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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Scummy ? Don't put yourself so low. wanting to have the powers that only the computer conveniently have is normal.
  2. Oh I know that already, but he's an extremist dick nonetheless. An awesome one though So basically, GV was just on Super Sayain 3/4 with the X seconds limit, huh ? That's kind of dissapointing, I liked the though of him being godtier at the end. Wisdom, in the bolded part there is. Agree with it all, I do. Also, irritated as all hell to see bad translation.and lack of details, like most ASG players, I was too.. Man, Yoda speak is harder than I thought, but yeah, there is so much win in your post.
  3. So that's why your avatar seemed so familar to me. Y'know, to me Gunvolt look like a blue Zero and Copen a red X, even personality wise, it's funny. It was probably done in purpose ? It's somewhat bittersweet to see a sequel, not that I hate that, no, I'm very happy, and happy for the devs too. I just really, really enjoyed the ending. So yeah, I'm very interested in it. I wonder how Copen will fit in, his gameplay style seems to be very dynamic, difficult and awesome to handle.... He is still a dick though. That's something that I'm curious about too, after all... spoiler alert yalala. ... I somewhat question the need of my spoilers though. So yeah, what are they going to do ?
  4. When I've seen this, it was a complete mindblow for me. Still wonder what they smoked to make him even more powerful than you-know-who.
  5. You have a point, the 'Ask 10 Receive 100' problem is bound to cause... well, problems, lot and lot of problems. The communication/relationship/ between the devs and Kibayashi must've been very archaic. In fact, all of this seems pretty archaic, it seems like there was a lack of organization in there. Modern japanese writing tend to be dumb, convenient, take you and everything for an idiot, and is downright hypocritical at times. Take a look at the tales of series now. Maybe it's the same on the West and I haven't noticed but... *shrug* But I wanted to say, you made me remember when we were all excited when the first trailer came out, we were all hyped, and we were all talking and looking at each pieces of informations whetever one came out... Even if the game have a very, very, very shitty plot, I don't regret the time we spent talking about it.
  6. Finally ! My daily dose of happiness ! On 3DS ! Phew, thanks for the indo man ! Even better ! I really loves III. I'm curious about those races. In IV, it was like older D&D, where races were classes, it was kinda funny.
  7. Friendly reminder that I hate everyone who have a WiiU, because I don't have one. ... and also that I find this amiibo kind of a BS, but that's another matter. More seriously, I hope you'll enjoy TP HD..
  8. I'm generaly a sucker for the original namings, but damn, Imhullu sounds dark, evil, threatening, cthuluesque, cool. Maph just sounds plain and boring.
  9. Our God as spoken. All thanks to it's prophet Philius. All hail the Helix... or Dead hand... or whatever this avatar is supposed to be. In other words, B.Leu approves, yadayada you know this reference. Look, I know that I might step on a mine there, but if people talk about how some things in games are bad, there MIGHT be a reason behind it ? Because they played the damn games ? Maybe because they not only have the right but the reasons and arguments for it ? Because they analyzed it ? Also it's not like we're boycotting the whole game, it's just the story, the gameplay get the full praise. And y'know you, you can be fan of something... while still criticize it. *insert shocked gasp there* Now can I be the False Prophet ?
  10. Well, technically, he does get naked at one point... and technically it IS a political scandal... sooooo.... ? Jokes about the truth aside, where's the political stuff guys ? Cuz I didn't see anything. Fire emblem Fates: Too Much Water, which translate to, Too much Azura, which translate to Too much BS. :p But seriously, there IS a lot of water in Fates, which is feaking dumb imo. I remember, during, my childhood, I spent a loooooong time Surfing in Ruby, even post game for things such as the golems, alas, at the time, I didn't know how to get them, I had my suspiscion that those weird three rocks had something to do with it, along with those walls with a strange language, alas, I was too young at the time, and didn't knew anything about it. The water might as well have been tears, not tears of sadness no, but... tears of boringness. ... Was this phrase cool ? I hope so.
  11. Soleil, you are not a warrior, you exist only because of a shitty plot device. Well, this is a very good improvement, it went from weird/creepy unwilling drugging to willing blindfold simulation... which is still weird, but in a good way, and less than before. ....Said like that, It sounds so freaking like bondage though. I also love the S support, 'Could we take it slow ?', it's nice, and the VA is just great ! In other words, great job localization !
  12. Liek if yur erpun an cri evrytiem.1 like = 1 respect = Compassion for us, poor Europeanuts. That face when your realize it could be worse though. Ahaha, too true ! For me at least. English is best language.
