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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I'm not sure which to side with, and now I'll have to fight all of you without killing you because I don't want to choose, both of you guys are right. It would've been god-tier level of stupidity to pass up such an obvious opportunity in war time, but I also feel like Hoshido isn't given the shit talk enough. Especially since Ryouma is supposed to be the physical incarnation of a Samurai. Honor and all of that, plus the Hoshido-sue bonus. ... Or I can just agree with both, that work too. ... Plus there is this whole issue about blackmailing one guy, just so he can go home again.... 'Corrin, go back to your room or else your sister will die' 'NO ! I don't wanna !'. Saizou is just a dumbass secondary character imo. Just like his bro. Not sure which worse, the fact that this actually sounds true, or the fact it's not true. p Liek if u cry everytim.
  2. I can't really say I'm a fan, because the only games I finished was Star Force 1, 2, 3. The Battle Network though ? Never finished them. Plus I like Megaman in general. Doesn't mean I don't like them, nope sir, I love them. ...Though the post-game content is kind of pain.
  3. What everyone above said But there is Line of Death the level 15 skill of this class, which can be useful... and also kind of a poisoned gift. During battles, you do 10 more damage, but so does the ennemy. The RNG seems to not give a crap the ennemies have 30% to hit me. How strange. You can nullify the 10 damage that the ennemy do with Spendthrift, the level 15 Merchant skill, I quote the site for this 'During battles, user spends a Gold Bar for damage +10 and damage received -10, which means that it not only nullify the +10 of the ennemy, but that you do +20 damage in total. By the by, wasn't it Great Merchant in the original version ?
  4. Congratulation, you just hurt the sanity of thousand of people. :p You gotta admit, it's a very pretty opera, ridiculous, but pretty. Personally, if I wanted to kill Garon, I would have killed him on his chair while he was watching the dance, like, you know, a certain assassin game series. You got to be a a pretty bad guard if you can't even recognize people who wear japanese clothes and japanese weapons. And you fail at logic if you want to do a surprise attack like that with said things. Oh yeah, still want Genocide path.
  5. Taking the picture, because seriously, it's fun. And there is thousands of people, generic or not, like that in Fates. That's even more impressive than.past Fire Emblem, where only a few of characters did not died when they were killed. And seriously, how does one huge ass dragon could just knock people out ? If it continue like that, people will believe that past FE were about war, where people got killed, The gasp. Thousands of miles away, you can hear the sounds of sadness and wasted potential, because seriously, just giving us that would be better.
  6. Dat movie spoiler. :p Naivete. Naivete everywhere. Haven't you heard ? Weapons can't injure people ! They just know them out ! Duh ! Yup, I'm surprised you didn't talk about the Rainbow Sage deal too. That might be just me, but when I think 'red-eyes', I think vampires, Hellsing, evil, blood, dragons, not purity or kindness :p Don't tell me that Kamui is a dragon, because it's not the kind of dragon I'm talking about.
  7. Well, you wanted to create it, and holy crap, you made a good job on it. Seriously, some of the class give me so much dream, there's a lot of genius things on it. My favorites: -Pirate using swords. -The Illusionist (Shuriken, Tomes), a promotion for NInja. -Performer (Spear, Shuriken), the promotion of Dancer. Perfect idea ! -Witch being Warlock for male. -The Manakete class and its promotions. Either Astral Dragon (Stones, Staves) or Divine Dragon (S-rank stones) -Outlaw can become Assassin. Hell yeah ! -Griffon Rider (Horse, Flying, Swords) that can become Griffon Lord (Same, but Staves !) or Armored Griffin (Same, but insteads of staves, it's Tomes, and it's armored) -Raider Falcon, (Spear, Axes), finally having Pegasus being bandits will make sense. -Spell Knight, that can either becomre a Malig Knight, a Dark Knight, or a Petardier (Tomes, Shuriken.) Mercenary can become Dark Knight too ! -Drifter => Druid. Do I need to say more ? And it can become illusionist too. -Mage can become Mage Fighter (Tome, Sword), the holy child is reborn. -Village -> Soldier. Legend ! -Fighter, who can become Warrior (Axe, Bow), Reaver (Axe, Bow), or War Cleric Monk (Axe Staff). So many legends ! -Temple Master look badass ! (Sword, S-rank Staff) -Ballistician and Baron, 'nuf said. ^That said, I have one nitpick apparently, once again, the Dark Mage lose his ability to use Dark Magic when become Dark Pegasus or Armored Griffth. :p
  8. A hack that add new homosexual supports, and supports for Kamuisexuals ? Interesting. I should try and find it if it's good.
