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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Eh, I find it weird. I must a coldhearted person. :p
  2. Generally for the stats. FE4 was purely for the stats and only the stats for the first gen, then the second was for the feeling, then again, what do you want the second gen to be about ? ... Well, there is Celice/Lakche. yeah... For FEA it was more like, 'Sure, let's go with it.' at first since, who gave a crap about it ? And on the next save, it was for the skills/stats. The second gen was about convenience sake. It'll have to be a really crappy pairing writing-wise to stop me from doing it. It happens a lot. For Fates ? Eh, probably for love at first, and stats for the second save.
  3. That would make a great creepypasta ! :p
  4. The more I look at it, the more I want to have Rapunzel hairs for MaleKamui. ;-( I wonder if it would be possible to hack the game for that ?... I absolutely like the eyepatch, I'm not sure if this even an eyepatch, but I love it !
  5. It's not that I really dislike Lucina, but when you see that Robin and Chrom, the real heroes of the game, can barely be called the that in the first place, well, my exalted hand want to palm my face. Like I said might as well call Flavia an heroine too then. ... I like Robin/Lucina, just for the drama it'll give. :p But not everybody like having a pairing shoved in their face, especially if one of the character in the ship is supposed to be you.
  6. Whelp, Omega apparently possess the game now. Eh, I dunno, Joker's face is cool to me, pretty badass if anything.
  7. No offence to you, I like you. But if they consider Lucina to be the 'heroine', they need to read the definition of the word again. Saying that Lucina is the face of the game, m'okay that's true, calling her the 'heroine', no, just no, might as well call Flavia and Basilio the heroes of the game too then. I wonder if this will be the same thing with Aqua... outside of the third path I mean, since they push her in our throat in this one. ... btw, no FemKamui/Aqua ?
  8. Lucina is the lead ? Since when ? Lucky you, having your waifu as a near-canon pairing, we don't have that luck. :/ Oh well, it can't be worse, than FemRobin/Chrom so there is that. You know that Kamui is 'supposed' to be you ? Giving him a canon pairing is a bad move. Plus, Aqua doesn't seem to be that much of a lead... for now.
  9. I honestly don't know, though it's more possible than the 3D models. Sorry to not be able to help.
  10. Should we get worried that she'll murder every girl in the army ? Battle sprite ? You mean the 3D model for the characters ? I don't think.
  11. The laws of Stupidity are almighty. Something like, 'shut up, it's magic' with even less sense. :p
  12. So I decided to play Untold, and boy, I don't remember it being that easy. ... Then again, I don't remember the Ronin and Curse Maker being avaiable from the get go, just like I don't remember them giving you a house where had your personal maid that could give you HP regeneration tea. Even funnier, the classic mode give you guns, then there is no gunner class. :p I wonder if there is any change story wise for the classic mode ?... Yup, I don't care about story mode. For now at least. Bleuh. Oh, and for my team, it's: Protector - Ronin - Dark Hunter Hexer- Medic -Protector, Front/Rear Guard, the Elemental Wall skill, and I'll get Defender when I can, I also gave her Provoke lv5, I'll probably max the Shield Mastery and Def Up, Hp Up. -I don't exactly know what to do with my Ronin, but is she ever the glass cannon. I gave her Katana Mastery lv10. All the stances are at level 1, even the Peerless Stance. Slantwise Cut is still at level 1. Then I dunno, I'll probably give her the Elemental Sword. -Dark Hunter: Whip Master Lv4, Gag lv5, Shackles lv4 and Cuffs lv3. I'll give her Viper and Ecstasy when I can. A strong fighter. -Hexer: Curse Master Lv7, Stoning Curse lv4, all basic curse are at level one, except for Madness and Torpor who are at lv 4 and 2. Stoning Curse is badass. I'll give her Evil Eye when I can. I wonder if Revenge Curse is OP. -Medic: Heal Mastery lv2. Cure Lv5 and Salver Lv4. So far, she is perfect at her job, that is healing, each time she heal, she fully heal the character(s).
  13. Haven't you heard ? Having more than one waifu will ruin your laifu. Still, it is a good argument, Lobster dad and Ganon must had multiple wives/concubines in the past, and judging by the age of their children (and the numbers), they must have been very trigger happy with quite a bit of women. Of course, those two are probably not the best example of humain being.
  14. Our two knight are useful now, but they kind of fall behind quickly I tried to make Arden useful once, needless to say, I failed. :p Maybe if he could promote into something else.
  15. I maintain what I think about the third path, but shoot, I just love those CG so much. Once again, thanks for sharing.
  16. Nah, there is no reason to be so scared... :p Seriously though, yeah I'm scared too, but I guess we'll have to see.
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