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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I agree of this one ! I really like it. Remind me pleasantly of SMT2 too like SMTIV, but that's an obvious given.
  2. I dunno, I agree with Jedi, a magic build made the game almost too easy to me. Though It look like DEX is the superior choice in the long run. STR really seem to be the dumb stat of the game. You have no idea just how much nerdgasm I'm having by reading those name. No seriously, it is very pleasing ! Just like looking at this awesome, awesome yellow head.
  3. Not fully pleased with everything I'm seeing... but holy crap, give me the game already.
  4. Yes, I do know that it's supposed to show us the obligatory consequences of choosing, and the parralels, but in the end, the only thing I see is that they used an huge-ass plot device, The White, to push a lot of things that doesn't make much sense or are straight dumb (to me anyways), such as the alignement mechanic suddenly becoming a cycle aesop thing, the extremely convenient neutral ending and everything in it, (Ie, Steven, Goddess, Flynn, etc...), and so on. Tokyo was a chore of a world to be in, to be honest, and the maps weren't that great, I completely agree with you on that. Also Holy shoot, thanks for the pic ! :o *insert racist joke* Whelp, hopefully, he will be more cool, while still a noble demon. I'm preparing for for the epic battle. And the epic theme. And the 3D yellow head.
  5. In my very first party, the first chapter was like this. Note that I played on Hard mode. -Most Bandits rushed to attack Robin, most get killed in the process. -Robin killed everything. Fed some bandits to Chrom, because he's supposed to be the Lord after all. -I didn't used Frederick, because FE Jeigan logic, and frankly, he wasn't needed. It pretty much sum up the whole run; Robin just roflstombed everything. If I remember correctly, I gave him a pegasus waifu, Sumia if I remember corectly, to give him more MVT.
  6. I just can't read the lyrics, could somebody please read them to me ? Merkabath and Lucifer ? Sheesh, Metatron and YHWH must be on a vacation or something. :p It does irritate me that the game force you to be something from the get go, here, the agent of someone, but eh, it could be interesting. I'm more afraid they'll do something, like, 'you sway away from your original path that was set to you from the begining BADBADBAD' than anything. I never said that it wasn't awesome, person-with-an-awesome-avatar-of-Reimu, I enjoyed it ! But then I look at the neutral ending and bam, facepalm. The protagonists reminded me of SMTI's, it was probably the point, mostly blank state, but they showed some titbit of personality sometime. It doesn't mean that I disliked them though. I quite liked Jonathan and Walter. Oh and, hail japan Kamen Rider ! :p
  7. Hm, I though it was from this anti-wikipedia, but it is probably just the Sigurd page from the Fire Emblem wikia. With funny modifications. If it's not much trouble, could you please explain it to me more in detail ?
  8. If I'm not too tired out of my mind, that means that a Dragonbane with 8 stun, have 27% of actually stuning the target. That's freaking unfair ! xD
  9. It's simple, SMTIV tell you what to think (and stupidly with that). in Nocturne, it's up to you to decide without anyone or anything telling you otherwise, let alone the writing itself. Kinda sorta like Dark Souls. I dunno about you, but I prefer having 6 endings, 3 that are most likely here as a bait and a mockery of the usual law/neutral/chaos BS and 2/3 endings that are about the behind-of-the-scene, rather than 3 endings with just one having any kind of work behind or sense of closure. I dunno, am I the only one who's annoyed by the Neutral/japan/human/friendship bias ? This too, but... I dunno, but I feel like the plot doesn't go any-freaking-where at all, you have to wait until the last moment of the game to get something, and even then, it's not much. Remember the alternate timelines ? They were great, I loved them yeah, but what was the point ? Most things in this plot just seem to placed at random and just confuse me more than anything, and not in a good way. Not that it is really bad, I enjoyed it quite a bit, but still, when I look at it, it's not stellar.
