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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. It doesn't help that the hero are generally the ideal shitty anime hero cliche of doom, 'kind', guilible, naive, stupid and transparent. There must be a problem is Japan if they like that. Seriously. And it doesn't help that it generally hurt the other characters characterization-wise, as well as simple coherence. Is Atlus' games, I always found that the player worshipping made more or less sense, because of the nintendo hard nature of those games as well as making sense story-wise, In Strange Journey, you are an experimented soldier, in EO, you are generally the guild who defeat all those powerful monsters, etc, and even then, they don't take it as far as ass-licking. It's tame. It's more like the dev who recognized you as beating a hard game and that's it. Persona 4 takes took worship cake , and take it wayyyy too far, for reason that are obvious. And that you already said. Kamui has a special sword, can transform into a dragon, have a magic castle. M'okay why ? And why does no one ever comment on it ? I have no problem with Kamui being loved by his sibblings, and he is the hero, he has to be loved by some characters, I have a problem with him being considered a good, awesome person when he is simply stupid, naive, and self-righteous, and when he don't have to suffer the consequences of his actions, other than stupid angsting, and that's annoying. It's not so much that I'm tired of player worshipping, I'm tired of stupid player worshipping that don't make sense and hurt the writing altogether.
  2. Monster Hunter is fun for what, 10 minute or so, when it becomes annoying. There's always the multiplayer, but that too becomes boring after a while. 21) Even though I acknowledge how good Pokemon's multiplayer is, I honestly don't care much about it. It's not what Pokemon is about, to me it's the main game, the exploration, the PNJ, the pokemons, the main story, the arenas, the adventure. 22) I really don't like the battle tower and it's copy. Doing XX overly long battle for XX time, where's the fun in that ? 23) However I do like the Contest, I honestly think this is the kind of secondary thing that pokemon need. 24) HMs really annoys me, having to sacrifice one move slot to have a move that'll be mainly used outside of battle... Granted, most of them are not bad, but they're still a waste of slot. I'd rather have them being a special item that you can use or something.
  3. 1) I actually like the modification in recent pokemon game, such as infinite HM and EXP share that gives EXP to all the party. I just don't want to waste my time grinding for X hours. 2) I actually don't like Ocarina of time that much, I still like it, but I find it annoying at time and I prefer Majora's Mask over it. 3) I really fucking dislike this whole incarnation/timeline BS of Skyward Sword, and I'm not even talking about the manga, if I didn't knew Zelda since I was a kid, it would've ruined the series for me. 4) I think that giving a definite personality or past to Link is stupid. Link is a link between the game and the player, stop giving him a past, childhood friends, kids think of him as an older brother, just leave me alone with this crap.. And leave me alone with the shitty tutorial too please, let me play the freaking game. 5) I have no problem with story in Zelda games, heck though, I love TP for that, despite it's linearity. 6) I think that Bioware's games are way overated and doesn't deserve all the praise they get AT ALL. 7) Amiibos are complete crap, and I don't understand why people would ever buy it. It's just so freaking stupid. 8) I love Sacred Stones very much. 9) People dislike Shadow Dragon ? I don't. Sure, there's no support, the graphism are kinda crap and I don't like the soundtrack that much, but I love it. Plus, Marth's characterization is awesome, like the story. 10) I honestly think that Dark Souls is not that hard. Sure, you'll die a lot, but ultimately, it's a gameplay mechanic and nothing more..You just need a little determination. And a brain. 11) I'm honestly getting tired of the Tales of series, it's not what it used to be, it's now just manga crap now. 12) Skyrim is overated, sure, it's a good game, but not that much, the story is complete crap, the faction are disappointing, dumb, and full of plothole (Hello Dark brotherhood and thief's guild), the magic is complete crap, the characters are annoying and pushed in your face, most of the quests are just so freaking boring... I'll stop now. 13) Oblivion is better than Skyrim in almost every way. 14) However, the story of Morrowind is superior than both Skyrim (Duh), and Oblivion, Oblivion is still very, very good story-wise though. 15) I think that the Assassin's creed series is not that good anymore, it's now just a cashcow franchise. 16) Devil Survivor 1 is better than Devil Survivor 2, especially story-wise. 17) I think that SMT are not what it used to be. 18) Can they shut the hell up with their friendship BS message from P4 ? Seriously. 19) Speaking of P4, I think that the story and Social links are almost all mindblowingly stupid. 20) I actually like all Pokemon games, there's thing that I dislike there and there in some games but in the end, I like them.
