raph with that expression look like the love child of Dio and Camus. I'll probably buy the game in a few years at worst on the online store, with a discount, that I can actually afford it. eh. True peasant strat I know. No shame. Nuhuh.
  5. Alas, without a OP character, it seems like online players will be doomed to use the same technique as always, finding the statisticaly best and easiest to use. :p Ahaha... it's funny because I'm kinda like that too. Sooooo, OP character that we'll have to stunlock to have a chance or... ?
  6. I didn't play the original, simply because I'm not that much into puzzle games, over RPG's, and there were others games to have over this one. Watched a few of let's play of it though, it's definitly a plot driven game. Boy, was the controvercy was fun. The game is certainly suggestive, but sheesh, nothing to write home about. Especially for a you know, a -18 game. -_-' Kind of makes me happy that I didn't bough it, and salty at the same time. Gee, an update of an older game. Geeeeeeeee. Might buy it, might not I dunno. I'm tempted.
  7. So that mean Ainz Ooal Gown cosplay would be possible in that case. Ainz Ooal Gown in the only one who can rule the world ! As well as Disco-Afro Zombie Samurai. Whaaaaa, how it is revealed like a hair in the soup. ::p They are kind of sloppy, but it's all for everyone's benifits, I do wonder if they don't do that in purpose at this point.
  8. So basically, I played them as not the true normal mode. Well, there goes my argument and my dignity. :p For running away, in past EO, I always thought it wasn't the good thing to do, simply because it failed most of the time, and if I did escape, I probably lost characters. Maybe the RNG did not like me at the time.
  9. Frankly, I think that EOU and EOU2 are a piece of cake, Story mode and Classic mode. And then somebody say that about EO, there is something smelly. Of course, it is still difficult, but not as it where in the past. I dunno if I'm actually happy or unhapppy about that or not. I'd say that EO5 and EO4 are harder than EOU/EOU2, but that EOU/EOU2 are nothing compared to their original. The EOU series help you a tad much, and give you toys to make everything easier. Like Grimoires, or the House. You obviously, don't have that in the original. Futhermore, EOU2, you can casually walk in Yggdrasil in normal difficulty without problems, escaping FOE and surviving left and right, or heck, just escaping and surviving.. Don't you dare dreaming of that for past EO or you'll get your arse kicked something fierce faster than Fafnir Knight can melt bosses. :p About EO5, just gonna put that, the post-game is mean, lot of gimmicks, ailments are your friends, prepare to get confused by the bonus floor. I thought the Porcelain Forest was bad... Excuse me, but, Nani ?
  10. I have lost even more faith in humanity for five minutes after learning that. :( Seemed like a funnier, cooler Yggdroid. Seems like Atlus gave up english voices at the end of the 3DS imo. It make sense, the console is at the end of it's life... even though it's still pretty decent. I sure hope I'd be as lively at my end. :p Really ? I though EO5 was one of the easiest with EO4. The older one are definitly kick you in the balls harder. ...Wich is quite telling since EO5 and EO4 still are still difficult games, but I feel like they are less punitive, particulary EO5.
  11. What IS the hero class anyways ? It's the only true new class. Sublassing, whaaaaaa. I'm happy to see it back, on the other hand, I'm not because my head will hurt, a lot. Hmmm, Gunner/Shogun or Shogun/Gunner ?
  12. Minako really, really got boned by Atlus, Initial Persona doesn't make sense, no personal Orpheus Telos or Messiah of her own, her and her game being decanonized almost as soon as it got out, it's sad. Hopefuly, the game'll do her justice. Will Minato regret having saved the world after seeing what come after ? Will Akira be as derp as he is in this video ? Meh, don't care, it's EO with a Persona skin on it, as long as it's the case, I can (try to) ignore all the BS. :p ... I hope they'll put some effort on the 3D model of the Persona though, they were kind of ugly in the first one.
  13. The plot of each game was always minimum, but meaningful, something that Untold failed, Untold 2... eh, kinda ? I dunno. It kind of goes against what kind of games the series is supposed to be. Mmmm, give it to use already Atlus. Gonna be hard to waiiiiiiiiiit for so long. :/ RIP Mapping. We all always loved you. But you were destined to die. Now where will the series be repopulated ? I see it just as much on the PS4 than of the Switch strangely enough. ... Gonna be weird to see EO Nocturne style.
  14. Ahaha, the guy that, everyone is jealous of and that is not playable, but have the honor of being actually named and mentioned. And he is also the nightmate of...Sophitia's shippers with Nightmare/Siegfried. Eh. Good time. Voldo, one of those characters that you don't know exactly what's their deal, but absolutely love them. You know, it's funny, I don't remember having ever done... anything with Zasalamel, I must have been really bad.
