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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I didn't even look up growth rates on characters until I became a member of this community so I always used who I thought looked cool/had an interesting personality. If they under-performed too badly I'd bench them.
  2. I'll have to agree with others saying Mozu and Oboro (waifu4laifu). Mozu has a supportive and down-to-earth personality and Oboro has well rounded interests and a good work ethic. Kaze would probably be the best dad for humbleness and his devotion to others. For starters, a violent psychopath isn't going to be a good mother for anyone. At best, she's going to show her children that the best way to solve their personal issues is murder. Also, children need their parents to be parents, not their friends. What use is a woman-child to a child who needs an adult? Charlotte's character isn't based on a "slut". She's a gold-digger because she wants to support her family. She'd have zero reason to cheat on her husband if he made enough money to support them.
  3. "Alright team, we have a diverse cast of characters, hailing from different nations, tribes and species. What should we do with them?" "Have them act out repetitive gimmicks." "Build up familial bonds but then renounce them at the last moment so they can fuck." "Use them for world building." *RAGE* *Last guy gets thrown out the window*
  4. Well, the Avatar is the worst parent in the game, first for the Deeprealms bullshit and then for inviting his 8-year old child to a fucking war, so I can't imagine any normal relationship that didn't just gloss over all that. But let's imagine Kana is older and the recruitment is via time travel instead of Babyrealms. I would have Kana and the Avatar's relationship be about their dragon heritage. They are the only two (or two of three) people in their world who can turn into dragons so their ability to confide in each other and discover things about it would be interesting. Maybe the child could be worried about the possibility of losing their mind to their bestial nature At the very least we need more than a casual "Oh don't worry sweetie, you're just going through dragon puberty. That's completely normal...probably!"
  5. They can have all three routes on disk and keep two of the routes locked until you download a key to unlock it, just like how the digital version was.
  6. I never had a problem with Micaiah... The solution to 90% of life's problems is a Thani bomb.
  7. While I agree that the game should have been available on a single cartridge, it sounds pretty petty to not get the game for that reason. I'm sure you and the people like you weren't that interested in Fates to begin with.
  8. Well, I already have the game so I don't care about it getting a port. What was so bad about downloading the other routes?
  9. [spoiler=Everyone point at the nerd and laugh!] More Fate/Emblem Kirie - Executor: If the enemy's attack speed is higher than this unit's, this unit's attack speed is equal to the enemy +2. Kiritsugu - Armor Pierce: If the enemy's defense/resistance is higher than this unit's strength/magic, deal 50% more damage.
  10. Branded aren't people. Why would I mention disgusting half-breeds?
  11. Suddenly my opinion of Mikoto is improved tenfold.
  12. If a unit would be in range of two identical passive healing effects, would it be healed by both or just one? For example, if a unit had two units with the Amaterasu skill around it, would it be healed for 40% or just 20%?
  13. Boring and tedious. I'll take atmospheric, semi-consensual butt-fucking from Dark Souls over Revelation's maps any day. Chapter 7 and 8 of Revelation are horrible because you fight a LOT of enemies and you only have 3 troops to use (and only one of those is very good at fighting). 0/10, would rather fight the Capra Demon again.
  14. I presume you mean the class skills for Hoshidan Noble and Nohrian Noble. I like the other class skills besides Dragon Ward so in place of that I would add: Rising Sun: Restore 10% HP to all allies on the map at the start of your turn. If I could choose my own personal, it would be: Animal Handler: When this unit is paired up with a Beast or Dragon unit, both units get +2/-2 damage dealt and received and +10 critical hit.
  15. Fair? Sure. Fun? Oh gods no. You need to proceed cautiously due to a lack of vision, on a big map with tons of winding tunnels and asshole "return warp" tiles. You also have too few units to use so it's the least efficient map in any Fire Emblem game. It took me over 70 turns to clear that out.
  16. If he were to be training in alternative weapons, I think a spear or bow would be more appropriate for a samurai. But Nanima's explanation makes sense.
  17. Operation No Plan seems like the biggest hint at an alternate story direction. Why would the writers have Kamui announce that he's going to end the war his own way if the rest of the game demonstrates his inability to end the conflict or really make any major difference? I don't remember exactly when the name "Conquest" was announced but in Japanese the game is simply called "Fire Emblem If: Black Night Kingdom (Nohr)" so perhaps it wasn't always going to be a straight up invasion story. Apparently 'Gooron' was an idea by Kibayashi so maybe the 'magic throne' and all the terrible writing attached to that were in the original draft...
  18. There must have been, otherwise that's the most disingenuous plot summary ever.
  19. Underlined: Perhaps that WAS the story impression of Kibiyashi's draft but the IS writers didn't have the talent or devotion to fulfill that vision. Or maybe the IS writers are THAT deluded that they really thought those advertising slogans were an accurate summation of Conquest. Bolded: Partly because of the criticism, and partly because it's easier not hiring celebrity writers. I fear they'll think that people don't want a complex story when what we really don't want is a convoluted mess full of bad characterization, contrivances and plot holes.
  20. Ah, but we did get Conquest, didn't we? If they can get at least one game right for gameplay, I'm satisfied. I don't think the story of Fates was ambitious. I think their marketing was deceptive; promising a great story when their "writing inspiration" didn't even have time to work on the project. It wasn't the greatest story ruined by over extending themselves. It was a mediocre story that they tried to split into 3 games, which made it even worse. It's not "we tried really hard but failed", it's "we said we'd try hard but we didn't really". Mind you, I do think it could have been the greatest story had they followed up on their premise and not shot themselves in the foot by including Revelation/Azura, but it wasn't to be. A genuine effort to make the best product possible, greater than any before is "ambition". An effort to make the most money possible by making the most content with the least amount of work is "greed". Fates falls into the latter category, story-wise. I suspect we'll have a Birthright tier story in the next game, which is unfortunate but the silver lining is we know IS can make good gameplay when they set their minds to it. 1. Definitely. Silver weapons just don't work in a game that has forged iron weapons. I also found Brave weapons to be very underwhelming for the single player experience. 3. Beruka has the right sort of personal skill, one that encourages a certain fighting style, can be triggered at will and isn't too powerful. Personal skills should be about niche roles. This unit is good at tanking, this unit is good on terrain and so-forth.
  21. And so he left, the great arbiter of truth. May he be ever free of contrary opinions. Anyway, I can say that I'm hopeful for the next Fire Emblem game. Fates has shown they can put great care into many aspects of the game if they want to. With the killing they made off this game, I hope they can be ambitious with the next game. Story expectations will be adjusted accordingly, however.
  22. On the subject of weird clothing choices, what's with the bare patch of skin on Azura's dress? Not the asymmetrical leggings, I mean there is just a piece of fabric missing around half of her waistline. I know Nohrian tailors can't afford to properly clothe their women but as a person spending many years in Hoshido, she has no excuse.
  23. Tell me all about those radical improvements between Sealed Sword, Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones. Oh wait, the latter two titles only made minor tweaks to the gameplay. It's not guaranteed that a game will evolve it's gameplay in each sequel, so you do IS a disservice by calling their improvements "obvious". The only delusion here is the belief that only the first game to attempt a game mechanic deserves credit. Your bias towards Awakening is reaching Sacred Cow levels.
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