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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. You know, I'm dissapointed, it was a perfect opportunity for the dev to actually make the promotions White Tribe and Black Blood... as skins. Seriously, how freaking awesome would that've been ? Incredibly so, but nope, just recolor. Seriously, it's... cheap. Oh well, I'll console myself with the black and golden FemKamui, the last recoloring, that is just so freaking awesome.
  2. Don't forget what the legendary strategist Sun Tsun once said: 'It's not the weapon that matter, it's the tech behind it'. Ohgoshpleasekillme I dunno about online, but geez, offline Kamui is an absolute beast, she is like, everywhere, hit like a trunk, insane. All the special are freaking versatible. Normal special can say stunsplash a character far way,while just after that, give an handshake to an opponent in front of you. Same with Side, hello to the right, then to the left. And what's with the damage ? The online must've caugh up fast, I'm surprised that you didn't just rekt the field already. Also, curses upon you people who have the japanese version of the game and doesn't have to hear 'Corrin'.
  3. Your avatar is awesome, Your text is awesome. What you are saying is awesome. In other words, this is the good stuff. Plus I believe that Nohr was advertised as such, a rebellion. And seriously. Kamui who say 'Fuck it, I'll do it even if I die', dueling, talking about all the good moment them and their siblings add, it's just awesome; And you give Kaze an actual reason to join Kamui other 'lulbelieve you'. Holy crap, I'am gushing, but it is so worth it. It just fulfil all of my fetish, even the shonen talk just tingle me ! Where's the 'I came' meme ? I need one.
  4. I'm mixed. One part of me is pleasantly surprised with having such a weird thing getting out of the way, but another part of me was attached to it. It was funny. The joy of being used to something, and the joy of having multiple opinions on one subject.
  5. Wait, no dual audio ? No Japanese voice ? I'll live, but what the hell man. Until I know more about I'll decide if it's a disaster or no. For now, it's mixed some are good, some are bad. #wegottrouble.
  6. Our lord and master BK seem to be the obvious choice. Alas, since we got his clothes for the Miis, it's unlikely we'll have ever, ever have him playable. Approve this post if you want to cry. D: What about a mage villain like Lyon, Nergal, or Alvis ? That would be pretty badass. There's also Ashnard, or dat heron dude whom I forgot his real name. Hail the OP weapons btw.
  7. What. The. Hell. This is so awesome !
  8. I believe in LOVE ! Give me some friendliness pellets please ! (It's an undertale reference.) Most people cannot stand even a tinny bit of dark side. >_> Yeah I know that the chance we're getting a new side is as slim as the sword in the first place, but I want to scream my dream for all the world to see. I think a map pack would be welcome, it's a map pack after all, but too much limited in term of gameplay and dialogue, unlike what a real path could offer us. I don't think it will live up to the potential .Like you know, what the originals paths did... Gosh this post is corny as all hell, but it feels so good. Also, the heck is tux ? *google search* *reaction* What. Penguins ?
  9. CrimeanRoyalKnight... your avatar scare me... I have the feeling to have done something terrible... YES ! YES ! YES ! I don't want to see Tales of JRPG 13 stupid friendship story sue edition. I want blood, tears, fear, and despair, real despair ! Crap, make Kamui able to summon minions as customizatble units for all I care to symbolize his independence/evilness/loneliness or whatever A system that reminds me the familiars in Nocturne Rebirth now that I think about it. Huh, now that's a thought, since it's basically what what's his face have been doing. Oh, and no BS ending where I lose or are forced to devour my best buddy please.
  10. Hnnnnnn, now the hype become even more unbearable to me. X-( I said it before, I said it again, Bayonetta of whatever look so much like a Samus-a-like, she is going to be a pain in the ass to fight. Also, Corn is good name I guess, but I prefer to use Kamui out of habit, and because I'm a purist, visibly not enough to call Robin Reflet/Rufure though. Strangely enough, I never called Robin Daraen, the french name. It just... doesn't feel right. See what I did ? I did a joke with Corrin's name that was already used multiple time !
