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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here. Both supports suggest Saizo's surveillance is done without Ryoma's consent or knowledge. What does Frederick have to do with this? If he behaves differently than Saizo it's because they are two different people.
  2. I'm willing to forgive one-off jokes (this one falls into 'too absurd to be taken seriously') when they are not integral to someone's characterization. If Saizo were a regular peeping-tom, I wouldn't think it funny. Sometimes it's okay to laugh. Sometimes.
  3. The point is, you shouldn't use sales figures to validate your opinion on games you've never played. A spinoff is not going to "mess up" the integrity of the series. I'd be more concerned about the mainline games, such as how your favorite game (Awakening) set the course for waifuism and tropey characters.
  4. The issue with Hoshido bias in Fates is that, unlike other Fire Emblems, you are given a choice of which side to take. When you make Team 1 a bunch of angels and Team 2 a bunch of jerks, why would you choose Team 2? In order to give the choice some weight, there needs to be nuance in the factions. No? If you don't play a game, you have a very uninformed opinion. It's one thing to say that you have no interest in a game (I don't intend to play TMS for this reason) but it's another to act like you can criticize things you have never experienced directly. If we're using sales data to validate our uninformed opinions, why don't we call the Tellius games shitty as well? No need to play them, after all.
  5. It would be pretty easy in Fates. lol
  6. Not to say that other artists are perfect but I think the Kozaki does have a bit of a problem. This could easily be Lucina although it's actually Oboro. Also, about Corrin, what do you mean that it's the fault of the writers and not the character? How do you separate the character from what the writers write?
  7. I appreciate Camilla on a conceptual level, even if the execution left much to be desired. Kind of like the premise for the rest of the game. Even the hints of her backstory are some of the most interesting parts of the game. Also, boobs. Keep making videos Ghast, we'll keep watching them.
  8. It's not like Saizo needs to be specifically ordered to act on his own suspicions. One could argue that he should inform his lord but if he views Kamui as a potential threat, he is protecting Hoshido by being vigilant.
  9. I think Path of Radiance had a good way of doing tutorials. Specific and to the point but entirely optional and can be taken at your leisure. Also, more Anna.
  10. I think it's fair to say a character has motherly qualities, even if they are secondary to the "principle motivation" of making a tropey, fanservice character. Her attention to others can be creepy and possessive but some of it is genuine compassion.
  11. Gameplay-wise, I want a character who has a niche they can perform well. It could be mage killing, dodge-tanking or crit-killing but they need to stand on their own and not require another unit to babysit them after every turn. The only strong preference I have is a unit being able to double or at least avoid being doubled, generally. Heroes and Halberdiers are some of my favorite units to field so balanced stats are desirable. Personalities will also vary greatly but I appreciate characters who have multiple dimensions who can socialize with others based on more than one character trait. Consider a character like Oboro, when compared to many other one-note characters in her game. I do have some aesthetic likes. I always try to stock my army full of red-heads so characters like Roy, Miledy and Cordelia have permanent places on my teamss. I like designs that convey both elegance and battle potency, be they the embroidered mage robes of Pent or the the regal armor of Titania. Fates generics hits most of the points (barring some designs) of what I want to see.
  12. What kind of ridiculous bench mark is it for a decent character that they have to be able to solo a map? No one has claimed Binding Blade to be a flawless masterpiece, dude. I think you need to calm down.
  13. Good analysis. While her possessiveness and mother instinct is a reoccurring trait, I still think her obsession for Kamui to be the least "justified" part of her character (and what a large part that is). It's true that Kamui doesn't have parents but all of the children had bad mothers (besides Xander, maybe?) and Garon, who we know very little about before his transformation into Muk Nohrian Form. I could buy Camilla losing parts of her sanity in Birthright but her possessiveness persists even in Conquest where Kamui never leaves her side. It's also arguable that Camilla's feelings for Kamui are...not familial in nature, which also doesn't have much going to justify it. If anyone had reason to develop separation-anxiety, it would be Ryoma or Hinoka. Generally I don't diagnose mental disorders in fictional characters but Camilla's possessiveness and threats of violence (in a My Room line, she mentions to the Avatar that she would kill him and then commit suicide if he ever left her) do not suggest a stable mental state. Edit: It's probably worth mentioning that the American Camilla x Mamui support takes out a good deal of the incest subtext. In the Japanese one, Kamui is more uncomfortable about Camilla's unsisterly behavior (she keeps trying to get him to bathe with her) whereas the American conversation focuses more on how she infantilizes him.