  9. The mystery, don't forget the mystery surounding him, what we know, and what we don't know about him. There is only a few things that you truly know about him: Some sort of loyalty toward Sephiran, his wish to kill and surpass his old teacher (And it backfired in the process :p), his god-tier level of power, and that he is not afraid of slashing things out of his way. He is also the one who drop the bomb of who was Greil, and started the whole Medallion backstory which was pretty badass. Everytime he is there, you keep it in mind, cuz' he is badass, cuz he have charisma. Yes, I'm ignoring RD's existence, why do you ask ?
  10. Barrier is really, really useful, I really dunno what I would've done if I did not have it. Again, I really thank you for telling me to have it.
  11. I'm just going to say this: I don't like homosexual relationship in video games, because they are generally really iffy, looking at Bioware there, but we are talking about Fire Emblem. I'm all for FemKamui/Soleil and FemKamui/Rhajat, but if it's to have iffy writing in game with iffy character, with iffy written personality, with iffy everything, I'd rather not have that. I've read FemKamui/Rhajat fanfictions that was better than more than half of the supports of the game. I'm not that I'm making fun of fanfic or anything, you see what I mean. Eh, tough choice, I'm sorta with Thane here, Black and White was fascinating and had the perfect balance of 'Going with your friends on a pokemon journey', story (Hail N and Ghestis.), and badges. Unlike X and Y who was veeeeeeeery deep into the 'friends' territory to the point where I was already bored of them after the first badge. Seriously, five freaking friends, only one of them being remotely interesting, and even he/she is boring. Still haven't finished ORAS yet... because my save is lost. :p Then again, saying which Pokemon I dislike the most is like saying which Zelda I dislike the most. It's like asking which cat I dislike the most, it does't mean much, I like them all anyways.
  12. Mikoto have it too. :p But woaw, Garon. Blushing. Dat brain bleach.
  13. Hm, not really. Oh sure, I get sick of hearing it all the time, but after a while, I come back to hear it again, because I like it.
  14. Don't worry, Azura will always be at your side, like a thorn. It is quite sad, that a lot of people expected that Nohr kidnapped Corrin as a revenge against Hoshido kidnapping Azura. Wasn't this chapter enjoyable gameplay-wise though ? Bonus points: Takumi is an Archer, who depend solely on his Fuujin bow. This make him even more unsympathetic. You made me pause about the Dragon Vein, I never did think about that. That's funny. Our savior is there, clean up everything. And you say that you are not eloquent enough, but man, you are good. - ... son ? - Yes, father ? - I've heard that you had a child with a prepubescent Hoshidan girl, and that you stuffed the baby in a time-space alternate dimension, who is apparently bound to another time-space alternate dimension bound to Corrin. Is this true ? - To my defense, I didn't write this crap. - You are an even worse father than I am. Iago, you're supposed to be the tactician here, so how didn't you-... Iago ? Where are you ? Seriously dude, Nottu disu shitto agen !
  15. You don't say ? :p Plus there is only one Dark Magic tome in the freaking world.
  16. It's funny, each time there was Facelesses involved, the RNG would screw me up. Same with (obviously) Facelesses oriented chapters. You know, the mountain and volcano. Plus in Lunatic, it seem to hate me even more than usual. In my Hoshido Lunatic run, I had the lovely experiences of getting crit by ennemies with less than 3% crit and 30% Acc. Very good thing that the second part of the final battle was fast and easy, despite my lovely idea of putting Kamui at the complete opposite direction of the final boss. (And so I had to play with the pair up system to finish it in one turn.) Needless to say, when I discovered that I was surrounded I lost my crap... but there was much rejoicing when I one-shot the final boss with a Dragon Fang crit, for some freaking reason, in spite of having 60% acc if I remember correctly. Things would've gone south otherwise. (Get it ? Cuz I put Kamui in the south...)
  17. You are going to regret wanting more variety in Facelesses. And I'm actually saying that in a 'good' way. :p Boy, it sure would have been unfortunate if Elise died, huh ? Also, you do know that she is not 16 in the original version right ? You probably do, and just pointing out that making her 16 makes things even more awkward, in which case... well, it's good then. -My son. -Yes, Father ? -I heard that you married a peasant, who is also a Hoshidan, who is also prepubescent... is this true ? -Yes father. -WTF son ? Iago, why didn't you told me about this ?... Where the heck is Iago ? Also, Mozume can't do jack against Facelesses, yet, somehow, in her support...
