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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Good thing he is fabulous. Though I have to admit it is hilarious how evil things are totally evil... until Hoshido do it. Yes, you come off as rude, and I never want to talk to you even again....nah, just kidding. :p In fact, you hope to not come off as rude, and you're not rude, but I'm afraid this is me who might come off as rude, and I wish I apologize in advance, because offending you is not my wish. You made me think of something, this is not real life, this is a video game, yes, characters have to make sense, unless the writing can allows that, and it can't. And if the all other characters were like that, then, it would probably be acceptable but it's not the case, to me, Takumi just look like a drama queen (at that moment at least), and is just another piece of bad writing in this game. I guess we should just agree to disagree. Also, we do all agree, Takumi forgiving Kamui was complete and utter BS. Finally, yes, you do take the weapon of your dead brother, especially if said weapons is legendary and give bonus such as +5 Str or ignore terrain. And especially when weapons in general are hard to find. We're in a war, not in a hentai. Of course people will die, it would be not fun. ;-( Plus I like the idea of one of the sibling actually doing crap, like y'know tension inside you side. Now, for the third path, it's either all the older sibling die, or just two. Hmmm...
  2. The problem I have with Takumi is simple, to me, his jerkassery make no sense, in other word, just for the sake of being a jerkass, one could argue that it was made that way to be 'the dude in wrong' or that deep down he's good guy, but it just seem so random that I wonder what the hell the writers were trying to do with him in the first place. My point is, WTF doesn't forgive WTF. Marx... I'm sorry but no, you can't defend him. You have your obviously dad who tried to kill your sibling, multiple time... no just, no. That dude is simply retarded. If I was Kamui Nohr side, he would be on my shit list, big time. Kill him and take his sword. ...Isn't that right Hoshido!Kamui ? sigh... -- In fact, I think this is a very smart idea: Depending of your actions, one of your older siblings, Marx/Leon if you're Nohr or Ryouma/Takumi if you're Hoshido, would die. The one who survive joins you, while the one who die... well, you take his legendary weapon. Gotta love Fujin on Mozume. Whaddaya think ? Hm, make me wonder what to do with the one on the other side, eheh.
  3. Then again, you have to ask yourself what is OOC ? I mean, when the characters are just walking incoherencies. Aka, Marx being 'honorable', 'Jerkass-or-not' Takumi and the like, and the FEA expies... And I prefer the snarky Robin that we generally have in fanfic then this pile of naive bland friendship crap that is the normal Robin and Kamui. Deep down, the only way conflicts of that size could be ever solved, is by to a lot of convenients crap, as a lot of anime do. Bleh. :/ Like seriously, the dude knew this kid and other dudes would be precisely here years later at that particuliar place to get this shiny thins, and would do a particuliary stupid thing instead of being smart, then walking plot device talk, and after Naruto-gaiden-like shenenigan, everybody join at one point just because the plot say so,aka no reasons because nothing smart happens, then yadayada. this is just ridiculous.
  4. Why must everything must be about uniting the wolrd ? That's boring. You don't need a Demon Path to be independent. Sheesh, it make me think of Naruto, again. This whole 'peace in the world' is nothing but BS from the get go. I like the idea of Hydra who's not batshit insane and not responsible for everything for no reason like Kaguya was. Btw, why do we call him Hydra ? xD On another note, it pleases me a lot to see that the TVtropes page point out the whole issue with the story, like the Hoshi-sues. Yeah, it's tvtropes, and yeah, there's not that much mentions about the plot's bs. But it would have irritated me if there was only full of the same fanboyism Bioware games and FEA have.
  5. If a king sudenly decided to go to a diplomatic mission at the other side of the world, without anyone knowing about it... well, said king would be a freaking ninja which make me wonder how Sumeragi was killed in the first place then... But more importantly, that's mean that said king AND kingdom is incompetent as hell. Sumeragi is the descendant of Emmeryn, that's the only explanation. To me, it's more like Fuck IK (And the DLC with it), because I honestly think they could've done something good with Hydra, without using the double standard: Dragon are the lesser race and must be evil/mad, or the plot device water-curse. Seriously, a dragon who opperates in the shadow to destroy both kingdoms, that look cool to me. IS wasted it, but the idea is cool. ... I wish I could join him instead of this stupid goldy ending. I garantee you one thing, it is an nice experience to have. You'll probably be confused by the gameplay at first just like I was though.
