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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Radiant Dawn and maybe Conquest/Birthright together, because having a choice and reaping the consequences is a big part of the appeal. The former handles a grand scale war from multiple perspectives and continues off of the solid worldbuilding from Path of Radiance. The latter (in theory) creates a ton of personal drama and a morally nuanced tale of a wealthy peaceful nation vs a deprived and warring nation. For worst story, Revelation. Creating a generic "Chaotic evil dragon god" to completely undermine the human drama of the story, not to mention invalidate the significance of the choice by letting you side with both families. Also, I'm going to second that including Heroes is a poor choice. You can't expect a gaccha game to take its story seriously.
  2. That's basically how I headcanon Nohr to be, minus the 'small' part. Garon isn't nice but he only turns to evil when Hoshido denies trading them crucial resources. Here's an idea, what if YOU start out as the empire (with the asshole ruler) and a rebellion against your family begins. Some of the reasons for the rebellion are legitimate and cause for reform but some of factions rebelling are just as bad if not worse than the people they want to overthrow. The protagonists would start with defending their empire but slowly uncovering the problems it has (because of the asshole ruler) while also dealing with dangerous insurgent groups.
  3. For some of your other class assignments, I think it would be fitting if Arms Masters could promote from Soldier, Mercenary and Fighter. They use all three weapon types, so they ought to start as any of the three weapons. Here's what I'd do with your infantry units: Fighter: Berserker, Hero, Arms Master Barbarian: Berserker, Warrior, Gryphon Rider (if that becomes a thing) Mercenary: Hero, Swordmaster, Arms Master Myrmidon: Swordmaster, Ranger, Dreadfigher Soldier: Halberdier, Arms Master, Paladin Knight: General, Greatknight, Baron Archer: Sniper, Ranger, Warrior Outlaw: Adventurer, Assassin, Sniper Thief: Assassin, Dread Fighter/Rogue (?) I don't know what you should do with Rogues because currently nothing else promotes to them. Maybe you could make another Dagger base class (Villager?) that promotes to Rogue/Vassal/???. You could make Knights promote to Halberdier instead of Baron (so Halberdier isn't exclusive to Soldiers) but Baron seems like it was made to be a Knight promotion. Also, your Cavaliers currently promote to Dark Knights which makes them lose their lance proficiency. Perhaps you could instead have Sky Knight (Lance/Sword) as their 3rd option. Horsey getting wings isn't too much of a stretch is it?
  4. I'm going to agree with Jotari and say that the magic system would be better if it was just Dark/Light/Anima. You can still have wind/fire/thunder themed spells within Anima, but it would be too much to create 5 separate elements. Like, instead of a whole school of magic that is effective vs Fliers (wind) just have one Anima spell that does the trick. On the topic of magic, particularly if Malig Knights use Dark Magic, I think "Dark" Falcons should use light magic. Sorcerers are also kind of boring, in my opinion so I'd give Shamans Druid/Dark Knight/Malig Knight as their options. I have some other commentary I'll add later.
  5. I'd say Fates has better gameplay overall (obviously they had a lot of time and past games to build off of) but for story and characters, FE7 wins hands down. Fates will fade into a bad memory whereas Blazing Sword will always have a fond place in my heart. That said, I don't play either very extensively these days.
  6. I always like the gameplay, and always hated the story, but I'm mostly indifferent to it now. I have a big gaming backlog and more important things like studying and cleaning so when it comes to using my limited time, I prefer to spend it on other things these days. I'm eager to hear some news about FE Switch.
  7. I wouldn't like a system where stats govern what you can promote into. All it would really mean is that some characters would never have that promotion option, even if it was technically part of their class tree. How would you determine weapon level caps? Fates style where the class determines it, no matter the starting class or would you do it GBA style where the highest rank belongs to whatever you level up first? I think the Fates method give each class a more unique feeling (Blacksmith and Hero are not identical for this reason) but it can be pretty hampering when a base class doesn't use the primary weapon of the promotion (ex. Fighter to Hero).
  8. I also have this morbid curiosity. lol
  9. All of them (minus the Evil ones) can be interesting, depending the on the writing. I would put Nohr in the Conquerors category. Apart from them being showcased in, well, Conquest, nothing really suggests they invade their neighbors except for shits and giggles.
  10. The situation isn't as simple as "choosing the people closest to you or justice". The character would have to factor everything into it, how they feel about the Nohrian siblings, how the feel about the Hoshidan siblings, how they feel about Nohr's crimes, how they feel about Hoshido's plight, how they feel about leaving their home behind and how they feel about the several murder attempts already made on them.
  11. Lyn is the only one who can use the Mani Katti because the sword found her worthy of drawing it. Special? To a degree, but it's not tied to her blood either. Presumably another pure hearted person could have drawn the blade. Even the legendary weapons (Durandel and Armads) are gifted because Eliwood and Hector proved themselves as opposed to being the natural heirs. All of those weapons are locked to one user in game but so are the un-noteworthy Rapier and Wolf Beil.
