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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. 11 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    That battle wasn't but who knows how well future battles would go; would I be lucky to face the same team? There's plenty of stuff even Reinhardt can't ORKO on Veronica's map like Sully and Gwendolyn. 

    That's why my advice is keep trying. Even if you're down to including a four star level 20 swordie, just throw him at veronica and at least he'll knock down another six hp.

  2. Just now, Roflolxp54 said:

    Managed to get a 7-battle Lunatic clear but that was only because the matchup was extremely in my favor. Draug was the armored unit that showed up, allowing Reinhardt to get an easy KO without needing to compromise his or anybody else's safety. On the next turn, Reinhardt wiped out Leo before getting Danced to safety. Then Tharja deletes Gunter. Veronica approaches, allowing Tharja to ORKO her on the following turn. Jeorge kills Tharja before I had Reinhardt clean him up.

    There you go! See, that wasn't too bad.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Kiran said:

    Does anyone know the stats for Veronica? I forgot to record them during my runs and now I'm out of stamina....

    66 hp. Fury 3, Renewal 3, Savage blow 3. The new seal that reduces special charge.

    Special: Bonfire

    Att... 53?

    Spd.... 37? 41? Something along those lines.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:


    None of my units besides 4* Cordelia has Triangle Adept and I have never pulled Roy or any hero that gets Triangle Adept 3 as a 4/5* hero. Ruby Sword Olivia only deals like 10 damage against Veronica on Hard mode.

    I also don't have any red units that can ORKO Veronica besides Tharja but Tharja almost gets OHKO'd in return, assuming she was at full health. My Lyn and Lloyd require having a dancer backing them up and there's no guarantee that either can survive the other enemies afterwards with how cramped the map is.

    Knowledge means nothing if my best options available don't cut it.

    My only triangle adept unit is Narcian. Find a way around it.

    Side note: ORKOing Veronica is more or less impossible, as she has 66 hp. That's why the devs gave her fury 3, so she loses 6 hp after every action. My main strategy is take out the two cavaliers, then the knight. Once they're gone, it's just veronica and the thief. Suicide everyone but your tank to take out veronica, then let the tank deal with the thief.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    Hard difficulty is extremely ridiculous (if only because of Fury Veronica). Lunatic difficulty is virtually impossible for me to clear with my current team; Tharja takes too much damage from Veronica to the point that she basically gets OHKO'd. The map's also very congested.

    Also, losing the 5-battle Lunatic trial on the 5th battle gets me the same amount of points as a perfect 5-battle clear on a Hard trial (252 pts w/ 40% bonus included).

    Here's my advice:

    1. As you observed, pointwise it's not worth it to do anything other than lunatic. They all cost the same amount of stamina.

    2. Just keep throwing units at it until you either win or run out of units. You don't have to spend any stamina or anything to continue. and the enemies constantly get weaker.

    3. Abuse triangle adept and your knowledge of the units. Your first group should carry you to veronica, then switch out for a group specifically designed for her.


    Leo shows up pretty much everytime, so I'll bring Ursula to one shot him. There's always a thief, so use Hector or Xander. Veronica is annoying, so bring a red unit with triangle adept, or someone with high resistance, like Lyn or Lloyd.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

    An A for speed gives 1.5x multiplier while an A for survival only gives 1.2x

    Double As on the last stratum gives 504 without a bonus unit.

    Oh wow. That is hilariously awful.

    Additionally, losing 9 units only gets you a C in survivability. 9. C. Not D, not F, C.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    When I didn’t dawdle after wasting my first team, I got something like 450~480, I don’t quite remember. This time I got ≈380.

    Speed seems to be weighted more highly than survivability.

    Anecdotally, people report getting better results for finishing fast than worrying about how many units make it.

    I've lost two full teams on the 5-map lunatic one, and still gotten ~450 each time.

