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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Hey, I write together with a co-author too! A few things I do on my own as well (for example, my Awakening stuff is all my work, he hasn't had a hand in it. He wants to read it and give his input though, of course), but most of what I've written was actually co-authored by a fellow writer who loves FE. That Ike x Elincia family in my sig isn't just there to look pretty, ya know. ;)

    But...uh...what happened to this thread now, exactly? o.O

    I don't know. Let's talk about writing fanfics, that sounds fun.

    Hey, we should have a fanfic contest based on this banner!

  2. 1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

    Except that's completely false. People give a certain other frequent poster on the Heroes subforum for being overly negative the majority of the time when they post. Because overly negative people are a drag to be around and bring down the mood of the thread or the people around them.

    People have the right to tell others to tone down their complaining when it's getting so frequent it's annoying.

    First, you're right. I misused the term "flying off the handle." Sorry.

    Second, taking the whole "when I'm right, I'm right stance" is not the most advisable tactic (even when you are right). No one was ever persuaded by that, ever (unless they're a child). Look, you are (in terms of your argument) in the right. I'm just saying, don't do what they're doing back to them.

    Ok? You're not alone here. It's gonna be fine.

  3. Just now, Doof said:

    Uh... this whole thing basically is boiling down to "Stop saying how you feel, it annoys me/Like what I like and don't voice your dislike over stuff"

    Which is pretty ironic considering a few pages ago a lot of you were saying "Don't take things too seriously, its just an event in a game"

    Look how this escalated.


    As for me, if there's no grooms I won't be interested unless its a female character I really like. 

    I know, right? Thank goodness you're here, mate. ;)

  4. 4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    Feel free to see me like that if you wish. I post a lot on here and it creeps in. I won't promise to tone something down that I don't feel I can. I don't feel I've mentioned it more than I should, even if they do, but I'm sure they can go back and do all the quotes, etc, etc. 

    And yup, stop this from happening and I won't complain, because I will be happy with the game. I've posted many times, even in this thread, without mentioning it, but because I post a lot on the threads, it does creep in. Like I say, it's my biggest fear with the game, and I can't stop it bursting out. If they want to dislike me for it, fine. And I really won't like it if it has four brides. It will suck for me. Others may be happy, fair enough, but it'll be a huge disappointment, and one I just want them to confirm won't happen. But who knows, maybe they won't. I honestly don't know how I'll react if they do do four brides. I joked about a hissy-fit, but part of me feels I'll just slink away for a while and leave the game be until the next banner. Not sure yet. I won't know unless it happens. 

    Dude, it's gonna be ok.

    1. No one's seeing you as anything except a slight (keyword: slight) jerk for making Sunwoo rage-quit over nothing.

    2. There is no way this banner will be four brides. That is not going to happen, so there's no real reason to bring it up. There has NEVER been an all female banner in the entire history of this game, unless it was part of a voting gauntlet. So you are getting mad about something that is not going to happen.

    3. Even if it does happen, there are PLENTY of Otome games out right now you can play. If you really do feel that this game is no fun, don't bother wasting time you could be spending having fun with it complaining about it. Just go have fun doing something else!

    4. This Will Not Be An All Female Banner.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Zor said:

    Hey, i have ZERO experience in this game, the first thing i opened was Azura, i just read a random tier lists and tells me that if i get something like Azura i should reconsider rerolling. So should i? Is maybe a more balanced team more desirable? i have no clue...

    SO far i got:  (CNET's tier list, idk if tiers matter or synergies matter more : http://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Tier_List)
    -Azura  -Beruka  - Corrin Female  - Shanna - Sakura - Soren - Tiki adult - Raigh - Matthew - Virion - Anna - -Cecilia - Palla - -Abel 

    Right now, that's about as good as you can expect.

