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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. From a design standpoint?

    Or in terms of art?

    From a design level, Clarine is pretty bad. Her outfit was alright in it's original version, but the changes they made for heroes were just weird.

    So, they extended her skirt, but then they pulled it up to the point where it's resting on her navel, instead of one her hips. Then they pulled the width way out, and brought down her collar so it rests on her breasts instead of her collar bone, and makes them look more exaggerated, and made her collar twice as wide and tall so you can't see her neck almost at all.

    It's just... weird choices. Idk. It bugs me.

    I haven't looked at enough critically to really examine the designs too much.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

    What idiot would leave Reinhardt fight someone else if that "someone else" wouldn't be able one shot him.


    Same goes for buffs, cavalry teams are not really thing in arena so most Reins will not get buffs and if they do you just need kill buff bot first. AI is pretty easy to fool.

    At present, the AI seems to always want to spread it's units out as much as possible, and thus wrecks any emblem strategies on defense.

    That said, there are some maps that force the AI to bunch up, and those can be nasty.

    Still, Emblem teams are very rare.

  3. Just now, VincentASM said:

    Vortex is the perma-death mode BTW. Some crazy stuff happens and multiple outrealms get linked together. Fun times.

    I'm really curious to know who's in. The safest route is to do another Fates and Awakening pair. Or maybe replace Awakening with Echoes since it's the newest game when the banner rolls.

    On an unrelated note, Trails in the Sky 3 is out? When did this happen?

  4. 10 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    I can't imagine they'll do Lucina again. That'd be boring as heck, especially with CYL and Masked Marth already coming :/

    I'm dreading this banner. I was excited, but now I'm fearful it'll just be females. I really hope they prove me wrong. So many guys to dress up in nice grooms outfits, so little time!

    (Seth to go with Eirika. Ninian and Eliwood together. I wouldn't mind that at all! Eliwood deserves better art and Seth is missed).

    I can't imagine it would be all females. There is no way they will pass up the chance for Tuxedo versions of the males (although, I must admit, tuxedo versions of the females would also be amazing. I would be willing to have Lucina again if she was in a tux.)

  5. Does Ragnarok Stack with Darting Blow? I heard it stacks with hone/spur. If so, that could give you 49-53 speed on the attack. I don't think there's anything that fails to double.

    Edit: 48-51 speed. Not quite that high.

  6. 1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

    That means 50% of what you say isn't, which is not an insignificant number.

    EDIT: @dragonlordsd Yes. We always get a small download before a new banner hits, so there's no reason Celica's banner (which is coming tomorrow) should be any different. 

    Huh. Cool beans.

    well, I'm really just hoping to see lloyds new art as soon as it hits. He's the first true "new" ghb unit.

    (Everyone else was leaked months ago)

  7. 3 hours ago, Elieson said:

    If you're assuming +Res natures for targets. then we're assuming +Atk nature for Reinhardt

    Without a Hone Cavalry bonus, yes you're right


    With an easy to achieve Hone Cavalry bonus, add 12 damage to all blue encounters. Everything that matters (even with +Res and Fury) dies to Reinhardt.


    The requirements here aren't high; Ursula's a free unit to rip Death Blow 3 from. Shove that on Reinhardt and run 4* Gunter on your team for free Hone and it's unlikely that your opponents are running +Res units, or units with that many Res-boosting skills (Fortify Cavalry or something like that perhaps). When you obliterate 75% of the meta with a single buff, and hard lose to 10% of it (green mage girls) then there's a super easy counter to a very common threat. Remember Takumi before SI? Rein is the new Takumi. 


    Rein's incredibly easy to support but not immortal by any means.

    Late to reply to this, I was looking at neutral or +res, just as a counter point to always recommending -res.


    i do think your analysis is absolutely right as usual. Reinhardt definitely is the new Takumi. The suggestion I was trying (possibly failing) to make was that given his near ubiquity along with several other glass canon units might lend value to a more survival oriented approach, as Reinhardt is so very fragile to most common builds. (But not, generally, himself)


    side note: cavalry teams are surprisingly rare, and the cpu rarely uses them well. Anecdotally, how have most people found their performance?

  8. 31 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    +0 Reinhardt [+Atk] (Dire Thunder, Death Blow 3) has 50 Atk, which becomes 60 effective Atk after weapon triangle advantage. Lyn with 32 Res takes 28×2 damage, and no character in the game naturally has 57 or more HP.

    Did not count death blow, which isn't super common (a little less than half)

    Although, in fairness, another quarter will run life or death, so it does even out.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

    I have a -res Hector and I bait every Rein I see with him. Anna gives a spur res 3 if he needs it to survive. Or just put him on a defensive tile.

