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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. ... I thought it was 'predicting', as in 'predicting with a lot of humor/sarcasm in it, I mean, I read some posts and... well no offense, if that can be called an offense, but it seems more about lightheartedness and nice sarcasm than serious. :/ But fine, maybe I was seemingly too 'butthurt', it wasn't my intention, honest, so here's a prediction, one I'm sure there will, cleaveage(s). Echoes had some of those, so I can't see why this Fire Emblem wouldn't.'
  2. Hey, as long as the loli Manakete is not clothed like a jailbait, I'm all for it. Now if there's a shota Manakete that is clothed like Nowi, I... Yeah, here my reaction "I...". Total blue screen. Personally, I think that atfer Echoes, they become better at everything, big times, look at that, four main character, no one look like anime crap with crap clothing. Animu doesn't have any sort of place in my Fire Emlem. Same with Animu 'humor', that isn't funny. But I'm breaking the fun of the topic ignore me. Also Tsundere are errors of nature and shouldn't exist, Yandere are better written than them. That's how stupid tsunderes are.
  3. Imo, at first not totally, your character is like 'So you took me in so I could be a sacrificial lamb huh ?' and is surprisingly angry about that, and best bromance comment 'I can read the mind of the kid, and yeah, he's not too happy about it'. You kill the lady, and cow childhood firend who was like 'Why are you angry ? That's an honour !' (Gee thanks.) Try to kill you in rage, and then things escalate with your entire village trying to kill you. I'm not saying it's nice, it's pretty dark (and cool), but they all had it coming. Hard. I remember, that woman who reveal she was pregnant as you kill her, and I'm like, why do you and your husband attack me then you fool ? Then it become a beautiful trainwreck. Though RIP best bromance though. 'It doesn't matter, it was fun'.Pretty cool, but pretty sad too. :( Edwin is worth all the sacrifice though. So is Viconia. They are just that good. But the Baldurs't Gate series didn't do a great job with the reputation/alignement system.
  4. I know a lot fanfics that are bad, but geez, I like this so called 'fanfic' of his. What's so wrong about being fanficy ? Food for thought, lot of fanfics, fanficy ideas or predictions about Fates people had were better than the final product, and continue to be better. Kind of have a problem with the stigma fanfictions have, it's understandable, since, most are bad quality, but still.
  5. How to say this... Is it heresy that I completely forgot about Maxi ? I fell like it is.
  6. I think we'll get what Soleater said... but damn, your idea is just too badass.
  7. I wish Conquest was like that. Or heck, Birthright or even Revelation. Evil Feels Good, that's a trope, and that's a true fact. ... Don't try that in real life, only in video games or fictions. You'd enjoy it. We would all enjoy it. Soul Nomal's Demon Path is kinda sorta of special case though, at first you are mostly neutral (I don't really consider the first battle of that path evil, they had it coming. Hard.) doing some things one your own, and then people go bothers you, (read,try to kill you for no reasons) and with time, your characters start to feel off., then everything turns dark, then evil, Then... i'll stop here. No surprise otherwise. But it's fun. Very fun.
  8. That'll not be a good sign if the decide to play the prodigy card for The Teacher though, it would be pretty lame from them. Teacher is... a hard job. You can't get that in a pretty letter. You need experience, a standing, education. It'll be mary-sueness not unlike Corrin "you don't have any experience, and we have no reason to give the position of chief of the army, but we're gonna do that anyways" The Idiot. Or Robin, OMG, you are so totally good at strategy even though didn't really did anything, let's hire you ! Spooky pal, spooky. Then again, they did that with Mark too, but Mark was a literal blank page who didn't got the lip service often. ... Then again, then I first saw Kris, I was like 'OMG, look at that huge ass sword like Guts or Ike, are you gonna be a experienced mercenary hired by Marth or Jeigan or what'. Ah ah, boy did I felt from very high. Still big up from the translators, I still liked the game and am grateful that people put work into translating it. Also don't destroy my phantasm of Teacher/Student romance, or of the very probable double standard that might happens if people on the internet flip out about that then nothing was ever said about the Roy/Celicia pairing. :p
  9. Oh please no. Just no. That would be a heinous to do that, especially after Fates. ... if that happens, that means one thing, God exist, he possess the president of IS, and he hate the Fire Emblem fanbase. Or Satan, or put whataver Deity or Demon you want, but it's funnier with God. I mean, Fates, just.... Fates man.
