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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. God forbid that you get angry at your parents for abandoning you. I know this is a japanese game and all, but geez. I was thinking about something, Kamui's 'charisma' is because of his draconic blood, no ? Does it count as indirect brainwashing then ? Because, seriously, it would explain a lot of things. that would mainly show just how much the plot sucks. Suddenly, Kamui's character become much more of a waste, and sadder.
  2. Honestly, I don't care much, just like most DLC characters, I'm mostly curious, I don't see what's the rage is about. I guess that if I have to be honest, I can't help but think that Cloud might be there for mostly marketing reason, but this the worse I can think of. Still waiting for a Belmont, Shovel Knight and the like. Eh Cecil from FF4, this is an interesting thought.
  3. Thanks for the video ! I partially blamed Jimenez as bad writing, something just to justify the Chaos path being just as bad as Law path, and pushing the Neutral-bias ending even more. If I'm not mistaken, Nanashi indeed mean Nameless, I could be wrong though. The legs. Look at them. :p Nothing could be more fabulous than Flynn anyways. :p But it's true that this one is weird, what's with the duck face ?
  4. Honestly ? I expected them to not appear. Not even something similar to FE8, where btw, you don't even fight the real thing, no, I really expecting them to not be there. At all. I would have preferred it stayed that way.
  5. Oh yeah, Michalis, that guy who for some reason is redempted, but whatever. Personally, I believe that FE10 was kinda the 'start of darkness' of the series plot-wise, no that bad though. It's at FE12 that it started to get out of hand with the start of MU and all of that. After that, it fully exploded in every single point. :/ Just in my opinion anyways.
  6. ... sigh, here goes nothing. - On my Hoshido Lunatic Run, thanks to My Castle, I got a fully optimized Midoriko and I shamessly used her to get money, and as a bait. It was still hard to beat though, so I wonder if it's still fair or not. - I often bought skills from other My Castle units. That too.
  7. My, thank you ! So what I learnt, thanks to you guys: -Joker is level 1. Ouch. :-( -Suzukaze is a great unit and should be used, no surprise. -Pass is a must have. -Final chapter is a pain in the butt and should be done quickly, I can imagine why, since I did Nohr on Normal already. -Thus, Eponine is a must have. -Thus, Aqua too then ? -Need to conserve staves. And money. That's basic. -Speed is good, but def/res is very good to have too. -Marx/Charlotte is good -Must have EXP, thus children chapters. -Must use the pair up correctly. -Pairing seems to be a pain in the butt, again, but much less than in previous games. -I'm going to suffer. Once again, thank you very much ! I'm sure it will be useful to someone else too.
  8. Some months ago, I finished my Hoshido Lunatic run, not without difficulty, let me tell you. I'm surprised I even succeed. And now, I finally gathered the courage to start my Lunatic Nohr run, incidentally, the courage to make the topic. So, if it's not much trouble, could you tell me any advices ? Characters to use, pairing, secondary classes, friendship, reclassing, heck, even children. I'm not going to be picky, I didn't used them on Hoshido Lunatic, and I think I kinda regretted it . I though that making a Female Kamui would be good, thanks to her capacity to have two childrens, but eh... Oh boy, if it appears I have to redo my save... :p I know It's kinda cowardly on my part to make a topic for this, but I really don't want to get dunked on.
  9. Well, yeah, but I'm talking about how Merk's legs are positioned, they reminds me of something but I can't remember it. While writing this post, I think I remember what it remind me of, Pillar Zelenin. Incidentally Merkabath is nice to look at, and no, not in that way.
  10. Hmm... Merkabath remind me of something, especially how the legs are places, but I can't remember it. :/
  11. I love you. It is also a game with a heart-crushing plot/ending. Incidentally, said shemale it a tsundere who's in love with the MC. Dat waifu. Speaking of plot and endings, I wonder what they will do....
