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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Fire Emblem game in Dark Souls setting when? Sacred Stones has skeletons, zombies and zombie dragons. Blazing Sword has sorta-undead in the morphs you fight at the end of the game. Fates also had dead people revived to fight their former friends and family. I think Fire Emblem is at its strongest when the plots are centered on human conflict, so i don't think a undead apocalypse would be very compelling, but they can be featured. If dark magic becomes a thing again, I'd like Necromancer to be a playable class. They would automatically summon a copy of an enemy unit (allied to the player) if they landed the killing blow. @RedRob It would be interesting if you could break possession of units by attacking them. It would give you reason to equip weapons that can't kill the enemy.
  2. I don't blame people for getting attached to certain characters (the developers acknowledged that Leo and Takumi were specifically designed to be attractive to girls) but I think it's pretty sad when people like avatar characters because they treat them as their proxy. The fact that Femui got into the top 3 female characters on the popularity poll, despite sharing all of Mamui's faults is....kind of pathetic.
  3. With the recent direct, we've heard a lot of new information about upcoming Fire Emblem releases. If it wasn't obvious after Awakening and Fates, Fire Emblem is now mainstream. On the horizon we have Fire Emblem Echoes, Fire Emblem Heroes, Fire Emblem Warriors and an unnamed Fire Emblem for the Nintendo Switch. That's 4 releases in 2 years (assuming the Switch title isn't delayed)! My question is, how much steam does the series have in it and will it affect the quality of the games? Do you think this is just a burst of titles that coincidentally all came together at the same time? Or do you think Fire Emblem is going to keep up this release pace and give us frequent entries in the series akin to Mario and Zelda?
  4. As a unit, I like him a lot. Mixed (and relatively high) growths gives the Avatar a lot of room to play different classes. The Yato is a strong weapon and Dragon Stones are an interesting defensive option (although I wish we had more variety). Both of his promotions are also worthwhile with staves providing support and tomes giving you a strong magic user. I think the outfit fits (no pun intended) him well, which only some minor nitpicks like Femui's thigh-holes and the unexplained lack of shoes. The black and white color scheme represents their situation as being torn between two worlds and the skin-tight suit morphs perfectly into their dragon form. There aren't as many male hairstyles that I like, but honestly, almost all of my MUs cycle through only a few hairstyles anyway. It's pretty neat that you can change your hairstyle in My Room. Story-wise is where everything goes to shit. I want to start off by saying that I LOVE the premise behind the character and thought it was brilliant, new direction for Fire Emblem protagonists. Chapter 6 of the game really shows the potential this had by how it makes you feel like shit no matter what side you choose. Unfortunately, like the rest of Fates' writing, the quality ends at the premise. I won't write an essay on it because I feel Etrurian emperor, Brightbow and Sunwoo already made good posts on this but in summary: - All of Kamui's traits are tacked on without much consideration. He's a naive and sheltered lord but he is still acts as the leader when more qualified people are available. He's a manakete but no one really cares (and he doesn't even resemble his 'dad'). -He's a plot absorbing Mary Sue that everyone is forced to love, no matter how much villainy or general stupidity he commits. -He's actually a horrible person in Conquest and some supports, as Brightbow explains. And then you have this gem in C15 "My happiness is a small price to pay for the good of the whole world. [...]If I must sacrifice my soul and walk the path of evil to end this war, so be it. Even if no one understands why I'm doing this... even if they grow to hate me..." How very noble, Corrin. I'm so glad that your happiness is going to be the only casualty of war and not thousands of innocent Hoshidan lives. He even has to audacity to want to be friendly with Hinoka after invading her country, killing her brother and letting Sakura's soldiers get massacred. Kamui comes across as a self-absorbed sociopath, and it's amazing that IS couldn't recognize all the contradictions they were writing.
  5. -An ambitious protagonist of low-birth. We've had a lot of characters who start off as lords and we've had a lot of characters that are primarily interested in restoring the peace, but I want to see a protagonist who wants more in life. They can still have noble qualities like the desire to help the victims of war and injustice, but the desire to rise in society and pursue a dream should be central to their character. I'd like see moral ambiguity and Good is Not Soft. -A tome using lord. -A mixed cast with mixed relationships. There should be a diversity of ages and relationships between characters. Mentors and students, husbands and wives, childhood friends and people who are meeting in your army for the first time. Also, there should be plenty of platonic relationships with S rank supports marking a shared ending instead of always being explicitly romantic. -A good story with plenty of world building. It should be an alive and active world where things are happening, even when your party isn't directly involved. -Fates style pair-up. While new mechanics are always fun, Fates was so polished, I think it would be be a waste to toss it out after 1 game. -Light/Dark/Anima Magic with diverse spells.
  6. I'm curious, do you know anyone else who shares your opinion on the game not being worth buying unless it has all the DLC of the original release? I recommend you buy the Japanese version from now on, if it causes you so much anxiety to not get "the full package".
  7. Would you not have bought Fates had they announced from the start there would be two fewer DLC maps? DLC is separate from the base game, regardless. You get less maps than the Japanese do but you also pay less (Japan's final map pack was worth about $20 and North America's was $8). Considering you don't need to buy the child DLC as a bundle in NA/Europe, they have a better DLC shop in a way. It would be nice if the other territories had access to the last two maps but you aren't entitled to them.