  10. Or at least, have a better one... But I'm perfectly fine with having a spiky pink armor like our lord and savior. Jeigan, and acting like him. Decission and choices are important, no one can say it enough. This Is Sparta-level of importance. "You, you and you will uses staves from now on" "But teacher I have crap magic..." "Nein ! Healing is important ! We need more healing everywhere so that everyone can survive !" ... Think as if the teacher with a german voice who say german words, that's make this funnier to me. Wait. ... If I romance Edgelord-chan, would that make me a pedophile, just like Cecilia was if paired with Roy ? Oh dear. Well, it's medieval time.
  11. The problem is that Elincia act, feel and develop like an actual character who go from a point A to a point B, and from a point B to a point C, with logical writing and a good development behind, who actually aknowledge her weaknesses and understand that you can't always be a pacifist 'because violent is wrong' or some crap logic if you want to go somewhere. unlike Mikoto and Emmeryn (and Gangrel) who all go straight into the black hole of mediocrity, bad writing and incoherence. And nothingness.. Sunwoo, gotta say, I'd love to see a Elincia-like character, a queen/princess character that have to develop if she actually want to do her job correctly, or do it at all. But you know, I'd also love to see a 'goddess', who develop in the same way, there's big potential in that. One doesn't stop the other. Though I'm kinda wary if that would happen, I don't exactly like what IS did with 'Gods' in Radiant Dawn, Awakening, and even SoV left me somewhat miffled.
  12. What I said was more or less meant to be a joke but... I dunno man, beside Fates and Awakening, they all did a better job with those things than Persona 4, 5. Handled it better too. Though, the racism is Tellius duology really doesn't get anywhere at the end of the game(s), which is too bad. Saying "Racism is bad" is all nice and dandy, but if no solutions are given or if the problems are solved 'just like that' for no true reasons, it's cheap and bad writing. Reminiscing of what Persona 4, 5 did... except they commented on a a bigger can of worms, society as a whole, without true solution (othen than, you know brainwashing), and the cinematic fight.
  13. In my opinion, PS4. It have a much greater numbers of games, the list is really really too long. The Switch might have a few great exclusive like Zelda:Botw or the new Mario that really looks awesome, but a small numbers of titles, no matter how great they are, doesn't justify the buying of a new consoles to me. Then again, the Switch seems to take it's fly (about time), but it seems like a sloppy fly to me. Yeah, Fire Emblem16, SMTV. Pokemon Let's go (eeeeh about that one though...)... that's still a small number of good games, a console empty the wallet, hard. You gotta be sure you're going to spend a long time using with it. And since the PS4 have much more game, and so a lot of good games, it's a no brainer. Heck, it's the same reason why I bought a 3DS in the first place before. That is, of course my opinion. In the end, do what you want. It is, after all, your life and choice. I wouldn't buy the Switch, but you might want to.
  14. But Daaaaaaaaad I want to be evil slash judge everyone as dumb, hypocrite and or evil and win. It still of boggle my mind that the basic was groping, as if 'skinship', aka petting or touching, wasn't enough, I know there is probably cultural difference and all in there... but to heck with this, what was wrong with them ? That's what I was mentioning when I talked about a 'minimum of self respect and respect for consumers'. On a more serious note,, no noooooo get ways that Persona from my Fire Emblem, nooo, I don't want deus ex machina, broken aesop, tropes, social commentaries that goes nowhere nooooo. (Surprise it was a less serious note.) It pretty resembling though.
  15. Woah Three quote ? Badass. Oh yeah. Forgot about that part. Ahah that meme ! Though, I could always call him Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes.... Ahah, that name. Maybe I was the fourth house the entire time !... Which is kinda what Inde path was... erm. Just saying, but f I can betray my latest employer, the Empire after getting a legendary sword that I'm supposed to wield for them, I'll laugh. About Treehouse doing... Three houses... good grief, it's just now that I realize that... and how the name is kind of a mouthful... I'm sorta of the team that believe that the localizations of Fates was bad, because Fates was... let's be polite and shorten it by saying 'all over the place'. So if Three Houses really is a good game with a minimum of seriousness, self-respect, respect for consumer, good writing and work put into it, I believe there's not much to fear writing wise. IS was also at fault, like, where can you even start with the bad things in Fates ? Not saying it was perfect. Hello Saizo/Beruka Support. Feel free to post more example cuz I'm tired. But hey, we had the Shiro recruitment that was better than the original. It's not all black and white. I just realized I was kinda playing the devil's advocate without realizing. Weird.
