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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Well, for once, it's the main character who netorare someone, that's kinda good. ... So far the only Support I can kinda see as possible for Kamui other than Aqua, is Kamui/Camilla. No, not for the fanservice, but because, there is no 'boom mariage' since it's established that for Camilla, Kamui is everything (Why ? Hell if I knew), thus coherent. It's refreshing. Doesn't make the support any less weird/crappy/empty though oddly cute. The joy of awkward writing. *o* They actually worked out fine as just BFF. Heck there were some lampshade there and there about them being close but not married.
  2. Finally, you're starting to understand a part of our pain. :p
  3. Eh, it's funny. I think Elise is on drug or something though. The sibling who win the fight go to plot-device island ? Alone ? All alone ? No Kamui, no subordinates, no nothing ? That's surprising and disappointing. What happens if you have a S/A+-rank with one of them ? ... Don't look at me like that, it's not a desire for waifuing/husbandoing, just a desire for quality and coherence. ... And annoyance at the Kamu and Aqua uniqueness/pairing forced yeah. Bah, it's a funny DLC, so I'll enjoy the ride. Thanks for the translations ! RIP Oboro. She thought it was a good idea to drool over Lord Takumi's photo. And Lady Kamui heard about it.
  4. Uh, though question. Joker, Felicia and Suzukaze ? Nohr's character definitely are popular.
  5. Eh, I'll be happily waiting to see Aqua called a base breaker. Least favorite male shared character. Eh, I should be petty and vote Asura, cuz I killed him the first time and was too tired to care, but I'll vote for Sylas. I don't really dislike him, but geez, what he is doing here ? Least favorite female shared character A close call between Aqua and Felicia. I'll vote for Aqua because of her status as a walking plot device that I have to constantly tolerate, as well as being the forced waifu. Least favorite male Hoshi/Nohr I decided to vote Marx, Tsukuyomi (dat voice though) and Ryouma, just for the whole lot of BS they pull ouf of their asses. Least favorite female Hoshi/Nohr Crimson and Fiora. Don't tell me to feel bad for you two. I'm mixed between Camilla and Luna, but I'll choose Luna because Tsundere. Though she seem less tsun than in FEA. The extreme dislike I have fo Tsundere is superior to my dislike for the ms fanservice onee-chan who seem to constantly starve for her baby brother.... Weird. The children. Ah ah, too much to dislike, only three vote. :p Bah, tell you what, more or less at random, Soleil. Kanna F and Syalla.
  6. Who I hate ? Tough question. Eh, Aqua is way too useful, but she is such a walking plot device, then there's both of our oh so kind 'families'. Marx or, the Camus archetype that kill it's familly, he got to be the most idiotic of the lot. :p Eh, I honestly dunno, there''s a lot of character for me to dislike, Aqua, the sibblings, the expies, the children, Felicia the banshee... :/ Pieri is disliked ? I'm actually surprised.
  7. Ah, my bad, my bad. Ninja'd. Forgive me senpai. Senpai just noticed me ! 12 Hero in awakening, huh ? Huh, I wonder what they will be doing with that... If they will do something that is. I won't be too happy if it has something to do with past FE sans FEA.
  8. Wait. Wasn't there 12 dragon god in FE4 ? Who did the blood pact with the 12 legendary crusader ? ... Hopefully ,I'm just seeing thing, I don't want to imagine what they could do with FE4 or other past FE.
  9. I still think beach episode are just meaningless fanservice, and that they should't be there at all, but sheesh, it actually look fun gameplay wise. Thanks for the translation !
  10. I don't see the point of putting a catch in grinding DLCs, if I bought a grinding DLCs, I expect to be able to farm fast and easy. If I don't want to farm, I simply won't, it's as simple as that. Handicaps such as counter or pass just make the whole thing tedious as hell. Looking at you FEA I wouldn't mind something arround the ressources, since it's such a pain to farm those materials. Just. To. Buy. Clothes. ... A Clothes DLC too maybe ? Eh,that would be kinda lame.
  11. Embrace me my brother. Eh, I dunno about shipping, but the fansersive is there, you just have to look at the number of explosion, bs explanation, plotholes... As well as various other things. :p Does anyone know why Anankos did... pretty much everything he apparently did (Kamui, the war...) ? There's apparently a forgotten debt somewhere, but it's been a while I didn't see anyone explaining about it. .
  12. Oh I see my bad then, and thanks. Well, I hope it will be good., I got to be one of the only people who doesn't give a crap about Future Past. Heck, I even have a slight dislike for it. Now where's my hate shield ? Throw Shuriken, it's less dangerous.
  13. Thanks for the translattion ! I really, really have to at least finish my Lunatic hoshido run before being too tempted to use those grinding DLCs. Encountering the Awakening Those items are for the Amiibo classes no ? But it's first time only, what gives ? Small stones, what is that ? The museum of duels: Oh crap, all weapons ? Limitless ? Well, at least, they don't screw arround and give us the full pack. That's a very good thing the weapon exihibition, because most weapons look great, and I want to look at them correctly, not when the characters is doing their dances. I'm looking at you Kamui and Pegasus Warriors. The battle of the strongest royal: Limitless Dread Scroll and Dark Pegasus Wing ? Good ! Every stat raising item ? Huh, okay cool. But only the first time ? Invisible Story part 1/2 I don't understand, is it a grinding DLC ? A story ? And it's part 1 out of two..... Grima's mark and Blood of Ankanos looks very interesting though. And it's limitless ?... Imagine if you get the Dragon or Grima class with those. :D Holy crap, that would be awesome. I find this 'First time only' items hypocritical as hell. They already throw at us unlimited gold, weapons, exp, Dread Fighter and Dark Flier class. Why not doing the same with the stat raising items ? And most importantly, with the special promotion items. Because if I only get one of them, chances are that they will be in my bag forever. :/
  14. I think he's talking about PoR. Eh, not really. The characters you named are generaly established to have a crush on the other person. Such as Marisa for Gerik, Jaffar for Nino, Rebecca for Will. Plus, those supports are actually well developed. Well, to be fair, it's hard to notice for some like for Franz/Amelia, especially with the 5 support limit. It's doesn't compare to, say, Camilla/Zero, which make no sense whatso-freaking-ever btw.
  15. Eh, Naruto was good, before becoming Deus Ex Machina: The incoherent manga. Whch is sad. Water science with Fire Emblem.
  16. Whelp, that's convenient. And actually good. Thanks for the help !
  17. Wait. Each time you finish the game, you can add 5 characters in your logbook ? Does it mean that you can basically add all of your characters in your logbook by finishing the game again and again ?
  18. I'm disappointed son. Can't agree more though. Who the the flying iff wrote this crap, like, what the hell. It reminds me of Naruto.
  19. Basically, like it's been said they try to eat the cake and have it too. Too bad the plate is still empty in both case. Fufu, I'm so clever... I wonder if there wasn't some executive meddling during the development, not just for the third path, but for the entire game in general. It just seems so freaking chaotic. :/
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