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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think it's a huge disservice to Oboro's character to lump her in with "Notice me senpai". She has a crush on Takumi but it's hardly central to her character like being a yandere is central to Camilla. Even for Caeldori, her character falls more into "perfect class rep" than shy love-struck girl. Incoming small rant I won't say they (that is, weird fetishes + societal problems) are completely unrelated, as they belong to the same culture, but I think it's a stretch to infer there is a decline in 'normal' relationships because Japan is "into some weird fetishes". For starters, anime is still a niche interest, not something your typical working adult is going to be heavily invested in. It's hard to imagine "furry", "tsundere" and "incest" being mainstream interests. If you want to blame the low birthrate and lack of romance on anything, I'd say it's because of an outdated work ethic that demands extremely hard work minus the equivalent financial rewards. Raising children and romance hit the back-burner when people are already married to their jobs.
  2. I like keeping the Yato access so Grandmaster and Dread Fighter are favorites. I generally like to make Kamui a hybrid class because you can actually tailor his stats to fit them, unlike most characters in the game. It's awsome getting flying + tomes through Dark Flier and Revenant Knight.
  3. What child prologues give the player good items? I know Ophelia's has a valuable Horse Spirit, but are there any other child paralogues I should do? I haven't tried it yet but I think his personal skill would work well with shurikens, aka Master Ninja or Mechanist. With Kagerou's Dart, he could lower enemy stats by Skill -5, Spd/Str/Def/Res -3, or with Jacob's Tray Str/Spd -3, Skill/Lck/Def/Res -4. Together with Snake Venom, he could be a useful debuffer.
  4. I figured as much. Well, I'm sure the programmers could find a way to do it, if they put their minds to it. Like...when you start a chapter, your game file is switched to a temporary file that will be deleted if you reset or turn the system off. I mentioned the concept of revival items before. Perhaps if your lord died, you would automatically use a revive item, and if you had none left, it would be a game over.
  5. Assuming Revelation is canon, I think Kiiragi and Forrest would fit. Shiro and Seigbert are next in line for the thrones of their respective nations so the sons of Leon and Takumi don't have any immediate duties. This would fit well considering the new Valla is made from land donated by both countries. But if you want to exclude the royal kids, then the next obvious choices would be either Midoriko, Sophie or Dwyer.
  6. I can remember Dagger>Tome>Bow>Dagger but when it gets to which part of the first triangle something in the second triangle beats, I have to think about it for a few seconds.
  7. I voted Soul Calibur too but things might get a little samey if characters lost their mounts. Granted, it's not like two people wielding the same weapon can't have completely different fighting styles, but what's a Wyvern Rider without the wyvern? They can always make a Smash Emblem 2, a sequel to the popular Smash Emblem 1 (Smash Bros WiiU)
  8. Cel-shaded. I like the anime style characters of VC but it's the water-color look that really makes the game.
  9. Here's another idea. It might not be its own mode but if there were a toggle to make it so all enemies had the skills expected of their class and level (all enemy Generals have Wary Fighter, sorrynotsorry), that could make the game a bit more difficult but fair. The game would save after every action so resetting the game would just put you right where you left off, as it was in the GBA days. You wouldn't be able to restart the chapter or play another game file while the game had a mid-chapter Ironman save file.
  10. An Ironman mode or Random Team select mode. The Ironman mode would include additional features like revive items that don't show up in Classic. Random Team Select mode would force you to field any units that appear on your select list.
  11. I think you have to throw logic out the window for the mechanic to make sense. Unless they are all mercenaries only loyal to whom pays them more in which case you should pay them with gold, not cabbages, making small talk with them wouldn't be enough to convince them to betray their nation. Torture is also too grimdark for any non-evil protagonist.
  12. I would have preferred Nohr and Garon being morally ambiguous as opposed to Conquest being the puppy-kicker route. Their lack of food is presented in story but they don't go anywhere with it.
