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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Like, wtf, Hau ? Glardion's cool. Not gonna lie, I've seen that twist coming. Kinda. Despite myself, I laughed, hard, way harder than I probably should have.
  2. The serie do a good job in the plot department since a while. But to take an example, the sixth gen talked about nuclear power, genocide, and immortality. wheee. Sun and Moon seem to go around that way too. Meanwhile you have Fates, a game that is supposed to be about war, choices, and family. Key word, supposed. It's both sad and ludicrous.
  3. I swear, this Berserk game is calling upon me. I take back everything I said about Ravio, he is awesome. Awesome. I love his combos. He like an unholy (Ar ar, get it ?) Link if he used multiple weapons instead of only one. And the uses the Ice Rod of albw is badass. He very much do honor to his game ! I hope this new skill 'Heart Power', will make all the character potentially more powerful than Link with the fully unlocked Master Sword, otherwiser, I will not be able to fully enjoy my 4+ sword for Link, eh.. Will probably miss the Sword Beam though, that's too good to pass up. Despite the 'Thanks for playing', I kinda sorta expect one last DLC. I mean, Ravio and Yuga don't have a 4+ weapon, and there's that one last spot in the character menu. I won't 'forgive' though... nope, no exageration there. :p -No costumes for all the DLC characters up from Medli, the only thing that I truly find 'unforgiveable'. -Lack of a blue costume that would make Volga look like Kain. Same with Ganondorf, he have a spear, so give him one too. -No Dark Weapon for Link... I want think about it ! Biggoron Sword, Great Fairy's Sword, Fierce Deity's Sword... And, I know, MM's Link have it in the form of the FD's mast, but one, I can't admire it the swords or the mask, two, the moveset could be different, and three... still. I. Want. A. Greatsword. For. Link.Nah. -Level 4+ weapons are the same as.level 4. -Some 4+ weapons design are average imo, but some are pretty cool, even if they're just recolor. -No alternate skins for the Master Sword or something of the same kind, I mean, how cool it would have been to wield it in it's Goddess, Seasheel, Tempered, Golden, or Gildered form ? They did such a good job with the White Sword and Magical Sword, so I'm surprised.
  4. Still good to know. Especially how those kind of saves are. All opinions are welcome. Thank you for answering. :) A-Marowak, eh ? I'll use that from now on. I couldn't exactly resist replacing Slowpoke, so I decided to catch it's prevolution and level it up with my team, he just evolved. It's exactly as you said, I immediatly gave him Break Brick and Flame Charge, he already had Bonemerang. limited but versatile I suppose. What surprised me the most was the weird stats (compared to the other member of my team). Enormous def, but beside that, Gyarados who's at the same level beat him at everything. He have 46 Attack, when my Fletchinder lv 34 (I know, two weird measuring sticks), have 61.Attack. It seems like A-Marowak is Awesome but Impratical, like the normal one.
  5. So I finally saw the first of those We are supposed to enjoy playing games ? My life is a lie. Nah, more seriously, could you tell me more about that Alolan Marowak ? Is he doing a good job ? The clothes seems to be as lacking as in X and Y, for guys at least. Like, woah, tops, shirt and shorts... And they are all ugly as hell. Especially the tops. And those kids are not 11, it's BS. Thanks for telling us. Good thing I never save in a center, it would've been a very bad time to start there.
  6. Well, we would die, I guess ? The real questions to me are: 'would it be painful ?, 'would we see it coming ?' and 'would it be painful ?' Because honestly, if we (as in, everything in the world) were to all die right there, right now, I think it would be a nice death. Compared to the many other ways to die, obviously.
  7. Good grief, this game is good. So, I finished the Jungle, and got the worst Jojo's pose. Ever. :p But I kind of agree with Anacybele, most of the time, I roflstomp the battles, only to be slowed down by a wall in the form of a pokemon boss or an arena trainer, which are just glorified PV-bags imo, even when, you know, use type they are supposed to be weak to. This pink SSJ-dancer of spend most of the battle healing itself. It was just a game of I hit you/you heal you. First with my Fletchinder's fire attacks, who was knocked out in between (It was expected, glass canon and all), then with my Snorlax's normal attacks, which made things even longer. It wasn't hard, it was just boring. So yep, then a new building is proposed, the game don't let you know what it gives or take, and you can't change them afterward. That's really a flaw that stand out, along with the quests, funny things. They encourage you to capture pokemon, just like the island, it's really nice I think. At least, I can finally say that the pokedex is practical and simple. One pokedex for each island, how genius is that ? Level 14 Magikarp called for help. Level 16 Gyarados came. Best. What. Ever ! Alolan Marowak is super badass, (inspired by the Delta Charmander, maybe ?) a shame I already have Fletchinder, plus he will fill the 'Fly' semi-gap that Decidueye will cause. I'll pick him for my second run, with Popplio as my starter. My team so far is Dartrix lv 32 (My starter, aka Hierophant Green, aka Takumi as he should have been written, aka, Owl/Butler/Sniper), Snorlax lvl 25, (the special Munchlax, a physical monster with ton of PV), Butterfree lvl 24 (A happy surprise that basically jumped in my team by itself), Fletchinder level 23, Gyarados level (The level 14 Magikarp I mentioned earlier), and the greatest of all, Slowpoke. (First catch, first mistake.) Dartrix and Snorlax are on the definitive team. If the special Munchlax wasn't there I would've caught a good ol' Lilipup at the second island instead, or not, since apparently, you can catch Munchlax right at the first island. Butterfree and Fletchinder are prototype. they're good, but not as hax as Dartrix and Snorlax. I might replace Gyrados with the Ash-Greninja at the 40-ish level area, because even if I love the Magikarp routine, it kind of bore me. And Greninja is a really awesome I've heard there was a new dragon type pokemon that is almost as good as Garchomp, It's a must have, dunno if it strong or not, or if it's going in my team, it's a must have.