    Because of Rein's range, I find it a bit easier when the opponent has him. He runs off and gets himself killed on the 1st turn.


    I will admit though, it is really annoying that you absolutely need to have a counter for him on your team. His usage is stupidly high.

    Yeah, if you're running defensive skills, like spur res, you can definitely spot buff.

    the only sword lord that I can think of with really good resistance is lyn. I have a +red one with 32 res. she could almost tank rein.... Except she has such low health.

    edit: oh wow. +res Lyn actually can tank a neutral rein. She survives with 3 hp.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    Woo! My Linde is an interesting curiosity! :P:


    I'm a little skeptical that people are really gonna wanna put 20k-22k feathers into an Ursula to give Rein DB3, as good as it is. I mean, as much as I like having him around, I certainly wouldn't. Then again, I guess I do have some leeway in that mine's +Atk, so he can afford to get away with DB2 and the Atk Seal. I think I'm okay waiting to see if 4* Klein shows his face (or I get a freak 5* Hawkeye).

    Also, Soren can totally face tank Rein, so it's not just a green mage girl thing now (even if he's quite the pretty boy).

    I'm also super skeptical about that, but I have seen a lot of them running around. I suspect with the ability to get a third Ursula, it might make the prospect more appealing.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    You do realize that all of those characters except Julia get one-round killed by Reinhardt even if they were +Res. Running -Res doesn't change the match-up against Reinhardt at all for the majority of the characters in the game.

    Ephraim, Linde, Nowi, Nino, and Effie will all survive if they do not have -res.

    They will all die if they do.

    Edit: confirmed for Ephraim Linde and Effie, assuming the damage calculator is right. Need to check for sure on others.

    Edit 2: On Neutral Reinhardt, -res Hector survives.

  12. So, I wanted to start this thread because out of the last 30 arena battles that I've done, the total number of teams that didn't use Reinhardt was.... 2.

    That's right. 2. Out of 30.

    But, the more I think about it, the less surprising it is. Really, we've built this meta ourselves by hugely emphasizing only one play style. Here's what I mean:

    1. Most of the meta is built around maximizing speed and damage output. Reinhardt's brave effect makes this irrelevant.

    Right now, the majority of the meta is built around the assumption that if you do the most damage, and can kill your opponents the fastest, nothing else really matters. This is why skills like Fury, Life or Death, and Death Blow have largely become the most popular builds. All of these are useless against Reinhardt. Because of his brave tome, he doesn't give the opponents the ability to actually get a hit in. Unlike a normal battle, in which even a character getting doubled gets one counter hit, Reinhardt doesn't allow counter hits. And his ability to one shot almost any unit makes skills like vantage irrelevant.

    2. The most commonly sacrificed stat for builds is resistance.

    Looking at the gamepress site for Fire Emblem Heroes, what's the most recommended iv set for each of the top tier heroes?

    Ike: +Att -Res

    Nowi: +Spd -Res

    Ryoma: +Att/Spd -Res

    Lucina: +Spd -Res

    Julia: +Att/Spd -Res

    Ephraim: +Att -Res

    Eirika: +Att -Res

    Linde: +Att -Res

    I only looked at the top 12 or so results, but the only ones that weren't -Res were:

    Hector (-spd)

    Effie (-spd)

    Nino (-def)

    Kagero (-def)

    Wow. The thing is, following this advice ensures that pretty much all of your units will get one shot by Reinhardt. Even units that otherwise wouldn't be vulnerable to him will just get slaughtered by him. And God help you if you're running life or death 3, with that additional -5 res. 

    So, in summary, no one seems to really be playing a defense game, but I've found it to be far, far more effective in this Reinhardt saturated meta.

    I've switched out Ryoma for Julia, (would've switched Ike, but I need the bonus for now) and haven't lost a unit since, simply because of her +res allowing her to so effectively tank incoming magic threats, whether it's Reinhardt, Linde, Nino, or Nowi. And between a +def Ike and a +def Hector, I can easily handle physical threats on the ground. I think a more defensive playstyle may be much more appropriate in the current meta.


  13. 14 minutes ago, Othin said:


    Perhaps there were different Spur/Hone/etc. bonuses from surrounding units?

    If you encounter this again, consider recording the exact stats of all the units involved.

    Will do. I should've taken a screen shot. The first time it happened, I assumed I had misread the skills or something, or like you said, missed a buff, so I wasn't expecting it when it happened again. Will do comparison shots if it happens.

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