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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. For once, I meant it in a different way, one that says 'I though they were gods, not those ones of those dragons that are everywhere'. :p They're dragons ? They looks more like humanoid thing to me, and it seems like they are more... covering is fire/water. Duma's sprite in Gaiden honestly looked just like a mass of a... green... thing to me, not a dragon.
  2. If it allowed me to bang Alm, Camus, or Celica, I would take back everythng I said about the MUs. Breaking pairings is my fetish, it's one of the major reasons I did not like FE12: I couldn't have Marth or Caeda. ... kind of too late to do that joke huh ? Gotta admit though, Celica is hot. Breaking pairings however, is indeed one of my pleasure just not a fetish. In FE4, I went my way to pair Ares and Nanna together. and I'm proud of it.
  3. They are ? I thought they were just gods ? Damn, I'm not sure if it's an evolution for Duma or not.
  4. She's good waifu material. I'm not apologizing. So yeah, about Eirika, she do her job as a Lord and main character, she got some simple but stable character development, I loved the moment her kindness bite her in the ass, though frankly, I think it's undertandable. Also, Eirika/Forde, this support is just so good. Like I said, she do her job as Lord ans as a main character. I wouldn't call her the best, but she's cool.
  5. I can see why people love it, it's so badass. It reminds me of Chrono Trigger, the mecha-dyno boss.
  6. The wikia trivia about it theorize that it might be stage that all Manakete have access to in one way or another. Here's the full quote. As to how to do it... well, it seems like it's about the mental state, I guess ?
  7. Surprisingly, it never happened to me... until I understood it was possible in the first place. Good time. I somewhat miss my noob years at Fire Emblem, I knew just as much as Jon Snow, but I had more luck at the time.
  8. I actually had to reread the post multiple time to get the undertone. Where is it said that only guys descendant of Anri can use or wield Falchion by the way ? It seems weird, especially since Anri is 'just' Marth's ancestor uncle. Eh, maybe he used it only as a potion with unlimited uses ! :p Imhulu is specifically stated to grant it's user immunity to anything except Starlight, and Medeus is 'only' a dragon, so yeah, I suppose he could have.
  9. We're talking about a dragon who created the bubble curse and created a Falchion that only a few people knows about, and that will only gain dragon-killing power because of 'bounds'. :p And that Corrin only have because he was there at this precise moment. He's not the dragon of water, he's the convenient dragon. Wait, what ? Really ? I have to take a better look at that. Anankos confirmed Voldemort from another timeline. :p It would've been fun if either Azura or Shigure said, 'yeah, no, I'm not gonna sacrifice my life for that.' Speaking of Yato, I alway found that weird, all of Yato's final form weakens Dragonskin, which probably means that they are powerful enough to kill Anankos, just like Omega Yato, so what gives ? And if the weapons are the problem, what stop Corrin to say 'Hm, divine weapons are the key, let's keep them and give them to other characters or something so we can fight the final boss without a paywall', but nope, no mention of it ever.
  10. So, some time ago I finally decided to put some work into the pairings of Revelation (and to grap a headache along the way), I paired everyone, but I really don't know who's the best mother for a female Kana. Stat wise of course. So yeah, a third generation Kana. Some say that a Mag one is better, some say that a Str is better. And then ther's Anna in the equation. I really don't know what to do. For reference, here's the list of all my pairings, in a spoiler. It's kind of weird how much some of them are screwed compared to other. Soleil was a big good surprise, which is hilarious when I see how lackluster her parent were to me. Velouria is a freaking wall, same with Ignatius. Midori is virtually Kagerou without you-know-what, Kiragi is surpassing his dada. Hisame Caeldori, Siegbert, Sophie were such a disapointment. Maybe I was RNG screwed. Shiro just had the curse of having a better father. But yeah, could you help me finding the best mother for Kana as well as determining if I should pick Sr or Mag, if you don't mind, please ? From what I remember, my boon is magic and my bane is luck. I think. I'm not sure and that might be my memory playing trick on me.
  11. Didn't Heir of Fates comfirmed that after Conquest and Birthright, Anankos pulled a Grima and killed everything except the kids from certain timeline or whatever (As if we needed more incoherent babling about time travel and world trave) ? Well from what I understood, the ending of Heir of Fate 3 retconed that too, giving it as much story telling interest than the 3 idiot DLC, so...
  12. When I heard about it, I couldn't help but laugh. This old joke never gets actually old. Nostalgia my friends. 'IS is literally making the jokes ', that what I was felling.
