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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Ah second poll question. I like Rhajat way more than Tharja purely because she doesn't have Tharja's massive child abuse as a strike against her. This is basically the biggest reason I don't like her. Though I'd prefer Oboro as the lesbian option since she's a fully fresh character with a nice design. Seems like it so far with the poll results.
  2. Time for the ultimate Fire Emblem then. Ask Kaga to design the hardest mode (warp tiles in all their bullshit) Telius story/world building/characters Fates gameplay tweaked a bit. Avatar done DA:O style, limited support pool based on personality chosen. Everyone's back to way fewer supports.
  3. I'm in the OP, I feel special now. Pretty obvious what I voted anyway.
  4. Literally no Fire Emblem game is balanced and it's even worse in other games. FE6 has shit like Wendy and Roy. FE7 has GBA fighter syndrome. FE8 has Seth and then Ewan and Amelia. FE11 and 12 have most of the cast. 13 has major issues everywhere. But this is getting off topic.
  5. Conquest, and literally no Fire Emblem has ever been balanced and Fates seems to be one of the better balanced ones.
  6. Witch, I love that outfit so much. It helps that Witches are awesome in general.
  7. It's good to hear the game is selling well. I want to see the sales after it hits Europe though. Cool, Fates still has easily some of the best gameplay in the series.
  8. Use Marcus to make your life easier, the Cavalier bros are both pretty good, and armor knights all suck I don't suggest using any of them for long term.
  9. Well I finished Conquest and I can get started now that I've forgotten how to play FE7. Chapter 11, 12/12 turns. Chapter 12, 12/24 turns. I ended up just using Hector to clear up the top of the map while Eliwood yolo charged towards the boss. Chapter 13, 15/39 All of my swords are breaking and Eliwood is becoming a god. I'm still terrible though so the chapter took too long. Near the end I sent up Marcas to buy a full set of iron swords. Units, [spoiler=Eliwood] Yea Eliwood's gonna wreak shit this playthrough. [spoiler=Guy] Guy is probably going to just end up being known as worse Eliwood.
  10. Sounds interesting, could be used as a spring board to test new ideas for FE15 if its a SRPG.
  11. Ok yea we're done. Lunatic+ isn't "bullshit fake difficulty"
  12. Donnel is taking exp from EVERY combat unit, all of which are way better than him.
  13. Donnel is one of the absolute worst fathers besides galeforce, altitude doesn't help that much on a child considering how crazy their growths are in the first place. Not to mention -1 speed mod doesn't help him at all. Also Donnel is still in a stat rut and bronze locked while actively taking exp from far better units. Plus he needs a second seal which should always basically be going to Robin. Guess what competition Maribelle has for exp? Lissa, an on foot healer. Finally these extra growths on Donnel means he's hitting his super shitty caps faster. That is only after wasting your early second seal and shit tons of exp.
  14. No, that's almost hilariously wrong. Donnel's strength is 1, Maribelle's magic is 2 Donnel's skill is -1, Maribelle's is 1 Donnel's speed is -1, Maribelle's speed is 0 They both have equal luck. Donnel's defense is 1 while Maribelle's is -3. But Maribelle's resistance is also 2 while Donnel's is -1 Donnel only wins in defense with relevant stats.
  15. I just kept throwing Corrin at him pumped full of Tonics until RNG let me win. It was cool watching all the procs go off.
  16. That is a horrible way to convince anyone of your arguments. Especially when you're trying to argue that a full utility healer who can do her job just fine at join is better than a unit who needs way too much babying, has to deal with double bronze lock, AND eats the early second seal which should be going to pretty much anyone else. Not to mention he doesn't even end up the best thanks to his shitty caps.
  17. Don't worry I'll forget about warp and not use it too! I guess I'll take Guy as my other unit.
  18. FE4: The armor guy Arden or something FE5: Marty, stricktly worse than the other two axe users. FE6: It's between Guiding Ring and the 9/10 Armor Knight FE7: Wallace FE8: Ewan FE11: Not Caeda FE13: Grudge match between Ricken (outclassed in his join chapter by two other magic users) and Donnel (Belongs in the trash) FE14: Revelation Odin
  19. Felicia>>>>>>>>>Jakob, I wish I could marry her with F!Corrin. She's adorable and sweet. Jakob's basically 100% unattractive to me. Totally not because I'm a lesbian. Plus he's a huge douchebag. Gameplay wise I know PEMN but 2nd join Felicia always kicks major ass while Jakob always falls off hard. Though Jakob is certainly very helpful early game.
  20. That sounds wonderful! I'll add another point to the release on youtube idea.
  21. I just beat Nohr Chapter 25 and holy fuck Ryouma's chapter is awesome. I didn't even actually play it, I just yolo fought with Corrin until I won. That cut scene afterwards is amazing.
  22. We should get a chapter 23x where we massacre all the pathetic civilians who kept insulting us. That scene makes me really wish Corrin was actually evil and was only going along with Azura's stupid ass plan so they could rule two kingdoms at once. You know like maybe some kinda conquest?
  23. Ryouma's chapter in Conquest is pretty awesome, it's very well done. Also Zola is awesome in Birthright, he was a rat but he was a nice rat. I felt so much more for his death than even Elise's.
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