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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Gee, it's as if Hoshido were the good guys everyone should love, and Nohr the evil guys that everyone should hate and avoid. Seriously though, those arts are beautiful. And just like that, I have even less respect for Robin now.
  2. Yeah, I mean the Guard Naginata, very handy this weapon. I take back what I said about Kagerou she is awesome. I just got Ryouma and Crimson, no surprise, Lobster-san is awesome. I'm perplexed by Crimson. Her stats are: Str 23 (+2) Mag 4 Skl 17 Spd 19 Lck 14 Def 22 Res 6 That's the stat she have now, the moment I got her. So what's the catch ? xD
  3. Never. Ever. Played. Any. Of. Those games. Heck, I never even seen a let's play. The only thing I know about this series is that it have awesome musics.
  4. Gratuitous french. *w* Seriously though, I can't understand people who say that the third path isn't the golden ending and thus make the other two useless, I mean come on, Thane summed it up perfectly. Ah, but people can have their own opinions. What if II don't want to sympathize with the other side at all ? Really, IS shoot themselves in the crotch with their choices thingy. Big time, and it's not even funny.
  5. Eh, just imagine petting Garon... :p The 3D models are great but I also thing they look weird. I dunno why exactly, maybe the pose.... :/
  6. I don't really hate it, or at least, not as much as before. And as much as I'm embarrassed to use it, I can easily laugh, and it is somewhat useful. But geez. Human. Petting. In Fire Emblem, it's ridiculous... And like Thane said, there's things more important than that to be added. Eh, if you love it, it's perectly fine, I'm not gonna judge you or anything. No one will.
  7. Takumi is a monster ! The ennemies should blame Takumi. Kagerou really don't impress me much, sure, at level 13, she shad 17 str, 5 more than Suzukaze, but... :/ Hm, is Hinoka really that good ? With her special naginata that boost her def/res, she is indeed a good tank. Also the game just gave me Yuugiri and her bases are crap. :/ Also, I got two Dread Scroll with the bonus box... to who I should give them ? It doesn't really looks like a good class. :/ Well, it look badass, especially with the blue fire thing that is badass.
  8. Eh, while reading your post I thought about some (rather good) fanfic I've read on AO3, where FemKamui often qualified the nohr sibblings of liars was reccuring. Just wanted to talk about this good memory.
  9. Personally I'll do this with Kamui's dragon power: It's real freaking OP as fuck, seriously it's a dragon transformation. it's weak in game. And he'll almost never use it in Nohr for obvious reason said above. Oh, and there's a difference of size between InBattleDragonKamui and CutsceneDragon Kamui. Eh, it could be useful as a second persona too. Sigh. Why this couldn't have been in the game ? Plus.
  10. Lunatic is not hard enough ? You're kidding me right ? :p
  11. FemKamui is trying to seduce me by looking evil and showing me her legs. It works I guess being an anime character dragon allows you to screw gravity for the sake of evil and sexyness. MaleKamui still look like a generic shota hero, still somewhat cool, bu shiny as hell. But he seems to have neck problem. :p
  12. Pretty much this in a nutshell. I hate to be that guy, but you not being related to your relatives, it's not a plot twist, it's called shitty writing, especially if it's never touched unpon/developped/mentioned, except for the oh so glorious golden path, oh wait, it's still barely mentioned/developped... No need to go into complicated justification. It's shitty writing. They BSed our face. Point. Don't lie to me. Speaking of that, you not being related to any of your Hoshido sibbling could actually have been used for something good, but it's never, ever, even touched upon or developped at all. Or if you call thoses convenient as hell and poor ass S-rank support 'developed'. Seriously, that bad writing, that waste of potential, it's just sickening. It's a great thing that the gameplay is just blabantly awesome as hell.
