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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. It would be more consistent with their personalities. I get that they are looking for the Avatar (albeit not very hard) in Nohr but how could they support Garon's conquest with a clean conscience? They've already experienced fighting a conqueror in their own world, but now they're allied with one. I guess you could say that because Nohr is more of a meritocracy and open to foreigners when compared to Hoshido, they are more readily accepted in Nohr. Still, I wouldn't mind Inigo and Severa replacing Setsuna and Asama. Hinoka got screwed on her retainers.
  2. I don't think class subsets are generally considered in a character's canon personality (Cordelia states that she's a bad runner when Mercenary is one of her options), with some exceptions (Oboro gets Merchant because her family were merchants). But that's besides the point. Severa and Inigo are already Nohrian classes so they don't need to change.
  3. Wormslut Cardcaptor Forehead Sakura#39212 A little over designed in my opinion. I don't really like the band/belt things around the skirt and I think she'd look better without the cape. That said, I really do like miko outfits so I'm not complaining. The hair and cute accessory all come together pretty well. I like how she wears a blue ribbon like Hinoka. Can I ask what the heck is going on with her pose in her official art? She looks like she's flying backwards, butt first. Mah drills A really cute outfit with lots of details. Somehow they managed to get every iconic girly thing on one dress. Hearts, ribbons and a rose. She has the black of the Nohrian family but she has a lot of white, perhaps to hint at her innocence. The pink is also a brighter color than the typical Nohrian purple. I like the fact that she added the highlights out of respect for her older sister. Mahoushoujo/10
  4. tl;dr The Awakening Trio won a popularity poll and all of their lore is an excuse plot to justify their existence. 1&2. There is no reason to hide their identities. Meta reason: They have new names and hair colors so they can be 'new' characters, and they didn't want any father to be canon. 3. "Cool story bro" is basically their reason for going with Anankos. Meta reason: They won a popularity poll. 4. There is no reason other than the fact that Owain is a chunibyo nerd. Meta reason: Nohr doesn't have any myrmidons and you already have two mercenaries, so Owain needed a new base class. 5. I don't think these questions get answered. 6. Dunno. Meta reason: They didn't think of this before making the first three games or there wouldn't be 3 games if people talked about important information like this. More questions (that I already know the meta reason to): 1. Why did Anankos only recruit 3 people when he has an entire multiverse of people to ask? Why those three specifically? 2. Why didn't Anankos give the Awakening trio more specific information about the Avatar, such as his name? 3. Why did the Awakening trio not take their mission seriously in any of the routes despite that being the only reason they're in Fatesland in the first place?
  5. To Tsubaki's credit, he does have Darting Blow to augment his speed but I found him only doubling on the player phase. What kills Tsubaki for me, however, is his low strength in addition to his low speed. To compare with Rinka (one of the most notoriously strength screwed characters in Birthright), Tsubaki has 20 less speed and defense growths AND less strength! Furthermore, Rinka gets a consistent +4 damage from Fiery Blood, whereas Tsubaki's personal skill will often be disabled (dodge tanking isn't reliable and he doesn't have high speed for natural avoid anyway). Interestingly, Rinka makes a good pair up unit for Tsubaki (and for a lot of characters, honestly) because she supports his natural bulk and gives him a much needed strength boost too. By himself, however, I think Tsubaki is rated fairly accurately by the fanbase.
  6. Are we playing the same game? Lyn has the worst growths of the trio except for Skill/Speed/Luck. Hector is basically Oswin with better Strength/Skill and more Move.
  7. I'd be 100% on board for this. Some other ideas: The defense of Hoshido in Birthright from Yukimura's perspective. The entirety of Sacred Stones from Lyon's perspective The Scouring in Elibe's backstory Some pre-Nergal Black Fang missions A battle using the 3 heroes of Ashera vs Yune's army. [spoiler=Shut up and take my money!]
