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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. 11 minutes ago, Falcom said:


    Holy crap. I didn't think her fashion sense was that ridiculous...

    Lol. I forgot that was a running gag with her.

    That explains so much.

    Welp, five more hours until I get to blow all my orbs getting an endless stream of Xanders and Chroms.

    I may as well resign myself to it now.

  2. 8 minutes ago, CancerTurtle said:

    After the reveal of Bunny Chrom, I can't stop imagining him showing up at the castle, holding up his axe, and shouting, "Who's laughing now, Ephraim? Now I've got the weapon triangle advantage!"

    In the bunny suit?

    I want a comic of this. Like, now.

  3. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    A right arm not having a sleeve isn't sexual or revealing. :/ A lot of FE characters have sleeveless arms, nobody is calling all of them skimpy-looking.

    A collar pulled down like that on a man isn't sexualizing him either. Again, other FE characters who aren't called sexualized are like that too. Nobody said Karel looked skimpy. Or Tibarn.

    And even if this was considered sexualized, it's still not as bad as what Lucina and Camilla are wearing. I still don't now how those tops don't fall down.

    I vote we resolve this with a poll.

    Is Easter chrom sexy yes or no?

    take your pick people!

  4. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Of course I've seen Odin. I didn't say men weren't ever objectified at ALL. Women are still bigger victims of it.

    I don't see Chrom showing any skin, what are you talking about? What tight pants? I can't even see his pants in that picture.

    .... Are we looking at the same picture? His right arm doesn't have a sleeve (it never does, lol)!

    and his collar is pulled down to accentuate his collarbone and pecs (contrast with Xander, same collar buttoned up)

  5. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Chrom and Xander aren't wearing anything skimpy. Men aren't objectified in media like women are.

    Have you seen Odin?

    No, seriously. Have you seen Odin?

    Plus, if we're going by "amount of skin shown", chrom and lucina are almost exactly the same. The point is how form fitting the outfits are. And yes, chrom's really draws attention to his figure. It's.... Very, very tight on the pants.

    and for that matter, the shirt too. I mean, you can actually see the outline of his pecs. That is, like, European model level of Form fitting.

  6. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Same here. I don't play Heroes to see women in skimpy sexual outfits. Same with men, though that's obviously harder to do since...well, it's men. They don't have as much to "reveal."

    Well, I don't play heroes to see men in skimpy outfits. But I know, I just know, that you're going to get all lucina's and camilla's, and I'm going to get all Xander's and chrom's because that is life.

  7. Just now, Arcanite said:

    But he'll have distant counter (hopefully). So when we get the other Zander you'll have 2 distant counter peoples

    Good lord. I'll be the most powerful player in the game... But I still won't have the one thing I truly want.

    im getting one-punch man vibes now.

    "Being strong is.... Really boring."

  8. 1 minute ago, Arthur97 said:

    I'm in a similar boat with roughly 260 orbs.

    That brings up a good point. Should I summon exclusively for Lucina, or just go all in? Decisions, decisions.

    I'm going to start just pulling all colors for my first three gos.

    Ill drop colors as I get certain heroes (if I get Xander, I'll stop pulling red, Camilla or chrom, I'll stop pulling green)

    As usual, of course, I'll ignore all colorless.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Raven said:

    I've saved up 120 orbs once again after dumping the previous 130 or so I'd saved into the current FE7 focus. I will be sure to spend my orbs only on blue and green summons this time.

    Yeah, I'm glad lucina's the only blue, should make getting her much easier. With 257 orbs, I've got 51 pulls to try and get her. And that's assuming I'm spending 5 orbs every time (ie, there aren't multiple blue orbs to reduce the cost)

    add to that the upcoming 9 orbs from the xenologue, the 12 from the lunatic quests I haven't done yet, the 10 or so from the Twitter quiz, 17 story maps I haven't cleared yet, and three orbs a day for two weeks for another 42 orbs, and finally, 2 for two Sunday's, and that's another 17. 

    So, only pulling once each time, I've got 68 tries to get her right now. Assuming, of course, they don't give us even more orbs.....

