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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. 52 minutes ago, Skurge said:

    Man I really wonder if we'll ever see more fictional based heroic spirits aside from the Phantom. Maybe the Scarlet Pimpernel or Captain Nemo?

    That'd be nice. There's a ton of western stuff they could do, so I hope they go into it.

    A bizarre thing: Think they should try to do Africa at all (other than egypt, obviously)?

    No one ever does any thing from the general African continent, I don't even know what their mythology is like.

    But yeah, S!Alter is a beast, she out damages regular artoria and altera. With her buster up skill she usually averages 50K damage from her NP at level 70.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

    Also, he specifically asked Giuliani how to make a Muslim ban but legal. The intent was a Muslim ban and the execution is really idiotic.

    Theres no way to spin the travel ban to make Trump look passable. The fact that Saudi and Pakistan are not on this list is even more baffling.

    He has big business ties with Saudia Arabia, it was brought up during the election. Great pictures of him shaking hands with shieks, you can find them pretty easily.

    Pakistan is weird though, no idea why that wasn't on there.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Talandar said:

    It's called GudaGuda. There is currently a manga running on their website.
    It will probably around mid of November, I think? It's a really good event for ascension items and features most of the stuff that isn't available through farming.

    Gahh, the wait for that's going to be unbearable. Foreign God Hearts, Infinity Gears, Chaos Talons.... it has every ascension material I need.

  4. 18 hours ago, Lushen said:

    I was mocking people who refer to it as a Muslim Ban.  Nowhere in the text does it mention a religion.  Additionally, I believe there are now 2 countries that are not dominantly Muslim that are covered under the Travel Ban.  Finally, it blocks the entire country's people, not Muslims.  If someone were to block the US would it be a Christian Ban because that happens to be our dominate religion (~80%)?  Finally #2, plenty of Muslim countries are still allowed to travel the US.  

    For the record, it's full title is - Executive Order [13769] Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States

    Ironically, the "Muslim Ban" actually advocates freedom of religion since it specifically mentions that individuals who do not believe in religious freedom (persecutions) will not be permitted in the country.  

    See, this is what I'm talking about. No where in the text does it say "Muslim Ban"

    He legit could have gotten away with it, except then on twitter, he actually calls it a "Muslim Ban."

    I mean, SERIOUSLY. How stupid can you possibly be?

    That idiot's such an embarrassment it's painful.

  5. 1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

    definetely killer dagger or a firesweep one

    Firesweep one would be ideal.

    The biggest weakness of daggers is that anything strong enough that you actually need to debuff would kill them in one hit anyway (think every tempest trial boss we've ever had).

    Firesweep would go a ways towards fixing that.

  6. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Going into a discussion about character stats without caring about the mechanics is the same as going into a discussion of a history class reading without having done the reading (or having read the Spark Notes). An uninformed opinion does not contribute meaningfully to a discussion.

    If you're going to argue that Henry and Jakob are not power creep, you're going to have to address their stats to defend that argument.

    Power creep is inevitable. If it doesn't happen now, it will happen eventually.

    That said, Nowi and Sakura don't have inflated bst, and none of their skills seem particularly exceptional.

    As for Jakob and Henry, it's kind of hard to call them power creep since there are no existing armor mages or armor archers to compare them to.

    What exactly are they an improvement over?

    Regular archers? I don't think any one's going to be throwing out their Bridelia or Bow!Lyn any time soon.

    Regular mages? I guess so? Maybe?

  7. 1 hour ago, Slumber said:

    Stupid. Stupid is the correct word here. American politics are very, very, very stupid.

    Trump is the product of our own undoing.

    Every day I wake up, wondering "Could today be any dumber than yesterday", and every day that question is answered almost immediately.

    Agreed. Idiotocracy is disturbingly accurate.

    I mean, look, I'm going to wait until an official verdict is handed out before declaring any one guilty or innocent. That's how rule of law works.

    But my god, is Trump dumb. I mean, just... dumb.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Sire said:

    Hmm... There are no must-haves for me on this banner, so that is a good thing. I'll probably just do my "free full pull" and stock up on orbs.

    I like Sakura, but besides the interesting mechanics, I am mostly indifferent to the banner. I would like to have a permanent Mage Flier (Aversa comes to mind, or maybe a Dark Flier Sumia) and would also like some Ranged Armor (although outside of Arvis, I don't know if there are any Armors that fit into the category).

