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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. I'm sure that someone has pointed it out already, but I genuinely don't think that this is necessarily true anymore.

    I think the balance has shifted to more female over time, largely due to the most recent games.

    Most fire emblem fans I know are female, as opposed to most general video game fans I know being male.

    But yeah, if it is still true, then the only real reason is because video gaming has historically been mostly male and male-oriented.

    That said, there is are now entire genres of female oriented-gaming. The fairly obvious otome genre is a great example. (And annoyingly well represented on iphones as opposed to male games. Seriously, Amnesia and Hakuoki are available, but Stein's;Gate and 999 aren't? That's not fair!)

  2. My team isn't even sort of ready for this.

    I've got

    Robin hood: level 33

    David: level 37

    Darius: level 40

    Jing ke: level 40

    And that's frigging it.

    I'm gonna do a 30 pull (I really, really want Nursery Rhyme, since I'm a big extra fan), but since I got Scathach on the first try, I feel I've used up all the luck I'll ever have.

  3. On 9/21/2017 at 6:33 PM, Priwinn said:

    Here is my final sketch for Eirika, I tried to follow Jules' advice as much as I could and added some details. Damn I'm so slow on digital...




    I really need to sketch faster omg, but I don't see anything if I don't clean it up :(:. Also I gotta learn about how to do the  wrinkles on fabric and work on my spatial vision.

    Not too bad. If you're working digitally, are you using a tablet?

    If so, there are a ton of shortcuts that you just have to pick up over time. Watching videos of other people working is a good way to do that.

    As for fabric wrinkles, I think you're actually totally fine on those. Don't add any more.

    If I could offer a few critiques, my biggest criticisms would be

    1. Eyes: eyes are ovals. Yours are spheres. Ok, that may have been a bit too vague, but you've got to account for depth on the pupils.

    2. Arms: I have a lot of problems with this too, but you don't have clear elbows. Anatomical studies would probably help here.

    Your best spot is definitely the legs. They're almost perfect, and the feet are phenomenal.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Galactaray said:

    I agree with your statement that GHBs are great but during the recent datamine a new BHB was found in the files. Presumably will be released tomorrow titled BHB T&H. The map seems to be based off Cheve in Fates and I deduce that it's probably Takumi and Hinata. 

    We'll find out tomorrow for sure when the daily reset rolls about.

    Must've missed that. Good catch.

    Still, BHBs have always been (to me at least) a poor substitute for GHBs. Even when the characters were bad, it still was fun to get an exclusive character that way. Orbs just don't give the same thrill.

  5. 1 minute ago, Sire said:

    I like the fact that this is an actual balance patch instead of adding new stuff that tries to be competitive with the old stuff. So, I lean more towards approving of these changes.

    However, I am still hesitant as better weapons and new heroes with higher stat lines are becoming the norm. While I like the changes, there are still concerns elsewhere that prevent me from fully enjoying the game.

    Heartily Agreed.

  6. 4 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Part of me wants the Order of Heroes Anna to be Loki all along and there was never an Anna in the first place. So that's why Anna is missing in the trailer.

    But I doubt IS would go so far, especially with the Anna antics in the paralogues (unless Loki is an amazing actress). Plus what would happen to your Anna unit (especially if you built her up to 5 star) after the reveal happened?

    I also just realised the fire kingdom might have the game's Fire Emblem XD

    Well, what if Loki is actually Anna's sister, lol?

    The mysterious older sister who some how doesn't look like the other 789,000?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Sire said:

    Why does Fire Emblem Heroes always has to be a rollercoaster ride for me. They do something I dislike, then immediately turn around and say "Hey, look at all this awesome stuff!" This Direct has made up for some of the Ayra debacle in terms of releasing her on a separate banner. If they do it again though...

    This seems to always be their strategy, treading that fine balance. On one hand, they do seem to be genuinely trying to uphold the "you can experience everything without paying money" premise, while on the other, they want the cold, hard cash. It was the same with CYL: "Here are these incredibly broken units! But don't worry, we'll let you get any one of them for free, so everyone gets their waifu!"

    What this does show is that they were serious when they said they wanted to ensure that units will not be powercreeped. I foresee that the game will be rebalanced more in the future to counteract the next set of powercreeping. In fact, I bet that a base BST increase will be handed out for the old units in a year or two. I mean, who cares about the Ayra crap when she's now part of the super hero fest?

    THAT SAID, I'm still not sure how much longer I'm going to stick with the game. For me, the biggest, most massive disappointment has come from the removal of GHBs.

    This is the second time we're going an entire month with NO new ghbs, and this time, there aren't any new BHBs to make up for it. There's just nothing but reruns.

    That for me is the biggest issue. There aren't any fun challenges in the game any more. Tempest trials are far too easy, chain challenge difficulty peaked with chapters 10 & 11, and arena and AA are just a boring slog through the same five team comps over and over.

  8. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Falchion is still considered to be one of the better unique weapons due to the ability to stack Renewal on the combat medic build.

