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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Oh yeah forgot about that, huh. Weird. ... I have to stop confounding both names. :/
  2. Eh, settling for the low-tier one. :p No one want a piece of Celica as well ? If not, that's sexism. :p
  3. Seems like the game high level in everything. That's good to hear.
  4. If we're speaking Echoes-wise, it seems like a waste making her an Archer. I mean, she can be Cleric or a Pegasus Knight. You can make another villager into an archer. Peg and Cleric are just too good imo.
  5. Uh, I don't remember the Winter was caused by both. Strange.I think I'm mixing things up. Why i don't like debates, my brain fry quickly and I forgot things (I do that a lot). I'll stop before I screw up even more. Exactly, that's more logical, simple and interesting than Grima and Anankos could ever be. Grima is literally just a dumb dark god pulled out of nowhere "rumored to be descendant of the Earth Dragon", just to do as if. (Aka, shutup it's magic) You must have missed the part where the bad guys seek the Fire Emblem more than half of the game, only for Grima to literally spawn without it just because. :p Honeslty, Loptyr and Manfroy are better than Grima and Validar.
  6. Actually, I feel like screwing with humans out ot jealousy and hatred is pretty solid. Your race is screwed in the profit of another, worst still, your supposed to be totally okay with that and bend over if said race try to do something. It sure is better than Grima or Anankos. Hmm... it seems the Ending Winter was caused by the weapons. After the Scourging, people said it was the dragons, but according ro Jahn, it was all the weapons that screwed everyone. It's hard to refute his claim, since he is the only one who can actually back up, him being a dragon and all. Yup, threre was a time where Fire Emblem was able leave things open and ambiguous. :p What Levin has become is left ambiguous, and the only one who know the truth is Celice. If Lev had stick around, nothing would have come from it. Because Lev is still human.... probably. For all we knew, he could have been a twilight vampire and killed imself out of shame. :p Or more seriously he might have just puffed out of existence, of killed himself. Don't create things man. The only one that was worshipped was Naga. And now Mila and Duma thanks to retcon. If Duma and Mila sealed their power in stones, it sure doesn't show with their not-dragon but godly power. Golden age or not, it's bad writing. I said it again, I don't trust IS to not screw things up. They already proven to me their 'shitty writing power' way too many times.
  7. But there's a lot info that contradict it. Or not. That's what's fun about FE4. I always seen the dragon table as huge as hell, so... I mean the thing was created to contain crazy dragons. It got to be big. You're creating things again and tying things that had nothing to do. :p In FE1/3, Dragons (or Manaketes, whatever) were persecuted. The only one that was worshipped as a god was Naga, whom is dead since I dunno. And I don't even remember he/she was worshiped a dragon or a hero. And then, there was Holsety and co, but that one it a big maybe. I don't think they were actually worshiped aa gods, but as spirits or whatevers (but the point is moot since they're dead. :p) That, or my memory play tricks on me. That happens. Scouring were all about some legendary weapons causing massive meteo catastrophe. Not dragons. That's my point. Tiki is supposed to be perhaps as strong as Naga and is sealed away out of fear just in case, which establish once again that dragons are supposed to be just that, big magic lizards. But meanwhile, you have Duma and Mila, now retconed as fully grown divine dragons, who go willy nilly at Valencia with zero problems and do god-like stuffs, which is even more dangerous than a berserk Tiki. You really don't see the problem or I'm the only one who see it ?
  8. It's a good comparison because HoseltyLevin did more things than all of the other dragons we're shown (this one is important) in ten years. Without any deus ex machina (anime level I mean), all the while being relatively human about it. :p It's not really that much of deus ex when you think about it, it seems like the dragons weren't as dumb as leaving humans fully unchecked just in case two half-sibblings had sex and made the anti-christ. Funny how a 16-bit game thought that far. It's implied by the opening of FE4 after having finished it a certain number of time, you see Holsety ressurecting Levin with Valkyrie (No, really. Don't ask me how it work, it just looks cool), and then, there's the interview/Databook/Whatever. For the record, it's one of the many things that make me very wary of IS touching FE4's story. Levin is such an interesting character precisely because of what you don't know. Is he truly 100% possessed ? Is he just carrying Holsety's will ? Both ? Is he even alive ? Heck, I've see a fanfic where he was a zombie/vampire/ghoul. He is very dedicated to his task, but isn't above showing emotions to his family. Some of them are less than good, but with Teeny, he outright cry. It's s just a tear, but it's here. There's a lot of way to see his character, and I don't trust IS to not screw up. Then, there's the incest. :p I put a ':p', but the incest is actually a part of what make FE4 and taking it away would be less than desirable. It's almost like deconstruction of Fire Emblem....which now I think it is. Medieval times are medieval, so it's tough to live there, violence is common, war is hell, incest, underaged sex and drinking is not that frowned upon, bandits things are not pretty, people are easy to manipulate and actually die when they are killed, politics is a hot topic. Heck, even