    You literally have less than 0.5% chance of pulling something better than Azura, so I'd either take her and run with her, or wait until the wedding banner drops (monday or tuesday), and hope that those units are better than her (which is not guaranteed)

  6. 3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    ... You know what, I asked nicely. I asked you to stop, explained why I felt you were getting on my nerves, and then asked you to at least tone it down. Instead, you play the victim. You say that a person who has a problem with your post is the only one with a problem, instead of pausing to think if maybe you are getting on people's nerves. If this is the kind of person you are, a self-righteous person who thinks that their behavior is always right and anyone who has a problem with it is wrong, then you're the one with the problem. Not me. Have fun in the real world.

    It's gonna be ok, man. We're all a little on edge, and I, at least, sympathize with your position.

    But, just remember this:

    1. The other person's thoughts and opinions don't have any more impact on this game or this community than yours do. So don't freak out about their behavior.

    2. Be more positive. If they're in the wrong, don't fly off the handle and give them an out, otherwise you will come off looking like the bad guy, and they will come off looking like the victim.

    I think we're all way too on edge because of the hype. What will happen will happen. No one can control it.

  7. Just now, Zangetsu said:

    Just because there's a wedding banner doesn't mean there's going to be an option to hook up other characters with one to another. I mean c'mon I don't even play gatcha games & even I knew it wouldn't this obvious.

    I know, right?

    by the way, last time the banner was revealed the day after the silhouettes were shown. But, it was leaked by noa, and then they made the official announcement.

  8. I love how this thread keeps wrapping back around to shipping wars.

    1. This game is not confirmed canon, so it doesn't matter who they put in the banner. They could put Ike and Sigrun together for all I care, it doesn't make it fact.

    2. There is no guarantee that the pairings will have any signficance. It could all be characters from different games.


    Edit: @shadowofchaos has the right idea.

    I mean, fighting over pairings if fine, but why don't we fight over what they actually end up doing, rather than what they might do?

  9. 23 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    You know what I think? It might very well not be Lyn. I don't think the long pluck is hair at all. It could be one of those hat-things? No idea what it's called. But all I'm saying that it is maybe part of the outfit, not hair.

    Could be. Could be. I'm excited to find out.

  10. So, it's pretty obviously Lyn on the left, but male or female on the right?

    It weirdly looks like Elise to me, but that's probably just because of the veil.

    OMG, it would be hilarious if that was actually a guy with a pony tail on the left, like Tsubaki.

  11. On 5/8/2017 at 9:11 AM, ckc22 said:

    It was just marketed poorly on a system that did terribly. TBH the game was sunk the second they released the teaser trailer because everyone created expectations for what it would be based off that and I don't think anyone got three streets away from even being in the neighborhood of guessing how it would actually turn out. 

    The game was actually pretty decent if you don't mind skipping/ignoring/rushing through all the Idol trash. 

    Actually, how well it did (relatively speaking) really doesn't matter all that much.

    The real calculation is "How much does it cost to port it?" versus "How much will it earn?"

    If it earned a total of $500,000 (Which is incredibly low for a video game), and it only costs $200,000 to port it, then that's profit.

    Just look at No More Heroes. That was a Wii game that got ported to the PS3, even though both it and it's sequel it didn't do very well.

  12. 3 hours ago, LordOTaco said:

    Holy shit this is awesome!  I really hope they are able to use the original soundtrack I would kill to hear me some bloody tears and vampire killer.  I assume this will be following Simon Belmont?

    The director has said it's based on Castlevania 3, so I assume so.

  13. On 2/27/2017 at 0:43 AM, Jotari said:

    So one thing you see a lot of people complaining about are how perfect characters without flaws are automatically bad characters. It's never been a sentiment that I've argued with but I've also always had the belief that every rule in writing can be sidestepped with competent writing. And now I think I have a pretty major example to back that belief up. I've recently read all the Sherlock Holmes stories (well I said read, I got them off audible. 60 hours worth of material for fifteen euro. It was a freaking steal!) and on coming out of it I have to say, Sherlock Holmes is basically a perfect Mary Suish character. He always knows what's going on. Barely ever fails. Knows absolutely everything about anything and is constantly being praised by just about everyone. His typical flaws tend to be his antisocial habits and condescending attitude but they're overplayed way more in the adaptations. In the original stories he's perfectly capable of getting on well with people but chooses not to and the condescending attitude is also quite reserved and fully backed up by the fact that he really is that amazing. And yet, despite all that, he still is an engaging character because his deductions are genuinely good and his personality is generally likeable.

