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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I was trusting Nanima's word, because I didn't play the localized version of Birthright. I don't know what was said or when. Someone want to source this? How do you define prosperous though? We know Hoshido is prosperous compared to Nohrdor but that's not much competition. Hoshido is still presumably a agrarian society with an ingrained class system (or at least a distinction between high and low birth) which mirrors Japan's actual past. I know we're just discussing the concept of social reform and its relation to prosperity, but if you want to apply it to the game, perhaps Hoshido is the more realistic kingdom. It doesn't make any sense. Mikoto doesn't even have Hoshidan blood, let alone Hoshidan royal blood. The throne would never pass to Mikoto and Ryoma is well past the age to require a regent. The meta excuse is that they probably wanted the Hoshidan siblings to mirror the Nohrian ones as much as possible and didn't consider that by their own world-building, Ryoma should be a king, not a prince. So I'm going to headcanon that Ryoma is the King Robert of Hoshido and he lets his mother handle state affairs while he's off hunting Nosferatu.
  2. "Measly". Is an overabundance of legendaries a good thing? To me, less is more when it comes to story relevant mons, and it just feels wrong to include them on a team.
  3. It's actually pretty embarrassing. I could take Camilla abdicating because she's mentally unstable (made worse after the events of Birthright). The other two cases can't be justified, however. Why would/should Azura's cousin take the throne before her (nevermind that there isn't a country left to govern)? Why would the strong willed Hinoka give the throne to her younger brother? Peacetime doesn't always equate to the birth of social reform. Looking at Japan during the Edo period, they had over 2 centuries of relative peace and a class system that survived until foreign influences threatened the sovereignty of the country.
  4. As someone who enjoys traveling, I really liked S&W. That said, I like the second season less than the first because I felt Holo was unnecessarily cruel to Laurence.
  5. I'm getting a 4th gen vibe here where we get a boatload of legendaries and offshoots from past generations. As much as I like gen 1, they're getting overexposure here and most of them save for maybe Sandslash look worse in their Aloan forms.
  6. I wonder why they made Water Shuriken special. Greninja is a mixed attacker with only marginally better Special Attack. I guess it helps Accelgor....?
  7. It sounds like you care too much about others' opinions and you should just find the characters you like. Birthright might be the easiest of the three routes so you should be able use almost anyone you want, and if they're underpowered, you've already committed to grinding. Forge weapons, buy stat boosters and tonics, use your route bonus items. With time and gold, you can make anyone strong.
  8. I think a better method would be two force the lead and support to switch places. Actually unpairing you would be kind of awkward. I was actually thinking of a class that had skills meant to counter Guard Stance. Guard Breaker: Enemy can't Dual Guard or block Dual Strikes. Collateral Damage: When this unit damages a unit in guard stance, the support unit also takes 50% of the damage.
  9. Who better than Limstella herself to remind me of another great quote. “I am not human. This mind and body are constructs. Yes, as is this sorrow."
  10. I was talking about my own argument. I'm basically saying "It's hard to say that big rosters don't hurt game balance when most games suggest otherwise, but it's theoretically possible if the devs put the effort in". That said, it might make for good characterization if there were a smaller cast. It would be a worthy experiment, even if larger casts stay the series standard.
  11. Seems kind of silly to limit yourself to real-world talents. If we lived in a fantasy land where we were soldiers, presumably we'd have more relevant skills. Anyway, I'd probably be a Tactician because I like magic and swords. If possible, I'd use light and fire magic and my sword would be a Light Brand. Edit: I suppose Sacred Stones Sages fit well enough. Crit Quotes: "Pun about my gimmicky personality!" "Hope you're playing on casual." "Don't worry, I've set my sword to stun." "gg no re" "Light em up!" "Your fight ends today!" "I tried to be merciful!" My Blazing Sword affinity was Ice but I suppose I'd choose Light if I made a character.
  12. Forget masculine and feminine, the word Troubadour refers to medieval musicians and has nothing to do with healing.
  13. Perhaps. I'm not going to make the claim that the gameplay is stale but it remains to be seen how good the game will be. I'll wait and see, If they have some badass fossil pokes, I may be swayed into getting the game. You...I like you. I was thinking of making an all grass team (for some game). Mine as of 6th gen was: Lilligant Torterra Trevanant Tropius Shiftry Breloom It's hard getting type coverage on grass types but I at least enjoy all of the HP recovery strategies. Leech Seed EVERYTHING
  14. I agree that BK is a tremendously shitty person and that Radiant Dawn basically retconed his personality to make him seem noble, but the battle quotes are good. Although his sympathetic treatment in Radiant Dawn was bullshit, I think he was a good villain (aka, you aren't supposed to like him) in Path of Radiance. Sinister, menacing and a strong personal drive for the protagonist. BK facilitates Ike's personal growth from being an unsure, shadow of his father to a man who defeated the most powerful warrior on the continent. In regards to his invulnerable armor, he could have been slain by Ragnel, which is why he wanted Grail to use it. Perhaps had Grail outperformed him in battle (even if he couldn't technically cut through the armor) he would have relented, but Grail lost in battle fucking WTA bullshit without landing a single hit on BK so it didn't even matter.