    I am a bit wary though. H!Sakura and H!Nowi have some extra skills, and if they continue the trend of raising stats like with Ayra and Sigurd, then Heroes is going in a direction I disagree with...

    If you're not attached to any of the characters, I'd say just go for Henry.

    I'm certain there will be another red mage flier at some point, whether it's Aversa or someone else.

    There are also plenty of generals in the series who can wield bows, so any one of them could replace Jakob.

    But other than Alvis, there are NO armored mages in the entire series, so they'll only ever be seasonal, if there even are any more

  9. 7 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    ...Just noticed there are two wyverns and one broom to zero pegasi in the flying mage department.

    At least the mage pegasi are going to look decent when they're out. Hopefully.

    You know what's going to be weird? Flying archers.

    That's going to be weird.

  10. 2 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    While Sakura is 100% adorable (Bridelia tier artwork here), I'm a bit skeptical of her usefulness. Daggers, in general, are pretty rubbish weapons with Kagero and Felicia being the only ones people ever used and I rarely see them these days. So, looking at Sakura's kit, her weapon does effective damage vs mages but is that really a good thing? Sure, she's better against horse mages (common), but mage armors and fliers aren't so common (well they will be for a while after this banner). Compare this to the Poison Dagger that deals effective damage to all infantry including infantry mages which are the most common kind of mages. Sure, Sakura's weapon has more atk, but I feel like it's just going to be situationally useful against horse mages. Then there is her A skill. Warding Stance looks good at first but it's really just a poor man's Distant Defense. She would appreciate taking less damage from bows/daggers more than reduced damage from manaketes. Guard is a good skill and will let her tank QP Moonbow Reinhardt but it also prevents her from running CA (which she would need to slay TA Raven users).

    I still want her, if only because of that S+ tier artwork, but I think dagger users still don't have an effective role in this game. Disregarding her default hit, Polivia is probably the worst dancer because she isn't able to take advantage of the weapon triangle.

    I was super hyped for her at first, but the more I think about her the worse she seems.

    Her dagger seems amazing at first, but once you think about it, you realize that it only hits about 8 or 9 more units than a regular poison dagger (Leo, Cecilia, Rein, Olwen, Ursula, S!Camilla, S!Corrin, H!Nowi, H! Henry) and that's it.

    Unlike a raven tome, it doesn't give her any boosts to defense, so if she doesn't have the resistance, Rein can still just plow through her.

    And warding stance legitimately is just a worse distant defense 3. I rarely am concerned about my high resistance daggers getting hit by dragons, so that doesn't add anything there, while taking away a huge benefit against daggers and bows.

    But I'll be pulling for Jakob anyway, so I'm sure I'll get her instead, knowing my luck.

    Fortunately, it's pretty much impossible for Henry to be bad.

    At WORST, he'll be able to run TA Gronnraven better than the alternatives.

  11. My number 1, the one I've been regretting ever since her banner, is Celica.

    So, prior to celica, I grabbed Alm off my first pull from his banner.

    Alm, of course, is terrible. So I decided right then and there that I wouldn't pull any more Shadows of Valentia banners ever. Celica rolled around and I skipped her.

    Thing is, I didn't have any red mages, either four or five stars. For months. It began to actually be a problem.

    Even now, with Arvis and a 5 star Tharja, I still want a Celica. She's just so much better...

  12. I can't tell if this is really the easiest GHB ever, or if our units have gotten so absurd.

    Cleared infernal on the first try, B!Ike, B!Lyn, B!Lucina, Performing Olivia (wow, that makes me look like a whale. I'm F2P, I swear!)

    But yeah, B!Lyn just destroys this map, particularly Alvis (he did, what, 10 damage to her? Then she one rounded him.)

    It took me legit 20+ minutes to finish off the armors though. I just kept pecking them with bow lyn and Olivia shenanigans.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Othin said:

    I tested it and it didn't happen. See the screenshots I posted.

    Follow-Up Ring works above 50% HP, not below. If he's below half, he won't be getting the follow-up attacks whether you have Hardy Bearing or not.

    Good to know. Too bad for the hardy bearing seal, would've been interesting.

  14. 1 minute ago, BlazingMage said:

    I'm just saying that's what happened, Arden's skill didn't activate but it did for other units.  Next time it happens I'll take a picture.