  4. You can apparently have her no matter the chapter you're in, apparently, it's just cheer dumb luck, each time you enter your My Castle, you have a chance to have her join you. Still, have a A-rank with both Felicia and Joker just to be sure.
  5. Both families just had to be more mature, and not take Kamui for granted because they can't think outside of themselves. Logically, Kamui has no reason to trust any of them: Hoshido ? He literally doesn't even know them and . Nohr familly ? They all lied, manipulated and apparently . Granted, they all loved him, sans Garon, but it doesn't change what I said. Their love is self-righteous, and more like a poison than anything. Plus being stupid at time.
  6. I really should play Drakengard, I heard nothing but praise about it. but Nier scares me because you-know-what. Yeah, I spoiled myself. True art is angsty as tvtropes would say, and I agree, thing is, my heart can't take it when it's too much. :/ For If, seriously, they made a big deal about the choices you'll take, which is stupid and a total BS from the get go, as you might as well choose between the pest and the cholera, but they take it even further by basically making the Nohr/Hoshido path the bad endings a la FE6 by giving us the Third golden path, that you'll have to buy. And apparently writing them like crap. I said it before, and I said it again, I didn't expected that kind of douchebaggery from IS.
  7. Yeah, but only just a little. I'll still be pissed at the game for giving me a probably canon golden love&rainbow ending.
  8. I remember too the time where the supports where not only meaningful, but where also about a relationship, even without a special ending I remember the Colm/Rennac support too, ah, t'was the good time. But oh well, I'll try to laugh will I can, I'll cry later.
  9. Seriousy, wtf ? xD I'm disapointed because I have the impression that half of the support in this game like this one are crap, but at the same time, I can't help but smile a little at this. Camilla seem to be a crappy support magnet.
  10. Eh, you could always buy the skill 'Hoshido' with the My Castle. It gives you +10% for skill activation. Quite handy. I got the feeling that Kamui is the only character that can use the 'sword skills' well, added to that, he is very powerful and has high stats, so... If you want you could always go for Hero for Sol, or Cavalier for Luna, but I dunno, I find Astra to be better. Plus you'll get Swordfaire, more damage is always good.
  11. Problem is, I don't want to be a Messiah, a Conqueror, or whatever. I already don't want to be a Suzaku, but being a Messiah is even worse. :p Let me be evil, seriously.
  12. Imo, he's a self-righteous dumbass who expect the dragon lollipop to be in his mouth. Like numerous characters in this game. Like numerous dumb anime characters... They just expect you to join them with zero problem. RIP all the people he killed when he was pursuing you btw. :p
  13. It must be painful though. For males and females alike. Yamero IS, you're drunk go home. :p
  14. To be fair, a lot of necks in this game are weird.
  15. God forbid that you kill people in time of war... Sigh. About this 4th path, I'll buy it, they'll probably screw this up again, but killing all those self-righteous dumbass is just so good. to pass it up.
  16. So, so much true. The japanese actors I see them being all, 'Kinda weird, but whatever it's my job.', but the english actors... just holy crap. :p
  17. Interesting. Very interesting even. Considering how bad the story seems to be, it really doesn't show a good image of IS at all.
  18. Wait. There's blood ? I didn't know that ! That's pretty cool actually.
  19. EDIT: Yeah, nevermind about that... :/ Eh, her eyes are very creepy if you look at them on this picture.
  20. So basically, she is harassing her mother. Lovely. :p
  21. Nah, even if you're playing Nohr, you can perfectly have the Hoshido exclusives as a secondary class.
  22. If we had more save files, I would most certainly do challenge runs.
  23. Yeah you're right. It could've been just the writer who did crap. Seriously, who's the 'awesome' guy who came up with that ?
  24. Y'know, this is why people should be careful when putting things such as homosexuality in their game. Especially if there is something called waifus, husbandos and 'value dissonance'. Hell, when you see that even Bioware, the people known for that, have a hard time doing it...
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