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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Don't worry, that's normal. Weird as crap, but normal. Kind of awkward seeing your healer losing her most important spells. :p Upon overclassing, spells-using characters loses some spells, but they regain them at the same level they first leaned it. An example, Faye, upon overclassing to Exemplar,will lose her Anew spell that she gained , but she will regain it after reaching the same level she learned it the first time. The same apply to Celica. Here's the learned spell list on Serenes for reference. It's usefull. https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/characters/learned-spells/
  2. I like to think that Alm and Celica destroyed The Construct before anything bad would happens. And by bad, I of course mean Grima getting out, but mostly crap plot. It's completely bullcrap and the game seems state that he is still there, but that's an headcanon. Which might save sanity of a lot of people, me included. It's really freaking funny just how much Grima, in his backstory as a post-game boss, is far more interesting, threatening and badass that he is in Awakening. Same with the Risen. Like woah. Just woah.
  3. How about naming a Shadow Sword 'Ow the edge' ? :p Oh damn, I think I got something there. Eh, reminds me that I named one of my spear the Gay Bulge, hard to top it off. Don't judge me.
  4. Aaaaaaand now I want to rename them all. I feel dub for not thinking about it. :p
  5. Rhomphaia, Zweihander and Killer Bow, easily. Rhomphaia have Knighthkneeler (effective agains mounted unit), Armorcrush (Against armored) and Dragonhaze, who adds the speed stat to attack power. Problem is that you have to forge a Riderbane, and lose the passive anti-mounted, but meh. Do what you want. I prefered to keep it just in case for the main game. By post-game, you should have Rhomphaia though, no excuse. :p Zweihander have Sunder (+30 crit), Penetrate (mose past the ennemy) and finally,Tigerstance, which is basically Dragonhaze, but with skill instead of speed. And Killer Bow, which have Hunter's Volley. Two attacks, +10 crit. Must have. It almost rectify anything that is wrong with archers. Forge them all as much as you can for better effect. Use those skills, Fortify, then profit. The problem with the Zofia and Ragnarok Omega is that it belongs to a character which have crap HP and def. But Celica is basically a different version of a Priestess (which is the name of her base class too. :p), so that's a given, but still, she game over your face;
  6. That's crazy man, that's crazy. And beautiful. The bandit need more training to be the new lord of the dance like Pelleas though. And a different battle system. :p
  7. LMAO, so much lionNazi. :p Let's make Lunala great again. So apparently, they're the third versions, as in, Jaune, Crystal, Emerald, as half opposed and half-similar to Black2/White2, which are sequels to Black/White. Kind of like it, but meanwhile, it bother me somewhat, I mean, If I had known a third version would come out, I would've waited. :p I have absolutely no problem with no pokemon on switch (I don't have it), and having no gen4 remake on sight. :p
  8. Hard/Classic. All level 20. No Overclasses. Alm with Killer Blow. SaintFaye with Dracoshield, which became very pointless as soon as ennemies started to not give a crap about Def/Res. Mathilda with Silver Lance PaladinKliff with Rhomphaia Conrad with Silver Lance. BowKnightAtlas with Killer Bow. Delthea with Mage Ring. Tatiana with... I don't remember, just that I gave her the Sage's Shield Good grief. Fortify and Invoke were a life saver. Celica with Beloved Zofia, I really shouldn't had picked her, like RJWalker said, having another game over character is really not good. Especially if she had the PVs of a toilet paper. And got RNG screwed. Sonya with Mage Ring. In insight, maybe I should have picked Luthier, but he wasn't level 20 yet. It became surprisingly hard starting at themiddle of it. Crits are really your best friends in there. I can't wait to see Mangs and Ghast playing it. So they can suffer. A lot. Because I'm a fan of them. :p No seriously, that was kinda brutal.
  9. Wait, so this is where you can got those weapons ? Geez, I 'only' got the shards and an Emperor's Lance. And lot of foods, lot Blessed Weapons and some Shadow Swords. Welp, time to grind again.
  10. There's a lot of kind of stands, and the rules are very flexibles when it comes to them, and the system seems to change Part by Part. Obviously it's not worse than Awakening, at least in Persona, like you said, they insta-esttablish the fact that friendship can do things,... or at least what people think or whatever, where in Awakening it's literally one phrase said by that other green plot device. Still leave me salty over various things, such as the World Arcana now being relegated as being the friendship power, which is pretty much not the case, hence why there was normal personas of that arcana in P1 and P2's. :p Seriously, the headache of seeing that.