    Awesome, thanks. This could be a really important thing to learn, so definitely keep us posted.

  15. 1 hour ago, BlazingMage said:

    Huh, but I was using Lucina (with Hardy Bearing) and no follow up attack for Arden occurred when he was attacked and his HP was enough to activate the skill. ''It guarantees a follow up attack'' but with Desperation, a follow up attack immediately occurs afterwards. They are similar in that regard. Weird.

    That's absolutely baffling, but I totally believe it. A ton of stuff doesn't work the way it says it should.

  16. 1 minute ago, Armagon said:

    I guess they kinda wanted to make him a Sigurd counter, fittingly. After all, Sigurd doesn't have that much RES and Valflame is basically just Atk/Res Ploy 2.5. However, there's still the issue of Sigurd having Divine Tyrfing and Crusader's Ward, which will help defend him from Valflame, even if he gets affected by the debuffs.

    True. I'm interested to see the Alvis GHB map... I wonder how it'll be set up.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Yeah, same. The same also applies to Arden and Arvis (though Arvis doesn't appear to have anything too spectacular).

    I know, right?

    I'm very disappointed, because I will have to use him, as he fills a gap in my ranks for a red mage tank. (Tharja and Lilina just don't have the resistance to perform that role).

    But yeah, stat-wise, he doesn't bring much to the table. I also don't get why Valflame has a whole bunch of ploys stacked on it. I mean, it's interesting sure, but the Valflame in geneology was all about raw, ridiculous damage. I expected it to be something along the lines of ragnarok, but only for attack.

  18. Just now, Armagon said:

    Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if she easily gets into the top-tiers. Her weakest Stat is RES but that's like, 80% of the cast's weakest stat.

    At the very least, Ayra's gonna be free so everyone will have a chance to get her.

    Indeed. For that reason, I'm much more excited than outraged. I'm really looking forward to using her.

  19. 42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    I get that but like, it's kinda worrying if uninheritable skills keep popping up, especially on the more powerful units.

    As long as Rein is around, Ayra won't get out of control. But then and again, that's why it's powerCREEP. It doesn't happen fast.

    But Ayra is really pushing the envelope.

    Sigurd doesn't do anything too weird, since he's a mage tank without distant counter. Most players want their mage tanks to be either a) mages b) archers or c) distant counters, in order to not waste turns. So Sigurd doesn't really advance an existing part of the meta, he's more of a niche unit.

    Ayra, on the other hand, completely pushes out existing non-dc swordies. She is so tanky and has such high damage out put that pretty much no one else can compete.

    She has 40 base speed, which can easily be pushed up to 48 with skills, a speed based heavy blade weapon effect and the single best special in the game. At this point, there isn't a sword that can match her in raw damage, especially if she runs fury (though she'll probably want to stick with desperation)


    I also agree that other armors should be allowed to inherit the pursuit ring.

  20. 2 hours ago, Quintessence said:

    So Nowi broke my 5☆ rate on Performance banner, she's +Atk -Spd, I already have a +Atk -Hp but I don't know which one I should keep and use the other one for LB+ fodder for +Spd -Def Fae? That said, what build do you guys recommend for Nowi? My trained Nowi has Defiant Atk and Vantage, she was used by the time Takumi was a thing.

    I'm in almost exactly the same position, and I still have no idea. I've got a +att/-spd and a +spd/-def.

    Gamepress recommends +spd, but that evaluation is really, really out of date, to the point where it talks about surviving against "Marth and Camilla" and being able to double Chrom. In all seriousness, they haven't updated her since skill inheritance came out.

    That said, she does lose a full 4 speed, dropping from 27 to 23, which is not insignificant.

    To be honest, I don't really  know....

  21. 1 hour ago, Prince Endriu said:

    Dammit caved some more. Probably the equivalent of 100 bucks spent. 


    Got an Amelia +atk-spd and FINALLY Azura.

    Officially no longer f2p - that hurts a little, maybe more. Now I can rest...

    Too bad she is -spd. But +atk.

    Gaah, sorry to hear you had to break f2p.

    The good news is, she's got enough speed that -spd isn't a big loss.

    That uror, though is insane. Makes a lot of the annoying missions, like the current "use 3 heroes" ones a breeze.

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