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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Okay, I really like the Leon/Takumi support actually !
  2. I have to admit, I'm disapointed by that support. Kamui is too much a sluttering wimp and Camilla is too much in lala land.Might as well have follow a talk between two wall. Two funny wall, but still two dumb wall. I was expecting something much more deep than that. Even the S-rank isn't that good, I have flashbacks of Henry/Nowi. :/ We're talking about mariage, a little serious would be welcome, especially if it's between two children who grewed up together. Seriously the only thing they did was to play with Camilla's loving Kamui in a funny way. Over and over again. Eh, the A-rank with the map was very cute and funny though, that was the only moment I liked.
  3. I-It's a map ? I though it was a belt... and the first time I've seen it I though it was something else... Oh well, that's cute from her I think. Somewhat weird but not that much.
  4. What, no endgame, no postgame, no save, no anything in Nohr ? That's sad and weird. :/
  5. Whelp, that's pretty cool, I always loved your translated playthroughs ! Spoiler ? What's that ? :p Again, many, many thanks to you !
  6. Ya know, playing game of thrones in a universe where the MC is a freaking dragon is kinda of an enormous BS. :p Nuclear blast, problem solved. From what I've seen, or read, the only one path that is truly satisfying seems to be the third path. It kind of give the Hoshido/Norh choice a sense of bad end very similar to FE6's bad ending, soo... bad end ? You're not the only one. *gaze 'lovingly' at all of FEA's and If's characters that he could kill if it was possible...* You can marry the expy of Tharja, would this counts as a bad end ?
  7. Interesting. That that means there will be no need to create a bullshit streetpass team a la Pokemon OR/AS to take adantage of the system then. Well... That's good actually.
  8. #BlameLeon. Seriously, it's not as if they had a S support, and you got that kind of dialogue in most manga/anime in the world (Even some in past FE), I don't see what the big deal is.
  9. Shotacon fetish probably. Or that's because she knew Kamui when he was very young sooo... Or maybe that would be because the game seems to be determined into making Kamui act like your common shota shonen main characters
  10. Actually, I'm pretty sure there is a predifined pairing for (mostly) everybody in FEA according to some data. (Plus the Chrom/Sumia deal) If isn't really that far, considering how much a lot of children look like a carbon copy of certain female characters: Ophelia looks just like Nyx, Mitama like Sakura, Syalla's like Orochi etc, I'm not going to do them all. You got to be really blind to not see the resemblance. It's not even funny that IS is doing that. :/
  11. Aw, shoot, I missed it. Had I knew it was there I would have come sooner. Don't look at me like that, it's only for curiosity's sake, I'm not that kind of guy. Are you're not a little curious too ? :p
  12. Blame anime. Or social media and fictions in general. :p
  13. It seems to be very similar to the translation of the 'choice' chapter we had though. :/
  14. Do want. Same for me ! I might even give up waiting for the EU version altogether. Geez, your 'families' have the diplomatic skills of dried shits, it's terrifying. That's how they want to convice you to join their side ? That's sad.
  15. Doesn't Holy Blood, Major or Minor, give a mark to their bearer ? Checking if your so called children have ot or not shouldn't be that hard. I really doubt that Trabant would have killed Leaf for not being able to wield Gae Bolg, he is, after all, Ethlin's child. I'm not saying he would've been the best father of the world though. :p Eh, I almost forgot about that ! It's embarassing, since I actually love this piece of information. I think that AULeaf should be either a Wyvern Knight, or a Lance Knight. Imagine the Trabant's facepalm if his kid was a Prince. :p Funnily enough, I don't imagine Altena to be a Master Knight, dunno why since everything is possible.
  16. Well that's great then ! :D You use a badass S-Rank Weapon, if they are that powerful, they should kill the ennemy, thus activate Galeforce. Switch to Brave weapon, then attack another ennemy. Logically, the debuff of the brave weapons shouldn't be too much of a problem ,since you'll probably get the S-Ranks at the end of the game, thus you characters should be at high-level.
  17. Well, it is halves Str/Mag after you attacked with it, no ? Thus, it'll only be a problem if you have Galeforce, or during the Ennemy phase. If you use those S-Rank Weapons, you'll have to be prepared for the consequences, and it doesn't seem to be that much of a problem to me.
  18. Silly, I'm not going to give my little sister to anyone. Yeah, I'm asshamed of her, but I don't give my possessions like that. Halves stats ? Well, it's just Str/Mag, right ? No biggie.
  19. EDIT: What. Damn you, now I'll never look at Kanna in the same way ! XD
  20. Hell yeah S-rank ! Plus, they seem to be really freaking badass ! What, not S-rank dragonstone ? Sad. :/ Ah ah, those with S-rank in stavs are the Maids/Butlers, poor Sakura. :p
  21. It would be nice if she used that against the ennemies, not her husbando. Something tell me that the honeymoon will be very awkward. :p Fiora, be less weird, have a better support, and maybe I'll put on the waifu list, m'okay ? Until then, you're just a (probably good) units like many others.
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