  15. Jojo part 5 Anime comfirmed, about freaking time ! They teased the hell out of us with it. Now let us rejoice for the future glorious openings, animations, and memes !
  16. Wha, seriously ? Dark Souls 2 got dunked on because of a very few references ? Sheesh, they must had a surprise for Dark Souls 3. I love them all, but I have my favorites and my least favorite. Dark Souls 2 is my favorite personally, simply because it of three things, almost every build is viable, you can go wherever you want, except the final zones, obviously, and finally, it does it's own things lore wise that I absolutely loved, like the implied reincarnations that are nowhere to be seen, like a lot of other things, in Dark Souls 3. And don't talk about Ladder-man please. :( I enjoyed Scholar of the first Sin, and Aldia of couse, well all love Aldia. And the DLC's too. I repeat myself, but I love Dark Souls 2 do his own new things in every way, contrary to DS3, who count too much on DS1. Dark Souls 3, my problems with it are, you have less fun with weapons, dual-stancing like in Dark Souls 2 is gone, and it's sad, magic sucks, except maybe pyromancy, and my big problem, it is linear, and the only way to make it a tiny bit not so linear is to kill that one NPC so you can try or succeed to beat that one late-game boss can spawn on you. Yay. It doesn't make it a bad game, it's still awesome. Just nitpick land. Oh, and there's that issue about changing how damage were dealt compared to DS2 don't know what they were thinking. The DLC... ah, could be better, and could be more. imo. Painting of Ariendel was way too short, and pandered too much on DS1 nostalgia, and. But hey, it was pretty, and the final boss of the DLC was cool. I loved the Ringed City, even though, again, could have been more, but mein goth, the final boss of the series, and that music, mwah ! Dark Souls 1, it's simple, it's the first adventure. The adventure that hate your ass, seriously, replaying it, the game is mean, everything you gain or achieve, you deserve it. Sen's Fortress, Ornstein and Smough, those final rushed level, those are hard as hell and tedious as hell compared to the rest of the series. Though it did not aged well, wow, the only thing that aged well is Gwynevere, eh.
  17. ... You say that Echoes characters are nothing but what's on paper, and yet, you are defending Severa from Awakening ? Where characters are exactly just that ? Gimmicks on paper ? Let's agree to disagree. Yeaaaaaah, not gonna lie, when the ''So Asuka Tsun or Severa Tsun ?' was asked, I kind of took it and run with it. A big error on my part. I'd say that it's you that is kinda unfair though... well, it's a big word, but you know, please don't take it badly. Some people is all 'Awakening is all great', and no it's not. Again, Evangelion, the characters have all a past, emotions, actions, clear reasons that make them the way they are, and it is shown to us, and the plot all of it perfectly. Awakening is the exact opposite. Everything is on paper, everything tell tell tell, and the plot doesn't make sense. I'm sorry. Plus, I hate to put someone's name in this mess, but Ghast have a series of videos called 'Support Sciences', which is awesome, great work, you should totally watch, and it talk about characters in depth, Yodel, Forde, Eliwood, Nino, to name a few, that completly destroy everything that Awakening have in any ways. I have missed quite a few details about them myself. My point is, it's not the number that count, it's what you do with it, so imo, that's fair to compare both, but I see your point. Also, I was comparing Severa and Peri at that moment on a... how to say it, different manner, crappy anime humor, everyone get bent over their quirks, nothing is ever achieved in their support or dialogues or anything, the suspension of disbielief being destroyed, etc. I HAVE to admit that Severa did change a bit from Awakening to Fates, just a bit, I won't say that she grown (It's Fates and Awakening.), but it's a thing. But for the DLC, they can 'kindly' put their so called character development behind DLC done with their foot where I think. In the toilet. I can't approve this kind or practice neither how badly it's done at quickspeed. I'll stop with this all, I feel like I derailed the topic too much and it's my fault, my bias, I apologies, I'll stop. I know it's kind of hypocritical from me to say that after I posted this, but felt I needed to end my posing of this subject with a nicer tone, less ''Agrougrou this this and this sucks. I apologies, I'll try to restrain myself next time. It's not like I was really, really defending yandere you know., despite the fact that they tend to come in different flavors than tsunderes nowadays. Also, that's not predictions, this is called seeing into the future. :p No seriously, point 1 and 2 and 3, is totally gonna happens we knows it.