  10. First of all, thank you very much for you answer and the link, it help very much ! I just finished getting their additional drops, and the equipment that go with it, and yes indeed, Warrior Might work with the element forge. I just got the last conditional, and with it, Ukovasara, with 20 or so more ATK than Dragonbane, with 4 HP and 2 TP forge which is rather good. I, too, ignored completely the forge system, until now, after all like Eclipse told me, I have three dragons to kill for leveling, thoses drop give me the most powerful weapon so far with 8 forge slot and that could give me but it is kinda grating that they gave us such powerful sword with lot of possible forge, but it can't do much. :/ I suppose that ACC and ATK would be good. If elemental works, I guess that stun would too, or does it count as a status effect ? Eh, I could probably create three dragonbane, with 6 element and 2 ACC, that would make the farming easier. :p
  11. Forgive for breaking in. But in EO3, what could be a good Forge combination for the Dragonbane ? I discovered that nope, I can't give it Fire, Ice, and Elec forge, and that when I defeated the Fire Dragon with my Dragonbane with one fire forge, it didn't gave me the Fire Scale :p It did however gave me the apparently conditional drop for the Sunblade, which isn't too shabby at all. I suppose a ATK forge would be the best ?
  12. Very good ! As much as love SMTIV battle system, It was always irritating to have your partner being crap. Especially when your partner wasn't even a common dude. *wink wink spoiler wink*
  13. It's how they do it the problem, not the concept itself. Personally, I think it would be better if was a mute hero, either like SMT or like FE7? but that's just me. Though Fates took a step in the right direction... purely gameplay wise of course. Story-wise, Avatar were always a big fat 'Ugh'.
  14. Skull kid eh ? I wonder what's his moveset will be.
  15. Augestein took the words out of my mouth. And like him, I still haven't played Witcher 3, same with Xenoblade. You know, it make me think of something, WRPG tend to be the more easy to break gameplay-wise.
  16. Guys I wasn't aiming at making this a discussion about what ending is canon or not... No, my grip was that recently, SMT is biased toward neutral/japan/humans, and yeah, that's a recent thing. Though I'd argue that Neutral isn't really about being neutrality anymore. Remember SMTIII with, what, 6 endings, who weren't even about the Law/Chaos/Neutral system ? Or Devil Survivor with 5 endings ? 1 Law, 1 Chaos, and 3 others that could be called neutral with different shade of grey. And even then, we could argue if it's really about those aligments too. In SJ and IV, only three path and Neutral is the obvious Golden Path with everything, where everybody is happy (sans your extremist buddies) with the power of humanity (!!!) and is the path to do just because. Like your everyday JRPG. And let's not even talk about conveniently those two neutral routes are implemented. Oh boy. Or you choose Law/Chaos, you'll feel like a dick and an idiot because you took the ending that give you no sense of satisfaction or closure whatsoever, no, we didn't have that in past SMT. This is why I love SMTIII and DS1 so freaking much. In the end, this is your choice and you choose what to think. Characters tell you what to think but this is the characters, not the story. ...It does seem hypocritical of me to say that, since DS1 had a lot of BS moment of 'you must do X' and about shonen-like 'the right thing', but you see my point no ? In the end, it's your choice.. I feel like SMT, and even Atlus in general, took lot of steps backward in term of story. That, holy crap, I do look like a negative jackass, it's wasn't my intention. :/ I suppose you could say that I'm cautious and I'm talking more about my fear, and putting some joke there and there. Why should I focus on how shota the hero is, if it wasn't half-of-a-joke ?... Well that would make sense if it was aimed at a younger market. But I'm doubt it since it seems like a sequel to SMTIV, and it's still SMTIV. I still fondly remember the farm tower thing ! Plus, have you seen the legs of the red girl ? Eh that's not for kids. :p
  17. It's hard to say, both are starting to seriously screw up big time. They are starting to have the same kind of crap. Railroading, bad writing, dialogue for nothing, shitty NPC. Heck, even the plots seems shitty. Eh, voting for WRPG. Those are mostly superior in everyway generally-speaking, better story, customizations, more freedom. Heck, better characters too. Though like I said, they are starting to screw up. Generally speaking, JRPG tend to be the oposite, railroading, one-dimensional characters, no customizations, shitty story, again, generally speaking. (EO-chan don't leave me baby ! :() Dark Souls and co doesn't count as JRPG, since they are heavily WRPG inspired. The good ol kind of WRPG.