  14. Er, in a recent thread, Conquest ranked as one of the most balanced of casts.
  15. Is a phone game even comparable in content to a mainline series game?
  16. While I'm not a big fan of rallybots and think those skills should instead be passive auras, the "Tactician" going around and selectively improving the stats of allies sounds pretty neat, to be honest. If I were to design this theoretical class, I'd make the strength of the rally scale by level. Something like, Level 1-8 +1, Level 9-16 +2, Level 17-24 +3, Level 25-40 +4. I'd replace Motivate with something that boosts the hit/critical hit of anyone affected by a rally.
  17. Boob sliders are critical to my enjoyment. I can only give Fates a 5/10 for its appalling lack of bust options.
  18. Bolded: It's a collection of all of these and more, depending on the game. In terms of importance in making a character into a player Avatar, I'd rank them: 1. Name: Some games make an exception in this (Mass Effect and DA2's Shepard and Hawke, respectively) but in general you need people calling the character by a name you choose to feel like it's you. 2. Appearance: Changing your face, hair and outfit is a big step towards making something personal, something Final Fantasy games lacked. 3. Gameplay: Changing things likes you stats and class are another point of personalizing a character. 4. Player choices: The ability to choose different outcomes for what your character does. The choices they make are yours (in Fire Emblem this would be things like whom you support). 5. Personality: This is the lowest ranked because many games have a different approach to this. Some have bland characters you can project onto, some have literal blank slates and no dialogue, and some games have you choose every bit of dialogue you make. Robin, Kris and Kamui are avatars for having the above criteria but I wouldn't consider the FF protagonists to be such because they are generally limited in most things besides changing the name, and their personalities are too defined.
  19. I think some people put too much stock into "I am my Avatar". Unless the character acts completely contrary to logic and decency (as Kamui frequently did), I won't be bothered by how they differ from me. If people can replay any other Fire Emblem countless times with a hero you can't customize, I'm sure they'll manage with a more pre-defined "Avatar". In terms of character depth and plot significance, I'm imagining someone like Soren, ie someone who is significant to the party but is not central to the story. If we use Fates as a standard for content and take every unique chapter from the 3 routes, I think they could make a reasonably long game with significant diverging elements. I'd happily pay $60-80 for a single Fire Emblem game with 60ish original chapters (for it's total content, not for a single playthrough). Each "route" could be roughly 30 chapters, and following your diagram, the break up could be something like 20 chapters shared between A and B with 10 chapters leading to their own ending and route C only sharing the first 10 chapters with the first two routes. I wonder if significant route differences will remain Fates' gimmick.... That would be a shame. Although a greater shame would be a repeat of Fates.
  20. I heard someone mention it before but I'd like to echo the sentiment that Base Conversations should come back. We need more people reacting to current events. This is what I'm hoping for. I like having a customizable unit but a limitless support pool guaranteed a bland personality and the copious amounts of player worship from being the main character (not that competent writers couldn't have avoided it) detracted from the story's potential. A supporting character with a personality you can choose would solve most of the problems with the current Avatar. It's impossible to please everyone even with characters you don't customize in anyway, but if you could at least give players more of a choice so they don't have to settle for Blandy McFriendswitheveryone. Give me a well written character and I won't complain if he doesn't say the exact things I would say in that situation.
  21. I won't say no to a good remake, but I'm not actively hoping for one either. As Jedi said, I think Fates is doing good things for the gameplay so I don't see a reason to stray far from it besides marriage/children. What I'd like to see stay most of all is pair-up, as it appears in Fates. It adds a lot of extra strategic depth, especially since it can be used by enemies. As far as things that aren't prominent in Fates, I'd like to see a return of Shove, Rescue and Canto, and Light/Dark/Anima magic. Lastly, I think characters should have smaller support pools for more dedicated characterization. I think the setting should be completely separate from other stories in the series. No canon outrealms please.
  22. I say just give the player 2 saves per chapter that they can use at any time. The biggest annoyance for me when it comes to resets is the "set-up phase" of each map, those first several turns where your movements don't change.
  23. I think there should be a halfway point between Casual and Classic. I think character death should remain a series stable but measures could be added to make it less frustrating. A mode with battle saves and a limited supply of revival items would make the permadeath more approachable but also not fundamentally change the nature of the game.
  24. This is my opinion, and I'll also agree with the Dark Souls sentiment stated before that lowering the difficulty in this way, even as an option, takes away the spirit of the game. I didn't even dip my toes into the fandom until around the time of Radiant Dawn but I've played for the "perfect victory" since the release of Blazing Sword. I consider it a core aspect of the game.
  25. Until Awakening, I always treated thieves as non-combat units anyway, so I guess Sothe never bothered me. It's not like Volke was exceptional either, iirc. Noted. Revelations definitely deserves a special place in hell for unit balance.
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