  11. Broly and Goku ? Fusing ? Holy crap, it sound awesome. And, taken out of it's context, very sexual.
  12. You know, I like your opinion on FFX and FFX-2, it's very interesting. And then I'm saying 'interesting', I'm not being sarcastic, I really thing it's interesting. In fact, I agree with it, I like FFX, but I'm not gonna lie, some part of it, as in a lot of it, I don't like it. Tidus, I dunno what to make of him, because he is just so many things in this game, I don't really hate him, I find his childiness endearing. it's just as if the writers didn't exactly knew what to do, which is probably the case, considering that it was confirmed that there was some dummied out content and that they were late in development. It doesn't help that the last time I played it, was the same time I was ridiculously blind to things such as the vallue dissonances in Persona 4. And this is one of the reasons I once said in a topic that 'since FFX, FF is not the same'; because they took the awkwardness of FFX's storyline and writing, and put it in future FF, and imo, it is bad.. Then I was laughed at and my heart cried bouhou. The gameplay of FFX ? I find it great. Genius even. It doesn't change the fact that playing FFX gave me the need to sleep too. Damned road. FFX is such a mixed bag.
  13. Thane, stop saying the truth about something you're supposed to know almost nothing about, it's scary. Honestly, the main appeal to me ? It's RPG's, and most of the time, good RPG's. It's as simple as that. I never thought far from that. Some of them have their own gimmicks both gameplay wise and story wise. Such as the jobs from FF5, the spells from FF6, the story being very present in battle like in FF9 and FF10. Some are more welcome than others. Kind of like Dragon Quest then I think about it. Speaking of FFTactics Advance, personally, I wouldn't specially recommend you this one, but did you know that the guys who worked on the original FFtactics on Playstation, were the same guy who worked on the Tactics Ogre series ? Pretty sexy huh ? ... Never played FFtactics though. Ah, so I'm not the only one who have this awkward RPGMaker feels then looking at it ? Oh yeah, it would be a good moment to mention that TAY have pretty mixed reviews about it, some talk about a very shitty story and gameplay. Me ? I dunno, I never played it, at the time, it was only on phone. Now ? I don't have a PSP. Which is probably why I'm very fond of the GBA's version of FF4/5/6. Also, there was this rule of 'Run away from FF sequel' after FFX-2, which I still haven't even played.
  14. FFXIII. That was a joke, don't do it. I rather like you and your sanity. I'm on the same boat as Yoshi, I personally recommend you FF4, it's the one I started the series with. It was originaly on SNES, but it got a remake on GBA, DS, PSP. I don't really like the DS one to be honest, compared to the others anyway. Like Yoshi said, it is indeed a very accessible game. FF1 and FF2, who was originally on NES also got a remake on GBA and PSP, it's not as accessible as FF4 though, it IS the very first games of the series.
  15. It's true that a lot of work must've been a lot of work to put skinship in the game, so regardless how I look at a it, it is a wonderful waste. Not that I like skinship, of course, but I see the points that are made. Of course, we're not sure if the removal is true of whatever, sooooo...
  16. Bad, bad Dagda. You don't touch my waifu. Ever.
  17. Huh, really ? That's surprising. I'm no good at japanese, so who am I to say anything ? I'll leave it to the pro, and watch from afar.
  18. I dunno, said like this, on paper, it does sounds good.
  19. I don't remember the exact years. It must have before I even came out of school ? Probably in 2000 or before, after I discovered RPG's and video games in general... my memory is pretty foggy as all hell, which is very annoying to me.. At any rate it was at the time where the show was starting and it was as you know, the mega-hype for everyone, me included ! I remember, my dad was out of buying stuffs and all, and he came with Pokemon Blue Version, and I was just so freaking happy, and I... we, loved this game a,played it a lot. He also got me the yellow version. Since then, my dad got all the versions he could for me, well, not exactly, by the second gen times, we quickly understood Gamefreak's strategy of the 'third game' so, we were savvy enough. Heh, poor parents, at the time, we live in an appartment, and there was only one TV, it was in the saloon... which was also my parent's room, so when I wanted to look at the show.... eheh. It was a simplier better time. I'm rambling, but... memories, nostalgia, happiness.
  20. Foolishness. The accessory shop doesn't even equal half of the power of Priscilla. Inderectly and most certainly not even wanting to compare both... That's heresy, let me tell ye.
  21. Double standard, what else ? It sucks, but what we can do nothing about it.
  22. I'm pleasantly surprised, I was sort of kinda prepared to see the game being brutally torn appart.. Wait, what ? sans in... Yandere Simulator ? Hmmmm... it's crazy and awesome at the same time.
  23. Visibly patience and trolling. Now, the scary thing is, the pastor's wife apparently did that on purpose. Normally they put those patience and trolling in you head... by trying to teach you something else instead. Huh, churches changed compared to my time. More seriously, that must have been fun actually. I sure wish they did that, eh.
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