  15. You guys need to stop with these thread necros. I don't even know what possess people to look up threads that are 5 months old.
  16. It's kind of an hard argument to make. Most games do tend to have imbalances, with some units just being plain bad, but I don't think that's an intrinsic aspect to having a lot of characters. Ideally they'd made units varied and viable. Think about how Kaze, Saizo and Kagero are all the same class but are unique in their function. If the devs put the time and effort, they could do that with every character. There is really no excuse for giving characters class sets that don't match their growths, or growths that don't let them perform well in their default class (ex Tsubaki).
  17. Doesn't a bigger roster make for better replayability? A small roster might make for more focused map design but at the same time, it could make every map feel the same each time you play it.
  18. I have no idea what you are expecting. Do you want to steamroll the game with overpowered characters? Do you want a challenge? Is it bad design that most units are "only" mediocre? Whether you want an easy game or a hard one, the options are there, and Fates is just a better designed game than Awakening in most capacities. Why is the DLC "grossly ineffective"?
  19. Both Ike vs Black Knight battle dialogues are pretty good. PoR Black Knight: What an odd fate. This will be the third time I have defeated you. The first was in the forest of Gallia. The second at Delbray in Crimea. Ike: We've met twice, and I've lost twice. But the third time will be different. Black Knight: Oh? Ike: My sword-fighting skills were given to me by my father. If I stay true to them, I cannot lose. Black Knight: Did you never think that using your father's techniques on the man who killed him would be futile? Ike: My father robbed himself of using his stronger arm. If he had, he would not have lost to the likes of you. Black Knight: Hah... You think so? Let us test your stronger arm, then. Come, son of Gawain... show me your strength. RD Ike: So, you are alive. Somehow, I knew it wasn't over yet. Black Knight: Of course it wasn't over. You were a boy trying to live up to the memory of the greatest swordsman in history. Ike: And yet, I was the one who walked out of the castle that day. Black Knight: You have your father to thank for that. When you told me that he had crippled himself, I realized that I had never fought him at all, merely his shadow. Ike: What are you getting at? Black Knight: I saw immediately that you were not your father's equal, but that one day you might be. So I did the only thing I could to keep you alive... I let you win. Ike: ...You did, didn't you? I've relived that fight so many times... How could I not have seen it before? Black Knight: You were not yet capable of seeing it. But I had to let you live, so that you could continue to train and perhaps one day be worthy of Gawain's legacy. My armor's blessing is gone; let us see if that day is today. Ike: I promise that it will be. Begin. In retrospect, BK was laying it on a little thick when praising Grail. I mean, best swordsman in history? Are we forgetting about the woman who dual wielded Alondite and Ragnel?
  20. New pokemon are the main draw for me. New movesets, abilities (sometimes), new stats and new looks. Pokemon games are pretty formulaic so unless there are new features that completely revitalize the gameplay (something in the league of the physical/special split in 4th gen or the new 3D models of 6th gen), playing with old Pokes is just more of the same. I already have games from every other generation to play with those Pokemon. Maybe Sun/Moon will get some new innovating features that make it worthwhile, but as it stands, it's not going to be a Day 1 purchase for me.
  21. All of these good Shadow Dragon quotes has convinced me to play the game again. Well, played SF...well played. I still won't like the gameplay but I'm a sucker for good writing.
  22. Like I said, I hate to be the "everything new sux" guy, but I honestly can't bring myself to like most of what's on the table. I was never the type to say "this design is terrible therefore the entire generation is bad" like some did for Gen 5 (trash and ice cream), but unlike previous generations, there were at least enough new Pokemon to choose a new team or two that you liked. I can't even compose one team I like so far. :/ I suppose I'll just have to stomach my negativity and not buy the game if not enough appeals to me. It makes me sad, as fan, however. Wrestlecat wouldn't have been as bad if not for it being the FOURTH fire/fighting (it potentially being Fire Dark is irrelevant to me, it looks like a fighting type). It's such a tired design by this point and I'm especially tired of them starting as quadripeds and the being anthropomorphized. Maybe something else will wow me later on but I'm bummed that my starter would be sent to the PC. Do you mean the night form of Lycanroc? It's not terrible, but it's not fantastic either, in my opinion. I guess it's kind of neat for being reminiscent of promoted Wolfskins.
  23. I hate to be THAT guy but is anyone else (presumably some people but I don't have time to read this whole thread) highly underwhelmed with our selection of new Pokes? Of all the new pokemon shown so far, I only like a few of the designs enough to want to include them in my team. In my opinion, the final stages of the starters are the worst of any generation (loved Litten until Wrassle Cat showed up), and if the 'roster' follows the pattern of X/Y, we're going to have less original lines in favor of more mega evolutions and now Aloan forms. The only ones I like a lot are Lurantis Salandit Lycanroc (midday) Silvally Aloan Sandslash (maybe) Who knows how viable they even are. I was super hyped for the game after hearing about the theme but... Most of the new pokemon (the main reason I play these games) are fugly.
  24. Considering "Low HP Emblem" and some generals carrying ranged weapons, magic isn't always a safe choice.
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