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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. Just now, Jedrus Lilac said:

    In return let them keep those 20 great badges rewards for the gauntlets - I have plenty of them already and dont need no more :) - still wondering why they give those as rewards

    My guess is new players. I remember having genuine difficulty getting great badges early on....

  2. I don't know.

    On the one hand, it's super random how and when we get orbs.

    On the other hand, banners are released so slowly that as a F2P player, I stockpiled over 200 orbs in one month, spent them all, and have now gotten back to 170 orbs again.

    And in terms of 5 stars, I've got 2 Hectors, 2 Reinhardts, Ike, Ryoma, Kagero, Alm, Julia, Pieri, Ogma, E!Lucina, E!Xander, E!Chrom, which is a pretty good number.

    So... I guess I'm ok with it as is?

    Edit: Plus, 4 stars are so easy to get a hold of that I can just use hero feathers to supplement anything I get there, such as Eirika, Nowi, or Klein.

  3. Lol. That's be funny.

    mine definitely updated though....

    hmm... I'm on 1.3.0

    maybe I did clear my cache...

    Huh. Ok, nvm. That was weird......

    it made me wait like half an hour while it updated. And I did log in earlier today..

  4. 1 hour ago, r_n said:

    Because having any stupid fun with this series is apparently a train to ruined forever judging by the reaction to the spring banner


    I forget, was spring festival the "new" banner that replaced the previous one, or did it start concurrently? I have about 56 orbs and I'm debating saving them for this or not. Really want the celica mages but mannnn what if the wedding guys are really swank or have a flying mage.

    It was new, I believe.

    The next banner should be coming in 8 days. And only two banners have been found in the data, wedding and "triangle" banner. (Triangle banner seems likely to be a cocurrent one, like Hero Fest)


  5. 9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I don't remember any justification for the spring banner choices other than popularity.


    Either they will do established canon pairings (Marth and Caeda, Pent and Lousie, etc.) or it will just be based on (likely predicted) popularity.

    I don't really feel like they have the authority to add to the canon in this game.

  6. 17 hours ago, Allergic_to_Farming said:

    I noticed Xander comes with Armored Blow, and it got me thinking... What if we give him Darting Blow instead? 

    I'm not even going to pretend this is optimal. Optimal would be Death Blow or Fury if you ask me. But it sounds like a fun idea!

    Xander has speed 24 as a level 40 5-star. With Darting Blow, he'd reach 30. Not the most impressive... Throw in Hone Speed, and he'll be running at the same speed as a neutral IV Catria!

    I was hoping to see if i could get some suggestions for other skills to add, ones to make this idea at least somewhat functional. Won't be running horse force though, so no hone cavalry. I'm looking to try some new ideas here, even if they aren't so good.


    It's certainly doable, but as other people pointed out, you're expending a ton of resources for results you can reach much easier other ways.

    The only thing this really accomplishes over quick riposte is letting him double on attack, rather than defense, which given his tanky nature, doesn't add a ton.

  7. 16 hours ago, Frontiersmann said:

    I am wondering about combat order of operations and a few different skills.

    Let's say that you have Cain with the following loadout:

    W: Brave Sword +

    Supp: flexible 

    Special: flexible (escutcheon, moonbow)

    A: flexible (Defiant Def 3 / Triangle Adept 3 / Armored Blow 3 / Death Blow 3)

    B: Brash Assault 3

    C: flexible (Threaten Def 3 / Hone or Fortify Cavalry)

    Versus Hector:

    W: Armads 

    Supp: Pivot

    Special: Bonfire

    A: distant counter 

    B: Vantage 3

    C: flexible 

    Cain has 50% HP or less, so Brash assault will proc. Are the following scenarios correct?

    If Hector has full HP. 1. Cain hits twice. 2. Hector hits once. 3. (Bonfire is now charged) Cain hits twice more in follow up. 4. If Hector is alive, he follows up with Bonfire. 

    If Hector has 75% HP or less. 1. Hector hits. If Bonfire is charged, could kill and end combat. 2. Cain hits four times in a row (2 regular, 2 follow up). Bonfire is charged. 3. Hector follows up if his speed is high enough. 





    This is the best tool for this kind of thing.

    You can set up multiple rounds of combat and calculate exactly how each bit of damage will work.

  8. On 5/19/2017 at 5:01 PM, TheNiddo said:

    She's beating him in literally everything but Res. +2 HP, +2 Strength, +1 Speed, +5 Def vs +11 Res. 5 less damage per physical hit + access to IVs (to get say, +Speed/-Res IV to avoid even more doubles/earn more doubles) means she's a lot more durable against physical attacks than him. Which is sad because she's not exactly a tank. And then add in the Falchion healing for kicks. Lloyd gets to tie her neutral strength and edge out her neutral speed against each opponent exactly once. Assuming nobody else hits them first. So in the majority of the battles Lucina is edging him out in offence as well.

