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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. 21 minutes ago, Taim Meich said:

    Maybe your attacker had armored blow 3? That way, whoever you attacked (provided they dealt physical damage) would do 6 less damage per hit. It's the only explanation I can think of.

    No, he didn't.

    So, one exact situation (this happened multiple times) was an Ike vs Nowi. Ike moved onto a defense tile. I checked his attack (he had heavy blade, swordbreaker, hone attack) vs nowi (fury, vantage 3, hone attack, attack+1) he would do 7 damage, nowi would do 34. Since she was the only one left, so I just left him on the defense tile to absorb the first hit.

    Instead of doing 34, however, she did 40. Did not trigger her special (dragon fury (edit: fang, not fury), still had a 3 countdown left). She had Lightning Breath+ equipped.

    I didn't check what tile she was on, whether or not there was anything special about it, but this happened again vs Ryoma. Same damage (he and Ike both had 21 res), same thing happened.

    Earlier in the battle, a Spring Lucina (exact same skill set up) did the same thing to reinhardt, although she failed to kill him (he vantage'd her before the damage went through) but again, the number was much higher on the attack than on the defense. Not sure if they were on specific tiles, or if it's possible to hack to give extra skills.

    Also both Lucina and Nowi were at least 3 spaces from any other units the opponent had at the start of their turn, so they weren't buffed either.

    Normally, I'd write this off as my characters moving to different tiles that gave different bonuses... except, in both cases, neither Reinhardt or Ike moved when I checked damage.

    Unless... do some tiles only give defense bonus on attack?

  2. So, I encountered something... weird.

    I was facing a team where all the units had Fury 3 in their A slot. But every time they would attack, they'd act like they had death blow 3, doing exactly six more damage than they did on the defense. This was every time, and exactly six more damage.

    Are there tiles that enhance attack? Or is someone hacking?

  3. Well, a point I keep harping on is that they are releasing units so slowly...

    Take this upcoming banner, for example. Neither Celica nor Mae looks super appealing to me. Celica's art is good, but her design is super bland, and Mae's doesn't look great either. If they really are the next banner, unless there's someone else really interesting, I'm going to skip it, which means that I won't be pulling for the next four weeks. A whole month with nothing to spend orbs on.

    This is why I really can't understand the need to spend money on this game. By the time a banner worth pulling for comes around again, I'll have well over two hundred orbs. Plenty to get whoever I want.

  4. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    In a game centered around horizontal progression instead of vertical progression, the endgame is progressing horizontally. This is why creating a perfect team of 4 units is nowhere near reaching endgame. If you've run out of things to do after you've built your team of 4, then this is not the game for you.

    Agreed. "Horizontal, not vertical" is a very apt summary.

  5. Yes. There is no end game content.


    .... I mean, what else is there to say? It's true. Once you've got a perfect team that's... More or less it. And getting a "perfect team" is really easy given how generally balanced everything is. I mean sure, getting a 40+5 +att/-spd Reinhardt with death blow will make things a little easier, but it won't be any more effective against Julia than a lvl 40 neutral Reinhardt, or any less effective against ike.



    I guess its its just a matter of how much this bothers you.

  6. 5 minutes ago, ckc22 said:

    At least with Awakening it felt like the DLC was expanding the game - there are challenges there far greater than what you can get in game. Fates never even got a 5* much less an "insane" like Apo. 

    It also didn't help that fates' dlc just copied awakening's one for one, but didn't include the doc people enjoyed most. Now echoes is copying the same dlc again, but now you have to pay more up front, and you can't just choose the dlc you want.

  7. 2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

    Let's be honest here. The harsh truth is that Fates shouldn't get a pass either. Shin Megami Tensei IV had different paths too and they weren't seperated into three different games, either. I bought into it because I wanted the full experience and to be honest, I think myself a fool for doing so. Stuff like this should never get a pass under any circumstance, especially not if they have clearly shown that it is possible to put all three paths on the same cartridge (see Special Edition for evidence).

    And even back when I bought all three paths of Fates because Nintendo did a Nintendo and understocked the Special Edition on purpose, the little worms, I knew exactly that in the future, this is the kind of crap we would be dealing with.

    Sorry if I am venting a bit. This isn't anything against anyone personally, 'cept for those sleazeballs at Big N, of course.

    Hey, I think you're entitled to vent.

    Again, the reason I gave fates a pass was that there are serious differences on a mechanical level. It's not like a different route in smt iv would give you a completely different fusion system, or would change how the battle system functions.

