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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Still there, still hyped, still waiting for the porn. I mean hentai. I mean touhou. I meam the rom hack. Seriously though, cheer !
  2. Eh, like I said, my memory is pretty foggy, from what I remember- I swear this is going to be my catchphrase-, shield weren't good in my hands, I prefered bows and daggers, that's all I'm saying. And I compared it to Dark Souls, because, from what I remember, I firmly applied the 'you should never get touched ever' rule. I said 'objectively' that Ranger is better, it's true that I put my foot in my mouth there, my bad. By that I meant that, from what I remember, Great Bow dealt more damage than normal Bows, and were much more pratical in my hands. I got the feeling of sounding like an ass, but please, keep in mind that this is all, you guessed it, from what I remember. Heck, I had to come go back to the wikia to even write in this topic, and it doesn't help that the english-french translation was weird, and half of what you guys are writing confuse the heck out of me. On another note, I remember that I was never fond of the grabbing mechanic, I would use it if I could direclty jumb on a weak point, but beside that ? Bows. Bows everyday.
  3. Assassin is a freaking nerdgasm to play. This' all I have to say. ...Though I never found an utility in using a shield, I prefer the bow. Heh, I dunno man, I remember that Ranger was simply better in my mind, I was mostly a bow-user, and that this game was kinda like Dark Souls, in the sense that armor is crap and that you simply should avoid damage, always. Glass canon by default. Huh, I remember that I liked using Commotion and using it on trolls... Commotion is the meteor spell right ? In the french version of the game, the name of the skills are quite different. Honestly, even at level 200, I was getting two/threeshot by most things in Bittersweet, there must be something wrong with me. Eh, if I remember correctly, the fights in bittersweet isle were quite simple. Except the dragons, they can all go to hell. I'm not really the most dedicated DD player, not even back then, since my stats must sucks so much. Lucky you ! I clearly remember that it was a huge mess have the money to buy those stones. :p Oh gosh, the feels man, the feels !
  4. Holy crap, you guys talk about complicated stuffs like stats calculation, I never bothered with it... mostly because it was too late for me, eh. :p I'm pretty much done with the game, I have the best equipments, max level in everything, golden dragon forged, various waifuying, cheesed what's his name and co in bittersweet countless times.... It was kind of like Diablo, t'was mostly my curiosity that keept me going on again and again. The trill of new ennemies, items and equipments. Especially in Bittersweet Isle, where I really enjoyed the random factor of it, even though redoing the same room was kind of repetitive. Hmm, Classes... The first class I choosed was Strider. Why ? Because it was the balanced class, that had long-ranged and melee-attack and it has awesome gameplay. Most of the time I used the bow, but I wasn't afraid of going to the melee with daggers, especially with the awesome skills, dashing like a ninja with Biting Wind to distract and slashing the ennemies, or concentrating on one ennemy with Hundred Kisses when my pawns distracted the other ennemies. The Bow skill were great too ! Shooting lines of arrows, three arrows, or just one single powerful shot ! It was pure awesome ! Fighter was pretty much what I expected them to be, which is not a good thing to me, it was too slow, didn't do enough damage, the skills weren't worth it... and in DD, Mobility => Def. like Dark Souls. As a PC class, it was crap.... however,as a pawn class it was good, a great PV bait, in fact, my main pawn was a Fighter. Yeah, I really didn't treated my pawns well... in fact by the end of the day, I figured out that I should just dispose of them to get the full solo advantage skills. Plus the whole 'farm the boss from Bittersweet Isle'. Plus in the end, they only did crap, seriously my full team of Lv200 only used their daggers attacks, not even their skills, their attacks ! Even in the middle of a Maelstrom or a insta-kill attacks ! That's lower than the bottom ! If I remember correctly, my first group was, a Strider (Me), Two fighter (One being my Main pawn) and a Mage, and gosh did this team was better. The mage class was interesting, but still not my thing though, but it was necessary to have in a group for everything it give to the party, healing, thunder, enchantment. I'm just going cut my personal view of classes in a few words, because this post is becoming way too long. I honestly think that Warrior is a pure BS class be it for a PC or a pawn, it's slow, only three skill, all are bad. Sorcerer is awesome, but not really as pawn. Seriously, they only spam the wrong spell ! So I feel like a it's more like a PC class, but I don't like using it so. Ranger is my mind, he best class of the game, it has everything the Strider had, but even better, and those delicious explosive arrows ! Hybrid class were all interesting, Assassin was my favorite class, love the skills, Assassinate, Sword, the style, everything, though objectively, Ranger is still better imo.. Magic Knight keep the slowness of a Fighter, but bring massive advantage, such as freaking Holy Cannon. Magic Archer is the same, but even better as it have only good things, imo. I have very good memories of this game, honestly, each thing I strugled with felt rewardful, defeating a bunch of bandits, a single troll, that was hard, but when I did it.... It make the final bosses of the game kinda underwhelming. Oh yeah, good thing that in the Dark Arised Edition, the warp stone only costed 1000 G, huh ?
  5. I have no word, what you just showed me was just pure raw awesomeness, I dunno where to start ! And I didn't even knew the original work ! So I want to thank you very, very much for making me discover the reboot and the original. Just... holy shit man, the musics, the sounds effect, the freaking sprite job, holy shit !
  6. Dark Souls III, just Dark Souls III. I just know that it will worth the wait, and will probably be one of the best game of 2016 Which is kind of dumb, considering that I don't even own a PS4. But nobody's perfect ! DQ7 and DQ8 on 3DS (About freaking time Enix !) SMT IV Final. Hyrule Warriors Legend. EO2U (Also, seriously, EO5, it would be nice from you to appear already !) I'm not going to lie, I'm sure (but imo) that Dark Souls III will be better than all of those, except maybe, just maybe the DQ's.