  8. #Blame Not bad, not amazing. It bothers me that he breaks from the color convention of the other siblings (perhaps that hints at him being the odd one out of the family), both for his hair and outfit but it's hard to imagine his outfit in white/red. I like the deer/animal pelt he has on the waist, just like traditional Japanese mounted archers (why no nomads? ) The white parts around his collar and boots don't look bad but they feel too fantasy western to me. Blarth Is Marth in this game? Another solid design, courtesy of Nohr's consistent armor aesthetic. Not much to say here beyond that the colors and armor look really good. Armor mage is best mage.
  9. I think FE6-10 was the golden age for Fire Emblem. I like the characters, stories and most of the gameplay was pretty solid too. I didn't care for Shadow Dragon at all and never played the Kaga games, or FE12. Of the "modern" era, I will say this, they are experimenting with the gameplay and making solid progress. Many of the shaky concepts introduced in Awakening have been refined into great features in Fates. I like class skills and Attack/Guard stance a lot, so I'd be happy to see them return. Where the modern games fail is their story and characters. Too many gimmicky characters and the stories range from safe and boring (Awakening, Birthright) to total train wrecks (Conquest and Revelation). I would like them focus more on politics and intrigue, and leave most of the shonen tropes behind. Gameplay-wise, I love having an Avatar character, but I think they are the worst thing to happen to the series in terms of story and characters (not just for themselves, but how other characters are designed to appeal to Waifuism).
  10. Rainbow Dash A pretty good design. I still prefer the western pegasus knights but the eastern flair of the Hoshidan variant is still pretty cool. The red, white and gold of the outfit looks great and I love the high boots. I feel like she could have had a chest plate, maybe something similar to the chest piece that Japanese archers use. The red hair looks good on Hinoka but sadly, it's awful for pretty much everyone else. Still, she pulls off a tomboyish look while also looking like a princess. Cowmilla A design with a lot of good points and bad. I love the hair and horns, and the black and gold armor looks steller. She loses some points here on the chest. The boobs are too large for my tastes and needlessly exposed. Her bottom half is where the design gets bad. Please, no more battle panties. This is a princess, but her outfit (and intro cinematic!) is just there to emphasize T&A. It's ironic that Camilla is the go-to example for fanservice in Fates when the standard Malig Knight outfit (even for girls) has both a proper breastplate and pants. I'll compromise on the open chest, but give Camilla those pants, IS! The horns, her tits and that the developers specifically joked about her being like a cow.
  11. I probably wouldn't care too much beyond the initial shock. In regards to adoption, I'd generally prefer to raise children of my own blood but it's entirely possible to love children you aren't blood related to. A part of me wants to adopt red-headed children because the chance of me siring any of my 'own kind' is very low. Wouldn't that be a fun story? By the way you describe it, those 'parents' were bizarrely ethnocentric. Like, did they treat their own child like he was exotic? That said, I don't think there is anything wrong with not going out of your way to educate your adopted children about their 'home country'. Their genetic heritage has nothing to do with who they are as a person.
  12. Thanks. I checked the SYA movement website (never heard of them before, is it a small group?) and it sounds like they are just trying to remove the shame of getting an abortion, not advocate for casual abortions. That's really no different than gay pride promotions.
  13. This is an important counterpoint. There is this narrative that people get abortions on the fly because they can't be bothered to use birth control. Even for people who are pro-choice, aborting a pregnancy is a difficult decision to make. It has health risks and can be very emotionally draining, even if it's ultimately the responsible choice. No one WANTS an abortion, they never wanted to get pregnant in the first place.
  14. Lightning Lobster Lion I like the red, gold and white color scheme (more proof that Ryoma x Scarlet is OTP) but the mask is a little too much. The layering of the armor around his waist evokes a lobster but his long hair is more like a lion. Dark Souls did lightning lions before it was cool. Definitely a cool sword, I just wish the ranged attack had better animations. #Xanderdidnothingwrong A well put together design. The purple, black and gold is a good color scheme for the dark kingdom. The armor looks tough but regal at the same time. He definitely looks the man that he is in his supports.