  13. I'd be 120% behind this. VC has really beautiful artwork.
  14. This is probably the best summary of her character. Bad start, and while she has some utility, there are other characters who can do her job but better. I wouldn't discount her personal skill, however. It's basically a free +4 damage. As Thor has shown, a reclass to Berserker does wonders for Rinka's stat spread, but it does require getting Fighter off of Avatar or Charlotte (Revelation only). Rinka might be a good candidate for a Dread Fighter seal.
  15. Blazing Sword Whoever thought it was a good idea to put some of the juiciest story details in extremely hard to unlock gaiden chapters should step on a Lego. Bonus: The method of unlocking supports is tedious.
  16. I think making Garon a more nuanced villain would be one way to tackle a lot of the narrative problems. Had he been a Lyon or Travant, we'd have a very different, and presumably better story. In the story we do have, however, Kamui's can-never-do-wrong-ultimate-charisma-chosen-one portrayal makes the story a lot worse. Let's imagine a retelling of Conquest, fixing two separate issues: Method 1: Garon is now a nuanced villain, making Nohr's cause more morally ambiguous. Kamui can now support them and still be heroic. Method 2: Kamui is no longer obligated to be morally flawless, so he can support Nohr and be judged accordingly for his actions. While I'd choose method 1 out of personal preference, method 2 would at least make the protagonist's actions consistent with his morality (i.e. Conquest becomes the Evil route). Fates is a very character driven story so I believe that the game's unwillingness to let the protagonist be flawed or develop as a character hurts the story more than the conflict being a cliche good vs evil scheme. tl;dr I agree with you about fixing Garon being important but I rank it slightly lower than fixing the protagonist. We may never know how much he truly had a hand in the writing, and whether or not his resume and writing specialty even mattered. I doubt his original draft will ever be released to the public. The only thing I've heard about his involvement was that Gooron was his idea (doesn't leave the best impression but the execution by IS may still be the real issue). More than his specialty as a writer, I think the bigger mistake was hiring a writer who didn't have time to develop or supervise the project.
  17. You can see some influences of this in Birthright and Revelations with the (once again poorly executed) traitor mystery. I'm hesitant to blame Kibiyashi because it seems like he was barely involved with the writing. If he gave the general framework of the story, it was up to IS to refine and develop those ideas into a strong plot. The biggest problems seem to be rooted in "Kamui must be a morally flawless Mary Sue" and "We gotta find a way to sell Revelation", which I doubt Kibiyashi played a part in.
  18. I don't think they really work with the current play modes. Obviously if you play Phoenix or Casual, you don't need it and it seems like a lot of the Classic players will reset after any death. Even if you did play on after a death and revive that character later, they might be too underleveled to put back into your team. So here is what I'd suggest. Include an Iroman mode that has revive items you can purchase (expensive) or just a limited amount you can find in chests. In this way, you can have a challenge mode that gives a little leeway in the event the enemy lands that 1% crit on your favorite unit.
  19. I was thinking of the generic portraits first, ie the male model. For proper female outfits, you're better off with Tellius or GBA. I never want to see battle panties or cleavage windows again.
  20. Throughout the Fire Emblem series we've had a lot of reoccurring classes and different art directions. Some games has flashy outfits, others plain, and others bordering on silly fanservice. Of the classes that have appeared in at least two games, what designs did you like the best? What game had the best class designs overall? For me, I'd say the best were: Archer/Sniper GBA Nomad/Nomadic Trooper (Bow Knight) Sacred Stones Mercenary/Hero Fates Barbarian/Pirate/Berserker Shadow Dragon a record first for Shadow Dragon being the best looking in anything! Fighter/Warrior Path of Radiance Cavalier/Paladin Fates Great Knight Sacred Stones or Fates Knight/General Fates or GBA Soldier/Halberdier/Spear Master Radiant Dawn or Fates Mage/Sage Radiant Dawn Dark Mage/Sorcerer N/A, they looked best when they were Druids Monk/Bishop Radiant Dawn Troubadour/Valkyrie GBA Dark Knight Fates Dread Fighter Fates Pegasus Knight/FalcoKnight Awakening (Unpromoted) GBA (Promoted) Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord Radiant Dawn Myrmidon/Sword Master Fates or GBA Thief/Rogue/Assassin Sacred Stones or Radiant Dawn (Sothe) Dancer/Singer/Bard Sacred Stones Bonus Manakete Sacred Stones Beast Shapeshifter Fates or Radiant Dawn Bonus Bonus What is the best looking class that only appeared in one game? Ah, the agony of choice. It's a toss up between Revenant Knight and Grandmaster (technically appears in two games).
