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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. It might be just me, it's just that Nohr seems to be blabantly better than Hoshido in a lot of way. The subordinate are better too, heck, I hate myself for saying this, but even the NotFEA's character are better. (somebody kill me for saying this.) Nohr is full of memetic, interesting, endearing characters like Camilla, Marx, Harold, Elfie. Hoshido is full of your common happy-go-lucky tropes from X shonen manga. Same for the design... kinda, Ryouma is not bad at all, but the rest meh... :/ Hoshido is just so freaking... dull compared to Nohr. Again, that might just be me, and hey, I'm only speaking character wise. Saying that I 'hate' them is a bit too strong, I'm mostly indifferent towards them. Except for Takumi. #BlameTakumi.
  2. Spoiler for chapter 14, Nohr side.
  3. Eh, it's not that bad at all. Kind of funny to see the only good S support I've seen is with the old Jeigan.
  4. And not bad stat-wise too. A Mighty Glacier as it's finest. There seem to be better though, but ah, whatever, definilty waifu material here. Plus this beautiful face. And the voice, important the voice.
  5. The more I look at the plot, the more I have the impression to read a very bad manga, where the hero can shit nuke out of his ass and resolve all of his problem, but don't for some reason. Kamui is a dragon, I kill myself into saying that, and have an apparently I dunno, legendary weapon, a hidden castle, and siblings who love him very much. Probably not that much, but eh... Kamui doesn't even need a big badass plan, the only thing he need is some brain and the balls to use what he already have. Or rather, the writer need to do that. If he must kill Gantz and Garon as fast as possible, so be it, no need to tolerate their BS.
  6. Personally, I wonder how it is possible to be the King/Queen of an Invisible Kingdom full of somekind of undead shadow creature thing.
  7. No matter how horrible this is, I want it to remain intact. I'm a purist just like that. Then again, if we get an english patch that doesn't change anything, well, the problem is solved anyways, I guess ?
  8. There is so many things that doesn't make any sense with them being FEA's character, it's painful. And I'm not even talking about the outrealm crap, that, we already know it will never make sense, there is also the fact that they're on Nohr's side, aka, the evil side, to conveniently be the servants of your siblings. Dat logic. Personally, I blabantly do as if they were just expies and nothing else, yeah, that's lame, but it can't be as much as them comming straight from FEA.
  9. Huh, for one moment, I thought it was a hentai. Eh.
  10. I'll just leave this spoiler in... spoiler. Yeah. :p Let it be said, this girl doesn't seem really bright. In fact, she must have a brain freeze or something. Lol. :p There is the Amie system. It's embarrassing as hell, it will make you question your entire life, yeah, but it help a lot. Can't blame people for not wanting to touch it, I don't want to touch it, too bad it's actually practical. :/
  11. Or, y'know, they could actually simply put some work in it. :p Because seriously, for everything that come from MU's support or MU's personaitiy, it's crap. I think you're right though, well, I really like having the MU being able to support everyone, but seriously, they could just write better.
  12. I wonder just how much it'll take before a fanfic that is about trully revolutionizing Nohr comes out. Eh, I'll wait for the DarkKamui fic that we all want while I'm at it too. I actually can't wait for it.
  13. I'm mixed. In one way this is actually a good support, even though it would be better without the shitton innuendo, but then again, those are funny, but sometime it's too much and I have a hard time taking it seriously, but we learn a lot of things from both characters, like I said, I'm mixed. In another, I can't help being annoyed as crap because this support basically show once again that the so called bond that Kamui have with his familly/famillies really are nothing but BS. Seriously, the more I look in to it, the more it's like that. Plus it is better than the Kamui/Camilla support, I'm petty just like that but eh.
  14. I can't blame people for being happy that their ship is canon/superior, in fact, I'm happy for them. Who I can blame, however, is IS for their shitty writing. :p What is the point of doing shitton of waifus/husbandos, if it's to push one, and only one in particuliar up in your ass ? Not really, to be honest. It sounded like love at first sight. Heck, even the support said this. ...Doesn't change the fact that their supports is crap though. :p
  15. Yeah, it was Saizou. Maid and Ninja are great classes ! I think it was a great idea from IS to had them. Felicia kind of a Jeigan when you think about it, the best Jeigan. Now if only she could have a less annoying voice and personality. She apparently have a great ass though.
  16. I think that I want to understand japanese. Give me your brain. Eh, seriously though, I kinda figured out that Kamui would be pretty much a Yes-man that don't do shit and decide to rebel at the last moment because Metal-slime. It's kind of annoying when the characters know perfectly well that their 'superior' is a dick, but do nothing against it, even if they perfectly can . Then again, how can you have a smart story when the main character is a dragon. I can't stress that word enough... Btw, was his dragon transformation ever mentioned ? I don't think so but I ask anyways
  17. I love this playthrough too. Lot of explanation and details, I also didn't knew about the unused Azel/Midir dialogue, thank you for telling us about it. Eh, their country seems to be constitued of 90% of bandit, so it's not surprising to them failing at common sense.
  18. That's supposed to be a good, or a bad thing ? :p More like a bad thing to me.
  19. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't like it, the basic support are them basically playing as Captain Obvious and saying 'lala future lala', and the S support is just plain pathetic. If they want me to take the canon pairing seriously, they'll need a much better writing than that. Another reason for me to not like the third path. :/ And for the love of crap IS, stop giving the personality that come straight from the worst manga to the MU.
  20. I still dislike the third path, and I will to so forever. But geez, thoses stats, those characters... it's just awesome.
  21. Eh, I dunno, Luke was kinda bland in the end... So, could it be said that Kamui is mary-suish ? Or just that the plot is crap and doesn't allow much ? Both ? I never seen the point of being able to customize MU, if in the end, he was the same happy-go-lucky dude. :/ Well to be fair, the point of leading the army was never made very clear in past Fire Emblem.
  22. Of course, it has nothing to do with her boobs ? Well as far as Kunoichi go, she fit the bill perfectly. So, great Str, eh ? I'll keep that in mind.
  23. Hm, I see thanks. I ask this because I have the impression that all of your sliblings are god-tier. Well, sans Elise/Sakura since they're unpromoted. Camilla's kind of OP at this point, so I wondered if she would worth it or not stat wise... Dark Mage, really Camilla ? Tsk tsk;.. Since, you know, unpromoted units are generally better than prepromoted unit in the long run.
  24. What I want to know is, if she's better than Camilla stat-wise/class-wise ? ...feeliing ? What's that ? :p
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