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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Basically what others have said. Fire Emblem has never been about "Earth" and to start now would be really jarring. They can base characters or story elements on real world things, because real life is...realistic, which makes for good story telling. Example, Path of Radiance has parallels to World War II, but I really don't think we need Hitler to show up in a Fire Emblem game.
  2. Do skills like Duelist Blow and Death Blow trigger if the user activated Vantage?
  3. If Malig Knights and Dark Fliers return (along with Dark and Light magic), they should use those weapon types. Dark Flier could be renamed to Seraph Knight or something.
  4. Morgan is the true cute! The kind men fight wars for! Don't be misled by the pretender Kana! Even if he does look sort of like Kiritsugu... [spoiler=Protect her smile]
  5. I'd simply it to everyone having a "Capture" command to do less damage and be able to capture a defeated enemy (you wouldn't get their equipment, for balance purposes). Another thing they could try is letting you get all of their equipment BUT the capturing unit has to quit the field in order to guard the prisoner.
  6. I've heard a lot of people slam Chrom x Robin just because of the weak support and iirc, in the last Kana vs Morgan poll on Serenes, Kana was more popular than Morgan for reasons I can't fathom.
  7. On the topic of shipping and children, my possibly unpopular opinions. -I think Chrom is alright and Robin x Chrom (despite the cliche 'anime' support) is a decent pairing. Robin and Chrom, regardless of gender feel like a solid team so whether it's platonic or romantic, I can see them always being there for each other. -Kana is infinitely inferior to Morgan. Whereas Morgan had a quirky and occasionally mischievous personality, Kana is just "I'm so cuuuuuuute!" Even Elise is less obtuse in her "kawaii" pandering. If IS was trying to trigger some paternal instinct with Kana, they failed for me. This is actually the best reason to ship Robin with Tiki or Chrom. I wouldn't mind a sequel with one of the Divine + Fel dragon blood descendants as the main character. Would Chrom!Morgan have both the Fel Dragon mark AND the Exalt brand?
  8. Whatever floats your boat. Magic took a hit from the nerf bat this game so I like to go with a +Mag, -Luck or Defense build to give myself a strong magic user. If you plan to switch to a purely physical class, you can't go wrong with +Str, -Mag. The talent usually depends on what skills I want but if you're playing conquest, you should probably choose a Hoshidan class you couldn't get otherwise. Lancer or Oni Savage is a good choice for skills. Oni Savage might be a good class to share with a spouse because the class line has high defense minus the armor and flying weakness of Generals and Wyvern Lords, respectively.
  9. Same here. The gameplay was underwhelming but tolerable. What really disappointed me was the story. You get the exclusive ability to turn into a flippin' dragon and the game treats it with total indifference. Um, you guys? I'm a dragon? Does anyone want to talk about this? No? Are we even related? I'd like another manakete lord in the future (not necessarily the next game) to actually be involved with their world. Manaketes as a faction instead of the "you're the last of your kind" cliches. Were I to make a custom manakete lord class, they would use Dragonstone + Tome.
  10. I don't see why turn-based gameplay is antithetical to personal avatars. For any game, you are "directing" where your character moves/what they do, it's just that some games (action titles) allow more precise control of your actions. I could have sworn Kozaki had some influence on class outfits.
  11. She's not as bad as the others but if you were to date her, it's hard to say how "bloodlust" would translate in real life. Maybe it only manifests BECAUSE she's fighting a war, or maybe it would manifest in other ways if she didn't have an outlet for her love of killing. It's more of a borderline case because she can be doting and motherly but it's hard to imagine someone loving the screams of the people she kills as being completely stable.
  12. Peri, Camilla, Beruka, Reina seem the most...mentally unwell. There are plenty of other characters who I'd describe as having negative personalities (Azama, Jacob, Niles), but that's more about subjective tastes.
  13. I hope the Olympics are sponsored at Serenes so you guys can take home the gold medals in Thread Derailment. I second the idea of doing another thread for the guys, although I agree that it's easier to recognize the female archetypes.
  14. My waifu > your waifu While the characters with issues really stand out, I think they in the minority. It's probably easier to mention all the characters with serious problems than the ones without.
  15. It wasn't already squicky to romance your grandpa/dad figure?
  16. I don't think so, she still fits into the "perfect class rep" role. Yamato Nadeshiko are about selfless devotion and modesty (not humble-bragging) paired with an iron will. Caeldori is fanatical about self-improvement, not her service to another. You and Samus sure like holding a grudge. Isn't it enough that they felt kinda bad about it? No need to crucify someone for ONE accidental conquest. This guy gets it.