    That's the other thing people forget about when looking at GHB units sometimes: not having access to IVs. It can make quite the difference. 35 speed is good, but enough people can jack their speed up to above 40 with IVs + LaD or Fury that he's not immune to getting doubled and he's certainly not doubling as consistently as he might like to. He can use LaD himself sure but that really hurts one of his large selling points (Res) and takes his largest weakness (Def) into Felicia level territory. 41 + 15 = 56 damage, there are blues out there who can dish that out in one hit easily. A few reds can do it with +Attack IVs and a +Attack buff. So unless you're willing to gamble on that happening you aren't giving him LaD, meaning he gets Fury at best. Which is pretty nice on him but its also very commonly run so that puts his comparison vs most of the other swordsmen back to how they are before passives... and without him able to access IVs to keep up with them. 

    -shrugs- He just falls a bit short, largely due to IVs. He's not a bad Distant Counter option though, if you want a unit that can wreck green mages. 

    He technically has more speed and the same strength thanks to Regal Blade giving him +2/+2, which means he's at 34/37 to her 34/36. Now, this does only apply while the enemy is at full hp, but, on the other hand, it always applies while the enemy is at full hp, on both offense and defense. So, even if he's being attacked by Linde, he'll still get the benefits.

    Agree with you on life and death though. Fury is a lot safer on him.

  9. 1 hour ago, TheNiddo said:

    He's a higher risk/higher reward version of Fir. Or a less balanced/tanky version of Roy.

    Less Speed/Def/Res compared to neutral Fir, but a whooping +7 attack and a 16 mt sword. Compared to Roy he flips how his sword bonus works, and loses some defence stats all around for some offence stats. Lucina is still a lot better than him (she can actually try to take a physical hit) and she has more long term survivability thanks to Falchion. 

    He's not Navarre bad, but he's a very middle of the road swordy in a sea of swords considering he compares directly to Fir and Roy and well... Fir is pretty bad and Roy is merely slightly above average.

    I'm interested to see the math on how much more of a hit Lucina can take than he can. Because if it doesn't make a significant difference, he may actually be just outright better than her, and stat-wise, she was at the top of the swordy food chain. Other than Ike or Ryoma, there really aren't any generalist sword users around these days. Eirika is used, obviously, but she's a support unit more often than an outright attacker.

    I don't think it matters a ton, since I'm not swapping out Ryoma for him, and I can't imagine anyone else doing so either, but he'll probably be necessary for the next arena season.


  10. 1 hour ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    Because of his PRF weapon, it seems that  Dragon Fang is better to him than Glacies.

    Interesting. Good to know.

    Yeah, so far, Lloyd seems like a slightly better Lucina. He trades 5 defense and 2 less hp for 10 more resistance and 1 more speed.

    The big loss for him is not having effective against dragons and renewal 2 combo.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

    I think  Regal blade is excellent weapon and being in Lloid having decent stats himself is indeed anything  but too shabby.


    What is his max res anyway?Does he profit from Iceberg?




    Yes. Hugely. 

    His max res is 30.

    Only Eliwood and Fir have higher res for sword units.

  12. So, terrible artwork aside, lloyd seems to be an actually good unit.

    he's tied for fifth highest speed in the game, and with regal blade's effect he jumps up to third, surpassing linde and lucina before applying skills like fury and life or death.

    He also comes in at eighth highest attack, which jumps up to sixth, again with regal blade's effect.

    So, he can out speed lucina and tie her for damage, as well as ryoma.

    Not to shabby.

  13. 2 hours ago, SakuraFish said:

    My rules for summoning:

    1st: Full summons only
     There are 2 Reasons for this, the first being that every Color still has stuff I want. The second is, that every Orb I won't open would haunt me forever; after all, a 5* or a Character I wanted could be in there. Can't risk that, no no no!

    2nd: Summon out of every major Banner at least once
     I want to at least have the chance to not worry about the next season's Bonus Heroes by pulling a focus Unit even if it is small. This however isn't really the case anymore since the Askr-Trio are now rotating as Bonus units, and I have Sharena and Anna as 5* and Alfonse at 4*. Also slightly because new Units are cool and I usually want at least one of them!

    3rd: Hoarding isn't fun at all
     I usually just summon as soon as I hit 20 Orbs. I managed to hoard 60 Orbs once, and damn it was hard for me not to just go and burn them immediatly. Made spending them a lot more fun though, so I might consider hoarding more often. It is easier for me to keep at least a few of them if I know that there is a Banner coming I want stuff from though.

    4th: There is no Trash
     As I am f2p, my resources a limited, and by being grateful for even the most useless units, summoning is a LOT more fun for me. After all, every Unit has its use, and may it be extremely niche. Also a lot of Units make nice skillfodder and one can't have enough of that, and if all fails, I got at least a few feathers out of it. Every 5* pulled is also the jackpot, even if it isn't what I wanted or I simply don't need it. I could've gotten no 5* after all, and there's no way that would be better.


    Also summoning at either 10 AM or 10 PM usually had great pulls for me, so I try to always summon at these times.


    I can only agree with you on point 4. But I think that just proves it more true. To each their own.

    I often see stuff in banners I just don't want. Why bother pulling then? But you know what? If your strategy works for you, then that's fine.