  13. While watching this video, one of my eyebrow raised, a lot. For the story anyways, Kamui, a good protag ?- but he did a great job for the rest, especially the gameplay part. As expected. Must. Not. Think. About. Revelation. Or the no dual voice option, but I can live with that... still counting on the patch though, teehee. Wait what ? I'm okay with people having different opinions and all, but I find their definition of the word 'Excellent'... 'interesting'.
  14. One thing. I love finishing FG's with Finishing Touch (Limit Special Down), even though I know I could perfectly end the match right from the bat with normal attacks, the disrespect is just too beautiful. And if I miss like a dumbo ? No problem, I redo my Limit all over again. No joke. Fufu, just talking about it make me want to do it right now.
  15. Mon petit, cette paix est ce pourquoi luttent tout les vraie guerrier ! That was... the french version of the Mah boi ! part of the unholy triforce btw. But fIrst thing, thank you very much for answering ! And making me laugh by reminding me of the unholy triforce. ...Yer a bender, Kamui.
  16. Without spoiler ? No problem. Like I said, there's really, really, not much on Tvtropes at all, it might be false, and they don't dwell too much into the details but..., without spoiling it, the plot points they're talking about, the only ones they talk about, they looks great. I have mixed feelings about some, some other straight 'WTF is this', but I have to admit; the thoughts of most of them are pretty surprising and awesome. Now just have to see how they bring them up. Saying that it is superior to SMTIV, I wanna say yes for now. but I don't know nor have the game (Duh),so I can't really compare, but they seem to have put more effort compared to SMTIV. Join our side. We have Red-Eyes Homer Simpson's head in the game. Now let's see how many people see what I'm referring to.
  17. Wait, he is literally, really, truly called Nanashi ? How strange. Good news everywhere here. Thanks man ! Stupidity, stupidity is a good word for that. More seriously though, this is all I'm asking for. By the by, i did something suprisingly smart, I spoiled myself on tvtropes. Awesome right ? Right ? Sometime, even I am disapointed in myself, I wasn't even thinking. There wasn't much, and there's doubt it is true in the first place, but still. Curiosity killed cat, but I dunno what brought it back again and and again.
  18. Seriously, a magical barrier that prevents people from having hostile thoughts, and so for some reason, stop Nohr from doing anything, boy, oh boy. Now I'm laughing about it but at the time, the faceplant I did... Speaking of Dragon Vein, what the heck is that supposed to be Lore wise ? I mean, it can't be just something you use on a sigil or some stuff, else the power would be stupid to have. This is a power that is pretty much broken, since you can control nature itself with it, as your will... that's what the game seems to imply anyway, because I'm sure as hell never wanted to do this wind crap on the wind temple.
  19. Wait, his weight change while in limit ? That... explain a few things. Actually, starting your limit is a pretty good strategy in any mode, a lot of guy took the bait. Hard. Plus, it (obviously) boost your limit. Doing a taunt however... yeah, you got to have a death wish to do it outside of FG.
  20. That... is actually a pretty good point ! Still dissapointed, but I agree with you.
  21. Cloud is awesome. Just awesome. HONOR time, if you and your opponent are both using Cloud, charge your Limit and let him/her charge his/her. May do taunts before or after the limit charge. I consider almost as much of an 'Hello' than a taunt. If your opponent have no HONOR, he'll just charge you without any thoughts, but don't panic ! Just charge your limit to bait him then at the last moment, roll/jump/dodge or and rofl stromb his HONORless ass. . Seriously, it seems people just can't understand that Cloud can, in fact, do things ,while in Limit.
  22. No joke. if I want children as weapons with a system like that, I'll just stick a bomb on them, before launching them at my enemies. Huh, now that's an interesting strategy and not at all creepy, suck on that Robin ! Seriously though, I agree, it's tiresome, but they couldn't really improve it much, so I'm fine. Still, thank you for the info ! It's always a good thing to have ! I still feel embarassed by the skinship even now though, my face is all red, I just can tell.
  23. And that's when you remember the dragon transformation scene and that it would've been so much better for everyone if Kamui had ripped Aqua's throat with his claws. Aaaah... a man can dream.
  24. Does Lucina/Ike/Robin's promotions look interesting enough, or even different enough to the point of justifying putting them in ? Dunno about you, but to me, not at all, which is why I'm perfectly fine and happy with Ike having a BK/Sigurd skins or Lucina having a Tiki/Cordelia ones. Look, I'm just saying that Kamui's promotions were a huge, very interesting and very much real design change, and that it's really too bad they didn't jumped on the opportunity.
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