  21. I realize I'm biased as a fellow Fates critic but I like to think the people who analyze and pick apart the writing of Fates do so because they are invested in the series (and storytelling in general). We're fans talking to other fans about what we felt went wrong; an autopsy for a friend. OP seems to be just be out for blood, looking into dubious claims to justify his hatred.
  22. I'm getting a lot of "yes but no" out of this paragraph. Leo may have expectations but he's not allowed to vocalize his disagreement with his son's life choices? I don't want to get into a heated discussion of proper parenting, but the attitude that "the child may do whatever he likes as long as it's not physically harming anyone" is...open-minded to the point of not having standards. Believe it or not but most parents try to influence their children in a certain direction and it's the most natural thing in the world for a parent to reproach a child for what they deem improper behavior, be that sitting with a slouch or dressing up as a girl. I'm going to bring up a point I said earlier about the relationship of the characters and their world. Because of a lack of world-building, It seems to me that characters often exist in a void, separate to the world the one the game takes place in. Take for example, Pieri. She's a psychopath and serial killer, but she's not locked up or executed for her crimes. Should we believe that murder is not a crime in Nohr? Err, uh, maybe? So how about marriages? It's apparently okay for crown prince Ryoma to marry a peasant farm girl. In fact, it's okay for the crown prince of NOHR to marry a Hoshidan farm girl. Does any of this make a lick of sense? Characters exist primarily to be the quirky play-things of the player. Important things like sexual identity (such as being bisexual) or gender-norms are never commented on so we can't assume anything about the world of Fates. Maybe Forrest's behavior is perfectly acceptable and Leo's is only speaking against his son out of personal disappointment. Or maybe there ARE values that say a man should never wear a woman's clothes and Forrest is the one acting improperly. Who knows? I can't say for certain if Forrest's behavior jives with the world of Fates but by that same virtue, people can't assume that THEIR values are the ones the Fates world adheres to either. In the wake of a lot of modern movements to break down gender-norms, I think a lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction to Forrest's particular case. I don't see many post lambasting Saizo for initially pressuring Grey to follow in his footsteps. Anyway, I don't want to flood this thread with anymore posts about this topic. I've said my part and if that's unpopular, well, I'm in the right place!
  23. Hm, not quite. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to have certain expectations of your children. I'm not saying I'd disown a child for not matching up to my expectations, but cross-dressing would be a pretty distressing passion, I think. Again, each culture and individual has their own values, so I won't tell anyone that they should agree with my views. My point of contention with the general view is that people are projecting modern, liberal values onto the personal relationships of people living in what is presumably a more traditional society. It's reasonable, especially for Leo, to have high expectations of how his son behaves considering they are royalty and have an image to maintain. Stop slut-shaming the Faceless. They don't dress that way for YOU.
  24. It's all personal expression, whether that means something as provocative as fetish apparel or something as 'mundane' as a dude wearing a skirt. Each society and person is going to have their own values but we'd be lying if we insisted we were tolerant of all behavior. If I wore a bright neon-suit to a funeral "THIS is how I mourn!" would not be accepted. Hell, in my work-place, even visible tattoos and brightly dyed hair are considered faux-pas. I know you didn't mean this, but I had a giggle at imagining Cheve and the Ice Tribe revolting because they don't like the way Forrest dresses. Stop cross-dressing tyranny!
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