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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Meh, sure why not. To the point we are. I dunno, they seem stereotypical, but... eh. Shade look like the Kamui and NotTharja's kid. Childrens card games on motorcycles to save the world.
  2. Defeated the Ice Dragon, according to that girl, it make me a true dragonslayer. Personally, I think it just make me a competent warrior. Finally got the Dragonbane, which have 8 slot. And I need 3 dragon scale for each forging. Yay... I always thought it was Fire => Thunder => Ice because of EO4, though they seem to be more or less of equal power. Any tips for grinding up to level 99 ?
  3. That blue dragon is such a troll, I actually like it. :p It's fairly obvious, she look just like him, except that he is such a bro, and she's a twat, also... (spoiler for EO2U)
  4. I guess Goldy Dragon is the easiest then ? Well shoot. No matter, I ended up defeating Goldy, I just love how much EO screw you over just by being unlucky. *w* Lol Wealh. the game doesn't even give you the choice to tell her to go to hell, despite her being obviously full of BS, and me being that badass. Eh, I bet she's going to survive in EO3U. F*cking mary-sue. I also love how every dragonslayer do as if they were hot stuff in the first place, despite being hilariously weak.
  5. I'm not sure if I should be freaked out, or impressed. Because some actually look good. :p 'Not the good kind' ? What do you mean ?
  6. Oh yeah, Maid have a panty shot. I guess that Dancer could count too, since I guess if you would give it to another character by hacking it would be just like Aqua. Agreed with Witch class. :p The gainaxing outfit of Ninja/Elite Ninja isn't exclusive to Kagerou though ? Ah nope, Camilla is the only one who wear that outfit. Everyone else have something else.
  7. It pleases me to see that even with a WM setup, the Red dragon fight was hard as hell. Maybe because I play like crap, but who care ? Or maybe because the Wyrm's pattern is somewhat random, so I end up screwing myself. >_>
  8. Not a fan of Toriyama too, eh ? Hopefully, the gameplay and story will make you come back. Indeed it's beautiful ! And this game is supposed to come out in the normal 3DS. *happy sigh* I don't know which style I should choose both are so awesome. :-(
  9. Apparently, I ate some when I was a kid and just loved them, alas, I can't remember. :/ Honestly, if I could eat some now, I would just to know.
  10. Or what about the tactitian being an avatar ? Like in FE7... No mention of FEA please. Ever. Preferably a mute Tactician, seriously, I think they handled it perfectly well in FE7. I like this idea, basically, two remake in one game, and the support you choose in FE7 will alter their kids. I like the concept. But holy crap, the size the game would be because that's arroun 50-60 chapters. :p Pls no reclass, don't do bs IS. Or an actually good promotion. Like seriously, E-Rank Bow/Spear/Sword, gee thks... Though they french names were badass. Lord Spatha, Lord Equus and Lord Happia. ... I'm not complaining about Lyn's animation, obviously. No really, I would love to see a remake of FE7/6.
  11. Being stupid, dense, cliche, idealistic and poorly written is necessary to lead an army. Noted. :p Not but seriously, is that really necessary ? I dunno, but for all the talk about the MyUnits being Avatars of the player, in the end they're really not since you know... personality and all.
  12. There's something that people often forget, is that originally, a Mary-sue is not a super-perfect-etc character, it's a super-perfect-etc character, that is a self insert, from a fanfic. I know you said it in your post already, just wanted to say it too. Yeah, yeah he is. But the writing doesn't really allow much anyway. Kind of like Robin. Other than the generic crappy manga traits you mean ? :p
  13. Tried to do the wyrm, I just got recked, probably not strong enough. Also, the heck are those kids ? Hiiragi and Agamede ? And why are they half naked ? xD F*ck, the B21 btw, Slippery tiles, how nice. :p I usually like them, but... I know right ? Even stranger, it takes him being angry to see them, but in the Prince/Princess's case, they always have it like that.
  14. Gheb deserve the chance to be fabulous. Oh my... ><
  15. Just beaten EO3 'final' boss. Now just have to do the bonus dungeons and defeat recuring-hentai-element-san, though I doubt I could defeat him even with lv70 characters, so I'll probably beat the dragons first. I'm not leaving the town, Ô honorable NPCs stop reaching the fourth wall... --
  16. So, I decided to retire my old Gladiator, into a G/S who use Berserker Vow then Warrior Might, (with my Shogun/Bucca using Fore Honor then attack), and holy crap, it's honestly disheartening to see how good it is. --'
  17. Demon King my ass, he had no chance whatso-freaking-ever ! xD Congrats and thanks for the good LP !
  18. RIP Hammer This does beg a good question, how does the legendary Prf weapons work if your Lord can't use them ? They just can't use it ?
  19. 'Nuf with Anna, she's not a goddess, she's a dead fish. :p Rofl dat Eclipse, too bad you couldn't have it.
  20. I don't remember Excalibur being that good. Or having unlimited use. :p
  21. I have to say, the games seems to be very nice to you, then again, considering the handicaps you're giving yourself. Also, LolEwan. :p
  22. I didn't knew that. Thank you ! Are the damage really that high ? Does it stack with the Mastery skill too ? Boy, if that at the same level as EO4's Venom Trown , it would hilarious. :p Would Warrior Might follow those attacks ? I haven't though about that. Funny thing is, I remembered how much I would've loved to have healing at the last moment, so not to waste turn and TPs. Yeah, it's just that there was so many TP to spend that I forgot I ocould also do that. Clumsy me. :/ Once again thank you very much for helping me ! Also, I feel bad for not talking about EO2U like everyone, so here you go :
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