    Edit: lol, forgot about the ten you can get from the Nintendo account. So, 70 total.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Taxon said:

    Ooooh, am I the only one getting flashbacks to the first event Overwatch did? You know, the one themed around the Olympic Games? Everyone was pissed because you had to rely on the RNG to get exclusive items which were only available for a limited time... It meant you either had to play the game obsessively or shell out real money in order to get as many loot boxes as possible and increase your odds of scoring the item you wanted before it vanished forever. Except, back then it was only cosmetic items up for grabs. Here we've got unique units to play for, one of which is the first and only ranged flier in the game. I'm really not sure how to feel about it to be honest. As long as the new limited time units aren't too overpowered I guess it shouldn't be too bad...?

    Still, if one undoubtedly good thing has come from this it's that ranged fliers are finally a thing. It should add another layer of complexity to the game and now evil waifu Aversa actually stands a chance of making it into heroes.

    I'm mostly fine with it because there hasn't been a worthwhile orb expenditure for me in over a month. I decided not to go for ninian, so I've got a massive stockpile just sitting there. But I can imagine this would be quite frustrating for some people.

  11. 1 minute ago, Raven said:

    It's definitely real; they wouldn't make new artwork, chibis, and record new voice lines for something so trivial as April fools.

    See, that's what they want you to think!

    Nintendo: "Surprise it's actually Ike!"

    (chuckles under breath) "Bunny Xander. Good one."

    Lol. I'm sure you're right, though.

    ....pretty sure.

  12. I think they are going far too slow on the releases. They're coming out twice a month (not every two weeks) which means that each month is at most 14 characters. Over a year, that's only 168 characters..... Out of 750+

    even more so when you remember that spin off characters weren't on the list, and that a new fire emblem game will be releasing for the switch, adding more characters. Plus all the new characters added to the gaiden remake who wouldn't have been in the original poll.

    Finally, add in alternate costume versions that will be repeats of existing characters, and it will take them 8 years, probably longer to release every one.

    now, I'm sure batta the beast isn't very high on anyone's list, but at the current rate, it could be 2-3 years before we see characters like Joshua or l'archel.

  13. 3 hours ago, Luchi said:

    Couldn't resist...


    Since ever one else is throwing their two cents in on this,

    I think this looks really good. You got great shadows and highlights, especially on the skirt of the dress.

    Since it's just a neutral pose, the feet are actually working. Most non-SNK sprites are in a chibi style, so if you want defined feet/hands, you have to really over-exaggerate them.

    But yours is really in the style of the old school sprites, so great work!

  14. 5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The gacha games I'm familiar with have their old event gacha come around every year.

    To date, they've made a point of saying: "characters will be added to general pool" so we should check for that.

    but ice dragon is right. Most (keyword:most) gacha games will bring them around again...... Eventually.

  15. 3 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Apologies. I thought you were continuing the earlier statements from a few pages back.

    Fair enough.

    However how do we compare variety when there is actually a metric?

    As in the actual pool of voices that English FE heroes has actually had to have characters share.

    Good question. Made even more complicated by the fact that new characters are constantly being released, so it's totally possible I'll be completely wrong in a few months, and the jp voices will have a much greater variety. Idk.

  16. 32 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    The last part is just sidestepping being able to nitpick your criticism.

    When you are saying that a language sounds generic without making an informed decision... you are saying that you prefer English in general. You cannot say more than this without overstepping the whole "this is subjective and it's my tastes".

    When you *specifically* criticize FE heroes for having generic voices, without specifying what exactly makes it "samey" other than "I don't speak Japanese nor have the interest in doing so", that's where we run into problems.

    You are using a generalized preference to criticize a specific work. That really doesn't work.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa!

    Who said anything about generic voices?

    Or samey? I just said that there wasn't as much variety. That doesn't mean that the voices that are there are "generic," ie, bland or indistinct.

    further, this is a comparison. "Not as much" variety is completely different from "no variety" or "not enough variety."

  17. 14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    You're going to have to put in some serious argument to support this claim because as I have said before, people have a tendency to not listen when hearing people speak in a language they don't understand.

    Also, I doubt most people can tell the difference between accents (and be able to pick out which differences are caused by accents and which are caused by individual differences) in a language they don't know. Gibberish will simply sound like gibberish, and that's probably why most people think Japanese sounds so same-y.

    Exactly. I don't speak Japanese. To me, there isn't enough variety and that's more or less it.

    That said, I don't necessarily agree that it sounds like gibberish. In fact, to me that's the difference between bad and good voice acting. Great voice acting can convey meaning through emphasis and inflection. I can't think of an example off the top of my head, but I know some Kurosawa films that you don't need to understand the exact words, you can tell what they mean just from how they're said.

    But this entire argument is subjective. To each their own.

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