  12. Obligatory "it's a game, do whatever you want" disclaimer. In terms of the narrative, this is how I'd rank the the okay-ness of marrying siblings. Takumi & Sakura > Camilla* > Ryoma and Hinoka > the other Nohrians Takumi and Sakura have the best bet because they never knew you and aren't even blood related. Ryoma and Hinoka knew you during their formative years so it would be weird from their end but not from yours because you don't remember them. Last is Elise, Leo and Xander with whom you grew up with. Camilla has a special place in the ranking because while she had frequent contact with you in your youth, she is the only sibling who hints at having non-platonic feelings for Kamui. How would Kamui the character (ie not the player) feel about it? That's a bit more iffy. In his C-A with Camilla he comes off as being uncomfortable with her behavior but it does seem like Camilla is trying to groom him to like her back. One thing I think people often forget or ignore is how both characters would feel. The game forces the siblings to have romantic feelings for the Avatar even if they wouldn't under most circumstances. Likewise, most people don't consider how Kamui would feel about marrying these people, substituting his feelings for their own (the player didn't grow up with the Nohrians, so why should they have an aversion to incest?). I really don't like how IS handled the sibling relationships. With the exception of Camilla whose feelings are ambiguous enough to swing both ways (in more ways than one perhaps), but the other siblings fall into the uncomfortable position of Schrödinger's Incest, where the feelings of the character are both platonic and non-platonic until you click that S support. IS, if you want to include incest in future games, cool. Talk about it, address all the baggage that comes along with it, and commit to it. No more of this wishy-washy "Maybe they're like a sister to you, maybe not, tee hee, that's for YOU to decide!" Also this. Players are about as dishonest about the siblings as the developers are.
  13. Birthright. Technically Revelations is the golden path where everything is puppies and roses unless your name is Scarlet or Izana, but the story is dumb so I'd prefer the next best ending. In Birthright, Hoshido is saved and the bad Nohrian leadership is purged (and Ryoma promised to send food to Nohr so that may prevent future conflicts).
  14. Nobility is a very arbitrary trait. Lyn being decedent from a Lycian noble doesn't give her any special powers and any privilege she gets because of her "noble" blood is just because society says so. In other words, having a exotic lineage only makes one special if the story gives it focus, like Azura getting noble status because of her clan. Now, if one can use exclusive skills or weaponry as a result of their lineage, then they have "special blood". Azura might not be decedent from literal nobility but her special Mag/Res is genetic, so she has special blood.
  15. I could see a hybrid of that system and the current knives. Maybe some knives would debuff and others would prevent counterattacks. Thieves would be the utility class, not the strongest fighters but a broad array of tools to support other units.
  16. I think his lack of popularity is going to have more to do with the fact that only the most hardcore of FE fans are going to have played his game than any of his demerits.
  17. Lyn is the granddaughter of a Marquis so she's as much a lord as Eliwood is, although she spends the greater part of her life in a different culture. As for why people like Lyn, I would say: -Original lord -Solid character design -Cool sword -Honest and proud personality -Endearing personal quest -Boobs The biggest difference between the 3DS era games and the games before it is that the 3DS put a much greater emphasis on putting YOU in the game, specifically with the appeal of romancing your character of choice. People will waifu characters even without a game mechanic but that's at least contained to fanfiction and not actively encouraged by the game. Fiora was the original waifu anyway.
  18. That wasn't really his fault though. Aversa just randomly warps in a bunch of archers and there is nothing Robin or anyone could have done to stop her.
  19. At first I was turned off to Ike because of his obnoxious fanbase and a lot of people praise him in game but over time those feelings mellowed out. His upbringing and attitude (and I liked Hector) is pretty refreshing. He gets a solid character arc which is more than you can say for quite a few protagonists. Some people speculate that PoR is going to get a port so they are saving Tellius characters for that. I think it's strange that Roy (a character who stays popular because of Smash) is in the game but Ike is not. Even the often forgotten Sacred Stones has some characters in the game now. As for the poll winners, none of them have gotten their special character yet so you'll just have to wait for the event where they appear. Yes, I'm sure it has nothing to do with her defying an oppressive occupation force and giving the people hope. It was just that glorious hair.
  20. Really? Sacred Stones looks a lot different than the Elibe characters. Eiji Kaneda is another artist who worked on the Elibe games, maybe it's his style that I like.
  21. Oboro and Matoi, an army of lovely lance ladies. It makes me happy knowing my favorite Fire Emblem ladies are popular in the fanbase. I hope Oboro gets a figure at some point, I already got the Cordelia one.
  22. I'm sure a lot of people will recognize the outfit. Robin is a Smash character, that's already tons of recognition, plus any Fire Emblem fans.
  23. I think they should model it like Conquest, no grinding and your level stays the same after reclassing. If the skill system stays the same, then Fates tier flexibility should be there for reclassing. If skills are made to be more special and locked to classes, then they could just have predetermined class sets with no sharing in order to preserve an identity for the character. Branching promotions should always be a thing.
  24. Tsubasa Masao and Sachiko Wada feel too gritty for me. I think Hidari has the best balance between anime and retro fantasy feeling. If Hidari isn't brought back on for FE: Switch, then I'd be happy to have Minaba Hideo (Granblue Fantasy and TMS #FE) provided the art direction is a bit less fanservicy. For other past Fire Emblems, I could go for Senri Kita or the artist for the Elibe characters.
  25. The game doesn't give much insight into how much influence or lack thereof Xander and the siblings have. Camilla and Leo say they'd be killed for disobeying but I have my doubts about Xander being powerless. If Iago had an "infinite army of Faceless" they wouldn't really need the rest of the army now, would they?
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