  13. The paywall Yato, also called Omega Yato, or Final Night Yatogami. Because it's a freaking fire chainsaw sword powered by darkness. Who somehow still can't attack at distance like the other two swords. And it's still considered to be a Katana despite it not looking like one at all, even less than all it's other form. As for the Fate version or the Smash version... I dunno, but I like both of them.
  14. I would give him Swordmaster (For Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire, S-Rank in Sword.), Master Ninja (Have better Spd and Skl), or Lodestar if we had to go in the DLCs, as a final class, Imo Dread Fighter doesn't give a lot of good skills and doesn't have good stats imo. (Beside Aggressor I mean, but it's given at level 35.) Nohr Noble is a must have just to have Draconic Hex. -4 in all stats is very good to have on your side. Nohr Noble is funny like that, you have crap Magic, but with Draconic Hex, you weaken ennemies even more than ninjas in all impunity, and if Corrin can tank things... eh.
  15. By the Choice Chapter, Garon already tried to kill me, three times. Not once, not twice, three. Hoshido ? Who are these people ? I meet them in what, three chapters, and they expect me to be their perfect... thing. Oh and they all like to BS their way Marxander knew Kamui was kidnapped, and Ryouma knew he/she wasn't connected to his family. All of those things are obviously never expanded upon, of course. (bad writing) And this too. This makes everything creepier when you think about it. I mean, if you think about it as if the plot made any kind of sense yeah, but still. Creepy as hell. Corrin is even more like an object than Azura. Where do I sign up a pact with Lucifer to massacre them all ? At this point, joining Anankos sounds like the best piece of writing ever. I'll do either that, or something like:' Okay, you guys are the kind of people no one want to know, so I'm getting the hell out of here. you can continue to do your things. Hopefully, I'll be able to forget about you people.'
  16. Why did you have you say this ? This is the only thing I can see now ! :p Crown of Nibelungen ? Anything to do with the ring ? Eh.
  17. Started playing Dragon Quest VIII. I once again remembered why I love those games so damn much. Imo, Twin Dragon Lash is rather useful when hunting for Metal Slimes/Liquid Metal Slimes, I never played the PS2 version, so I don't really know if it was broken or not, but it served me rather well so far as a Metal killing skill. Most of the time, Jessica have a staff., since she is a mage and all.
  18. Harmony ? Even I know that something seems wrong in there. :p Well, technically, he did bring harmony.in the world, so I dunno. Yeah, I know I know, I'm looking too much into it for an Avatar joke. Just go look at the show or something..
  19. Well, the Russian Roulette is in my favour then so yes, I'm perfectly fine with taking those 'enormous' (read: very tiny) risks. And since in Lunatic, everything is reckless... eh. Who said anything about Astra ? I gave him Luna. Luna activate more often, that's mean more chance to OHKO. I admit one very bad and rare roll can kill him, but one, that why healers exist, and two, I'll restard if he die, since it's Fire Emblem.
  20. 'Two bad skills' ? 'An iffy verging on bad third' ? Erm, no offence, but I beg to differ. Especially when I can pretty much skip the ennemy turn since they'll just stupidly charge on him, since they'll only do scratch damage even with Life or Death, Vantage is sure to activate and since Ryouma have +10 damage (Life or Death), high critical rate (S rank and high skill), high skill activation (Quixotic and high skils), then Ryouma is pretty sure to oneshot everything. Those skills are very powerful, and if used proprely, broken. Since when are they considered bad ?
  21. In my save, Ryouma can pretty much shrug off almost everything with spd or def, despite having Life of Deah and Quixotic.When he can't, there is Vantage. He have the HPs to back it up. It's kind of crazy to see, maybe I'm just RNG blessed. That said, I meant it comparatively to other Swordmasters, Hence, my example with Hana.
  22. For classic, Ayra, just... Ayra. Navarre is cool, but Ayra surpassed him, alas. Veteran: Stefan. Mystery, power. A cheerful and curious face who hide a deeply cynical, yet, hopeful, personality. But damn, it's always a pain to find him. Karel's cool too ! EDIT: Oh crap, almost forgot about Joshua ! He's cool too ! Modern: Lel. The best one is the only good one, that's Ryouma. Be it stat wise. or writing wise. (not saying much, and it's just my opinion.) But still, dat def and dat Raijinken. Who needs Hana the glass canon, when you have Ryouma the diamond canon ?
  23. Kind of the point, imo it's better than most Avatar, moreso Kris.
  24. Ike. From my favorite Fire Emblem game. Most, are close second. Especially Marth. Being able to cosplay as them in Fates was just badass. Though Sigurd is pretty cool too, ah...
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