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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Who would you choose as your pawn ? A strong but old dad-Jeigan, or your arrogant, but skilled and young archer of a brother (that you don't even know jack about) with a freaking legendary weapon ? ... Though I think that even without Takumi, there were better option than Gunther. No. I want to romance my biological mom and my biological dad. :p
  2. Just one time ? I remember that there's more than that, that one time just so happens to be one the worst. And most iconic. :p Eh nice list, and nice find for Ophelia, Charlotte and Orochi ! I wonder what type Kanna would be then ? So basically, Fiora is a power fantasy for the player then ? Huh, that's rather creepy. Midori seems like a Mozu 2.0... but without the doomed hometown part; so it's more like Mozu 0.9 after Mozu. Friendly reminder that tsunderes are evil and should be destroyed.
  3. Huh. Draco Malfoy eh ?... Well, there's a charm in being smug, look at Iago and Leo. Eh, It's always the same with me:Tall, black/white basic haircuts, with the black/white eyepatch. The gender doesn't matter. I once tried to give my Avatar red/blue hairs, and strangely, I always thought it looked weird or ugly. I'm boring.
  4. In Smash I prefer to play FKamui/FRobin... because I prefer their voices over their male counterparts. And I prefer FKamui's design... which is weird when I think about it since she doesn't have holes in her pants. In Fates itself I'm partially neutral, though I prefer FKamui's design. I feel like, as long as the customizations list isn't enormous or unisex, we will always get shafted. Dragon's Dogma, my hero...
  5. If it were up to me and my friends called 'Common Sense', 'Good writing' and 'Good Tastes', they wouldn't even be there in the first place. But I admit, I wouldn't be against having one of them being replaced by Laurent or Morgan so take that like you want. :p
  6. Yare yare, sometime you found such good and original threads that you wouldn't suspect they exist ! Anti-Hero for me, like said above, being a Hero is way too much responsibilities. I have a hard time protecting my ass as it is already... Of course, you can be a hero officialy , but an Anti-Hero deep down.
  7. The power of the dark side is calling me. It's voice is that of a siren. The only skllls that doesn't sounds that broken to me are Hit/Avo +10/+20 and Resist/Immune Statue well, but damn, they all look tasty. Tell us that you honestly, truly, really don't want them.:p
  8. I recently 100% it. It was a great game. I don't regret it even hours spend on it. ... Except those purely spent on upgrading the village, those sucked. When I've heard about the 'recycle' thingy (because it was impossible to not be spoiled that), I expected the worse thing ever, I was surprised by how much not annoying it was to me. Basically, spoiler about the recycle... and finally, it's free EXP, JP.(999 by each boss fight), chances to get things I forgot to get, and the like. It only became slighty annoying to me right after I unlocked the final job, and had the smart idea to Master it, then masterized those I did not, but all in all, it was not such a big deal after all, we have this nice thing in the option menu that allows us to skip random encounters. Good plot, good characters, perfect musics (this alone make every fight a pleasure to do), a good plot twist meta ... it's a very good game. Though if I have to be honest, the plot count too much on the fact that every characters are retarded. Looking at Edea and Breav moreso. My favorite character is Ringabel. For Bravely Second... well, I did not player it much, and I accidentaly erased my save, how, I dunno. From I've seen, the music is great, not as much as Default Imo, a better gameplay, better graphism. Sounds like a good sequel. But for the love of me, so far, I find the plot and the team characters dumb as all hell. Except peek-a-bang. peek-a-bang is cool. If Cecil was a weak and dumb as Yew, oh boy, there is so many things that is wrong in Yew's writing, I don't know where to start.