  6. Mouais... :/ Weren't they doing somekind of political discussion at the time ? A peace treaty ? If so, I'm pretty sure that's the kind of thing everyone would know, and if so, that would be blabantly obvious to know what happened, especially if there's only two king in the entire world. It's even more stupid when you know that the Hoshi-sue kidnapped Aqua in response. Also, you just can't make me believe that FakeGaron couldn't just kill Kamui in his sleep or something just because Camilla and Marx loved Kamui, or because it would seem suspicious for X reason. Because not only it would be easy as hell, and because he hired Granz in the future, which is not even subtle in the first place. Bad writing, this game have it big time. That's one of the reasons I'm happy there's not much politic in this game, the plot is already stupid from the get go, but if you had somekind of shaddy politicians, when the king could just off them, just like that...
  7. Despite it's simplicity, the characterization of everyone are very, very good. Same with the plot. Classic, yet good. I also really love the branching promotions, I actually enjoyed redoing the game with different class just to see which was better. Also, Ruin of Varda was fun ! Finally, Sachiko Wada. One of the best designer of the series IMO.
  8. I think that Strategist is the best class for her. A healer is always good to have, and shoot, she hit hard, even with a crappy tome.
  9. This. So much truth in this post. It is the worst hair color precisely because don't have it, we could have it, but IS went all 'lolnope', and gave us blue, just blue.
  10. Well, it is good to know that even the japanese fandom think the story is bad. Make us feel less 'only sane man'. Though I believe that calling it 'shit-game' is too much, I mean, the story is shit, but not the rest. To be fair, it's the invisible path, which is the most insulting crapiest of crap. Not much of a consolation but still. Does it work ? :p
  11. Because people don't know what a good series is. Though, yeah, I agree with you Augestein, the advertising must be for something. Doesn't make me any less bitter about it though. :p
  12. It's not really masochism, because it's just challenging. Dark Souls isn't that hard lol, you just need to play the freaking game, be a tiny bit patient, and understand that death is a mere gameplay mechanic. Above NG+ though, it's pure BS. it's just not fun.
  13. Eh, I like the sprite-job, anything else though make me want to puke. Weird battle system, but eh, it can be good... maybe. While looking at this trailer, I have the impression to look at the recent Shining Force games, it's not a good feeling. Older Drawing style > All. So much win in this quote, just because you're saying that Bof II is awesome. My favorite too.
  14. One of the greatest game of all time..
  15. I'm not sure if the game is that bad, or just that it want to have sex with you. Maybe both, I never played it so... Those dialogues though, dat bad writing.
  16. I agree with you. I don't see what in my post would make you think otherwise. :/ Bah, in any case, sorry.
  17. I don't have worse than FF, seriously, that series was good before, now it's just... Lot of series that I don't like, but I don't want them to really end. Conception, isn't that that crappy JRPG who's also a copy of Persona 4 ? Wait, that was done by ATLUS ? Good mother of...
  18. Then again, what do you expect from someone who is against her own race, in favor of humans who are know to do nothing but crap. Seriously, Naga is that almighty, good character, that doesn't is not even good in fhe first place, like the Dragon god from DQ4. Dat plot device in FEA. Just like Aqua, eh. I just wanted to talk about her while I was at it. That's what make this DLC and the plot in general so beautiful. It shouldn't take a genius to figure that one out, but it would take Severa, Owain and Inigo, or any character for that matter, to be be capable of independent thought and actions, and not being one-dimensional as hell. And is should also take the writing to make sense. Having characters from another game in FEIf was a mistake from the get go anyways.
  19. PC only ? Not 3DS or anything ? Ah, give me a break... :/ I feel your unhappiness dude, it irritates me as well. Space limitations ? What the heck ? Is that even supposed to be a good reason ? C'mon...
  20. Go home IS, you're drunk, and you failed at logic. Again. Still, thank you very much Kirokan ! :D Kamui is too dumb to even wish to do so. :p
  21. My, thank you ! Yeah, I already have Lucky hammer though the timing to use it is difficult to know. Like, the attack hurt him, but doesn't kill him... :p The pasarans eh ? It look hard, but I'll try anyway. Again, thank you very for your help, I really appreciate it.
  22. I generally find my own failure always funny.. Especially if it's Dark Souls or SSBB. I don't find failing at a Zelda game or RPG very funny though, not dynamic, thus, less implication on your part.
  23. Well, I don't have many quest to do... There's those sea quest to do and redo but they don't give much. Hunting those dragons, oh man, it's going to be painful, because yeah, they're still hard. Oh well, thanks for the tip, better start doing it now.
  24. I accidentaly ejected cola from my nose while drinking it once, does it count ?
  25. Why ? Well, because people prefers generic crap. :p
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