  16. Hm, talking about the false leak I might want to name my MU Alucard ! Or Arikado. Or Genya. Or Gabriel. Or Trevor. Or Simon. Or Victor. Or Soma. Or Julius. Or.Sonia. Gabriel is a pretty cool name now that I look at it. Since people are playing the team game, I'll play too, TeamEdelgard because Axe Lord ,I repeat Axe Lord, and that she look like a puppy who wants the attention of my perfect teachering self, and that's, that's hilarious and have no price. And she have a great voice. And she is a Axe Lord. An Archer Lord who can atack at close range seems pretty good
  17. Demon Path and Dark Path confirmed ? Let me dream ! If the MU is mute or gets a shitty personality like those before him I'm sooooo gonna name him after a demon, biblical religion thingy. Belberith. Belzebuth. Belial, Babel, Forneus. Asmodeus. Helel. Satan, Satanael and Lucifer are too classic. Loki is already taken, one time and a half, sorta Loptyr/Loptous is based on Loki and was supposed to be called just that if I remember correctly. Abel and Cain are taken too. Fenrir souds good if the the MU end up being the final boss. Oooooh, maybe Dracul from that false but pretty cool leak ! Fun thing about me, I gave Robin and Corrin different names just to spite the game and the characters themselves. I don't think that make me that petty considering what kind of characters they are. :p On a different subject, people are talking about this sword the lady hold, but it seems more like a broken scepter to me there's no grip, no blade, no pommel, a broken gem, and it's far too huge... then again that fire guy seems to have no problem swinging a whip sword just as big and apparently similar. I know we're talking about Fire Emblem, but I thought they took a step up after Echoes.... then again, a whip-sword is more of a whip than a sword. Also, I finally noticed the girl on the throne, can't believe I missed her, she looks more like Young Tiki. So cute.
  18. I'm hyped, but wary too after the Fates fiasco. After that, they went to do SoV which was a neat remix... So wary but hopeful. At least, the art seems better than Fates and Awakening, more in line with Echoes which is pretty super cool. So gameplay wise -My Unit seems to be back in the form of this 'Teacher', we'll see what if it'll be as bad as the others before him; He had better clothes, even though the way he wears the mantle makes me cringe. What kind of teacher weak a coat like that ? Hopefuly, they'll get a clue, and make him mute instead of spouting constant bullcrap left and right.. -Gaiden/Echoes Magic system seems to be back along with weapon techniques which seems fine, I guess ?How it'll works though is anyone guesses. -Weapon durability is back, and the number of dur seems quite large. 50 for Steel ? But I think it's a nice change. Fates became quickly bothersome with it's debuffs. -This new formation system seems quite badass, I wonder what'll it'll actually be. A fusion between Advance Wars and Fire Emblem ? Der Langriser ? -Con and Weight seems to be back, eeeeeh. It's nice to see it back, but I did not minded it not being there. We'll see. Some interesting things to note. -We have a brand new named continent. Where is the Champagne ? -I getting some bad from this main girl constantly talking to you by calling the MU teacher, teacher, almost adoringly as if he was super important to her, or to some other people, Is this waifu bait or what ? She have a teacher fetish ? -Poor Half-jokes and worries, aside, what I find interesting is that the possible MU is neither a tactitian nor a prince, he is a Teacher, to her or to others we dunno. It had interesting implication. That could means there is a deep bound of trust between him and her, and that she might count on you and your opinions as shown in the 'what weapon raining would I work on' moment -Speaking of this choice does it means that this or other character will gain new skill and weapons prof depending on what the Teacher tell them to do ? Seems to be that by telling her to focus on axes, she was to start using axes. That my explanation for it anyways. But so, why is sword selectable then ? Better pro or bonus with swords ? -This scene at the end puzzle me "Until then, please don't forget me, Teacher", why whould he forget her ? Is he getting transfered or something ? Does that even exist in medieval times ? Also, people talk about a loli that is loli as Nowi (Heresy alert), on this throne thingy, but the only thing I see is some sort of gray crap. I'm... not joking. It looks like a slime to me. Must be looking at thise the wrong wa.. ... I don't have a Switch. >_> Counting on you let's players to.play the game ! Independant Path confirmed then ?