  18. Holy crap, Life Trade is good, even at just level one. It was useful in the quest 'Call of the gunner' (which, judging by the enormous room, totally isn't related to any optional bosses. :p), she used it right before the enemies could act. The trolling of it. The damage are good, but not great, it's he healing that is pratical, it's enough to heal almost everything. Of course, to have Life Trade, I had to put 10 point in HP Up, Sourire, have 260 HP, where Bouclier, my Protector, have 268. :p Froid's Ricochet is at level 6. Burst Shot is at level 1, should I level it up more ? Marron is starting to get Barrier, it's level 4 for now. Gee, I wonder if the monster you talked about was a I swear, I almost lost my crap when seeing it for the first time, and even more so after it petrified Fouet. but I nuked it with Force skills before getting the hell outta there. :p I also recently got a Weapon Free Lv10 and a Force Shield lv5. both from Fafnir. (duh) I reckon that Weapon Free is not as good as Limitless... but would this get he job done ? The difference between them on paper is that Weapon Free lessen the damage, while Limitless is a skill that you have to use, wherear Weapon Free is a passive skill.
  19. Our Lord and savior, Thane, prince of 'seriously what is this crappy writing', still isn't there. We should summon him by doing as if Azura had a personality, or some other eldritch things. Now it is less funny because I can feel the disappointment in your post. Plus... well, you'll see.
  20. It's not worse than that asshole owl from Ocarina of Time. At least, Fire Emblem taught us to be careful, as to not making that mistake.
  21. It is difficult to feel bad for you having an aneurysm when playing this plot-blackhole of a game, when we're all having fun, you included.:p Also, I might be wrong, but the Ganglari-kaboom scene was probably made so people would connect the dots with Hiroshima and nuclear weapons, to make sure that the glorious Hoshi... dan(?) were fully justified, in the eyes of the players, to hate the Nohrians, wage war on them, and yadayada. You don't say ? :p
  22. I'm not sure which one is funnier, the fact that I almost feel for it or that I almost forgot it was 1 April. Good one that said.
  23. Ashnard is awesome, and what make him so interesting is indeed is his social darwinism views of the world. The best part was that it was painfully familiar to that of the Laguz, might make right and everything (or so they claim), so it made you think. You have that dude, the Mad King, who is obviously mad (duh) and evil, but who had a logic behind his actions, what's more, a logic that is familiar, if not the same, what that of another culture within the universe of the game. And then you take a look at Sanaki, Begnion and the Beorcs in general, and you realize that they don't do much, beside doing things in the politicaly boring slow way, how fun. unlike Ashnard who do ton of shit. So we have a villain that make you think, who have a solid personality, and who's not a buffed monster made of plot-device-um of BS to rally everyone to kill him and force peace everything out of nowhere. Alas, most of it seems to be dropped pitifuly by PoR's end. Or completely by RD. But RD doesn't exist.
  24. From what I've seen, Ninja seems to be considered one of the worst class in the game, despite having high evasion/speed, due to having very low stats, and not being good at actually using their skills. However it's considered one of best subclasses of the game, since most classes can actually make good use of their skills. (Hello bunshin.), and evasion/speed boost. Then again, that's me who is talking, the pro here is eclipse, so listen to her more than me. Now I remember just how terrifying Link Order II 5 was, I literally I got through three floor like it was butter. Even the FOE didn't hurt me much. *o* Whelp, that would explain why I don't have much Fafnir grimoires, the slums are not much developped... but meanwhile, I have a Hightlander grimoire level 10. mine It's true that my only source of bash damage is Sourire the Hexer, so having Shield Rush doesn't sound too shabby at all. It is bash attack to all enemies after all. Barrier 20 is a must have, got it! Oh, I get it now, Creeping Curse, 'for 3 turns, raises bind/ailment success & ennemy debuff counter won't decrease' ... are you telling me that if, hypothetically... I use Creeping Curse on a boss, then use Rose Prison (Cut with high change of head/arm/leg bind and poison)... I could literally spam Extasy and Ailment Slash forever with Force Shield ? Or heck, even blinding them in-between ? While having unlimited TP with Force Charge ? That sounds... hilariously broken. Blinding, Torpor, and Madness, got it too ! (Knew that having blinding was a good idea.) ...can't I have both tactics ? :p So, Turning Tide is a good skill to have to give Marron a bit of breathing place, huh, same with Heal Guard... Can't be too bad. Once again, thank you very much ! :)
  25. I just find the idea of having the skin of RD's Ike so stupidly awesome that... well, it's awesome. Plus, Aether.
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