the Camus archetype is deconstructed. Huh. Took my sweet time. Completely out of topic with this one, but I said it again, I don't trust IS to not screw it up if they do a remake of FE4. Dragon tablet. Dragon table I always mix up the name, my bad. From what I've seen, the dragon table has always been iffy for pretty much everyone, it's supposed to only hold berserk Earth Dragons, but that's a shitton of Earth dragons then, and you ask yourself 'So what, only Earth dragon goes there ? I thought it was all dragon that can go berserk....' One of the 'special case' of Fire Emblem. The Naga we're told about, by lore and his/her actions show that she is pragmatic, ergo, big headaches against those contradictions found there :p Ever funnier, is that she had gone as far as sealing away her daughter in case she went berserk. And she just make two divine dragons go away ? I don't buy it. it doesn't make sense. Especially since Duman and Mila are supposed to be god-like which means that, if we follow the logic of SoV, they are even more scarier than a berserk Tiki. They are ready to build a prison for dragons, do blood pacts that last for generation to defeat an evil dragon and just in case his will come back, but they let those two get away ? And give them a gift along the way Nope. Just nope. I did say "Naga and co". :p I really don't see where you've seen that Naga "loved" humanity though, letting humans having the upper hand because sterility and degeneration,, m'okay, but not loving humans. :/
  9. So that's religious and vegetarian discrimination then. :p This girl get it. Sugar => Everything in life. Gramps screwed up Alm's education. Shame on him. #Almhatesugar Good grief, an entire lemon ? You must have a mouth made of steel. I (don't) apologize in advance ...you could say that you are quite sour about them not being there. :p
  10. Which is quite telling, since Levin did a much better job in ten years while being support or so then most of his kind in hundreds while being gods or old farts. :p To me it's less deus ex machina and more of a miracle (get it?), since, if I remember correctly, it's implied he was ressurected with Valkyrie Staff, and his otme had (like a few others) had dragonstones, who transfered the will of Hoselty. I'm not seeing that Naga was cruel... I'm saying she was kinda dump but pragmatic, as the games shows. Giving a legendary sword that was created to kill dragons in case they went crazy, only to give it the very exact same tdragon this sword was created for it ridiculously dumb and OOC from Naga. I may not have the best opinions of Naga, but she is not that dumb. Don't create things man, humanity has nothing to do with the dragon tablet or anything attached to it. Dragon started to degenerate and go berserk. ergo, Naga and co said: "okay, let's be careful and let's make sure that we don't ruin the world for others, saner races, then" dragonstones so that dragons could take human form and not go awol, dragon tablet to seal off the berserk dragons (that actually were of all races if I remember correctly), and the fire emblem to keep the seal in place. That's it.. It has nothing to do with humans and dragons not being able to live in peace or like the writers want us to believe by now. Same with them loving humanity.It's all retcons and 'let's go with that as if we did not pulled crap out of our asses.'. Loving humanity is a really piss poor reason to place in a game that is about war in any case. :p
  11. Well, Sonia would be savvy in deppresion department... and she love bitter food. Huh, so does Palla and Catria. That make sense actually. Probably a reference to their shipping problems. I love the foreshadowing the preferences gives. That or they... they might have a fetish at this point. Alm. Doesn't. Like. Sweets. He. HATES. SWEETS. Worst Fire Emblem protagonist ever. Zeke too ? Wtf ? Seriously guys have some good taste. Strangely enough, everyone hate yucky foods, but everyone loves tasty foods. I feel like there is some discrimination in this game. :p
  12. I know what debates are. But it got really every-freaking-where to the point of me being utterly confused on the how and why.. :p Dragon are supposed to be race, not anymore. they're not even a race like back then. They're just gods/mary-sues/plot devices created for conveniences sake. There's a trope called 'Humans are special', and in anime and manga. or japanese anime-game whatever, they really love that one to the point of stupidity. One of the things that made me run away from a lot of anime. :p Comparing Mila and Hoselti is tricky. Since he is stated to have loved humanity, on paper, on the facts... He's cool yeah, but aloof and distant to a fault. Thought we don't exactly know how much far the possession of Levin was. And I really don't trust IS to change things for the better on that one. At least, unlike some he actually get the job perfeclty done without some conveniently placed deus ex machina while staying realistic on what the heck is happening. (Gee, people die when they are killed) If Naga didn't like to lend a hand to people, it was because she was dumb, or dead. Or a status quo lover. Or humanity lover. In any case, she was crap. ...but, wihle I think about it, banishing Mila and Duma was flat out dumb and OOC as all hell coming from Naga. She's not the kind of person who let people who can spread trouble just get away, she'd rather have them locked in the tablet as it was shown multiple time, same with giving them weapons that could kill them, normally she gave them to the humans in case dragons went awol, which Duma and Mila are now. Damn, Naga must really have smoked some weeds for coming up with that one. Huh, another reasons for me to not like that one. It makes every characters seems dumber than I imagined.