  15. Kamui M/F I actually quite like the design, aside from a few details. The color scheme is a subtle way to hint at his mixed origin. The layering on the chest looks like a mid-ground between armor and functional clothing and the tight fit makes it flow seamlessly into the dragon form. Overall it's a very smart design for a shapeshifter. The demerits would be the lack of shoes and the thigh gaps. The bare feet isn't bad by itself but when you remember that past manaketes (barring Myrrh who wore straps/sandals) had shoes and that Kamui is strangely the only Nohrian without shoes, it just doesn't fit. Even Flannel got shoes, what the heck, IS? For the thigh gap, all I have to say is that it's unnecessary fanservice. Mamui has pants, Femui would look just as good if her pants didn't have holes in them. Nohr Noble is even worse for Femui because she's 'upgraded' to a battle leotard with cleavage window. Azura Not symmetrical/10 Another mostly solid design. Elegant and alluring at the same time. Still, I can't stand the bare patch of skin around half her waste. It looks more like an artist forgot to color the dress in rather than an intentional design choice. To be fair, 'dragons' take many shapes and forms in different cultures. Fates' take on it is similar to the legendary Kirin/Qilin. While I would have preferred a more typical dragon like Myrrh, Kamui's version is interesting.
  16. I'm merely saying that Youtube is encouraging vindictive moral police to control what they deem is proper content. You make an ass of yourself when you strawman me as a "Youtube is doomed" naysayer. I didn't say SJW are the only people who would abuse the system.
  17. Just what vengeful SJWs need, the official designation that they are 'heroes'. That's some Big Brother shit right there.
  18. I don't mind character showing up in close sequels/prequels such as characters in Elibe and Tellius but for stories that don't provide a real justification, I'd rather they not be included. Fates copy pasted a lot of Awakening characters, characters that could have easily been brand new characters. I get it, fan favorites, but they had their time to shine. I dislike Awakening for introducing the Outrealms and I dislike Fates for making them solidly canon,
  19. Fresh off the presses, a new support conversation! It often bothered me how indifferent people are to Kamui's dragon heritage, and Kanna's personality needs more depth so I decided to fix both with one stone three stones, technically. Constructive criticism is welcome. I'm also working on a Ryoma x Scarlet support that's proving to be challenging. [spoiler=Kamui x Kanna C-A] C Rank Kanna: It must be around here somewhere... Maybe this pocket? Where- Kamui: Ah, there you are, Kanna. Kanna: F-father!? Kamui: Kanna, why are you going through my bag? Kana: I wasn't! I was just... Kamui: Kanna... Kanna: I wanted to look at your dragon stone. I'm sorry...I should have asked you first. Kamui: Why did you want to see it so badly? Kanna: Because I was curious. I grew up thinking I was like other children but then suddenly I changed into that...creature. Why didn't you tell me sooner that I wasn't human? Kamui: I never knew my real parents, so I didn't know you'd inherit my draconic power. Everything came as a shock to me too. I guess I hoped you wouldn't be like me so you could live a normal life. Perhaps that was a naive wish... Kanna: Father... Kamui: I asked Azura about the dragon stone. She told me that dragons of the past age would contain a portion of their souls in the stone in order to change form at will. But even Azura seemed uncertain. It seems there are more legends about dragonkind than there is scholarship. Kanna: So no one knows what we are? Am I really alone in the world? Kamui: As long as I'm here, you will never be alone. Come and talk to me if something is bothering you. Kanna: Thank you father. I will. B Rank Kamui: Where has that daughter of mine run off to now? She must get her willfulness from her mother... Kanna: Father! Look at this! Kamui: Kanna! Where have you been! I've been searching for you for hours. What's that book you're carrying? Kanna: I heard there was a caravan with a renown scholar passing through town. He loaned me this book. I just had to know! Kamui: "The Dragon Wars and the Ascension of Humanity." I didn't know you had such a passion for history. Kanna: Not just 'history', dragons! Haven't you ever wanted to know more about where we came from? Kamui: I've pondered it from time to time but with things so busy- Kanna: It says in the book that when the dragons waged war on each other, they began to succumb to a sickness. The