    But Fates was pushing it. I think we've definitely hit the point where Nintendo has crossed the line.

  8. Just now, ckc22 said:

    I'm just saying, Fates may have... "three different games" (personally I'd argue that it's more akin to building like 60% of a game 3 times considering the level of overlap on resources, units, maps, music, characters, systems etc. But the key fact is that they got to charge 80$ for it. 

    So they build this game and they want to get 80$ for it but there's not really a way to do so without being scummy. 

    Agreed. There were unique maps in each of the game, but more were identical. So"60% of a game" is pretty much on the mark.

    With this, though, they don't have anywhere close to 60%

  9. 6 minutes ago, ckc22 said:

    It seems way overpriced and like it doesn't add much to the game. But I guess after they got used to getting paid like 80$ for a game like Fates this was bound to happen. 

    Fates was (somewhat) forgiveable because they were actually different games with completely different play styles. So, even though it was a little scummy, you could still ignore it.

    This, on the other hand..... No.

  10. 15 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Like I get that people want nice things for setups and stuff...

    But do natures REALLY matter in the grand scope of things if you're not in the upper tiers/competitive point range in the arena?

    I mean, besides "higher level play", it's basically a luxury, right? I've seen people that obviously aren't super competitive in the arena, dismiss 5 stars as relatively useless in multiple places simply because of a nature that will give a 4 stat boost/detriment at level 40.

    Like, this isn't even direct PvP.

    F2P people who do this that I've seen sound pretty spoiled.

    The short answer is that 90% of the time, natures don't matter at all.

    for example, almost no hector is better than another, just because there are so many different situations he has to deal with.

    a -res +att hector is vulnerable to Reinhardt, while a +res -att one isn't. A +spd hector gets four points of spd, rather than 3, and can be safe from a number of slower characters, like Ike, and -spd ryoma.

    so, generally, there is no difference.

    that said, there are some exceptions. A -spd +att Reinhardt, for example, is significantly better than the reverse, because reinhardts speed is useless, while his brave effect doubles his attack.

  11. 1 hour ago, rockocalypse said:

    Ok, how I should have put it was they crumbled and released Ike earlier than I feel they were planning to in the beginning. Thats speculation sure, but thats the premise of the thread. Then again, he is in the intro screen with all the scrolling lords.

    Given that Ike was the only "banner" hero not to be included in the original game (Xander existed in the code, even though he wasn't available), your speculation does seem to make sense. But, we'll probably never know for sure.

  12. 57 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    It's almost certain, though, that at some point they're going to have to do a big update of 50 or so characters, essentially a new pool of 3-star and 4-star characters. Alternatively, they could slowly roll out new 3-star and 4-star characters, but that's a less likely scenario.

    The less popular characters simply won't sell as banner picks, and adding them as lower-rarity pulls is the obvious way to add them into the game.

    I believe you are right. Or, well, at least, I hope you are right. Because, frankly, this game is progressing far too slowly at present.

    They need to have more regular challenge maps, similar to how other mobile games, such as monster strike, have (had? does that game still exist? Idc) a variation between 3-star challenges, 4-star, and 5-star.

    They need something to do in the two weeks before the next banner and GHB.

  13. Getting Ike on the first try was a big one, but the biggest hype moment for me was clearing Michalis' map early.

    I think that was the smartest thing they've done yet, having that as a challenge. All the other parts of this game have been really easy, but that was a big push to clear lunatic in only one hour. I really hope they do that again.

  14. 2 minutes ago, salinea said:

    Thanks! So not taking into account GHB then (doesn't make a huge difference, but well).

    Is Warrior supposed to have new characters?

    Lol, you're right, forgot to factor in GHB. When I did the math originally, they had only done two, so I didn't count them because we weren't sure how often they'd come up yet.

    As far as Warriors goes, just as speculation, I'd be amazed if there were no new characters.

    I expect there to be about the same as with heroes: about 5 or so new characters.

    Three main characters and two antagonists. Don't know that for sure, but that seems like a safe guess.

  15. 1 minute ago, salinea said:

    How did you do the math? I ask because banners have had a variable number of characters on them (4 to 6), and then there's also GHB as a source of characters.

    I believe the original number of characters in the poll was over 800. There are 24 banners in a year (two per month), and if an average of five are released every banner, that's 960 characters over 8 years.

    So, they would hit the end in the seventh or eighth year (for clarity).

