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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. All is clear now, I must be a transexual ! /obvioussarcasm
  2. Yup, I'm on the third path. I remember against Kirin, I was basically always on the defensive, and then it was time for his thunder-attack... LolAegisDefense. For now I don't give Anti-skill to my Hoplite because it was not that necessary, though it might change. How many point in it would be useful enough ? I should also drop Provoke all together. -Eclipse Princess/??? Subing her Zodiac for Dark Ether sound good more versability.. Though I have to admit that I don't understand what I could do with Regal Radiance, since it just 'dispelds a weapon's enchantments to deal damade to all enemies' Shogun/Buccaneer, I get most of it, but I don't get how Rear Dignity could be useful since it make the character act last. Daifuhensha boost is a Provoke that boost ATK/DEF, very useful for the Hoplite. Warrior might, one character attack and yolo multi-attacks for Shogun, though I question the usefulness of this combination. Huh, well it's true that if I don't give my Zodiac other elemental skills, she's not going to be useful, I forgot about it since it's a shitton of SP I gave her for the Meteor. Just one point ? That mean two SP then. -Severian (God you name is cool) The problem I have with kicking my Princess out is that the moment my Monk can't heal or have something other than healing to do, I'm kinda screwed, my Princess allow me to be more flexible in everything, healing included. I guess that I'll change to something else for post-game. Also, I was forced to have Rapier/Gun Mastery at 8 to unlock Swashbuckling. Costy~~ D: All in all, thank you very much for your help !
  3. Indeed, Lyon need help. This hack is so full of wtfuckery, it's awesome.
  4. I recently decided to go back to EO3, I'm at the 5th stratum The Porcelain Forest. I wondered if you guys could help me with my team, that I frankly consider to be half-failed. Telling me what's wrong, what I could do, what else I could use... Pretty please ? Incidentaly, I don't even want to look at /spoiler ever again for now. XD
  5. And I dared to think 'Boy, the RNG seems to love you'. In fact, scratch that, I'm not sure if the RNG is your personal onahole or just you BDSM master..
  6. The drawing style of the PSP versions are just plain weird IMHO. I prefered the one on SNES/PS1. Seriously, those faces are just so creepy clean..
  7. The graphics. The soundtrack that is so, so freaking good, at this to be orgasmic. Camilla's boobs. The gameplay, I don't know where to start. But I believe it's near-perfect. Good reclassing system, it forces you to actually be smart, to assume your reclassing choices. Unless you use online or the Units book... I think the lack of weapon durability is good, and you can't find them everywhere, you have to think to who you should give them. I like how the game is actually difficult and, Lunatic Hoshido wasn't just 'F*ck you' mode. So yeah, gameplay => Near perfect.
  8. *wistle* I'm look at my previous post, and I wonder what the hell happened that I could do so many mistakes. :/ He's the (very good actually) exception, not the rule. The only dragon part he have is somekind of pseudo-claws that are easy to miss. Badass tattoo though.
  9. Am I the only one who think they should change chara-designer ? The design was crap in the two remake, it was crap on the one on 360/PS3, and it's still crap now. Seriously, those faces, the outfits Oh, and a loli as an apparently main character, original. :p All in all, I wonder what i will be in the end, though I don't expect much to be honest, I might be wrong, the battles look fun.
  10. Y'know, the manakete dude have potentiel, I mean come one, dragon people, they have scales, claws, and fangs ! Too bad they are so ugle. :/ Sacrilege, Idoun's dragon form was super-sexy !
  11. I'm curious about it. Text simulator ? That's it ? There's nothing wrong... right ? Nothing to be ashamed, it's beautiful. Except maybe for Ganz. He have purple hair ? Wtf ?
  12. Oh shit, that mean Earth is canon in the Fire Emblem timeline, no ? F*cking outrealm.
  13. Eh I dunno, Idoun is hot, but not that hot.
  14. Plot-twist: Narshen is Roy's father.
  15. Uh, normally, I don't step in 'Serious Discussion', not being that smart and all, but I'll do an exception. Isn't that illegal ? In some country I mean. That is immoral, and I don't want to say bad thing about your mother, or anyone else for that matter, but what she said make her sound sexist and terrible. It is not be noted that from you said, she wasn't really answering your question, just did as if it was the norm. Also, what, woman are hormonal they don't have a choice ? Uh, yes, yes they have. Men will be alright in the end ? This kind of thinking can ruin lives. Call me naive, but what's a baby ? It's an agreement, a complete trust between a man and a woman, If a couple have baby in such deceiful way, you got to question your life. :/ . So yes, it's immortal, it's deceitful, it's even disgusting.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Masg_4Hhl0 New video made by Dave Control. There's apparently a new 'gauge' that allow you use something called 'Sword Arts', by exemple, the Sword Art of the GreatSword immune to stun and to do a super-attack, the long-sword have a powerfull guard-breaking attack. Dave seems confused, in fact, he's not really sure.: The shield will apparently determine if you can parry,or use a Sword Art. If there is a sword icon next to your shield, it's for Sword Art, if it's a shield icon, it's for parry. There's also apparenly a bigger shield icon. Dave believe that small shield will be for parry, but large shield will be for Sword Art , but it may vary The parry seem more like Dark Souls 1. Similar to Bloodborne, your R2 attack is a 'charged' attack. The ennemies seems to be smarter and unpredictable than in previous games. Dave talk about a Knight similar to the one from Demon's Soul (That I haven't player), if you try to backtab him in a too obvious manner, he'll actually bash you with his shield. There's also seem to gave a lot of mobs, making it (even more) harder to run past them. There's notably 'Bell' ennemy that can wake them and make them aggro you. Hm, Dave doesn't seem to like the game design. I'll let you see at 10:41, the game seem more open-world, with a lot of dead end with nothing, maybe it's just because it's Alpha phase It does seem annoying however. There's a iron voldo wielding a fire-sword, the demo was supposed to end after bearing him, but Dave died at the same time, thus he broke the game and could continue to play. :o Hm, no news of any healing items other than the Estus Flask, Dave don't know if there's anything else. He had 10 Estus during the demon. One thing I have to say, the fighting seem to be so, so, so awesome.
  17. Personally, I stopped at 5d's, those Xyz cards were too much for me. :p
  18. I'm pleased to see that the Twili have their place in the poll... even though Midna is the only good looking Twili in the end. >_> But I'm also pleased to see Tiki the Manakete being at the top.
  19. As stupid as it sounds, Camilla is interesting in the sense that unlike the other sibblings, who are in their tiny self-ritghteous world, she actually think of Kamui him/herself, in a crazy way yeah, but that's something. ... Then she openly want to kill Kamui in IK. Wonderful waste of support btw. It could've been used to actually develop Camilla, addressing the pseudo-incest issue, her past, about apparently using him/her as a crutch, I'm not the sure what the game is trying to do with her at that point. In fact, the game doesn't seem to know what to do with a lot of things. Freaking GG IS.
  20. No joke. It would be nice from IS to design that part of the game correctly. Seriously, 50 waifu/husbando, for MU, only one have any focus, the rest can go straight to hell, what's the freaking point ? It doesn't help that one, they push it in our face, and two, there's bad writing at hand everywhere. On another note, your avatar is fabulous, GoldenMapleLeaf !
  21. The game doesn't really know what 'suble' mean, it's hilarious.
  22. Foolish fools. Midna is sexier, and she is not even in the poll ! Zora are good, not that good, but still good. And judging how gorgeus Adult Tiki was, I'd say that Manakete are great. Huh, putting the Rito in the poll is awkward, since WW have a very chilldish design... and the only female Rito you got is a child... ..Goron, wtf ?
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