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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I wasn't aware of any awareness campaigns but I haven't shaved since Halloween. My girlfriend tells me that my beard appeal peaks at 10 days....too bad! You're getting triple the beard power!
  2. This happens in Fates too. Kazahana is going to forever go down as the person who criticized Kamui for hurting Sakura's feelings by getting kidnapped.
  3. It's mostly the stalker/yandere behavior in her Avatar support, and even if the Awakening!Tharja isn't the same as Future Past!Tharja, it's still the person she could/would become so I'd say it's fair to judge them together. Noire personality is a direct result Tharja testing out curses on her. It's hard to imagine Noire turning out that way if the curses were as insignificant as giving her a runny nose. I am aware that she has a more nuanced character from her other supports, but as Stannis would say "A good act doesn't wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. Each should have it's own reward." A better example of "people don't care because it's a gag-character" is Pieri, who is an unrepentant serial killer we are supposed to laugh at.
  4. In regards to the prior comments about critical cut-ins and characters like Tharja, the appeal of these elements is probably going to depend on what tone you like for the game. If you want to think of the game as a gag-story with gag-characters, you can appreciate the silly elements. Characters like Tharja are supposed to be funny. You're supposed to laugh when she stalks the Avatar and says she'd murder him in his sleep if he backs out of his love confession. If you take her character seriously, however, her behavior is pretty reprehensible.
  5. PSA: A opinion shared with half of the fanbase isn't an unpopular opinion, it's a divisive opinion shared by many people. Many people like and dislike Takumi/Micaiah. A lot of people like her for her design or think her personality is funny. On the flip side, many people strongly dislike her for her stalker behavior and her mistreatment of her daughter. The context of Micaiah's line is that Sothe is always singing praises to Ike even though he is/was the enemy of the Daein people. As for why people like Ike, his fans probably believe he has enough characterization in PoR so he doesn't "need" to be further developed in Radiant Dawn. You are correct in that male characters can often get away with just be tough and stoic, however. I'd be on board with this. My Castle isn't a bad idea in concept but they could do more to make it fit with the world (no magical alternate dimensions that the plot never mentions again). Take out the creepy (skinship) and keep the ability to interact with characters and you have a solid game mechanic. Tellius style bases are closer to the mark but there are a few things from My Castle that ought to be implemented as well.
  6. This is a pretty flimsy comparison to the 3DS cut-ins. The in-battle supports of the GBA era might seem awkward but those games didn't really have a developed "between battles" portion of the game like Tellius and the 3DS games did. How do those even compare to something like Selena's mad laughter in battle or characters making cheeky one-liners when they kill people?
  7. I guess I played it the hard way by clearing the map first. lol #justcompletionistthings In that case, make a map like that but make the boss hard to reach.
  8. I liked what Birthright did for its final chapter. The map itself has a lot of strong enemies that require you to divide your forces strategically to eliminate them all, and then you also have the strong boss to contend with. I'm reminded of the last chapter of Warcraft 3: The Frozen throne for good level design. In that chapter your had to secure 4 parts of the map before the enemy did and you were constantly under pressure to keep your defenses strong and your army mobile. With that in mind, the final chapter of a Fire Emblem game should have the boss providing an active threat as well as keeping you on your toes so you have to maneuver your forces effectively.
  9. This is my biggest complaint. I think they look neat but I'm not a fan of "shout my gimmick!" or the tone conveyed by having them so light-heartedly kill people. If they have to have a speaking line, it should be something more in-character and expected of the situation. Killing people shouldn't be punny unless you're Henry. By making them totally irrelevant, both for story AND gameplay?
  10. The backstory could use a little refinement but it would be an interesting twist if Mozu was a Vallite refugee all along and couldn't remember being from Valla because she was too young, or never being able to speak about it because of the curse. Mozu and her mother flee to Hoshido but Anthony gets left behind, killed by Anankos and then revived (thus he stays the same age as when he died)? I do like the idea of Kamui and friends rebuilding Valla with dragon veins. That would be a much better story than "Nohr and Hoshido donate land to make a new Valla because Kamui deserves his own kingdom for some reason."
  11. Scarlet and Yukimura are the Birthright exclusive characters, not Reina. I really wish they didn't make Kamui-sexuals considering supports are the only way for most characters to get any development. There are several people Reina could have supported. Orochi, Kagero, Yukimura, Ryoma or Hinoka (it wouldn't surprise me if Reina was a trainer to some of the royal children). Hopefully future games will give everyone a reasonable support pool just for characterization, whether or not marriage is a factor in the game. My friend, have you played Fates? Sketchy relationships are the face of Fire Emblem now.
  12. Probably just to have another Nohrian class. The best class parallel for Myrmidon would be Mercenary but you already get two of those so they needed something else.
  13. Advice? My advice is to not take anyone's advice and make your own impressions for your first play through. If you get stuck, then you can come back here for help.
  14. LoZ x FE actually sounds pretty sweet. I'm not too hot on Amiibos but it'd be pretty rad to see Zelda characters getting into Fates that way.