  9. Hyrule Warriors Legend. I love this freaking game, love the gameplay, love all the characters, the graphims, the musics, the story is meh, but whatever. I spend over 370 hours over it, making it the first on my 3DS most played game. I unlocked everything, all the Skulltulas, the weapons, optimized most of them, the Master Sword and all the character are at 99. ... Imagine my face when I learned that the Awakening DLC increased the level cap to 150 and added level 4+ weapons. A mix between salty and 'Time for even more adventure !' When thinking about it, only the level 4+ weapons really annoys me, 'cuz I already had level 4 optimized weapons, the increase of the level cap was only a matter of time, and I was looking forward it. By the by, I love Medli and Marin, they're awesome ! Same for the maps, it helps that they used the best music ever. Cocolint 8-bit remix hell yes ! ... Hilda ? C'mon give me dreams. I'm only interested in Toon Zelda, Ravio look cool but I have my doubt. Yuga's cool too but... he's too Ganony. Hmm... too Ganony, but not too Ganondorfy, that would be interesting. I don't like Linbeck, I'll honestly be dissapointed (not for too long I reckon, since it's HW.) if he's included. Seriously ? Nothing from the Capcom games ? They're just so much good things in them ! The characters, the items, the maps, musics everything ! I'm in the same boat as you, I really, really, really loved OOS and OOA.
  10. Ahaha. I'm at what, ten days from buying a PS4, and then I learn this. :p Won't change my mind, I'll probably still get a PS4, after all, it's for PS4 games, but damn, it's kinda funny.
  11. Guess what will be one of the first game I'll download on the PS4 ? I dunno what to say, from this video, this is what I expected the game to be. Except for the graphism, it's even more beautiful than I thought it would be.
  12. A minion ? Just a minion ? They should be the bestest of friends instead ! Thought it does bring an interesting point, if I could be the Evil Tyrant of Hyrule who defeated the Previous Tyrant of Hyrule, I would do it, just for kick and giggles. Dat meme. :p He already have the greatest face period anyways.
  13. At first I was the same as you, but I thought about it and realized that not having the green outfit doesn't bother me that much, I always went on my way to have a different colored tunic, to the point where, if by the end of the game, I couldn't change it in any way, I was... not annoyed, but close enough. In Ocarna of time, were I had the Zora tunic, Mirror Shield, and Biggoron sword equiped, even though only the Biggoron sword has an usefulness. (And what usefulness it was !) Needless to say, I was more than happy that in the 3DS version boots were items and not a piece of equipment. And this cloak and blue tunic... it kinda grown on me. Plus this Zelda is open world, it means adventure ! Stuffs ! Big swords ! Armors ! Oh gosh, it would be so badass it you could have the Darknut stuff !
  14. The Fire Rod is back. With fire physics. It's more than enough to warm my heart ! If Ganon was a true Demon Lord, he would use it instead of this lousy Triforce.
  15. My. Goodness. There is so many things to gush over I dunno where to start. This game seem to have everythings I like about ALBW (the freedom mostly), pushed it to the limits, and make it into 3D. Love how they said, 'Yup, you can directly go to the final boss from the get go', reminds me of FF6 with everything it entails plot-wise. RIP Master Sword, you'll be missed, unlike Fi. Good news is, there's a lot of new tools to have ! Heck, I don't miss the green tunic, I'm now used to this blue shirt. #StilldonthaveorwantaWiiUbutDAMNIT.
  16. Beating a dead horse is always more or less good imo, because it's an opportunity to so new point of views, opinions, and different take on them I describe the issue in a very few words, 'it's bad writing', 'it's bland', 'Why ?' 'It doesn't make sense', 'it's just so freaking anime cliche' But most of you guys don't do that, you explain things eloquently, it's always interesting. imo That also means that the horse is not so dead, and obviously, beating a living animal is better than beating a dead one. Actually I was saying what I said because one, your avatar is awesome, and two, I have the nasty tendency to put my foot in my mouth and causes misunderstanding, so I wanted to make things clearer. But it makes me happy that you're in the club, the more the merrier
  17. Let me rephrase that before I get a heart attack from Caeda's stare: Who wants the kids, who are here purely made of plot device of anime in a plot made of anime ? Because I don't have anything against units making babies a-la FE4. That was actually what I was talking about, so it is a pretty good reconciliation. I would give you a handshake if you were present.... physically, in front of me, I mean. Also, I agree with, Loki, that's sum up what a lot of people think about it. And yeah, can't fully blame them. You don't change a recipy that work after all, and it's their jobs that are on the line. Though some of their choice are... weird.
