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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Seems like the two of them are big bakas. Arumu no murderious glory-seeking baka ! Celica that was mean ! I sorta side with Alm... because it's either that, or he do nothing. Even if he doesn't seem to realize what's wrong. The crime of not understanding for Alm and acting... and the crime of undestanding for Celica but not acting. Both are idiots it seems. Or at least, that what it seems like for me, I did not played the game.
  2. I like how one of the titles is 'Empress'. Sanaki vibes, even if that clearly for Celica. Dat sexism for Terror's titles though. Justified sexism though. :p
  3. Took me a while for the info to get into my brain. I rather liked the original "Zeke die" ending when I read it. 'She cut her hair in sadness'. Kinda weird said like that.
  4. S rank Mikoto. Or Sumeragi. Or Anankos. Or Garon. With this, Fates will reach the depths of hell.
  5. So, I just read the Alm/Faye supports. It was pretty pointless imo. Very, very pointless.
  6. I... I don't even... the endings, so soon ? Sweet ! I like most of the endings, the feels ! (Zeke, Zeeeeeeke !) But I gotta admit, Faye's is very harsh and weird. Like, is it the only point of this character ? A bad callback ? This is what happens when canon is clinged upon a tad.too much. :p Gotta count the number of Alm/Faye fic, eh.
  7. Okay. This is just not possible. Linkmstr got to be timetraveler or something. Like, the dude always produce things that should come out in the future, it's crazy ! Not that I'm complaining !
  8. A menu. With delicious foods. Which probably have something to do with the game. I think. :p Taken out context, some things can truly be beautiful. Well, there is new characters... but yeah, if all the classes are released and that there's no axe user..; the rusted axe is probably something to use for a Forge or something. Still weird.
  9. Achievements ? Achievements ! I love achievements ! I want to do that speed run achievement so much.
  10. Eh, imagine if chapter 6 ended with Grima being killed. Like, really killed. No ressurection, no suish exalt, no reforged impractical Falchion, no Grima BS ex machina, no time travel. Just killed. Because in the end, we all know that Grima will just fall sleep, it would be a rather crappy and predictable ending to SoV, so... Too much of a wet dream to be true, but one can dream.
  11. You have no idea just how much I love you guys right now. You probably don't want to know. :p But thank you, like, really, really thank you guys.
  12. I'm not even going to BS and say that I knew that already. It's very awkward. I honestly missed that.
  13. Wait, they go all the way to Ferroxi ? For that ? And that's it ? It feels like a DLC chapter. If it's just that, I'll have no problem then. Very anticlimatic though. :p (Obviously, I know how chapters workin Gaiden. It's a lame joke.) Again, love the alchemist part.
  14. I know how you are Thane, you're a nice guy. You also know that I don't like Awakening very much and that I think it is a mess of a story with a worthless cast of characters of that sould never be mentioned ever again. Grima is from Awakening, and is just as much of an idiot as everyone else (Fates add to that, but that's another matter). But what I want ? Honeslty, I have no idea. I'm just at lost. I'm afraid it will be a big thing that mess everything more, I'm afraid it's a tiny thing that no one care about. Or the inverses. I dunno. I just want SoV to be a remake and to not screw things up. If Grima is is brought up with zero BS whatsoever (read: no timetravel, multi worlds or other contrived bullcrap that are supposed to be taken seriousy and just get in the way), I'll probably be happy, but I'm very on the guard. If I could take Grima seriously, to the point were I could almost... cut him from Awakening... I supposed I would be very happy. Because Grima can be good, unlike most of what Awakening offers... since Grima is pretty much a blank plot device/antagonist. I got to say though, the idea of having Grima created by an alchemist is badass. Thing is, they already tried (and failed horribly) to tie other Fire Emblems to it. Look how well it was done. By way of 'muh other worlds' and casual and poor handwaves. That's the kind of things what I fear... and not much else actually.
  15. For the record, there was a time where the Master Sword didn't choose it's wielder at all. Sometime, it was a legendary sword you had to pick up and nothing else. Until the oh so, glorious and logical Skyward Sword/Timeline said otherwise. Then few years later, A Link Between World came out, when you had to gain the three pendants... just like in A Link to the Past. Talking about Falchion is already weirdish enough, but comparing it to the Master Sword, and you breed headaches for everyone. :p Also, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use Chrom as a proof, considering that it's direclty contradict the fact that he is an idiot. Or pretty much everyone. It's pretty clear that the DLCs were written for fun and nothing else.
  16. I took a look at the skillist made by Vincent, thank you very much by the way. But, my reaction over seeing 'Fell Dragon', "Oh Crap". That stupid thing from this stupid thing, is in the game. Great Daze. Just great. We really needed that. Well, guess we'll have to wait for the executon... but I'm not impressed, like, children in Fates level of not impressed. I don't want the SoV to be tarnished by Awakening, yes, tarnished. The farthest Awakening is from pretty much every other Fire Emblem the better. And Fates too for that matter. I sound salty, and I am. I don't want to look at the birth of an idiocy. No matter how badass it looks. Times will probably proves me wrong. Who knows.
  17. ... I kind of realized that there's no longer Str/Mag. :o Probably a Cavalier/Mercenary/Mage/Archer/Cleric for my first run because I'm boring. Though I could be even more boring by putting 2 Cavaliers (Or Two Mercs), 2 archers and 1 Cleric. I'm not too hot about having a Pegasus Knight, especially since I can have a healer instead.
  18. I have no idea how they works, but I want it.
  19. RIP Sakura Forest. You were but an April fool joke, but you were actually pretty cool, so you'll be misse. :(
  20. I'm more interested by the possibility of Base conversations. Since I haven't played Gaiden, I can't know about chapter 6. The possibility of a post game is nice, but I'm eh, I'm scared of the possibilities. Also, screw Awakening. Big.Time. Like, IS, don't, just, don't link them together more than they have to. That mean never do it again.
  21. To be fair, she wouldn't know what a forum is in the first place. :p That was a joke ? I think she flattered... until she undertood the context. April Fools. Which is unlikely. Her being a fictional character and all.
  22. They made a terrible mistake. They intended for it to be joke... but the joke is just that great. Yes. I means you are a being made of pure evil. Or that you just like the new theme. Guess which one it is ? :p
  23. ARG MY EYES ! IT BURNS ! *Five seconds later after my eyes adjusted to it:* Huh, it's pretty cool actually.
  24. That must be his 'I'm tired of this shit' face, or a disdainful face. That got to be that, it cannot be his normal face.
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