  15. Is the whole "don't wait until level 20 to promote" on a unit-by-unit basis or can it be applied to games as a whole? In a game like Fates, for example, it'd be nice to get level 35 skills earlier. Could this be achieved by promoting units at level 15 or would the exp reduction negate any chance to reaching promoted level 15 sooner? This is pretty much how I always play. I think Fates might be one of the few games I used a prepromote for more than a few chapters.
  16. He has very similar growths to Hinata, with only their Skill and Luck being very different (they're swapped).
  17. Anthony is one of the worst parts of the entire game because not only is it yet another opportunity to suck Kamui's dick, but it actually praises him for his flaws and neuters any potential character development. Maybe Anthony could have been a supporting character in a Valla survivors arc. The whole "Kamui is the new king of Valla" even though Azura is the actual heir apparent would make more sense if there were still subjects to rule over. Here's an idea, Anthony is serving Anankos out of fear but when he sees the protagonist's party show up, he takes the opportunity to backstab Anankos by leading the group to and artifact that can destroy Anankos' control over the dead. That way we can condense the dead parents arc and the betrayal arc into one and maybe get some world-building thrown in.
  18. I'm for the death penalty but under strictly controlled circumstances. The death penalty should only be for people who show no signs of rehabilitation and are convicted of heinous crimes. For people who are undeniably guilty of heinous crimes and dangerous mental state, like say Anders Breivik, there is no reason to keep them alive. First and foremost, however, we need to think more about prison reform and how we can rehabilitate people before we think about harsher punishments. A lot of people re-enter the prison system because our prisons aren't focused on getting people back into society. 1. There are no take-backs on death, true, but there are also no take backs on the time lost to someone wrongfully convicted either. It's the most serious punishment we can give people so I'd reserve it for when the crimes can proven without a shadow of a doubt. 2. It shouldn't cost so much to sentence someone to death. 3. True, but it's still a waste of resources to hold people you aren't going to release anyway. 4. That prejudice is not intrinsic to the death penalty. 5. I'm not sure what is cruel or unusual about the death penalty. 6.I don't believe all life is sacred. The hurt an individual can do to others and society can outweigh the value of their life.
  19. Perhaps humble-bragging isn't the right word. I don't believe Cordelia secretly loves talking about herself but at the same time, most people don't want to hear you talk about how much it sucks to be so naturally talented at everything. It's been a while since I've looked at her supports so I may be off the mark. I liked Cordelia in Awakening, but mostly just for her Avatar support.
  20. Tsubaki: I don't think the issue is with him being perfect, just that he's constantly talking about how awesome he is. If you thought Cordelia's humble-bragging was bad, genuine bragging is even worse. Ryoma: I don't think this is so much a problem with Ryoma, rather than the game's lackluster writing as a whole. Why was Ryoma "dicking around in Cheve"? If I had to guess, I'd say he was trying to destabilize Nohr/do guerilla strikes from within while Yukimura handles the home defense. I don't know how credible this plan is because the game doesn't really talk about it. For the DR nonsense, that's a problem for ALL of the parents. Ryoma just happens to be special because the game has the decency for once to call them out for being horrible people. All of the kids who aren't emotionally distant or outright angry at their parents are the weird ones.
  21. Do they ever explain why Takumi has a double, even though he doesn't have the replicate skill? Seems like they could have paired him with Sumeragi if they wanted a Guard Stance boss.
  22. Aside from rent/bills/food/dates, I try to save as much as I can and from what's left I spend on traveling and the occasional game that takes my interest. I like to collect tapestries and other cultural items from the places I visit. I wish the stigma for young adults to live with their parents went away. It's practical and the only downside is the lack of privacy, which is only significant if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend. I lived with my parents until I was 20, only moving out for my final year of university. Better to live well with your family than to live in borderline poverty just to make a statement about your independence.
  23. Dynar87 "Do you want another Tellius game" Threads: Every day until you like it But yes, give me another political drama with lots of world building, base conversations and likable characters. Personally I'd prefer that class sets not be dictated by personality (why give me an Avatar if I can't freely choose the class I like?) but I'd be on board for branching stories and support pools limited by personality type. I really like games/media that give us that fantasy medieval feeling in the dialogue, such as Game of Thrones, Berserk or the earlier Fire Emblem games. I feel something was lost when the later Fire Emblems (just 3DS era?) starting using modern sounding expressions. It pulls me out of the world.
  24. I think forging is a positive mechanic as it lets you customize your arsenal to fit your playstyle or to boost a character that needs the help. For the issue of buying cheap weapons for forging, I could see a system where lower ranked weapons produce less crafting materials than higher ranked ones
  25. Again, it's not the characters' action in themselves, it's the gravity of the consequences relative to their behavior. Pelleas is naive, but the price for that shouldn't be that Daein is enslaved to Begnion indefinitely. It's dramatically unsatisfying that Daein can be robbed of its agency so easily. Why isn't Begnion already ruling the world when they have the ability to curse nations? They already suckered two nations into signing blood pacts, I'm surprised they didn't make Elincia sign one.
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