  18. Oh yeah, because Bioware have such great writing nowadays, with their wheels and all... If all the support with Kamui were 'automatic' with no dialogue, leaving things to the player's imagination, I'm sure it would be 90% better, simply because you have one character who can support hundreds characters, it is simply not possible to do it right. Nothingness is better imo. If a FE4 remake ever came out, I'm hoping the MU will be just a mute character of whatever-ness. That was something FE4 did great, leaving things to the player's interpretation, so it's the logical step, but I'm hoping too much, they have otaku pandering to put on their games now. :p That aside... -I remember that in FE9, I stealed lot and lot of Physics staves. , and potions. Good times ! -I'm neutral about it, but the idea of 'friend ending' sounds good. Then again, nothing said that X characters was not Y's friend after the war. -... Who wants to have the kids back ? Seriously, who ?
  19. No, seriously, I cannot unsee the new prof's face, he just look like a pedo-koala. It'll go away after some days, but geez. :p Just saying, but I'd take a Fudo Yusei or Alain any day compared to a Ash or Judai Yuuki, Thank you very much, but I'd rather have the older, cooler protag, while still being nice and idealistic, than the everyday-goofy-rookie that goes nowhere and does nothing, who is still good and idealistic, but that's an obvious given. Damn anime humor, it ruined anime humor for me ! ...why people though Alain has an ego problem again ? Kaiba was an asshole sometime... but he was also so cool while doing it that it pretty much gave him a freepass. :p
  20. Oh gosh, no... Internet, WTF ? xD Seriously, now, I just can't think of him as anything else than pedo-koala now and her as... something perverted. Internet, I maudit you ! Not a fan of Greninja ? Shame on you for not following the masses. :p Just kidding, I prefer the Fennekin line myself. He looks weird. I'll choose Mega-Blaziken over him anyday. Perhaps it is just a form of Mega Evolution, just named differently just because ? Or perhaps with no bracelet ? I dunno. Once again, thanks for the information and the picture ! There's much to think about now.
  21. Huh, really ? I stopped following the anime since Gen3. Ash got a Greninja and it had a special transformation where it took Ash's colors huh ? Weird. Thanks for the info ! She... doesn't really look aroused. It looks like she have seen hell.
  22. Synchro Evolution ? What the ?... No seriously, the heck is that ? Oh gosh, I fully got this reference. I'm not sure if that makes me an awesome weeaboo or not. ... Still loved 5D's though.
  23. To me ALTTP, ALBW and MM are the best Zeldas. Minimal story and characters, but just enough to be present, and good if not awesome. You step in the chose of shoes of Link, as in, the link between the game and you, not the destined legendary hero bullcrap of SW, who do awesome adventure stuff five minute after typing your name. Just putting my opinion here, but it is seriously annoying to wait X hours to tutorial/story just to go to the first cave. In OOT my worst fears are the Water Temple and the prologue. The stuff of nightmare. In TP's case, I thought the story and characters were just too good to complain about it. Or the linearity of it all. Oh gosh...
  24. Their brothers weapons of course. Sakura/Hinoka with the Fuujin Bow, or Elise/Camilla with Brynhildr. Just imagine the sheer potential of it story-wise and gameplay-wise !
  25. Breath, relax, gather lot and lot of info, planning, It's not as scary as it look like. Just keep in mind, Lunatic mode hates you, so you can hate and screw it back freely, like kcirrot said. It's like an Atlus game, a broken strategy is merely a valid strategy. Don't be afraid to lose and restart, it's Lunatic mode, you are obviously going to lose, like any game, just more often than usual. ... Strangely I think this last one will only sound encouraging to me and me alone. But seriously, losing is not that scary. Also, it seems dumb to say this, but don't force yourself to play, feel free to take a break, do... something else, play another game, and come back later or much later, that's what I do sometime.
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