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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. Just now, pumpkinspice48 said:

    I figured we'd be getting one eventually but I'm kind of surprised it's so soon after the bride one.  I was thinking there'd be a couple regular banners in between and the swimsuit banner would come in August or late July at the earliest.

    Me too. It was at least three banners between Easter and Bride.

  2. So, first off, no more awakening. Seriously, if I have to see those same maps again, it'll be a nightmare. We need to go to another world.

    With that out of the way, here's what I'd like to see:

    1. Higher risk, higher reward:

    Similar to how lunatic, and now infernal GHBs have been made available, I'd like to see them up the amount of difficulty you can play for to offset the grind.

    2. Leave open the orbs for whales, but cut down on the chase rewards.

    50k for quickened pulse was too much. I won't complain if they want to keep giving out orbs for the whales, they can go as high as they like, but especially with a sacred seal that big, I would've preferred to keep it to a lower level.

    3. More balanced maps.

    I think every one knows this by now, but two of those maps were ridiculous wastes of time. Particularly the tree one. You know which one I'm talking about.

    That map wasn't even truly hard, it was just a complete waste of time. It was just punishing you for not running fliers.

  3. On 6/24/2017 at 9:45 PM, Soul~! said:

    okay not way better I'm just ripping off SethTheProgrammer (look him up). I think what I want to debunk is more along the lines of his actual use and what he can do, rather than how he stacks on a tier list (which I've yet to fully go through, but safe to say he's consensed at Mid to even the Lower-Mid'ish regions of it). Gamepress lowered his score even further down the line at 4/10 (and 3/10 on support, for whatever it's worth).

    The whole metagame pretty much revolves around being able to counter the person in front of you. With that said, there's a given value for characters that can counter characters that happen to lead the meta, like the likes of Hector, Reinhardt, Takumi, etc. Apparently there's a growing number in Blues. Of which, for one, Reinhardt is included (whom apparently isn't exactly a push-over to deal with). It's pretty much a given that Hawkeye will always be trashed by Reds (let alone swordies). As such, he ought to place his focus on the rest.


    For the sake of consistency, I like to assume neutral IVs:

    - Hawkeye with Axebreaker, Brave+, Deathblow, Moonbow and a +1 Atk (can be a Seal or whatever) is able to 1RKO Hector.

    - Hawkeye with a Brave+ easily 1RKO's Takumi, and even does so without Deathblow and a Moonbow.

    - Reinhardt with +Atk and Deathblow takes 5 shots to take down Hawkeye and doesn't even quadruple with +Spd (while using Dire Thunder, obviously). Hawkeye easily 1RKO's him and/or cleanly oneshots with Silver+.

    - Similiarly, Linde with L&D 3, Hone Atk buff (+4) & +4 at 61 Atk hits him for 7x7 if he's packing Triangle Adept 3.


    Ironically, for such a bulky character, his worst trait is that he gets doubled by virtually everyone. As such, you're going to want at least one of the Breakers. I can see how he can do really well with Triangle Adept to even further mitigate Blue Tomes (Blue Tomes in particular). G.Tomebreaker (as recommended in one of the Gamepress setups) actually works really well against, say, Nino and Cecilia (whom are fairly common, right?).

    In short, I just want to debunk that he definitely fulfills a really handy role at controlling an important part of the triangle, and maybe more in the likes of colorless (whom he generally also 1RKO's with my setup). Not useless, by any means. Can you even say that about anyone in particular? He's definitely got the powerhouse, if you know where to look.

    The biggest problem with Hawkeye isn't how good he can be, but who he competes with for slots. Unfortunately for him, his biggest competition is Hector.

    Think about it like this. You're setting up a four unit team. Who are you gonna pick? Hawkeye or Hector? Hector has superior stats, a divine weapon, and comes with a more complete kit, requiring less setup. At the same time, he can run an identical set up to the one you posted, if you want him to.

    I mean, honestly, I can't think of a situation where I would pick Hawkeye over Hector. And that's really his problem. He doesn't have the stats to compete for that slot, and there really isn't another slot he can fill.

    Axe users can basically be divided up into either Tanks or Offense, and with Legion having just released for free and requiring almost no set up, he'll never really be able to compete for offense either.

  4. The thing is, there are some absolutes.

    Reinhardt is, obviously, Reinhardt. His weapon is uninheritable, and even if it weren't, there are so few mage cavalry that he's still pretty freaking unique. Sure, you can use Olwen, but the lower attack will always hinder her.