more they used their powers, the faster their minds degenerated. Eventually they became nothing more than beasts blinded by rage. Kamui: Dragon sickness... I see. Kanna: Is this going to be our fate too!? Kamui: Calm down, Kanna. There is no proof that dragons and humans imbued with dragon blood are exactly the same. Kanna: But the sickness was said to affect all of the dragons. Every single one! It could happen to us any day! Kamui: I realize now that I was selfish to ask you to fight alongside us. Kanna, stop using your dragon stone. Kanna: But if you had to use your dragon stone twice as much just because I was afraid... I could never forgive myself. Kamui: You're my daughter. Your happiness is more important to me than anything you could provide on the battlefield. I won't force you to do something that compromises that. Kanna: No, I can't watch my friends and family go off to war and sit idly by. I'll support you in any way I can. Kamui: I see. Don't overdo it Kanna. A Rank Kanna: Father... Kamui: Are you still thinking about the dragon sickness? Kanna: Father, if I ever lose my mind to the sickness and become a threat to you or Mother, please kill me. Kamui: Kanna! How could you say such a horrible thing!? Kanna: Before my first transformation, I had dreams of changing into a dragon. The real thing was just like the dreams. I could see and feel everything that was happening but I wasn't in control of my body. The rage clouded my mind and I was powerless to resist. Even now I can feel the rage burning inside me like a small ember waiting to become an inferno. I...don't want to hurt anyone. You can't let that happen! Kamui: Get a hold of yourself Kanna! You've changed into a dragon many times now and you come back every time. I don't believe for a second you would ever hurt your family or your friends. Kanna: But I'm afraid! Kamui: My child, often are we born into cruel circumstances. We face many trials and hardships but we find strength and courage in each other. Rather than worry about the unknown, let's look for the truth ourselves. After this war is over, you and I will search for every text on dragons we can find. If there really is a risk of dragon sickness, we'll find the cure. I'm sure of it. Kanna: R-really? Kamui: Absolutely. You don't need to be afraid. No matter what our fate is, we'll face it together. Kanna: *sobs* Thank you, Father... If you're with me, I think I can be brave.
  20. I'm solidly pro-choice. Women are not human incubators and parenthood shouldn't be a punishment for 'social irresponsibility'. The kinder thing to do is to prevent a life before it starts, rather than raising a child you can't realistically provide for. A lot of people are pro-life but actively scorn those on wellfare. Huh, unwanted pregnancies and wellfare...I wonder if there is a connection.
  21. These are the epilogue quotes for Xander. Make of them what you will: Single "King Xander helped usher in a new era of peace. While he ruled justly, his radical policies were unpopular with much of the population. Scholars admit this was necessary for the era of growth that followed." Paired "As King of Nohr, Xander laid the foundation for a new era of peace and prosperity for the kingdom."
  22. It's a public forum, we're supposed to engage and discuss each others' opinions. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but some theories are better supported than others. There's no point to discussion if all theories are equally valid, regardless of evidence. I like to imagine the Hoshido/Nohr conflict is more nuanced than "Evil nation invades good nation" but I can acknowledge that the game does little to suggest that. It depends on how the common people see Garon. If a lot of people were dissatisfied with his rule (we have at least Cheve and the Ice Tribe to suggest this), dethroning Garon could be seen as a liberation. HERE is where we can rev up our headcanons because we know very little about the public opinion of Garon.
  23. NekoKnight


    Seems like your family has a lot of kids. I have 2 siblings (2-3 children sounds normal to me) but it always blows my mind when I talk to students with 3 or more siblings. It's like, how do you even feed that many mouths?
  24. It's only mentioned in passing in Birthright. You'd think it would be discussed in greater detail if the writers wanted to frame that as his primary motivation. I don't think Xander ever explains himself beyond "muh loyalty" and "Evil Dad couldn't possibly be evil!" In Revelation, Xander doesn't defect until Garon gives a literal "Btw I'm evil mu ha ha ha" speech.
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