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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. TP's awesome... but it is so, so linear. One of the two last books who where out one/two months ago Art and artifact or the Hyrule Encyclopedia. I'm almost certainly sure that I got the names wrong. It being canon is debatable because it was not written by Aonuma & co like Hyrule Historia. Cuz you know, the timeline of Hyrule Historia is sooooooo perfect. /obvious sarcasm :o
  2. Die cliche, you don't belong in this world. But yeah, that's pretty cool. The pairing always seemed 'right' to me. Remind me that I still did not read the end of Bleach, though. :p
  3. RIP pegasi who transform intro dragons. Dracoknight were too cool for this world. Myrm is a promoted class, that's really surprising. So it's basically like Shining Force then ? I'm fine with that. Goodness, I can't wait to test the class system !
  4. The things I see in Serenes. Why would people want to ravage it, I'll never understand. Erm.
  5. If I remember correctly, I once made Yulia fall in love with Arthur. I think. It's been a while. Logically, making her fall in love with Ares should be possible. Waiting turns is the easiest way to give lovers to people. However, I"m sure that Altena cannot have a lover, for story reasons. A shame. Holy crap, you play it on console ? That's badass !
  6. If it's even remotely close to anything like the three idiots from Fates DLCs, I think I'll throw up. :p Like, I know that they are close and all, but geez. I would prefer if Alm, Celica and thus the player, had to gain those promotions somehow. Or just hand it over. I honestly never have been a fan of plot-related promotion. It's a nightmare to see all of your characters promoted lv 10... and your lord is unpromoted lv20. Isn't creating life like, evil magic ? :o Or they just bought them.
  7. Hm, you're right. I agree. Still, it feels weird to see that someone knows about it since Breath of the Wild might happens 10 000 years after... Four sword I think ? The game after TP. That's a lot of years. Then again, Hylia, so. Also, Zelda from TP was cool.
  8. So apparently, Majora's Mask was retconed as a dream of Skull Kid, and the Oracles games and Link's Awakening have switched places. Freaking. GG. Nintendo, stop drinking, it's bad or your health. And ours. Well, at least, Link is confirmed to not be dead after LA, I guess ? I never liked that ending for him. It was a really anticlimatic way to finish his life. The problem with things like that, is that when materials say things like that like that, and worse, say that they are canon... well, you can't really argue, other than saying 'It doesn't make any sense' or flat our ignores it. Everyone is at an impasse. Hylia (started disliking Zelda from there) apparenlty always existed, despite never appearing or being mentioned in any game that are supposedly after Skyward Sword. Or her having created the Master Sword, despite being explicetly said to have been forged by the sages. And no, them handwaving it by saying it was a misunderstanding or something doesn't make it seems good or even legit. We see the difference between Dark Souls and Zelda there. :p It could be also just a shout out. Especially since how the heck are they supposed to know about the twilight ? I thought the whole crisis was was supposed to be secret ? Y'know, in gamefaqs, I've seen lot of people wanting.a DLC where Link go back in time before Calamity Ganon did his things and must stop him in a restricted time. Majora's Mask style. Frankly if DLC there must be, this is the minimum. Plus it would be so awesome, passing it up would be a crime. Unless they do something better, in that case, I'll put money computer. :p
  9. That ending creeped the hell out of me, and I was stuck in complete 'What' moment. It was actually cool !
  10. I apologize too. I did not realize that those words could have a different context and meaning in other languages. Like I said, mea culpa my fault. I'll try to be more mindful and not screw up next time, I promise.
  11. It's something like that. There wasn't such point of it, even now that I'm an adult... well I don't see the point. Not much social as well. I have one phone at the house, it's enough. I never really understand why parent would give their kids high tech devices, kids tend to lose them, or worse, have them stealed (it's one of the main reason why I did not have one). or use them for less than desirable purposes. Though I understand perfectly that some kids are more mature than others, so... When I said that to him, it was meant as a joke. I literally told him 'Espèce de monstre :p' (Trad: you monster :p) on a skype conversation. In France, it's literally one of the tamest, lamest insult you could ever come up with, and often used for, you guessed it, joking. As Cute Chao pointed out, I put the :p to show it as mean as a joke, but, my bad, mea culpa for the poor communication. Things to know, I'm an adult, he's away (separated), the discussion I had with him was light hearted, we even shared a few laugh about it, I perfectly understand why he wouldn't love FE. It was all good fun. This topic was mean to convey the, admittedly childish but actually funny feeling of 'Someone have a game that you can't have because reasons'. That's it.
  12. I'm gonna tell you a cool story. Inb4 the meme. My dad have a mobile and he recently downloaded Heroes. The problems ? He doesn't like it, and doesn't even like Fire Emblem in general. So, he deleted it. Do you have any idea how much frustrating (and hilarious) this is ? Like, I want to play this game, I'm a fan but I don't have a mobile, but he does ! And he doesn't like it ! In the end, I told him he was a monster, it was well deserved. :p The cruel irony of fates, I swear. I hope this kind of situation did not happened only to me.
  13. I guess the hero and Alfonse weren't such great friends after all, if the hero decided to go back. Since as mewyeon said, lot of characters lv 40 quotes imply an undying loyalty and a form of promise to say with you/the summoner. Huh, having Sanaki as your personal servants and friend, how strange. But it's a mobile game, and they don't seem to want to develop the story more than that.