    Same with Hector. Statistically, he's a better axe armor than Sheena, who is his only actual competition, even before you factor in his divine weapon and distant counter.

    Completely independent of IVs and Skill Inheritance, those two are obviously S+ class. They're just better than everything else.

    It's when you get to the rest of them that things get tricky.

    Sure, Ryoma's great, but what if you get a +hp/-att or spd? Is that really better than a +spd/-res Ike?

  5. 19 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Tempest Trials have two problems: they don't last very long (only 2 weeks) and tiering is highly dependent on the map set. For example, fliers have two huge advantages in the current map set: being able to traverse mountains for Story 4-3 and getting around the damned tree in Story 8-2.


    There are so many different exploits for tempest trials that aren't as valuable normally. Fliers, as Ice Dragon points out, have a huge advantage in several of the maps.

    Furthermore, Veronica always spawns with two cavalry and an armor, making anti-cavalry mages generally better for clearing out her support. I wouldn't normally run Ursula in the arena, but she's huge in Tempest Trials.

    Going back to what I said originally though, builds are way too situational. It's too hard, I think, to evaluate what something could be as opposed to how it is actually used.

    Setsuna is a great example of this. Even if her statline is better than someone like Kleins' (which I don't really think it is), who's going to put in the effort optimize her outside of a few hardcores? And even if someone does bother to fully flesh out her potential, it's not going to matter much when a Hector just parks himself on a defense tile.

  6. Here is what I think is missing from every tier list, and what I think needs to be taken into account to make something truly useful:

    It's not about how good a unit is on paper, it's about what their place is in the meta.

    For example, on paper, Reinhardt is merely a good unit. In fact, the gamepress site still only lists him as an "A" tier unit. But spend about ten seconds in the arena (especially without a hard counter) and you'll see a very different picture.

    So, a tier list really needs to take into account not just what a unit is on paper, but how it is actually used in game.

    For example, I've never seen a single celica in the arena. Period. (tier 17/18)

    Because, frankly, as good as celica looks on paper, she's fodder for a vast number of high powered units in the meta right now. Add to that the popularity of red alternative (Ryoma/Ike/Xander) and her slot on a four-man team is easily filled.

  7. Ok, I'm so freaking close on Infernal. I just need a unit that can kill the blue mage infantry that spawns on the bottom in one round that doesn't get killed by the red mage.

    Is there any unit in the game that fits that description? (And no, Hector doesn't work. That's the problem. He keeps getting sniped.)

  8. Just now, Bartozio said:

    Yeah, I used my axe-breaker Alphonse for Infernal, and he can one round Legion on PP. Because of Sol and defence tiles, he managed to kill 3 of them.

    Xander is also amazing, takes no damage on infernal. Can't ORKO, them though.

  9. PSA (In case this hasn't been posted yet): THERE IS A BUG IN THE GHB.

    There are invisible defense tiles in the top half of the map. This bug will not be fixed, but orbs will be given in compensation.

    Especially on infernal, avoid the top half of the map, as the enemies will have bonus defense tiles.

  10. Just now, Michelaar said:

    Clarisse will be the ultimate debuffer. 

    It's hard to imagine anything better. Combine with Savage blow, and seal (def, or whatever), and that's some serious AOE nuking.

    Could go watersweep, or something, if combined with darting blow, negate counters

  11. Good lord, he and Clarisse both look insane. 46 hp, 36/35 spread, comes with fury 3. Huge gift to F2P.

    Clarisse is even crazier! Have you seen Clarisse's bow? Aoe Threaten Att 3/Threaten Spd 3 on target, plus 31/34 spread.

  12. Just now, Ice Dragon said:

    Poison Dagger+ and Windsweep/Watersweep. Or Life and Death, Windsweep/Watersweep, and Savage Blow on Jaffar with Deathly Dagger.

    No matter what restrictions you place on it, you can build around it to make it abusable.

    Uninheritable. Like Dance.

  13. 38 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    With a Firesweep weapon, you'd be able to attack without fear of counterattack, meaning your HP would never deplete.

    Same with a Brave weapon. One-round kills work both ways.

    Depends on how your unit is set up. For example, if the ability is only restricted to thieves (mechanists being an extension of ninjas), there are no firesweep weapons.

    I think it would take serious balancing to make it work, but I don't think it's impossible. Idk.