    I believe that the most efficient strategy is to do the 5-map lunatic one. Nobody's reported a score over 700 on any run, no matter the difficulty, so being guaranteed ~450 each time for about 10 minutes of gameplay seems to be the fastest strategy (speaking as someone who has over 80 stamina potions and doesn't care about stamina.)

  8. 5 minutes ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    Lucina's reasons for being 'Marth' were explained in the Lucina/Tiki support.  She used his name and visage as an attempt to emulate him and bolster her confidence in herself.

    For FEH, keeping the name as Marth just means she was taken from the time she was calling herself Marth, so they're largely just being consistent with her character at the time.  She'll likely 'reveal' her identity in her 40 confession like the Awakening trio does.

    I hope so. That said, since that whole plot line involves time travel, that's going to be ... fun to try to explain.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    Shh, don't let them know it's really Lucina.

    Joking aside, I guess it's just to keep with the Masked "Marth" theme. It is true to Awakening after all. Though that is something I don't get, I understand the need to keep her eyes covered and even the need not to use her real name, but was the full Marth disguise really necessary?

    I know what you mean! It's definitely a funny nod, but I feel like anyone who would actually be spoiled by this will just end up confused.

  10. 1 minute ago, Arthur97 said:

    But she is not prince, she is a princess. Besides, Enigmatic Blade fits her "mysteriousness" of early Awakening.

    I like the enigmatic blade name, but I really don't get the point of making it a spoiler. 

    I mean, Lucina's already in the game! We already know who she is! There's nothing to spoil!

  11. 1 hour ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    Anna slaughters Azura, Nowi, and Ninian. Reinhardt, Linde, and Bunny Lucina are also non-issues if Anna can safely get the jump on them during player phase. Her Defense is low, though, so she has to be careful around Effie and Ephraim.

    Well, the OP mentioned they had Hector. While Anna may be somewhat effective against them, Hector DESTROYS all of them. Not to mention flattening Effie and Ephraim.

    So, given that, I'd prioritize Camus, but OP does have a point that Anna will be involved in more quests and such.

  12. 1 hour ago, DehNutCase said:

    My team is usually all melees (sometimes Klein comes in), this gives huge positioning problems if a unit relies on other people around to move---a melee team, especially one without a slot for a dancer this season, because Sharena isn't anywhere close to being able to fill Cordelia's shoes, just doesn't have the ability to function if people can't move freely. Didn't get any good mages until very recently, and my next 20k feathers is going to Anna.

    .... I'd give them to Camus, but hey, to each their own.

  13. 1 minute ago, saisymbolic said:

    I must be the only one who actually wants Charlotte. Like, seriously, that face she makes while attacking is perfect. It's like she's having way too much fun shanking someone with an oversized spoon filled with cake.

    The most terrifying wife if you don't eat her cooking: "I made this for you, darling~! Eat up~! Or I'll shove it down your throat."

    Nope! Huge Charlotte fan here as well. I'm really excited for her.

  14. Just now, Anacybele said:

    The creator of the old thread could've also just changed the title to say that the trailer has dropped and people would be notified that way. As eclipse always says, we don't need two threads on the same topic.

    So @eclipse, here's a thread you can lock! :)

    I started that thread and this thread, lol. But I do agree with Othin, that thread has gotten super clogged. It's probably best to put it out to pasture, but I'll leave it up to Eclipse.

  15. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Wait, so entrants would be assigned a pair by whoever's running the contest, they can't pick their own couple to use? :/

    No, no, sorry.

    I meant they had to use a pairing in the banner.

    Like, here's an idea for rules:

    1. It must be set on a wedding day.

    2. The people getting married must be two of the people in the banner.

    And, that's it. They don't have to love each other, no rules on where the wedding's taking place, just it has to be the day of the wedding, and you have to use people in the banner.

  16. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Not a bad idea. But we still need to wait until we know who's in the banner in the first place.

    No, no. That'll give people a chance to get cold feet!

    It'd be hilarious! All the entrants have to write a fanfic about a pairing in the banner, no matter what.

    They can pair any two, but they have to accept whoever they're given, even if they hate the pairing.

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