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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I lost it at the "Just do it" and the #FE reaction. What was the "To be continued" thing from?
  2. Micaiah and Mikoto, although I like Ninian and Priscilla's dress as well.
  3. I didn't like it in Awakening but I love it in Fates. Apart from the strategic depth of the Attack/Guard stance system, it's also useful for support building and moving slow units like Generals. I hope it stays in the series. Here's how I would do it: -all unmounted get Shove -all mounted get Canto -Shelter for everyone but stats reduced ala classic Rescue until the pair-up is broken. I know a lot of people cringe at a free Canto because "uhmuhguh Mounted Emblem" but I honestly like Shove so much that I consider them equal.
  4. I like the straight medieval fantasy setting. Final Fantasy and Tales of already cover Steampunk/Magi-tech and going too far into the future wouldn't feel like Fire Emblem to me. If they want to spice up the aesthetics, they can draw inspiration from other medieval cultures outside of Europe. We had this in Fates, but even before that there were classes/characters implied to be from other cultural inspirations, like Sacaeins in Elibe.
  5. They do have a backstory and their actions are dictated more by the plot than player choice (although one could argue that Kamui choosing to marry a sibling drastically alters the the nature of their relationship) but they are intended to be self-inserts. These characters typically have non-offending personality traits like: friendliness, desire for peace, trust in friends, determination, etc. There isn't that much to set them apart from any other Fire Emblem hero. Even Kamui, who spent almost his entire life under house arrest, can be Mr. Charisma who has a understanding of logistics and tactics.
  6. I almost cried, but instead, twin bald eagles flew out of my tear ducts.
  7. For all the cringe in the video, this made me laugh pretty hard.
  8. You made that post like 3 months ago, dude. lol But here, I'll acknowledge your hard work. Cool icons!
  9. I hear ya. I was at Conquest endgame and I died to 1% critical hits twice in a row. Fates RNG is a cruel and angry god.
  10. Agreed with OPs points. I don't want to accuse IS of being greedy (the price total for the amount of game content is fair) but I would say there is far less story content, than could be assumed by three separate campaigns. All of the routes feel like they never got back the general framework part of development. >Many chapters feel like filler and are disjointed with the rest of the story (the entire 2nd gen). >Very little is known about the world or the people who inhabit it, besides the personal drama of Kamui and his siblings. >The subplots are underdeveloped and inconsequential (the Anthony traitor arc, Takumi is a Nohrian spy, etc.) and the main plot is either frustrating (Conquest) or boring (Birthright/Revelation). >Character deaths lack the context/development to make you care. >Lastly, the protagonist is never allowed to grow and none of the villains are intriguing. All three routes (and Hidden Truths) together would produce a story perhaps on par with Awakening (which was only decent), but because you need to complete 3 games worth of content to see it, Fates as a whole is worth less than the sum of its parts. It's quite puzzling how the developers could fail so hard on the story when other aspects of the game (music, graphics, gameplay) are some of the best of the series. I hope next time IS will focus on a solid narrative and a tight cast before they attempt such an ambitious project again. Fates has an A++ concept so what happened? Is it grey or simply inconsistent? The upper brass are all monsters and the next tier down (royal children and their retainers), while personally being decent people, don't seem to have any issue with the way the country is run. Was there much commentary by your playable characters (besides the protagonist) on the brutal subjugation of Chevalier and the Ice tribe? Was there talk of civil reform or non-violent solutions to the country's woes? You don't get grey by having good guys working for the bad guys. You get grey by heroes challenging the status quo or heroes dipping into villainy for righteous goals.
  11. Birthday: No exact birthdays but mine is 2 days off from Rinka. Name: Apparently I'm a Bow Knight in Thracia, Robert. Appearance: Maybe Kent or Rhys but with a short beard. Personality: Eh, people are complex so I can't pin it to one character. I can be brooding and asocial so bits of Raven but also playful and friendly with people I know well, so maybe parts of Kaden too.
  12. I glad some people are breaking this up. "Post kaga era" (as defined by the OP) is way to broad to say you like/dislike it as a whole. For me, I like the "Post Kaga era" (FE6-FE10) and the 'Awakening Era' (FE13 onwards). Support conversations are what get me invested in the characters so I'm not really interested in playing the games before them. Also, mechanically seem like they would be hard to adjust to.
  13. The story was basically "Actually there is a world-ending dragon and an invisible kingdom. Sorry I didn't tell you about that before. We should probably get on that." from Azura and then "Go on a scavenger hunt for clues about your chosen one status" and then "Recruit all characters and go to Valla. Everyone is friends now for some reason." and finally "Run the parents boss gauntlet in Valla. Also, Kamui is an over-trusting liability, but that's why we love him." I thought Revelation was going to be the better story because you finally know all the details, but it was even more boring than Hoshido. The story from the very first chapter is "Find out how to kill Anankos and go kill him."
  14. Please no. Suzaku was an incredibly frustrating character.
  15. I don't dislike the archetype in general. With other Camus characters, you don't see as much of their side so it's a bit more plausible that they serve their country over a specific leader, or maybe that they value the oaths of loyalty they swear, even if their lord is evil/became evil. The reason why I hate Xander is that you DO see everything on his side, which makes his loyalty to his dad even more confounding. Garon isn't just a dick to other countries, he tries to have his own children killed, and he doesn't even try to hide it. I do like your idea, however. Our protagonists tend to be young lords just beginning to take the reins of leadership. Such a Camus/Quisling as you describe would present a good life lesson on the responsibilities of leadership. There could be a contrast between the bold idealism of a young hero and the well-intentioned pragmatism of a head of state.