  11. Generally, having a sword in you stomach make you dead, just like having you soul stolen, so yeah, that's a deus ex machina. Not one that annoy me much, but still a deus ex machina. But yeah, it's refreshing to see no bs friendship no jutsu, yeah they'll have to work together and everything, but that's how a nation work. Persona 1 and 2's did not used the friendship tropes that much, it's at Persona 3 that they started it, and went kindaaaaa overboard in P4 and it's updates. And spin-offs. Imagine it: If in Jojo, the Stands, the representation of your psychic energy or whatever, is actually powered by friendship. how freaking lame and reducing that would that be ? After thousands and thousands of anime, manga or videogames that use the power of friendship in the exact same manner, I really can't stand it.:p
  12. For all we knew at first it could be very much the case. It's not, but it could be. Also, it was a joke, sorry if it wasn't clear :p
  13. Huh, so at the base, it's really more like 'finding heroes' than 'finding the hero', huh ? Cool. I kinda agree with what you're saying here actually. And, you know, it's why some people, me with it, have a problem with having Mila planning the godkilling part instead of Duma, because it kind of destroy the whole thing too. It was one of the kickass things. But when you see that Awakening decided to praise Mila and forget Duma... you see where this is going. It reminds me of something, when characters talk about Lima, more specifically Celica, he is shitted upon constantly, but Mila somehow get a free pass despite her being responsible of the whole thing, fancy that. Talk about double standard, eh ? :p
  14. "Golly, I'm the only person in the entire army to be able to wield the Royal Sword, which is said that only people with royal blood can wield , but I can't possibly be royal or anything ! I mean, it's not like I recently learned that I wasnt't really related to Mycen, thus making me a orphan with mysterious origins ! That sooooo stupid !" That's seems like a legit and perfectly logical mindset. :p Mangs and co said it, and they were right. Gaiden did it first. Gaiden always did it first. :p
  15. Thane make a good point, Ruru think that men should take things in their own hands, but believe that his kid should finish things because he has a cross-scar mark on his hand. I know killing/sealing the local god isn't too good for popularity, but still. Or at least at first. Replaying Echoes here, and a surprising amount of NPCs doesn't seem to give much damn about it. Imo, it make sense that Rudolf would want to take care of Mila first, she is the weaker, pacific, and probably dumber one (and annoying) one, but Duma is a true power house that is sleeping right in the castle's toilet making coffee, doujin and necro thngs. Better take care of the one far away from home first, then taking care of Duma. Which makes me wonder why he didn't do it in the original game. Did he feel like he wwas too weak or what ? I would also like to know why Mila believed it was a smart idea to seal the Falchion away just to make use it in the exact same manner like Rudolf intended to, and to use it as a deus ex machina later. They kinda screwed up her sealing and madness. I'm replaying the game hard mode, maybe I missed something.
  16. Whaaa- ? That sounds so cool ! ... He's such a jerkass though, a mouth jerkass. :p Funny, he doesn't mention his girlfriend, I suppose it's because it's unused content.
  17. It doesn't seem like she had an eyeball while I look at it, so I put my bet into theinto a thick skull. I don't know why would Duma have an eyeball and not Mila. All of this seems really way too convenient to me, though it does make sense. ... How awkward it would be, I imagine Rudolf being all 'Shit ! The sword is stuck ! Shiiiiiiiit !' xD You said 'dragon' and talked about dinonaurs and reptiles, not 'divine dragons', so my salt meter did not go through unhealty levels, so don't worry. :p
  18. Hm, how to say it... I'm not saying this is necessarily bad plan, but things that could've gone wrong. I mean, the 'shit shit shit' factor of gods becoming crazy and stuff must have played, but still. Well, I guess he could do the gamble, since Alm had the mark of whatever... but at this point, he could have just done so himself. Or at least, done things better. You could say it might be a topic... for another topic. Sorry not sorry. :p The original game seems to say that Rudolf wanted humankind to be on their own. Taking the remake into account... well, dunno. :p By the by, someone will have to explain to me how the heck can someone survive having a godslaying sword in his forehead. And enchant it further with Master Sword bs. ... Don't say 'Divine Dragon' or 'God'. Please. :p
  19. Boy, oh boy. I thought Fate was good, but SoV completely beat it imo. My fav ? Berkut's 'themes' and the final battle of course. There is just too much good music in there to tell them all.
  20. Just where the hell did you find those nice ideas ? ... Though I don't really like the last one that much, but the other ones are cooL.. and I slighty object at the first one idea of having Alm being corrupted by power... and being crushed by Archy and Marth., kinda of break the deal of having Duma and Alm interact with each other and developing as characters.
  21. Ah. Not gonna lie, this is actually bothersome to me. Victory poses are just so good. It's a shame, I like the designs. I guess that if you have overclasses, you really are at the end of all, but still. :/ Huh, now that I think about it, that's a concept, a bunch of DLC's you buy after you maxed everything. Bragging Rights Reward ? Bragging Rights DLC ?
  22. He's not kidding. Sometime, a unit is literally at one hit from death, but it's very rare that a witch actually finish it, it happened to me one time. Most of the time, they warp and attack someone else. Or even more funny, they warp near you, and don't do anything. Visibly, losing your soul also mean losing half of your brain :p.
  23. This. Plus, I just don't see the point of destroying what make a game so unique among it's series such good idea. Each FIre Emblem have it's different... everything. Why doing something like that ? Why retcon ? Awakening seems like a big smash up of everything Fire Emblem, so... but it doesn't fully. excuse the 'another worlds' devices used left in right for everything and nothing.
  24. It has some flaws, Celica being sorta dumb, Rudolf's plan not being foolproof, but I really love the story nonetheless. But maybe it's just Fates' story that made my standard rot away, who knows ? :p Aaaaaaaand now I feel dumb for not noticing sooner. :p I feel dumb for not noticing that that too. :p But y'know, if Mycen is a general by merit instead of blood, doesn't that make Alm, his 'grandson', a noble then ? Huh, the morality is broken no matter how I not at it. Still 100% better than Naruto. Still love the plot all the way.
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