  14. 6 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

    ...Is separate them down to Continent/generation. IE, a summoning pool for Archanea, one for Elibe, one for Awakening, and one for Fates-- plus another for the additional charactesr that have been introduced (along with maybe some other misc characters from other pools since I think otherwise the 'misc' category might be too small, even with all the Echoes/Tellius/Jugdral characters we've been getting...)

    Frankly, this is something I always thought they were going to do, and would make summoning a HELL of a lot less frustrating... And I know, I know it's a gacha game and randomness and 'why would they make it easier', but... shit, man. I feel like a lot of people would prefer being able to do this and not have to see characters from a generation they don't care about-- for instance, I'm sick of seeing all these Archanea fodder characters that I couldn't care less about, I'd rather at least see garbage characters from the games I like....?? (or... I suppose 'have played' would be fairer but still)

    It'd also make it a hell of a lot easier to pull specific units for Skill Inheritance due to reducing the pool of competition (especially reds, of whom there are a shitton), and it's not like it wouldn't still be random... So jeez. 

    What do you guys think should they do something like this? I feel like it's not totally out of the question or unreasonable to ask for this or for something like it to be implemented...

    I think it's unlikely they'll do something that's sole purpose is to let people spend less orbs, but you never know.

    In all honesty, I think this is likely to happen once they've released a lot more units. There's a huge disproportion in terms of unit distribution right now, with games like Thracia 776 having just two units, FE 6 having 3 or 4 (not counting GHB units, which can't be summoned anyway), and games like Fates or Awakening having significantly more.

    So, this will probably happen eventually, but not any time soon.

  15. We still haven't gotten his stats yet? Hmm. They're getting better at withholding.

    He seriously could be amazing. If Regal Blade's ability works like Celicas, but without the damage and using enemy hp, and if he has the stats (36 or higher speed), he could do some serious damage.

    With Desperation and Darting Blow 3, he could go up to 44 speed when attacking a full health unit (38 on defense), plus get an additional 4 from spur or hone, bring him up to 48.

    Of course, he could also have 30 speed and just be ok. Or 26 and be useless.

    Too hard to tell.

  16. On 5/17/2017 at 7:57 AM, tumut said:

    Can defensive teambuilding work in this meta? I really want to try out Eirika, Ephraim, Gronnowl Boey, and Ninian or maybe Takumi or Celica?

    Obviously staff users got buffed with the new banner and we have another Mage tank that isn't Robin. Owl tomes seem cool though.

    Yes, though it requires you to have some rather exacting set ups.

    You need to have a lot of tanky units, often with pretty specific IVs.

    Units like Julia, Zephiel, Hector, Effie, Xander, Felicia, etc. are all amazing tanks in most situations.

    The key weakness is that they are all weak against specific types of offenses. Phys tanks are weak to magic, and magic tanks are weak to phys. Also, "effective against" bonuses can often wreck your set ups.

    You need to have a good balance to make it work, which can be hard to get intentionally.

  17. 3 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    You do know Glacies is on Klein and Felicia, right? Fir isn't exactly easy to pull from the huge pool of red units.

    Really? I've got, like, 3 of her. I wish I had 3 Lon'qu's instead, but that's how it goes.

    And Felicia is one of the free units, so everyone can easily get 2 of her, plus now we've got an additional one from quests.

    And Klein, is of course, obviously good, I'm just saying if you pull colorless hoping for him, you're gonna get a lot of Marias.

  18. The Rules of Summoning:


    The only exception to this is if it's a Takumi or Klein focus and you really want them.

    Even ignoring how bad most of the units are, there are literally no good skills that you can inherit from any of the colorless units.

    2. If you know you want something, only pick that color.

    It's always worth it to spend more orbs and maybe get something you want than to spend less orbs and get something you definitely don't.

    3. Ignore the Fodder

    For example, on the current banner, there is literally no point in picking anything other than red. Boey and Mae will be demoted to 4-star almost immediately after this, just like Soren and Titania, just like pretty much everyone else before, so you'll definitely get plenty as you try desperately to get something more valuable.

    4. Plan in advance, and be happy with what you get

    Don't be constantly trying to pull from every banner. Some banners will contain units that are obviously worthless (like the Alm banner). Just ignore those. Save your orbs, and know that you'll eventually get those units accidentally while trying to pull something else.

    Furthermore, this game is pretty balanced, to the point that you can make almost anything work if you put effort into it. There will always be better units, but so far, they're never that much better. Sure, Reinhardt is better than Olwen, but if you only have Olwen, you can definitely make good use of her.

  19. Is it just me, or is there a TON of unrequited love in Fire Emblem?

    Nobody ever seems to end up with the person they want unless they're the main character or an extreme secondary character.

    Not just Hardin, but Nyna as well. She gets rejected twice (although the second time is more of a self-rejection)

    Ishtar, Linoan, the list just goes on and on.

  20. 5 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Unloved? You're forgetting about Hardin.

    Going with that theme...we have Lyon, Cordelia, Palla, Faye, Catria, Roger and...to a lesser extent, Pheros. 

    Poor Lyon... unrequited love. See what it does to people? Turns them into demon lords. Same thing happened to Hardin.

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