  7. Perfection. So much jokes, so much disrespect, so much references, and just so much joy ! To my (not) shame, this one was my favorite of the lot, with the Aqua's 'You're yesterday's news'. Like I said, this video was simply and purely perfection.
  8. I only have the 3DS version, unlike you people who are so much better than my poor miserable self. I hate you all, filthy lucky people. So yeah, I main Ike, I really love him, he just feel so right in my hands ! ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° As for the secondaries, Robin and Link,, especially Robin, at first I wasn't too hot about him, but with some time, I really took a liking. I tried Marth, but nope, I can't do anything with him, he's fun, but he's not my kind. Same with Ganondorf, too slow, and too easy to be combo-ed if my opponent know what's he's doing, if he don't, it's full happy fun time, but he's still far from being good in my hands. I'm 'studying' Cloud for now, and I really, really like him, he's very similar to Ike, so it's a given, he'll probably join the secondaries, if he don't join Ike.
  9. If this is vandalism, I'd love to see your definition of gold, because seriously dude, this is gold ! And accurate, but moslty gold.
  10. One feed for the awesome avatar ! Took my brain three seconds of loading before understanding who it was.

  11. It took me a good freaking time to actually know who the heck was Shulk. Same with ROB. ...What ? I liked those thing holes, I honestly believe it added something to FemKamui that made her less boring and more unique than MaKamui design-wise. Same with the lingerie thingy in them. And no, still for no perverse reasons, just design that I like. On another note, I don't like much their alternate skins, I'll probably use the black one for FemKamui, since I like the darker colors, but even still. I love that there's a sort of a war going on here, and me ? I talk about design. xD
  12. Still perplexed as all hell, but I really enjoyed the trailer too bad it's for February 2016. Bayonetta look just like a Zero-suit Samus, an another nightmare come true. Like I said, perplexing as all hell, eh ? If it help (it won't) think of the Kamui in smash and the Kamui in Fates as different characters. as much as I hate the outrealms bull. Or somethin like, 'Yeah, I'd rather go with people who actually don't sucks in another universe, with background and writing that is most likely much better than yours, smell ya.'. ...I'm going really far, am I ? Eh, would have been fun, those cactus monster from FF in smash...
  13. Hmmm, I'm more perplexed than irritated to be honest, after all, more characters is always good to have. But still, we could have Shovel knight, Shantae, Quote, SImon, Sigurd, Ephraim whatever, and we gain Kamui, from the very very recent FEIF (No shit, Myself.) and Bayonetta,, who I know only by name, and I pretty much don't care actually, I don't have a Wiiu or anything. Also: 1 - I really love the Yatogami that Kamui wield. 2 - I don't like that FemKamui's legs are in full skin tight, yeah, I'm the dude who hadnothing against the panty shot and the part of the legs being bare. In fact, I enjoyed it design wise. And no, not for any perverse reasons.
  14. I'm a Farmer, it looks like I'll have to resurrect my team mates by slapping their decapited head. :p Oh well, damned by the cheese ! Interesting the sub Sovereign. Thanks man !
  15. Wait, people have lives outside of Serenes ? Who knew ? ^^ This is an innocent joke, and hypocritical from me with that. :p Imagine the damn thing, to reanimate your dead comrade, who's probably dead from something very creepy... you need to have your farmer slap him, which for some reason works. xD
  16. Mikoto, just Mikoto. In every single part. her clothes and haircut doesn't look stupid, she is also prettier. Would totally tap dat milf. Oh yeah, and her sacrifice actually make sense, unlike Miss cliff. It doesn't change the fact that like Emmeryn she is a total and complete sue from Mary-sue land, but she's still just way above Em imo.
  17. I-it's not like I'm hyped about rediscovering the first gen on 3DS or anything. B-baka ! Oh god, a tsundere joke, I've sunk so freaking low... So yeah, pretty much hyped, I won't jump on it immediatly but yeah, I'll take a look at it.
  18. I....have no words, I truly don't understand what the hell is happening with Konami. Shhhh, don't talk about BoF6... or a possible Suikoden Vi on mobile. It will only bring bad luck to us all. :p
  19. Hopefully, Nintendo will not get the project canceled. :/ Because, holy mother of, it looks great.
  20. FF isn't really the same since X. Not saying that I disliked X though. I remember the first time I ever heard of VII, it was the 3D movie Advent Children, I believe, and crap, that was freaking emo and over the top... and pretty. When I actually decided to look at the game I was pretty impressed, pretty much for reasons that CrimeaRoyalKnight stated. I was shocked to see how much I liked Cloud and Aerith ! Black Mage is a great idea, but the problem in my opinion, is that it would be too much similar to Robin, who have limitation to his spells. I don't think that putting a MP system would be a smart idea. I think he would represent the series well though, but it doesn't seem to be as much popular as Cloud. (Alas.) ... Chocobos ! I just thought about it, seriously, just imagine it !
  21. I might be wrong though, it's been a while after all.
  22. Nice cards. White Tribe Kamui is badass. Kagerou's are surprisingly tame, considering the artist. :p Well, the artist is rather flexible. Tsubaki is fabulous. Dat ass Gurei, or whatever. The second Elfie card made me laugh more than I should. Flannel rape face. Foleo the fabulous 2.0 Soleil actually looks like a girl.
  23. Jedi introduced me to the awesome idea of having Quote instead. But if I had to choose between the two of them... I dunno, both are great. Why putting all three of them and be done with it ? I'm asking too much, eh ? Ahah. :p All of them would go smoothly in Smash.
  24. Quote, eh ? Awesome idea, I fully agree with you ! Cave Story is the indie game after all.
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