  18. I'm not doubting it will be a good, no, It just really really smell otaku-bait and Persona BS, well, we'll see, but I'm not too hot. A ghost-chibi is bad enough, but Navarre's ? Seriously... -- (Good voice though) They didn't thought of a better design for an 'Outlaw Huner' than a shotacon, let alone the main character ? Sigh. Er, beside SMTI, no SMT have a canon ending. Well, you could probably count SJ, DS2, and now IV, because of the obvious neutral bias and favoritism. Atlus really is not what they used to be.
  19. The only identiy crisis I see is as such, Fates want to take itself seriously, yet, have the worst kind of JRPGlike writing ever, with the plot and writing that go with it, that is also worst than usual. And there's the children, waifuying, and the amie that are either otaku-pandering or FEA-pandering. As it's been said thousands of time by people much more eloquent than me, it want to eat the cake and keep it too, and here's the result. Now if they actually did it right without hurting the writing, I would have no problem with it, but it's not case. Gameplay wise, I have no problem, they did it right.
  20. Oh hell yeah, it's on 3DS ! SMT:IV Final ? Huh, what gives with the name ? Pls, no continuity,. Unless it's something like Aleph, in that case, no problem. Ahah, so much this, I have no problem with every other characters, but him ? Nope. Hopefully, he's not the main character, he have a Kamui-wibe around him, and I hate it, not really helped with the hightlighted fairy dude and the two factions-waifu. Don't look at me like that, they were probably created for waifuying, just look at the color. ...Yup, stlll probably gonna do Chaos first. :p I probably ask too much, but I really hope they will not make the same thing they did in SMT: SJ and SMT:IV, aka, bad plot, and being disgustingly human/japanese/neutral biased with extra convenient Personaesque BS on top. Still remember IV's plot and the the world travel thing. Ugh.. Ah, good ol Homer; Happy time ! :D I honestly dunno if I really want him to come back, but I don't want him to be bastardised him or something. :/ I was satisfied with the sole mention of him in Devil Survivor, holy hell, Naoya my favorite cousin you.
  21. Generally, it leave a very bad taste in my mouth. A really, really, really bad taste. I just had a flashback about the updated version of Tales of Vesperia eh.
  22. Hm, Oblivion kind of open world. And please, no BS main plots such as Skyrim, Dragon Age and the like, those are dumb as hell. There's a big awesome world, lot of quests, lot of things to do, level up, items to find. Yup. Open world RPG are awesome. And a mute hero, thank you very much, the games I showed above show why giving a voice to your character lines should almost never be done. The stupidity of those lines are mindblowing. Though saying to Martin, 'Come with me you're in danger !' '...O RLY ?' in Oblivion was hilarious, Skyrim doesn't even have that. If only my friend, if only.
  23. Indeed, what's the point in creating a buffed character with a baritone voice of badass, if it have the personality of a teenager stupider than normal ? You are going to laugh, but this is very common in japanese manga/video game to have a very stupid/dense/naive/weak/shota/'normal' main character, either so the player/reader can easily relate to them (lol), because the writing is dumb, or both. Or to keep the plot as long and stupid as possible, that one is more for manga and anime though.
  24. Fire Emblem always had a problem with everything not humans writing-wise. So... Kamui is Thrall then ? Oh well, at least there's not as much deus ex machina in Fates. Oh wait. More into the subject, everything is already said, Kamui & co are wusses for big meanie Garon and MacBeth, nothing really happens apart from puppy kicking, "revolutionizing the kingdom from within" is a blabant lie, Kamui is forgiven and all, oh, and the plan ahah, Aqua's 'plan'... And yeah, it doesn't help that the game is Hoshido-biased to the max, and that the plot is, frankly, crap.
  25. Plus, there was the Double tech of Chrono/Marle, the healing whirlwind one that heal the whole group. Eh, I'll have to try it out again when I decide to once again replay Chrono Trigger.
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