  13. You almost gave me heart attack. :p
  14. Eh, I gave up on her the moment I had Camilla and Leon. Still, that's pretty freaking cool backstory. Must be awkward for the honeymoon. And the pregnancy. Nowi bs level here. ... Does this make her immortal ? Because if the game follow common sense, she should be. Huh, not cool for her. I think they're strange, they look like somekind of weird... animal woat. But strangely good to look at. Why, can't we have the same kind for our MU ?! >_<
  15. Fire Emblem ! It will educate you better than school ! Speaking of that...
  16. I said, 'vigilante style a la Yuri Lowell from Tov when no one is looking'. I didn't mean 'charging at Gantz with a sword in front of everyone'. Subtlety people, subtlety. Kamui already killed lot of people before y'know. :p The only difference is that Ganz is a monster, nothing more, no matter how I look at it, the karma metter won't bulge much. I'm not saying it will make Kamui more naive though after, but you see what I mean. You know, having Ganz killed can be used in many many way, he's kind of a general, who kill people left and right. Rumors of a dude who kill corrupted generals like Ganz... it will change things. A lot, and there's a lof of possibilities. That would make Garon and co kinda paranoid so, that sounds like a bad things, but he can't really say 'You did it', especially with the sibblings just right there. That would badass symbolically speaking, Kamui change, and he decide to change Nohr.... Does this sounds like a crappy fanfic ? Tell me, to save my ego.
  17. Why not having Kamui doing things ? Like killing Gantz and co g igilantismi-style a la Yuri ? Preferably with no green aesop popped out of nowhere or 'it's not right !!1!' BS. Because really, this 'change Nohr from the inside' just reeks incompetence and bad writing.
  18. The entire plot. The 'choice'. MU's crappy personality. Again. The children. Seriously: Why ? It's stupid. And they are stupid. From the same pot, the Awakening Expies. IS... what is wrong with you ? Face rubbing. What's worse, it's actually practical. I guess it can be funny at time. Bah. Amiibo... Support dialogue I've seen so far are terrible. Items icon that are no longer unique. I enjoyed looking at them in older Fire Emblem. :/ No rapunzel hair for MaleKamui, and only one for FemKamui, and it's not even that rapunzel. Seriously, give us some good haircuts. Look at Aqua, Kagerou, and Ryouma. Most of the haircuts we got are stupid. Don't tell me they're not able to do better than that. Considering I don't want to ever use the children, I guess I won't have the whole issue with pairing a non-Kamui-sexual with MKamui. But still, it's annoying. :/ Yknow, at one point, we might as well just hack the game to make everyone being able to support anyone, but with no dialogue. I dunno, I think that everything else, especially gameplay wise, is almost perfect. Yeah.
  19. Eh, he's cool, he is better than Flannel design-wise, but I prefer his daughter. The only Hoshi-kid, or kid for that matter, that i can somewhat like.
  20. Note to self: Search a code to give Kamui the Dragon class.
  21. What, no pretty girls ? Sheesh, they are all narmy as hell. Except Nacth, that beard ! If they're not worth my time, I'll kill them. Oh god, if we can catch them all... completionist, completionist ! Rolf, one of them is called Hormone ! xD
  22. I don't want to touch the children at all, as in, never, so... Still, hopefully Kanna won't be an annoying and insensitive little twat like Morgan was, but considering the questionable quality of the supports I've read to far... Oh yeah, this too. FIrst time I've heard her voice: Ouch. :/
  23. Wha-, they are gender locked ? What gives ? Well, that make sense, since Witches can't be male... I think ? I remember reading somewhere that witches weren't necessarily female... Are we sure it's only to magic using classed ? What if Shadowgift allowed the use of dark magic, no matter the class ? Still useless since there is only on Dark Tome, and it's fairly useless, but still.
  24. Huh, here my NohrKaze, who's a Elite Ninja lv17, I'm pretty satisfied with him. 38HP Str:24 Mag:0 Skl: 32 Spd: 37 Lck:12 Def 13 Res:27 I've heard that Kagerou had one of the best Str devs of the whole game, and she is overall awesome. Now my Elfie is much better than before, I reclassed her at lv 15 into a General now her stats are... Str: 33 Ma: 0 Skl: 21 Spd: 13 Lck: 21 Def: 31 (+2 with Def+2), Res: 12 Mozume, while is totally my warrior waifu of doom, bothers me. Why ? Because I finally got the Line of Death skill, and I want to reclass her from a Weapon Master to a Sniper, the thing is, if I do that, she'll only have a E rank in bows. I know that I have an item for that, but I want to keep them for the character who I'll give the S rank weapon to. If that even exist. The joy of playing a Fire Emblem games for the first time and having to face the concequences of your choices ! I missed it !
  25. Imo, that would be lame as hell. especially if the character are chosen by popularity, thus putting half of them in the trash can. If they want to add character interaction, they should put it in the main game, not in DLCs, even if said DLCs is stupid/useless/needless as hell. Plus I don't care about the children, they are just a bunch of walking pieces of bad writing.
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