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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. 7 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

    I actually like the English ones for their accents, e.g ENG Seliph over JP Seliph. The overall quality of the English voiceover does take a dip, admittedly (like Hinata or Eldigan's...and I'm potentially missing the glorious Ayaneru). If only we can switch character voice manually ala Street Fighter/UMVC3.

    I'll probably switch over to JP sooner or later.

    Agreed. The variety of the English voices is much, much better. The jp ones just don't have that.

    If some of them are crappy, so be it. I prefer the variety, even in the quality. It makes them feel a bit more, idk, authentic.

  2. Will they tell us who it is tomorrow? After all it says they're coming out on Thursday, right?

    what time is tomorrow for Japan? Heck, when was this tweeted in the first place?

    edit: 3 am. Lol. Just noticed that. But 3 am gmt or whatever zone Japan's in?

  3. 25 minutes ago, Orson said:

    IF this coming event is only about characters in silly costumes consider me not impressed.

    As I think people have pointed out, it's pretty likely that the characters wil have different weapons and stats, like the leaked Christmas robin did. So it likely won't be just silly costumes.

  4. 1 minute ago, Arthur97 said:

    But it would be Lucina in a different costume. Clearly that makes it okay.

    Indeed. And if it is Lucina in a bunny outfit, that makes it unquestionable.

    Not that I wouldn't prefer Lyn, but I take what I get.

  5. 6 minutes ago, MPhoenix said:

    Ah okay did not see that ;):


    Anyway I'm curious how they would implement the Taguel and whether they be some sort of colourless dragons :huh:

    That makes a lot of sense. I was wondering if they were going to have any colorless stone users.

  6. 6 minutes ago, MPhoenix said:

    Oh right how could I forget! I wasted 80 orbs to try to get Eirika without success :lol:

    Maybe we get a bunny focus with the two costume characters as well as Panne and Yarne :^_^:

    It could be, though the hair looks a bit... Unusual for them. Yarne's got much spikier hair, as far as I recall.

    edit: nvm, misread your post.

  7. Armor squads feel like they're too easily picked off by mages, since they don't have the movement to fill in the gaps. Take, say, Reinhardt, with his brave tome. He could shred through most of them, and let the back up take care of Hector.

    Much like with Cavalry, there are some REALLY bad maps for armored teams.

  8. I think a lot of success in this game is in the mindset you approach it with.

    It's more helpful to think of this as a puzzle game, because, really, that's what it is.

    Unlike actual fire emblem, there are no random factors. The AI will always be have the same, attacks will always do the same amount of damage, and skills will always activate at the same time.

    Thus, when you're playing a set level, like a GHB, you should focus on learning as much as you can about how the AI acts each time, and how you can exploit that.

    As that one Japanese guy keeps proving with his videos, every GHB is possible using only the free 3-star units that you can collect throughout the week.

    If you haven't bothered to collect them, then you are, in a sense, setting yourself up for failure. Even if you don't have those exact units, if you don't bother to try to find alternative solutions, you've defeated yourself before you've started.

    You really just need to tell yourself "I can do this, I can find a way" and then make it happen.

  9. So, I haven't spent any money on this game, but I now have well over 200 orbs.

    Not that I haven't been pulling, I've got plenty of five stars, but waiting two weeks for each new set of heroes is a really, really long time.

    I decided to skip the latest focus and wait for the next one, but I don't know... I'm getting kind of bored of waiting.

    Anyone else having this problem?

  10. 9 hours ago, Ewwgene said:

    It is my dream to have a team of Ikemen. So I really wish there is a belly dancing hot guy as I need a dancer in my team.  No homo though. 

    Which characters do you think has the potential to meet the criteria? I mean Lucius being a priest was a little unexpected so.. Who knows man. 


    There have been a handful of male "dancers" in the game series. (The class is actually bard, but the effect is the same)

    Elphin from Fe6

    Nils from Fe7

    Reyson from Fe 9

    Rafiel from Fe 10

    I don't think I missed any. This, of course, is only counting units with dancer as their base class, since practically anyone can be a dancer in awakening.

  11. 58 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    I'd give some 3 star Cherches I've been getting lately, although I've been blessed with a 4 star Cherche in each account :D


    I'm kind of tempted to sacrifice Camilla to Cherche to get a Brave Axe+....although I just feel dirty sacrificing my first 5 star (I only have 4 in that account :( )

    Same here. I refuse to do any skill inheritance until the meta shakes out into a more rigid format, because it's too easy to waste units.

    I also haven't done any gacha pulls in a while, so I don't really have an excess of units anyway. One more week until new focus...

  12. 5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I believe in FE5, enemies would run away if they were unable to damage your units due to either having zero damage or zero hit percent.


    Are you absolutely sure the unit wasn't (1) trying to attack someone else, (2) trying to buff an ally, or (3) trying to path around an obstacle?

    The AI in this game actively tries to move towards units it has advantage against while avoiding those it is disadvantaged against as long as it has a choice to do so (and there is nothing in range to immediately attack).

    Yeah, the lance flier on lunatic would not attack hector. Instead, it moved around. On hard, he opened by suiciding into him.

  13. I think a few people mentioned this, but the AI on lunatic was REALLY different.

    for starters, it refused to suicide any of its units. I've never seen this in a fire emblem ever. If a unit was guaranteed to die, the ai would pull it back rather than lose it, even if said unit would manage to hurt a player unit.

    This wasn't true in hard mode, where the ai acted completely normally.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Maymeimai said:

    Whew, I did it.. when I finished the map wasnt available anymore lol

    But I did it, both normal and lunatic

    Team: Leo, Azura, Eldigan, Fae

    Eldigan MVP, he killed 4 out of 5 units, including the lancer pegasus bc his special was ready

    I'm really regretting not burning more orbs on Eldigan, he sounds better every time I hear about him.

  15. Alright, see this, this was fun.

    Took me 8 tries to beat Lunatic, but I was able to clear it well before the cut off time. 8 tries is a good number. Not so easy I could beat it on the first go, but not so hard I was ripping my hair out.

    My team, with no changes to base skills (in order, that's important):

    Julia, Reinhardt, Lyn, Hector

    I basically wedged them against the right side of the map. Hector was top, to tank the sword knight. Reinhardt below him, to buff him, Lyn below Reinhardt, and Julia on Lyn's left. Here's how it went down:

    1. Hector tanks sword knight, taking 30 damage, but dealing 18 back twice

    2. Reinhardt moves to bottom right corner. Julia attacks Lance Flier for 21. Hector moves to Reinhardt's spot, to buff Lyn. Lyn hits the sword knight for 17 damage, killing him and taking no damage herself.

    2.5 Michaelis attacks Lyn for enough damage to put her below 50%. Lyn counters for 17 twice. Lance Flier attacks Julia for 10 damage twice.

    3. Lyn, now with defiant attack and desperation, hits Michaelis for 24 twice in a row (also triggers Astra, so would have one shoted him at full hp, lol). Julia moves back between Hector and Reinhardt to hit for 27 (due to both of their buffs) Reinhardt moves next to Julia to attack the sword flier for 15 twice.

    3.5 Sword flier hits Reinhardt for 8 twice, not yet enabling Blazing Thunder.

    4. Reinhardt hits the sword flier twice, enabling Blazing Thunder.

    7. Reinhardt hits the lance soldier with his fully charged Blazing Thunder, killing him.


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