    However, since they have already revealed that they are going to do an unknown number of seasonal characters (Christmas and Easter are confirmed, and I can't believe they'd miss Halloween), and assuming those are regular releases each year, that would push the numbers back further. Plus, the choose your legends releases, and, again, any releases to tie in with the upcoming switch game, the upcoming FE Warriors game, and all the other characters they could do, and 8 years is a safe number.

  16. Michalis' battle was definitely the hardest one I've seen, so that was a lot of fun. Of course, the difficulty may have been the one hour time limit to clear it, so... you know.

    As far as characters go, Zephiel and Xander have been my favorites, although I'm really looking forward to Lloyd.

  17. 6 minutes ago, KongDude88 said:

    I don't think a single mobile game has survived for that long, and I'm sure IS will eventually stop by that point. While I wasn't really into TMS, I do want to see the mirage versions as characters because they had pretty badass designs. Bring Toi8 for the art pls.

    Agreed. The point I did that math in service of was that the game was releasing characters far, far too slowly. It could very easily be two years or more before we see characters like L'Archel or Joshua, depending on their priorities. Much less more obscure characters like Rennac, Gonzales, Chad, etc.

    I also really loved the TMS character designs, even though I wasn't super into the game itself.

  18. I did the math in another thread, but the at the current rate it would take them 8 years to release all the characters who were on the original choose your legends poll. (Five to seven new characters are released once every two weeks at the current rate)

    Note that this is only the characters who were on the poll. This would not include the alternate versions of characters (like the spring banner, the choose your legends versions, etc), spin off characters (hasha no tsurugi, the cipher characters, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, etc), the new characters that were added in the rerelease of echoes, any new characters from the upcoming games that have already been confirmed to be in development (warriors, the switch game) and any new characters from new games that may be announced in the next 8 years.

    In all honesty, I believe this game will end long before they run out of characters.

  19. 2 hours ago, Okigen said:

    Don't know if people think the same but....

    Xander's voice is AWEFUL. My goodness, I know what to expect from Spring Xander but thought at least he would change the tone a bit to suit actual Xander's serious personality. The art is already a bit lackluster and now this. It's so gay. It's a huge blow to me because I married my Corrin to Xander like, 3 times =.=

    I actually don't mind his voice acting at all in battle. But yeah, the castle lines are definitely not my favorite. He's a bit too high pitched in some of them.

  20. Reinhardt's place in the meta seems to be rising rapidly with Ike, Xander, and Ryoma all becoming more widely available thanks to focuses and GHB. Takumi is also circling around again.

    With that said, does Wary Fighter work with him? I assume it works as it does in game, allowing him to double with his brave tome and not receive follow up damage.

    Given his higher than average defenses, this should allow him to attack much more safely than he could previously.


  21. 37 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

    I got her like a million times. It's like this game wants to shove her down my throat. I don't get why, she's just fucking bad. She's slow as fuck, and her only real saving grace is that she can start hitting kind of hard...and that's about it. She has a horse, but it's not like this is FE4. The only reason I bothered getting her to almost lvl.30 is because the game was giving me 5 Orbs for it. 

    Yes, but as you've obviously noticed, she's incredibly necessary for a ton of missions. She's the only actually good green cavalry option in the game right now, so she's needed for the cavalry missions, as well as her own missions.

    she also shows up as an arena bonus hero a lot.

    So, yes, she is awful, but it doesn't matter because you have to use her anyway.

  22. 23 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

    2 works well enough I have it on a number of units (Sharena, Cecilia, and soon Xander)  though I recommend a defensive special to go along with it so you can maintain it longer (Reciprocal Aid/Ardent Sacrifice or a Healer is also helpful for this) 3 is better if you have a TON of feathers but in my opinion you have bigger fish to fry. 

    Thanks, that sounds good.

    I'm not entirely sure how many units hit exactly in the 9-13 damage range against him, but as you point out, there are probably better things to do with those feathers.

    I don't usually use much healing, I just mainly rely on Julia to keep people up, but that's worth looking into.

  23. So, here's a question someone's probably answered:

    Is it worth it to wait to get the third level of quick riposte, or should I just go with 2?

    In my case, I'm using it specifically for Xander, and I have a few 4 star Tsubaki's I can just throw away.

    But is the extra 10% hp a big enough difference? Hector handles just fine only having 2 on his weapon, and 5-starring a Tsubaki is a big investment. How do the numbers play out on this?

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