  13. I was like "why are they talking about x with over one millions words per post ?... Pretty frustrating for me. Thats reminds me, one thing that annoyed me with what they did to Mila, is that only does it completely destroy precisely what made Dudu and Ruru so good in the first place, but I feel it also destroy her as well, it transform Mila into one of those crappy characters that are all about "Muh humanity so cool" . Who thought it was a good idea to use that cliche ? "We fell in love with humanity"... give me a break. For a character that was never seen in game and just sealed in a sword, that's saying something. :p It's as if dragons can only be mary-sues or crappy gods by now. I even miss the times when they were legal jailbaits.
  14. Yeah, I also noticed she seemed more happy or vocal when with other people. Huh... it almost sounds like she has depression. Her other promoted portrait doesn't look better. Instead of staring vaguely at you/your chest, she stare more directly, right at you.. +500 ? Whaaaaat ? Why not just doing +999 while we're at it ? :p
  15. Y'know, I never paid any attention to it, but Celica's neutral portraits make her seems like she is about to end her life. That, or she had a vision of the future about what Internet did with her.
  16. I really don't see why we should go into such crazy and overcomplicated depths just to explain that Duma and Mila being Divine Dragons and co is a retcon. I honestly lost what's the conversation was about. :/ It contradict facts that has been already established in the past games (and explained right in this topic), Ergo, Retcon. It's as simple as that. Or they just decided to reboot because Kaga's not there to put things in track... which is not really different. Duma and Mila were gods who did Godly things that no dragons ever could do, ergo they were gods, not dragon. Kaga said that dragons, spirits and gods could live in this same universe he created. I hate to repeat what I said and what others said, do as if that (re)explain everything and become the captain obvious of the night because it's rude and all... but it does.
  17. Overlord class would be way too cool and dark for Alm. If War Elephant is a thing then we got the winner for the weirdest named class of the game. :p Can't wait for the French translation of them.
  18. You are probably going to praise my maturity on this one... but I took a look at the intro cinematic. I thought it was tears at first, but after seeing both of their faces, nope, it was indeed supposed to be blood. White. Blood. After black blood, now we have white blood. M'okay. Why not. It might be immature of me yeah, but my reaction was, 'it doesn't look like blood at all.'
  19. Oh yeah, forot about that too. The whole Bargain skill to repair Faval's Legendary Weapon at a much lesser price. You don't pass that up.
  20. What in the world ?! (Ahah, get it ?) Now I want to have FE4's character done by Araki... or just some of them. Whatever. Sigurd is so Jonathan... except he bites it at the end. (Nuhu not this time) Sono chi no sadame would fit perfectly with FE4.
  21. Dew serves multiple and very practical purposes. -Give a pretty the Warp Staff to Aiden. Should be given to her kid. -Steals money. That's sound dumd but it is vital as all hell. -Give the Thief Sword to Lachesis at Chapter 2. While not powerful it is able to,(un)surprisingly, steal money after attacking with it. -Get the Wind sword at chapter 3. Get Dew to the tower. It's a very good sword that have 1-2 range (so steal without fear) and should be given to the kids. -After promoting, he'll (finally) be able to kick some ass. -He is a hell of a good father for Patty and Faval. But mostly for Patty because she's a thief and have a better use of the Wind Sword and the Sol Skill.
  22. 'The thing with Katarina and Kris' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The joy of taking things out of context. I got the feeling that Kris have been retconned as of late. Eh... reminds me of that fanficish dream of Awakening being the story of Crusader weapons holder. Robin having Falaflamme, Chrom having Tirfing. It was pretty weird and went absolutely nowhere. More into the discussion.... Well no one care all of that. It's the past of those games. A well and firmly established past with that. Changing or trying to tie things is just a disaster waiting to happens. Just like it was shown just now. Lev was possessed by Hoselty's will after dying, and that's it. Nothing to add. I mean come on, the dragons bodies ? I don't care. Just like the body of that random ennemy I killed. There was war, they did things, they're not there anymore, but created things who did things. Clear, easy. No need for anything.
  23. Golly, I can't wait for them to change things in an even more convulted and plot-holish way for FE4 when it's not needed as well ! :p
  24. When I think about it, yeah, Sol Katti, while badass was literallly pulled out at the last second, just like it's dragon-slaying power I guess. The devs needed to give Lyn a legendary weapon, but since she was a Myrmidon and Eliwood already have the legendary sword , I guess they had to create a new one one.Though giving her the bow would've been badass as well as making sense. Sacae and all.
  25. He talk mostly about Awakening, not very wise.but eh. I suppose I should feel targeted since I'm on Serenes (duh), but I don't. I nveer thought that the FE community was 'toxic', at least here on Serenes, things are pretty civil. Disagrements are far from being 'toxic'. If people looks at Youtube comments, Tumblr, 4chan, or whatever, obviously people might see things that are not pretty to the eyes. The heck would anyone expect ? Eh... I dunno Eclipse, I felt like the skinship talk wasn't that bad... then again I moslty laughed about it, and about SMTxFE... Well, I was not interested in it so I know nothing about it.
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