  19. Oh. Sorry. Somehow, the idea of a Christian debate being created because of my post didn't really reached my brain, it's probably because we were talking about SMT that I posted food in mouth without much thinking. :/ Again, I'm sorry for that, it really wasn't my intention, like at all, I'll be more careful in the future.
  20. To be fair, there's not much difference between Old Test YHWH and New Test YHWH, both are... not very nice people. It's like comparing a molted cherry and a molted carrot. What I remember is that one of the point of one of the ending is precisely breaking the chains that bounds you as a human created by a jerkass god, rising above your station and creating a better future for basically everything, whereas the other is accepting the bounds that chains you to humanity and others people (whatever how that works, but eh, Persona-thing), for the better, and the very much implied, SMTII-like, worse. It's pretty badasses endings. you got that I haven't seen, since the TDE from Nocturne, the game where you are basically, an Ubermensch. (Which you àre more or less in IVA too depending of the ending choosen) Just for that along with other things and themes, and despite the various Persona 4 anime things and annoying 'friends' that constantly bothers me, I prefered SMTIVA plotwise to P5, first because I can kill them and two, P5 only have one moment where things were serious, where the dark tones was truly set, and that's the start of the game, just the start, then filler filler filler. And don't even start with... 'that' spoiler. I don't see true questioning of life, true changes, true resolutions, nope Arcana Friendship cheese, because of course there's that like, witout having the characters truly aknowledging... pretty much every problems in teme. It would be so nice to have an Anarchy ending in a Persona game... alas, it's not the point of the series. There's some good themes and morals in P5 though, like, having relation and connection is not bad by itself, you should stand up for yourself a little more or else you might put yourself in some crap because seriously, what is wrong with those people who dig their own grave ? For SMTSJ:Redux, I spoiled myself, and frankly, I liked the new endings. I didn't enjoyed a Law ending since SMTIV. So, yeah, I can't deny it hurt MegaTen series a little, but so far, I think they do a good job with SMT. Maybe easier games, but eh. It could be better, yeah, but it could be way worse. Now if they put more Persona in SMTV- that I won't play because I don't have Switch- I'll be worried though.
  21. My bride of course, I'm the pimp of the castle after all. Embarased... that is what I am right now for saying this. Build a harem trust nobody. Though I would have prefered if she appeared more RD, that is, like a teenager, not like a loli baked for loli bait, you can't have good thing with anime. I never understood why this pairing was a thing, or why I like it. I just do. Weird. Alas, this would never be possible oustide of fanon, since Sanaki is Beorc and Naesela is Laguz. ... Stupid RD story that doesn't develop things.
  22. Both, and tragic. It's heavily implied that Yurius was actually really a super nice kid, but then he touched the Lopto Tome... congratulaton, Yurius has promoted to Dark Prince and became possessed by Lopto. But in FE4, they don't take the shortcut of possession equal "Mwahaha, I'm X reborn in this new body !", nope not of that crap, it's really more like a perfect, definitive fusion between two persons with one being seemingly being more present than the other. It's sweet that despite everything evil he has done, child hunt, killing his mother and trying to kill his sister, it's his affection toward Ishtar that remained. It's showed in various forms, both sweet and creepy. And Ishtar loves him, or what remained of him, or the memory of him, or him no matter the form. Of course it's tragic and ended as a tragedy, because, Final Boss. Camus Archetype. It's such cool writing man, like, really really cool.
  23. You know, imagine a time system similar to Radiant Historia, with time lime(s) that you have to regulary to do things, learn info, talk to people, travel back to acomplish those things. The items that you gain would be similar to the power and skills that Stocke gains. Though you'll probably have to delete or at least shortens the dungeons, but that sounds cool. With teammates not being in your teams and having you playing arround that. There's also the Chrono Trigger way that sounds fun too. All attacks Link have are so Chrono sometime, that'll ask for a perfect game design. I'm playing some Romancing SaGa... eh, not sure if that could work. It's niche as heeeeeeeeeck.
  24. A traditional, turn based Zelda RPG. I'm reminded of the first Dragon Quest where you had one and only one character, and I magine a Zelda RPG like that, with obviously a more modern ans zelda touch. Gotta say, that's sounds cool. Not as cool as a Super Mario RPG-like Zelda though !
  25. Oh, I know, I just purposedly ignored it to imagine what a EO open word would be. Basically, I was in a happy dream.
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