    In comparison,

    • Sol Katti has had its old niche tread on by the Brash Assault seal, and Lyn is on the weaker side to begin with,
    • Mystletainn and Hauteclere are not all that much stronger than Slaying weapons anymore (especially if the upgrade on Slaying weapons bumps their Mt up to 15 or 16),
    • Fujin Yumi was crap from day one being effectively a Silver Bow+ with +1 Atk,
    • Siegmund seems to be there to make a certain person from a certain interview happy and probably because Ephraim is about to have stiff competition with a certain waifu with a Distant Counter lance and an actual Spd stat,
    • and Deathly Dagger was pretty much crap from day one, as well.

    With this update, they seem to have specifically picked out all of the least-meta weapons to target, but I ASSUME that all non-divine tier weapons will receive the same treatment at some point (armands, falchion, etc).

    Due to how utterly sweeping the changes are, I don't think it's safe to say anything about how the meta will be shifted at this point. There are so ridiculously many new possibilities this has opened up that all we can do is wait and see.

    Also, Fjorn's speed was only 31, I think? Idk on the distant counter part, that may have just been her skill (though I really, really hope she does actually have dc)

    The tiering of speed has changed so drastically recently that I don't think it really matters all that much. You either have more than 36 base speed or you don't.

    That said, you're right, she IS going to see use being a) free b) waifu c) uniquely skilled.

  9. 47 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Half-off interludes has netted me a good number of Saint Quartz, and quite a few laughs.  I have a new soft spot for Leonidas.

    I really wish they'd add something like that to FEH, the interludes in FGO are so great.

  10. I don't know if this is really happening, or if it's just me, but ever since the Ayra thing happened, this game has started to feel really stale.

    As much as I love Halloween Henry, most of the others just felt... meh.

    But what's really troubling is the BHB repeat.

    Back when this game started, we got two GHBs a month, and I said back then (you can check the threads) that I felt that was too slow, and we should get one every week.

    As I said at the time, the rate of releasing new characters was so slow that it would take more than 8 years to release all of the characters from the poll.

    Well, now it's gotten even slower. And not just a little slower. New characters are being released at HALF the rate they were at the beginning.

    In October, we only got six new characters (not counting shigure, who wasn't "added for real")

    If there isn't a new GHB this month, we'll only get five new characters, maybe even four if they pull another "3 character banner" thing.

    There haven't been any new or exciting things going on and that has me worried. 90% of the content now is extremely tedious, whether it's arena assault, or repeating the same GHB/BHB just with a handicap.


    @Eclipse: I agree, I don't think Ayra had any impact on the meta what so ever (other than pushing out Non-DC swordies).

    She's far too easily countered by the existing meta to do anything.

  11. 7 hours ago, FallenVanguard said:

    In the Light Novel "Fate/Strange Fake" Alexander Dumas is a servant.

    In Fate/GO, Dumas' arguably most famous character, Edmond Dantes, is a Servant.

    So I think a Shakespeare character could easily become a Servant.

    I'd like to see that, because Shakespeare has a lot of good characters. There's a ton of possibility there.

  12. 1 hour ago, NekoKnight said:

    Soren's advice was sound. Their options were to harbor a fugitive for no real gain or to fight the Daein army that was handily winning the war. It doesn't work out that way because the soldiers were planning to ambush them anyway.

    Lol, I don't want to start an argument because

    A. This is a thread for unpopular opinions anyway

    B. 90% of this is hypothetical

    But the gist of it regards how stupid the advice actually is when taken in context of everything going on:

    1. Greil is a former Daein general who is guilty of desertion, which is punishable by death

    2. Oscar and Titania are both former Crimean knights and would likely be executed by Daein

    3. Mist has Lehran's Medallion, which Ashnard is searching for, and would obviously kill her over.

    4. Daein's goal in the war is to create as much chaos as possible. They have no actual intention of subjugating Crimea, since Ashnard basically wants to destroy the world anyway.

    5. Since the princess's identity is a secret, Daein would need to eliminate anyone who knew about her to keep rumors from spreading.

    6. By the time Soren has given this advice, they have already killed over a dozen Daein soldiers, and their comrades are unlikely to forgive that.

    I mean, a lot of that Soren couldn't have known, but some of it he definitely should have. It's just funny how egregiously stupid his advice actually is.

    Plus, shouldn't he have realized Daein was planning to ambush them? They'd already attacked without waiting for explanation only one chapter before hand. I mean, what did Soren think, they were just going to say "Oh, no problem that you killed a bunch of our comrades, we'll totally let that slide." 

  13. 51 minutes ago, Sire said:

    I used some Summoning Tickets in hopes I would get some new Servants to play with. For 5 Tickets, I got some CE fodder, Darius, and Heracles! Getting Heracles on my last ticket was a pleasant surprise and made the experience worth it.

    I'm not really interested in Okita and I plan on trying to save up my Quartz for Scathach. After her, I'm not quite sure who to save up for considering everyone is so spread apart. Maybe Brynhildr and Alter Jeanne?