  14. So, I'm almost at the true ending, but before that, I want to finish all the secondary quests. The photo quests, I enjoyed them a lot... until 138-142. Whoever designed 138 to 142 is either a monster or mad in the head, who the hell honestly though it's a good idea to put those quests in the game ? The 'defeat 30 x monsters then take a pic of that one monster who appear I dunno where' were bad enough, but this ? This ? This is pure bullcrap. Each time you go outside, there is 0,01% chance that Stella appears in those five places, if not, too bad. What's more, she can appears in place you already visited, making literally hours of your time, pointless. Sigh I really enjoyed the 3DS bosses though, they really want you to go all out. ... The Rank X arena though, they crit like hell, my poor golems can't do crap again't them.
  15. I remember that moment. It's kind of like in those visual novels where you have to do something stupid, otherwise one character will do something even more stupid, just so you can get a bad end. I wouldn't call it goofy, just weird as hell. :p If I remember correctly, and I probably don't it was because...
  16. Acually the protagonist was japanese in the... japanese version, they made it an american in the american version which was the logical thing to do though. Which made things hilariously awkward when I named him Hiroyuki Tadano. :p To be honest, it's not my favorite SMT, that's not saying much: I just wasn't very satisfied with the endings, the overly patriotic messages, as well as the 'human are awesome( except then they're not but shh)', and the things about the gameplay that made me cringe... my goodness a lot of things in this game really love to restrict you. I still shudder while thinking about the skills. And I don't really like the musics, I know they are glorious and gives a fantastic ambiance, but I just don't like them. And it doesn't mean I won't try to get it. I remember just how much the game hated me... fun time. Eh, one of the comment said "Damn, it's true, Atlus remakes really are "old game with a new waifu and their story". " I couldn't help but let out a giggle at that. I'm not sure what to make out of her... and her design. It kind of break the ambiance. She is after your life apparently. A new ending... huh ? Wonder what it will be about. If it's an Anarchy ending, I'm taking it, just saying.
  17. A tad salty about the Specter of Torment being a tad late, but man, that Body Swap mode look as balsy as it is awesome. Like, you chose the gender of all the character, how freaking balsy is that ? King Knight, or rather Queen Knight is my fave.
  18. Frankly ? I'm very open to the idea and I can't wait to see the result. If I'll cry out of despair or not.
  19. Wha- ? Really ?! Seriously ? That's so cool ! I'm surprised but that's so so, soooo cool ! Radiant Historia is in very few words on my part, Chrono Trigger's successor, I think it does RH justice. Well.. there's problems like that, It really hurts the game too,
  20. I'm not sure what to think about the SMT view, I like it, but to be honest, it's not FE at all. And the idea of searching for things in houses doesn't appeal to me either, I would have prefered if they were in 3D, but oh well. No reclassed then ? asked B;Leu in a hopeful tone. I always wondered why she couldn't wield it... then I remembered that Alm was the main character of a NES game. :p Would be so cool if she could here.
  21. It reminds me of Path of Radiance, in the French version, Ike's base class was Rodeur, which basically translate to 'Ranger'. Fun time ! I'm half disapointed, half pleased, because Fighter so simple... but I think about the previous Fighters class. Wouldn't want to have that good of class yet :p Though I wouldn't mind if he promoted into that. Plus I just remembered, isn't Dread Fighter the badass class that came from Gaiden, who can wield swords, axes, spears and bows ? The one the villagers could eventually promote to and then return back to Villager to create a promotions loop ? It also have a badass sprite. Since I spoke about the French version: In Awakening, Dread Fighter was localized as 'Heros Mage' which translate into... Hero mage ! Gee, I'm such a genius. While in Fates, Dread Fighter was localized as Terreur, which means Terror, basically.
  22. Well, Earth Dragon looks like giant moles, so... it would make sense if, say, Mila made her country more fertile by digging things up and apply fetilizer or something. Suddenly, Mila doesn't look so epic anymore. p Behold ! Earth Dragons ! The most powerful dragons in existence ! Also they made fine dogs who will bring great treasures that are in desert map to their master ! ... As if. :p In fact, while I fhink about it, Earth Dragon had wings before, they were just ridiculously tiny. Duma have wings, and they looks tiny as well. They might just very old and powerful dragons. Who, with time evolved and mastered the power of the Mole Tribe and Hentai Tribe. And the legendary Slighy Bigger But Still Useless Wings Tribe. I wouldn't be surprised if Mila had the same dragon form as Duma, I supposed that those tentacle can be useful for farming works. To be fair, Naga is like, the god tier of every dragon, as well as a walking plot device. the comparison is not really fair. :p It's also implied that Divine Dragon are not really that strong, Tiki and Naga are the exceptions. Which is like the Heron from the Tellius series, pretty damn convenient that we only get the special ones with the specials abilities, huh ? Bantu ? Who's that ? :p
  23. I hope they won't become anime tropes, from what I've seen however that seems unlikely. Then again... I'll have to just wait and see.
  24. Ah, indeed, I just took a closer look at it better. They do seem like dragons. It actually took me quite some time before actualy seeing the long neck. I still have a hard time with the red dragon thought And yeah, Duma looks likes a dragon, I dunno why but unit now, I always seen him as an insectoid zombie thing, yet, he is clearly draconic. Thank you for taking your time to clarify things for me !
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