    As for how it would work, I assume it would be a support skill, but allowing you to select an empty tile instead of a unit tile (so, basically, the reverse of how current support skills work)

  14. So, with Legion on the horizon, I was remembering back to his level in New Mystery of the Emblem, and his weird cloning thing, and I was wondering if they would ever implement a cloning skill into Heroes.

    The "replicate" ability was featured in Fates, and if it were added to Heroes, I can't see that it'd be particularly broken, especially if it was made uninheritable, like dance.

    As a quick refresher, the replicate ability allowed you to create a duplicate of the unit, with the downside being that the units would have a single shared health pool, which if depleted would cause both of them to die.

    I can't see this ability being particularly broken, given this game's reliance on ORKOs, and the sniping ability of many units, but what do people think?

  15. Three days in, I think it's time to create a thread to celebrate the MVPs. Those units who carry us through this tempestuous ordeal, who bear all the hard burdens, who scrape out that last, final win by inches.

    And without further ado, I'd like to name my MVP so far:


    Yup, that's right, Lloyd. Why Lloyd? Mister weird, creepy, drugged-out zombie face?

    Well, simple. He can one-shot Veronica. That's right, with his nicely placed glacies, Lloyd can drop her all the way down to zero in one round of combat on Lunatic seven. And even if he should fail thanks to her getting a buff from an ally, she responds with a mere 10 damage. That's it. That's all she can do to him.

    So, I'd like to take a moment to thank Lloyd for the 27 times now that he's straight up killed Veronica dead. Great job, Lloyd. You're the real hero.

  16. 21 hours ago, KingBlough said:

    I need help deciding how to use my feathers. I have enough to get any one unit to 5* and between my 4* and 3* units, I have most characters. My 5* units currently consist of:

    Sannaki, Hector, Effie, Jaffar, Martin, Roy, Leo, Xander(spring edition :() Camilla, Sheena, Kain, Abel, Lucious, Charlotte, and Lachesis. Please take the units I have at 5 into consideration and give me some advice on who to promote!

    My advice would be Camus or Xander (normal) if you have them. More distant counter is always a good thing, and they will open up more options. Right now red melee is your weakest, as Roy doesn't bring a ton to the table, Cain is crap, and I assume Martin is Marth. That said, they are giving a free Lucina from tempest trials, so you could just work with her instead if you've got enough skill inheritance fodder.

    Still, if I were you, I'd prioritize Xander. If you have him.

  17. I'm finding that the tempest trials are super unpredictable, which I both love and hate.

    Watching an entire four man team get wrecked by an absolutely broken Boey (45 def, wtf?? Seriously, wtf??) after killing Veronica was not fun.

    But finally getting to spam +res Lyn (only takes ten damage from Veronica for the win), as well as getting to use really obscure units like four star F!Robin to snipe Olwens and Reinhardts, and Narcian and his emerald axe makes this mode a ton of fun as well.

  18. Just now, pumpkinspice48 said:

    I was able to cut down on the amount of deaths, but I still can't get more than a B in survival.  Luckily I'm doing well in speed which kind of makes up for it.   The main problem is the bonus unit is kind of just dead weight, but the points he offers me are more valuable than the extra points I'd get for survivability if I ditched him. 

    Don't worry about that.

    Getting an A increases your multiplier from 1.15 to 1.2

    That's it.

  19. 18 minutes ago, SniperGYS said:

    That Veronica... That Veronica looks like a pain... The only Red mage I have is Leo and an unleveled -Atk Tharja... I hasn' started playing the trial and I feel doomed already

    This, I think, is everyone's problem. DON'T fight her at range. She doesn't have close counter, so don't even bother using mages. Just bait her out, then sword her to death.

  20. 1 minute ago, Fruity Insanity said:

    I mean, she's a good unit if you invest in her, since her statline is fantastic.

    Also she comes at base 5*, so no need to upgrade her.

    True, true. But that's what makes it so weird. Why just have no skills on her? So you can't ever use her for SI?

  21. Just now, Bartozio said:

    I have her, she learns no skills (apart from weapons).

    That's weird.

    I mean, what was the point of that? Seriously.

    IS was just like, "Hey, let's make Lucina the reward."

    "Ok, but we can't just give away Lucina. Let's change her skills to be crappy."

    "No, let's go even further. We'll just give her no skills at all."

  22. Just now, sonicstormer38 said:

    Masked Lucina doesn't have any skills.  You can see for yourself by selecting her icon in the rewards menu, and then viewing her skill list.

    I know what it says, but has anyone actually gotten her?

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