  16. I'm not sure what you were expecting out of the second 3DS Fire Emblem. It took the core build of the previous game (as games sharing a platform often do) and made numerous improvements and innovations. That's exactly what a sequel game should be. For gameplay alone, we have new classes, a new weapon durability/effect system, hidden weapons, guard/attack stance, improved class/skill sharing methods, personal skills and My Castle. For non-core gameplay, we have good music, smooth map to battle transitions and an ambitious attempt (that ended in failure) at telling a story through 3 campaigns. But sure, let's call it Awakening 2.0
  17. I know this thread hasn't had a new post in a while but a number of people have mentioned to me that they want to post their fanfiction ideas somewhere. I'll be getting back into writing myself but for now I'd like to comment on other people's writings. I've only read the first chapter so if these questions are answered later, my apologies. Comments: -Is there a reason Xander has new subordinates? Also, considering how Xander carries himself, I think he has more in common with his new subordinates than his old ones. -Omega Legion sounds kind of silly, to be honest. It sounds a little too...edgy? Like it's trying too hard to be cool. Even just "The Legion" might be better. -Why are they wearing full suits of armor on a visit to an embassy? -Who is running Valla that requires there to be an embassy? -Is Xander still a prince at this point? -Switching up pronouns all the time without reason doesn't look very good. You refer several times to "the blonde" when speaking of Xander but it loses its impact after too much use. Why is attention repeatedly directed at his blonde hair? If you want to use a descriptive noun in place of a character's name, the line should have its own relevance. I know Xander is blonde after the first time you said it, and unless the topic of his hair is broached, that information doesn't need to be told again. I'll get to chapter two a bit later.
  18. Do you want the skills earlier or later in your play through? After changing classes, it will take 1 level up per skill you want to acquire so if you don't buy skills, you'll need to spend 3 levels as a Master Ninja and 4 levels as a Sword Master. Without buying skills, the smoothest way to do this would be: Hoshidan Noble until level 8 > change to Master Ninja until level 11 > change to Sword Master until level 15 > change back to Hoshidan Noble. The alternative, faster way would be Hoshidan Noble until level 2 > change to Master Ninja until level 5 > change to Sword Master until level 8 > buy Swordfaire and reclass back to Hoshidan Noble
  19. Your level doesn't reset when you change classes so if you want to get the class skills, you need to give yourself enough levels to do it (or purchase the skills via My Castle). For example, if you want Lethality/Swordfaire/Astra, you could make Samurai your talent and marry Kagerou (or make Ninja your talent and marry Hana). Let's say you change classes at level 16 from Nohr Prince to Ninja. You get Locktouch at level 17, Poison Strike at level 18 and then you wait until your level 20 before you promote to Master Ninja. At level 5 you will get Lethality and you can change class to Swordmaster. You get Duelist Blow at level 6, Vantage at level 7, Astra at level 8 and Swordfaire at level 15. Who you marry is up to you and you shouldn't worry too much about stats or inheritance on your first play through.
  20. FE6: Rebalance characters to make them all useful. Improve accuracy. FE7: Make the Kishuna related gaidens easier/more intuitive to unlock. Earlier promotion time for Lords. FE8: Make the game longer and let Lyon live. FE9: Make Laguz transformation manual. FE10: Add supports. Remove the blood pact. FE11: Add supports. Change Gaiden requirments. FE13: Make reclassing like Fates. Make class outfits like Fates. FE14: Make weapon EXP growth faster. Make the Nohr/Hoshido armory limited stock available via My Castle. I support these changes.
  21. I wouldn't mind it returning if some more tactical elements were added. For example, lighting a torch will increase your sight range, but will also make you visible to enemies on the map. Or, as others mentioned, having certain classes have better vision in FoW. The think enemies should be affected by in in some way. Some enemies could be stationary until they see another enemy and others can actively seek you out.
  22. If the Gaiden requirements were just "5 characters need to have died", I could accept them as replacements for lost characters. But you need to basically massacre half your army to get them, which means I need to fill my character slots with soon-to-be-corpses just to unlock the next level/character.
  23. Outrealms are fine for DLC shenanigans but I'd appreciate it if they were removed from the canon elements of the games. Tying all the stories together through a multiverse isn't clever writing, it's just a lazy excuse for fanservice. In regards to the Awakening trio or anyone else returning for a sequel, please no. If you fell in love with those characters, you can fall in love with brand new characters too. Fire Emblem characters aren't so deep that I want to see them appear in several unrelated titles.
  24. Conquest is the fun kind of difficulty until endgame. It's challenging but whenever you fail, you knew it's because you played too recklessly. Bringing back checkpoints might be a good idea, however. It's annoying having to reset several times and redo the same "set up" turns over and over again. Maybe there would be an option where you could save exactly once wherever you wanted. Agreed. I really bristle when people suggest that new players would be driven away by more chapter objectives and interesting maps. Even if Birthright was overall easier than Conquest, better map design would still earn it my endorsement. That said, Revelation has some of the most tedious maps in the game, so at least they didn't go that route.
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