  8. People have already finished the game ? And some people say I'm fast. x) I never catched on, but Incineroar is somewhat similar to Red Garland from 7th stand user, makes me wonder. It even have a badass Lariat move. and seems to be similar stat wise. Now where's the skill that can turn even Kars into puddle ? Still prefer Takumi-reincarnated-into-an-owl though.
  9. The game is out. The hunt is open ! Aaaaaah, okay, I give, for those who have it yet, it is awesome ? Please tell me.
  10. I thouht it was badass. One of those plot twist, 'put just like that'. No problemo, take your plot elements and your plotwist with it. Just like a tad of of good spice in your food.
  11. - More than 90% pieces of dialogue of FEA and FE:F. yup, I put them on the same bag. Don't care. -FE10 last part. Micky in general too. -Eirika, for shame, the stone you just don't do that... -'A special dance milord ?' ... Well, this last ones were 'good kinds' of cringe. It showed weaknesses, and personality.
  12. Welp, that was fast., though 'fast' doesn't seem appropriate enough. ... Is this a shiny ? Female ? With a fire stone ? Huh ?
  13. I know it's been a while since the demo was up... but my goodness, does it gives. The music, my gosh, the music, it's beautiful.
  14. Wha- really ? ... Well, even better then ! Thanks for telling me though, I really thought he was grass type. Even if it's weird because leaf coat, I would've really felt dumb.
  15. Bleh, I'm voting Moon. :p Even if he is fire type, Incineroar doesn't really appeal me much, even though he is Fire/Dark. I'm mixed between Decidueye, Grass/Flying aka, Robin Hood (probably), or Primarina, Water/Fairy, aka, the mermaid, who's probably male. ... Must be a pain to use them to travel. :p Bah, I'm taking the birdy archer. Too badass to pass. So far I really like Tapu Koko !
  16. The museum is plain awesome ! Just taking a walk into the museum and you're like, 'Woaw, I did that', and it's just nice. The bugs part of the museum was particularly nice,since it's just so animated. ... those spiders though, not... exactly what I wanted to see in my lil' nicy game.
  17. Soon. Since that episode in the anime about a Crystal, and presumably Ice-type Onix, it was always kind of a childhood dream to have pokemons with different types, like hey, a vulpix being ice type instead of fire ! And it was always nice to see the fanworks of it, with hackroms, fangames, or fan artworks. Now, this childhood dream is officially fullfied, and I'm very happy about that ! Some of the forms are just cool.
  18. I was into New Leaf, until my file got deleted by accident. That's what I get for deleting the wrong file. That's not really that bad, because I almost finished the game,goodness, that dumb giraffe and her absurd demand, and the price of her items... not that bells is a problem by that point but still, and since I was almost done with the game, I would just left it, and you konw what happens when you left an Animal Crossing game. Guilt. Anyways, got all the fossiles. most of the bugs, far from having all the fishes, but I wasn't really interested by fishing and bug catching, I was more interested into talking to my villagers, doing works, planting bushes, digging, placing things the right way. I remember, I always wanted to puts lamps near each house, bridges and at each corner, while planting the bushes very closes to them, and very close to the riversides and cliffs, it was very pretty. My favorite villagers that loveable grumpy wolf, Fang, Marina the octopus, and Merengue (an adorable freaking strawberry rhino !)
  19. Kind of wary of the two new characters, because well, I want to play the original. But it's not unwelcome by any means. 1 January 2017, huh ? Where can I get a time machine ?
  20. Nah, sadly, I doubt it will be the case. That's be pretty badass if though. Eh, imagine, Pokemon: Breath of the Wild version, because boy, oh boy !
  21. Nothing could beat the Fire Rod. With that in mind, I want a Boomerang, the TP one, with crazy tempest physics.
  22. Generally, I give it my all when I play a game, but the Harvest Moon series is an exception. I mean, the series is build arround repetitivity, and doesn't have an ending most of the time, so... In any case, it only means I'll put the game down for a time. If I stop playing, it's either that, or to play something else, or that the game is crap (which is, obviously rare).
  23. Thanks for the info ! Yuga interest me, Ravio, not so much. I'm almost 100% sure that Wizzro was designed with Vaati in mind, of course Vaati being the original, is obviously superior. (Meanwhile you can hear the word 'replicaaaaaaa'...) The costumes all looks super-cool, except MMLink, but he's always really screwed costume-wise. ... Along with Medli, and Marin. I love HWL, but geez, for the life of me, Vaati and the oracles games, man, I want them;
  24. Earth Temple... or rather pyramid, here I am ! Maribel is finally a Druid !... Which looks more like a Miko than a druid just like Gladiators looks like Ninjas... And Aira became Godhand, now, that this stupid helm is gone, I can finally look at her hair once more. Arus and Riff have mastered Hero since a while, I dunno if I should bother with other classes. "Woaw, you must've been dedicated as hell to grind up to level 99 !" "Nah, someone just gave me a tablet full of Metal slimish monster." The destruction of the admiration. :p Jk, obviously, that's still must've been a lot of work, metal slime and all.
  25. What really ?! That's badass ! Oh yeah, and how did you managed to be lv99 ? Then again, I'm not sure if I really want to know, being only lv 36. Must be a end game trick, no ?
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