  18. Like I said Evangelion is good show, with good character, characters study, with a plot where everything fall into places. Awakening just have gimmicky characters where nothing holds up.in the plot, You guys give way too much credit to Awakening in pretty much everything. Point in case, Asuka's tsundereness is deconstructed, as like many things in this show, she have a reason to be like that, and it is fully explored, and that stay with her, because it's a traumatism. And you guys are gonna say 'Like Severa.' No, Severa's case is not fully or correctly explored, none of the characters are either. It's just animefest with every character bent over the animefest, and in her case, her tsundereness. It's like Peri's bloodlust and tragic past, it's bad, badly written and nothing is done with it. There's a difference between a good characters in a good fiction, and a bad character in a bad fiction. Expy ? Okay. A good one ? Nope. But eh, different tastes and all, but I really, really can't agree. Well I did called her Edgelord, and the moment I thought i got her name right, turns out... nope. Guess I'll stick to that. You know, now that I think about it, the opposite wouldn't be surprising too. Both are possible imo.
  19. So, you are telling me, that there's a job in Hoshido, that is called the Mechanist, that if experienced enough, can create in a matter of seconds, a puppet copy of himself, that have the exact same proprieties, skills, body type, powers,, flesh, as the Mechanist that can also do everything he/she can do AND that are also life-bound to each-other. I'm now convinced that Hoshido study Necromancy just like Nohr. Because I highly doubt those Copycat Puppet are created with wood and saw. :p
  20. Dude, don't compare Asuka to Severa pls. That's bad, that's super bad. You don't. Asuka, good character in a good show, Severa, bad character 100% gimmick in a bad show... I mean game. Well Evangelion is not exactly perfect, and I'm not entirely fine with everything but shhh it's good look at it. Eh, I dunno about Lethe, she is tsundere, but she looks more like cat (gettit?!) that was hurt and chilled in the sequels. In other words, like an actual character instead of an walking archetype, like Severa. Though you know what ? I now sorta expect a character like Lethe to be there. Echoes didn't have that, they were above that kind of disgusting things, but you'll never know. Someone just destroyed my faith in humanity a little bit more. :p Speaking of... 'Notice me Teacher Axe Lord Lady' ,I thought she was called Eldegard ? Geez, she had such weird name. That's the kind of name you'd actually expect to be well... modified in the west. It's weird. That or I'm just dumb. Or I just need time to adjust.
  21. I'm perfectly fine with just a A Support. Like, one A Support by character. I always felt like S supports were just dragging things too long, outside of the kids I means.
  22. If it was Naruto, the puppet would do anything, killing, slashing, poisoning, good coffee, while the puppetter is behind controling it with the power of 'do anything' chakra thread. Now how the heck is the final skill of the class is a bunshin, but not this ?... And how do they do the bunshin ? It's a ninja thing !
  23. First of, I agree with the majority of your post, except this one. Secondly, you just explained his marysueness, Being able to look at stats (then it's clearly just a way to say that it is the player who do that) doesn't make one a good tactitian. You don't immetiatly put a person wearing grimean cloak, without memories, even if you believe him, who claim to be good at tactics, and being able to 'look into things' in charge df your army (even though in supports, it's said/shown he is not as strong but pfft, this is just a poor attempt at playing off his abilities, dunno why theiy need to do that for that.). At best, you hire him as one of your warriors, that, that make sense. As a Strategist of your army ? Ahaha. No. No. That's stupid. On top of my head, but really on top, there is only three time where he uses 'strategy', that moment where he discover the magic of pairing up, two allies, who pair themselves to have more power in battle, something that was never seen in Fire Emblem ever.... it was. And out of gameplay, you gotta be a noob war-wise to not know that kind of things.Yeah, I get it it's a gameplay things, but story wise it doesn't make any sense. The Fire Boats things could have been good, thing is, I'm left wondering how their entire army was left with no problem. The one that are important that is.Gotta admit, that is truly strategy. The orb thingy was nothing but a Deus Ex machina, followed by a Deus Ex Machina, followed up by a Diobolus Ex Machina, followed up by a Deus Ex Machina. That's not strategy, that not even a gambit, that's stupid. So no. No. Robin doesn't deserves his position, it's not worse than Kamui, but still.
  24. Of course, then I say cleavage, I don't mean Fates, I mean Mathilda and Sonya, like, something that has to be contained a minimum and not something made out of gun like Fates, I stress this out. Someone will have to explain me why Sonya won the lottery then her 'kind' didn't, eh. This Fire Emblem seems to have the same artstyle than Echoes, to I really think it's a fair guess. I can't believe I actually spent two posts talking about cleavage in Fire Emblem. Oh well. A fellow person who enjoy good writing. I would propose you a handshake, but alas, we are on the internet.
  25. I dunno if Soul Edge would be happy to have my soul. Unless he like Siegfried/Nightmare main. :p Exactly ! He is one of the character I find the most annoying to fight. My worst Nightmate (got it ?) The only way I could manage him is to do the Soul Calibur equivalent of spriting away from a monster in Monster Hunter, and do thrusting attacks at him.
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