  8. Jeez, talk about spiteful and uninformed opinions. And the Vanguard map. And the Witch map. And the Shooter map. And the Anna map. They gave you 3 free pieces of DLC with Anna's Gift, Another Gift from Anna and Before Awakening. That's pretty generous, but apparently we should hate them for not giving us Apotheosis. This is merely speculation. This is very entitled. The game isn't "incomplete" just because you wanted more DLC out of it. What exactly were you "screwed" out from? Did they promise you something that they didn't deliver on? Did you pay for something that you didn't get? Also, that would be a terrible business model to force people to buy ALL of your DLC just to get the last collection of maps.
  9. Pieri would fit comfortably in a gag series where violence is just exaggerated for comedy. She'd fit in a series that treats her behavior with the gravity it deserves. But she doesn't fit in Fates, where we're supposed to say "What a goofball!" when she enjoys killing people and "What a monster!" when Hans enjoys killing people. This isn't the only time when Fates wants to have its cake and eat it too.
  10. I think it's fine to have one "suspiciously similar person" like Anna show up in multiple worlds but otherwise, characters shouldn't make appear in settings they don't belong in. Outside of Stan Lee or Hitchcock style random cameos, worlds shouldn't be casually tied together. I do like it when we see shared characters for direct sequels (Markus in FE 6&7) or shared worlds/time periods, however.
  11. With the debut of Malig Knights (Axe/Tome) in Fates, I thought it would be cool to have the fliers share a promotion with the mages. For example: Shaman: Dark -Druid: Dark/Staff -Dark Drake: Dark/Axe Monk: Light -Bishop: Light/Staff -Seraph Knight (Pegasus): Light/Lance
  12. I think we both understand her equally and it's not beyond my comprehension that Pieri is not inherently malicious. My opinion is that the tone of the writing does not support the conclusion that we ought to feel sorry for her.
  13. Not bad, but it gets shaky around the magic users. I feel like Sage should be the promotion to fewer classes and there isn't really a reason for Druid to have 3 weapon types when most promoted units only have 2.
  14. I do think it odd that they abandoned Fates so soon. Maybe it's just that they have so many projects on the horizon they want to focus on, but I think they could have made a lot more money off of Fates.
  15. Here's a quote from that page: "Innocent" doesn't mean you go free after committing violent crime. Society still deems you a threat regardless of your lack of maliciousness. To quote Cersei of all people, "A disease doesn't decide to kill you, all the same you cut it out before it does." . The second paragraph explains why Cry for the Devil doesn't work. Unlike other examples of this trope, Pieri's actions are not played for drama. How can I feel sorry for Pieri when "tragedy" is never the feeling the story wants to convey for her? Did you read any of her supports and take away that we're supposed to feel pity for her?
  16. I guess I don't share your sympathy for psychopaths. Lots of people are born without the ability to feel empathy or lose it because of emotional trauma, and yet we still hold them accountable for their actions. "I kill people because I'm full of hate" and "I kill people because I'm emotionally stunted" really makes no difference, especially to the victims.
  17. Jakob and Niles got a fair share of flak back in the day, but they aren't quite as bad as Azama or Pieri. Jakob is abrasive and rude sometimes but he's not the 100% asshole Azama is. Niles is lewd and purposely unnerves people (his sadism was toned down in the localization) but he's not the literal serial killer that Pieri is. @RedEyedDrake Even if you took the stance that the mentally disturbed are innocent of their crimes (something the law doesn't agree with), it would still be in the interest of everyone to either isolate her or put her down. I feel worse for the people she has killed, not for the murderer.
  18. That's what I meant by my earlier posts. "Unplayable" is always an exaggeration. It was always "playable" but whether or not it's a fun experience by modern standards is up to debate.
  19. My hopes are for a competently told story and good characterization. Even if the battle-system is harder to get into, if there isn't good writing, there is nothing to get invested into. For fears, i would say the gameplay staying TOO faithful. I haven't played the game so I can only based my opinions on hearsay but I will say that Shadow Dragon really offered me nothing, so I hope Gaiden 2 is an improvement.
  20. This. I can't really answer the poll because while a customizable unit is always fun, I don't want an Avatar. It's fine if I choose to project onto this character but I don't want it to be a character designed for me to project onto. We all know how IS can't help themselves when it comes to Avatar worship, as if our fragile egos need to be catered to at the expense of the story. That said, if we get a new MU that is scaled back or no MU at all, I hope new fans can appreciate how much better the story is for it and not complain about cut features. No to S supports, no to significant plot involvement and TRIPLE NO to children.
  21. Rather than a click-bait title, maybe you could get more viewers if you just TOLD us what your point/observation was going to be. If you want me to invest 50 minutes of my life, I want to know what it's for.
  22. Again, I didn't make any definitive statements about the quality of the game, only that it seemed like something I wouldn't enjoy. I've heard enough people talking about the mechanics that it sounds poorly made by modern standards. Except that's not what Jedi said. He said I'd be doing myself a disservice if I played the remake without playing the original.
  23. I thought Gunter (outside of being a pair-up bot) was underwhelming even in his opening chapter. Is there an archetype for bad growths, bad bases?
  24. I didn't say "unplayable", just that it didn't look like something I'd enjoy. I said FE6 is playable because it has many of the features that eventually became series standards. Why would you speak of mechanics simply being "different" as if that didn't matter? There is more to "age" than the visual presentation. How do you know Echoes will be faithful to the original? If the game is lifeless without an earlier reference point, it's not a very good game.
  25. What would the 'remake' designation serve? Should new players know or care that the game was remade? Would they want to play it more? Is it a warning that the game is going to buck the trends of the NEWnew games? These remakes aren't like other spinoff series that all share a particular style of gameplay or story, like how Crystal Chronicles and Tactics are an offshoot of the Final Fantasy series.
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