  17. One idea I had in mind was that while the support pools would be tailored to fit the personality you chose, there might be some overlap (Character A can be supported by both MU Type 1 and Type 2), which would lead to a different support conversation with the same character. Perhaps some would argue that you might as well just have X number of original characters instead of multiple MU personalities, but I do like the ability to customize your unit's growths, looks and classes.
  18. The traditional values of a proper woman were "good wife, wise mother". So while "feminine grace" is part of being a good wife, I don't think feminine hobbies are a specific requirement. The important thing is that a women looks dignified and cares for her family . Looks are a bit more subjective. I wouldn't say Kagerou really looks the part because it's far from modest, whereas Oboro makes a point in dressing well. Oboro and Mikoto both use weapons that are considered graceful (naginata and bow), so they have that going for them too.
  19. That's...surprisingly apt. I might add Oboro as a semi-example. While she lacks some of the feminine grace (because of #scaryface), she is still quite feminine (clothing), hard working and protective of the people she cares about. Part of being a Yamato Nadeshiko is a willing subservience to her male authority figures, and it shows in her support of both Takumi and Ryoma.
  20. Here we goooooooo Story -Nuanced factions and proper world-building. -Any story is fine but I'd like them try something atypical if they can make it work (ie what Fates tried to do and failed). -Make it primarily a human conflict but with fantastic elements. I want politics, scheming, and the man who poisoned Dorcas brought to justice. Characters -Have characters be less tropey and limit their support pools to people it makes sense for them to talk to. Characters should talk about more than their personality quirks. -The main character should have a character arc. He should be flawed and interesting. -If there is a MU, make them a minor character whose support pool is determined by the personality you select at character creation. Music -No strong opinions here but I like what Fates did with the soundtrack. Artwork -I'd welcome a return Senri or Kozaki. If they go for a new artist/art-style, Valkyria Chroncles or GranBlue Fantasy. -Class outfits should be like Fates minus certain designs (you know the ones). Gameplay -No pre-epilogue marriage (unless it's strictly story relevent) and no 2nd gen. S ranks will denote paired endings and can be platonic or romantic. -Characters retain their color palette after reclassing (at least from for natural promotions). -Keep class skills and personal skills but give more care to balance. Personal skills should give a character a unique advantage, not something so situational it will never happen. -Re-introduce Light and Dark magic. Make magic diverse and interesting. -Bring status staves back -I want everything to fall into the 6 weapon categories we have but give us lots of weapon types per category. -Nerf Hidden Weapons -Canto and Shove for Mounted/Unmounted. They can make Canto a locked class skill if it's deemed too good. -Soldier/Sentinel back. -Bring Steal back -Make Rally skills passive auras -Promoted classes will start at D rank for new weapons. -Keep Attack/Guard stance -Conquest-tier map design -Tellius style Base Conversations
  21. Let's put it this way, the primary antagonists should be human (human based conflicts are more interesting than *insert omnicidal dragon threat*) but the final boss can be whatever the plot calls for. For example, while the Fire Dragon is technically the last boss of FE7, Nergal is the one who summoned it so it's really just an extension of Nergal's actions. Nergal is still the one who drives the plot up to almost the very end of the game. Also, if it can't be believed that a human would be strong as a big monster, than make the final level really challenging and the last boss himself a relatively softer target when compared to the difficulty of the level.
  22. This is especially apparent in the pricing model of anime DVDs and BluRay in Japan. It's practically criminal how expensive they are but people in the industry know that otaku will pay the price.
  23. It funny you should mention Tsubaki because I'm currently doing a Hard!Birthright run with Rinka x Tsubaki and they actually do quite well together (Tsubaki likes the pair up bonuses more but Rinka appreciates the bonus movement). With Tsubaki's natural bulk and Rinka's bonuses (plus optional Guard Naginata), he makes a pretty good wall.
  24. Fair enough, I thought that's what you meant, but Thane's original statement was a little ambiguous. Concerning fetishes, I don't think Japanese people are especially weird. Everyone has fetishes (or 'preferences', if you prefer the term), the only difference is the relative ease of finding media that caters to these fetishes. Waifuism and all the weird tropes born from fantasty are internationally popular.
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