    For all the bashing people give for character that exemplify such superior traits and attitudes, this is an example of one that has basically become one of the most popular characters in human history. So it begs the question, why are perfect characters generally seen as uninteresting? I think the most obvious answer is that it's boring. But then the solution is simple. Just make the plot and their reaction to it engaging enough to so that it's not boring.  I'm of course not saying all characters need to be perfect, but more the fault doesn't lie in how many flaws a character has or doesn't have, and more in how the characters actions actually derive intrigue, empathy and suspense in the narrative. What do you think? Is there any "perfect" characters you can think of that you still found to be engaging? Or do you think mr Holmes is a lot more flawed than I'm giving him credit (or indeed is he not even that great a character despite his massive following and legacy)?

    Yes, but the character must be handled realistically, which Sherlock Holmes often isn't.

    The biggest reason Sherlock Holmes often comes of as Mary Sue-ish is that the other characters don't react realistically to him or his flaws. 

    The best example of a perfect character is the series Sakamoto Desu Ga (Haven't You Heard, I'm Sakamoto). The entire series focuses on the idea that a perfect human being exists, and how ordinary people have to come to terms with the fact that he is perfect.

    This causes a lot of different reactions, which are well handled. For example, certain characters become obsessed over him to the point of stalking/assaulting him. Some characters hate him just out of spite. Still others want to get close to him not because they care about him as a person, but because they want to use his skills or popularity to advance themselves.

    Dealing with these kind of situations makes the characters far more believable and acceptable, but Sherlock Holmes never addresses these, so he's just left feeling flat, like early Batman or Superman comics.

  14. Just now, Ice Dragon said:

    The training tower pool is any character in the normal pull roster.

    The only time banner characters appear in the training tower is if they are already in the normal pull roster (which has only been the case for the launch banners).

    Cool. I was wondering about that.

    Obviously, I've never seen any of the Easter characters, and I remember not seeing characters who aren't in the general pool (Which fluctuates. Has anyone noticed this? Some "normal" characters aren't available in all banners. It's hard to keep track of where everyone ends up, but it is a little weird.)

  15. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Yes. The quest requirements are exactly what they say they are. If it tells you to kill a level 35 or higher Narcian, any level 35 or higher Narcian will work, including those in the Arena, Voting Gauntlets, story missions, training tower (I know he doesn't spawn there), etc.

    Too bad they can't spawn in the training towers, that would be interesting.

    Side note, does anyone know what the limits are on what characters can spawn in the training tower? Is it tied to the current banners, or is it any banner character?

  16. Well, the animation sure looks gorgeous.

    So, it's being directed by the guy who did the power rangers short (yeah, that one. No, I'm not posting a link, for obvious reasons), so that's probably a good sign.

    Glad to see netflix pouring more money into anime. This could really be good for the industry.

  17. 2 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    It has, I've tested this method myself with beating FRobin, Navarre and Ursula  in story normal mode instead . As long the lv isn' stated, beating them anywhere will do, be it story mode, arena, or even voting gauntlet

    Great job finding this! It will likely prove useful at some point...

  18. 2 hours ago, Thienphu said:


    i have a +def/-res Ryoma. My team is Hector +def/-res, takumi +spd/-res, azura +res/-def. Should i put Xander in my team instead of Ryoma or not?

    You do lack a good hard counter for Hector (other than another hector), and Xander is better at that than ryoma. On the other hand ryoma is much more versatile and has generally better stats.

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