  12. Right now I'm imagining a Fire Emblem anime with a strong Lodos or Slayer-vibe, ah~~ Too bad it'll never be done though. :/
  13. I would swap the Buccaner with a Gladiator, but maybe that's just me.
  14. Ahah, so you too want harder battles eh ? Though spaming weaknesses on Bosses was freaking fun ! Eh, for me, it was the nice part. Between the the labyrinth Tokyo and the main quests with their 'Go to unpronounceable unfindable place 1', and if they are nice enough, they tell you 'It's near unpronounceable unfindable place 2', but in both case I'm still asking myself 'Where the heck it is ?' Worst of all, the quest system, you can only have one Challenge quest at a time, but if you go to a Main quest area, the game ask you to either abandon the Challenge Quest, or complete it, instead of just letting you go, unlike say Etrian Odyssey. Which is a shame, because I really enjoy the quests.
  15. Thanks for the video ! My, Medusa's very pretty ! I've replayed SMTIV recently, and holy crap, I couldn't stop myself from yawning all the while. Why am I talking about this ? Because I really hope Final won't be the same, ie 'Very long walk as a very lost puppy in a huge ass boring map' simulator. Tokyo is just draining my life away.
  16. I think those mugs are edited. I'm not sure though. Very professional editing !
  17. Aw, but Mermaid look so sad ! Well, sad or not, she is demon, so, she's most likely out for your skin. Hm, Lucifer still have his arm, well, it make sense... he shouldn't put his legs like that, he's ridiculous. :p BGM1 is good. For BGM2, I agree with Jedi, hopefully, it's not the Boss Theme, it doesn't compare to SMTIV's. I imagine it to be a stage BGM, and not a fight BGM.
  18. Agree to disagree then ? Well, not really since at it's core, I agree with you, it rarely work. But I remember Devil Survivor and older Bioware games, or even Morro/Obli, and honestly, I think it one of the things that make those games good, not the only thing and not the best, but one of the things. And according to Eclipse, EOU1/2 dialogue are quite good. Compared to Bioware-now or Kamui, I'll take a silent hero that I can easily insert myself into everyday, at least, it's fun. Seriously, the bad writing, crappy plot, and the 'do X , think X , you're X , you feel X ', all of that just to restrict the hell out of the player. It's why I'm not too hot about Fallout 4 having a voice protag, because I don't want to have a mix between Skyrim and DA/ME in term of dialogue. Is it really a good thing though ? Considering how much the final was lackluster as hell.
  19. Yay, I'm not the only who think a silent protag would be good, along with giving you true choices ! :D It would've taked a lot of effort, but hey, they were the one who said they were making effort in the first place. Just thinking about what you could do with something like this, the boss lines, the supports, the main story, the paths... just about everything.
  20. Those moment doesn't really happens to me anymore, after all, with enough work, determinaton, thinking, luck and powerleveling ,you can always win. Especially after playing a Souls game for the first time. That said, Beldr from Devil Survivor is so, sooooo full of BS, it's tasty, that's Atlus for ya.
  21. It doesn't work on Lunatic, I know, I tested it. :p
  22. Eh, Mystery Dungeon is starting to be hard at the fourth stratum. Also, the DOE is such a witch... whelp, it's not it's really fault. It's the dungeons that get me with time. And the boss that screw me over at the last moment by using a sleep spell on my Protector. Delicious ! :o Also, I unlocked the encyclopedias, and I was pleasanlt y surprised that they allowed you look at the weapons you go, it's really a nice touch !
  23. My ! Thank you, very, very much for those infos ! :D
  24. There's just so much, it is imposible to say what is the best. Chrono Trigger, SMT2, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, Earthbound, FFIV/V/VI, FE4 and 5, Breath of Fire 2, Live A Live, Zelda A link to the Past, Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, Tales of Phantation, Star Ocean, DQV/VI... hell, i doubt I named them all. EDIT: Shame on me, I forgot Super Mario RPG, you can't forgot this one. There's just way, wayyyy too much of god-tier RPGs... but I'll probably pick Chrono Trigger at the best one, since it did everything right at every single point. Doesn't mean that the other aren't as great !
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