    Rate Up Calendar List - Reference

    Jeanne alter is a big one to go for, largely because she's both really good and a fairly rare class.

    I'd only go for Brynhildr if I fail to get Scathach, but that's just me personally.

    Another big reason I'm rolling for Scathach as a F2P is that craft essence is supposed to be really good. I don't have any illusions that I'm actually going to get Scathach, I only have around 10 summon tickets and 120 quartz, but I did get 2 victor from the moons rolling for drake, so I might at least get one fragments.

  14. 2 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    Okay so here we go:

    Soren is my least favorite FE character of all time

    Micaiah is actually a very good character that suffers from poor screentime

    I didn't mind Phoenix mode

    Weapon durability sucks and needs to never come back

    Light magic needs to come back, like immediately xD

    OMG, I agree with you on these points, this is exactly what I was going to say.

    1. The removal of the magic triangle was stupid and imbalanced magic for all of the games (bishops seriously had no point in awakening)

    2. Soren is an idiot and almost all of his advice would have gotten Ike killed if Ike had listened to it

    Soren: we should immediately surrender to Daein (Daein immediately kills them to remove any witnesses)

    Soren: We can't trust these beastmen and we shouldn't trust them (Daein ambushes the group and slaughters them)

    3. I don't care that there's a difficulty I'm never going to use anyway.

  15. Well, there are a few things.

    Path of Radiance actually sold quite well, it had very high reviews too. Although it came out pretty late in the GameCube's life cycle, thanks to backwards compatibility on the Wii, it had a lot of growth during that generation as well. It was Radiant Dawn that actually tanked due to it's difficulty, bad reviews, and complete lack of support conversations turning people off.

    Ike is also extremely popular among the female audience due in no small part to Fujos shipping him with Soren, so that's given him an enormous amount of staying power through things like fanfics and fan art, which keeps him in people's memory. He's also not unpopular with male players, so that helps too.

    As for Lyn, she's derived almost entirely from emulators. I mean, GBA Fe sold fine and reviewed fine, but it was pretty niche. GBA emulators are super easy to run, and almost any pc can handle them, so even people who don't normally do serious gaming could get into her game.

    As for why she's popular, well...

    1. She's generally every male FE player's first crush. (And maybe some female players)

    2. She's got a unique and interesting personality with a lot more depth than most of the other lords (such as her intense hatred of the bandits that killed her parents)

    3. She's got a great character design. ( I mean, I don't know how well it works as an outfit, but artistically speaking, it really stands out.)

  16. 1 hour ago, Archer of Red said:

    Because waifu.

    But seriously, she has a pretty good personality character wise, she was the advertised lancer, so she got a lot of hype building up to her release (similar to Arjuna), and she has a connection to an already popular character (Cu Chulainn). She's also a top-tier servant gameplay wise, with her and Okita being the powerhouse crit servants until JAlter drops.

    Cool. Well, definitely going to pull for her.

    That's the weird thing about FGO as opposed to FEH. For FEH, you don't ever want to Yolo pull, because pity rate means that you actually do increase your odds with each pull, rewarding spending more on one banner.

    But for FGO it doesn't matter when you pull the odds are constant.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Hylian Air Force said:

    He got the death penalty.

    Eh, he deserves it.

    Doesn't matter much, though, I'd bet. Even if he got life, from what I've heard, guys like him don't live long in prison anyway.

    "No known terror ties" on the New York attacker. Well, we'll know soon enough. This time we can actually ask him.

  18. 1 minute ago, Hylian Air Force said:

    Dzhokar Tsarnaev, Boston Marathon bomber. He is a terrorist and is alive, and probably will be until he runs out of appeals.

    Geez. That was nearly a decade ago.

    Did he get death sentence or life in prison? 

  19. Just now, Lushen said:

    I found this interesting as well.  I was trying to think back to a time where we captured a Terrorist and I don't know that it ever happened.  I'd be very curious to see if he was involved with any terror organizations (not just ISIS) because I've always been wondering if terrorist attacks are escalating because of these organizations or individual hatred.

    Guy was from Uzbekistan, right?

    According to wikipedia, the last major terrorist attack in that country was in 2004. It doesn't have any connections to ISIS, and is not considered to have a major terror threat.

    Doesn't mean that the guy isn't connected to something or other, but again, ISIS has the tendency to claim responsibility for things that they didn't actually do to make themselves seem stronger (like when they said they were responsible for the vegas shooting)

  20. 7 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    Anyways, I'm sure everyone's heard about the terrorist attack in NYC.  Sad, though I was able to hold on to my faith in humanity when I heard that a bus driver civilian helped stop the attack.  I really do think America has some of the bravest people when it comes to these kinds of situations.  


    And weird as it is to say, I'm glad the guy responsible survived. I've had enough of the whole "Terrorist shot himself, so we can never know what motivated him."

    I'm glad he's going to be able to face justice.

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