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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. It doesn't have to follow the games 100%. If we are using Hyrule Warriors as an example, many characters use weapons they never did in the series proper including a few things that don't even qualify as weapons (a harp, seriously?). I could see them using Fates as the primary source for characters and setting and have guest appearances of important characters from other games in the series. So it would be like Fates but... actually, just like Fates.
  2. The only problem I can see with that is that some of the most popular characters in the series aren't the main characters and the total cast of the Fire Emblem series is ginormous so it'd be hard to decide which characters deserve to make it in. I'll be using Oboro exclusively, if and when this happens, however.
  3. Yes, essentially. This had be scratching my head. Kamui might have an interesting ability and background but why these give him greater authority than even his older siblings is anyone's guess. In Hoshido, Sakura is arguably the only person in his family with less combat experience but Kamui is still the commander. The only excuse I can think of is Ryoma and Takumi being leaders of the main army units and Kamui leading a rear guard to support them. But that becomes less and less true as you recruit more characters. Luke isn't bland, just intensely unlikable. Character interactions between him and the party could be summed up as: Pre-Akzeriuth Luke: I'm an asshole. Deal with it. Party: Ugh, you're such an asshole! Post-Akzeriuth Party: Ugh, you were such an asshole! Luke: Sorry I was an asshole... You can call 'jerk' --> 'spineless', character development but he'll always be terrible. Kamui is as bland as they come but he doesn't make me want to punch him.
  4. I want to see a Advance Wars style Fire Emblem game. =============================== CO SUPER POWER: SHIPPING LORD =============================== All characters on the field are now S-ranked with the avatar.
  5. Fire Emblem is going to need to expand a lot before that happens. New games on the horizon... Fire Emblem: Tennis Super Stars Fire Emblem Party Fire Emblem Kart Fire Emblem Crossing Mario and Fire Emblem at the Olympics May I ask where your Avatar is from? If the answer is spoilery you can just say what route it is (and class?).
  6. For almost all of the maps, there is no reason not to use Dragon Vein and some arguably require it to be completed in a timely fashion (one map is basically nothing but mountains until you flatten them). There are a few exceptions to this that make for some challenging maps. For Hoshido (as far as chapter 16) there aren't many maps where the enemy will use Dragon Vein.
  7. He seems overly idealistic, always trying to end conflicts without violence and wants to avoid killing even people who have demonstrated hostile intentions to him. Sometimes I like it, it avoids some stupid drama that can occur from no one saying "you know what, let's not kill each other" but other times it comes off as horribly naive.
  8. It's not a matter of the lack of supports or class/skill options being unexpected, just the fact that they are inferior to your other units in most ways. Most generics don't have unique skills and none have personal skills as far as I know. Even as far as stats go, my regular soldiers tend to be superior. I'm playing the game on normal difficulty so generics may prove superior in Hard and Lunatic.
  9. Hm... The capture mechanic has been rather underwhelming so far. Generics don't have supports and have fewer class/skill options so they are generally inferior to your other units. It's a bother to train them when the rest of your army is already stronger. Maybe this will be more worthwhile on harder difficulties. Them keeping their default portrait is nice though.
  10. On the Hoshido side of things, I wouldn't say the maps are badly designed but they could have put more effort into the Dragon Vein ability. For most maps there isn't really a reason why you wouldn't use the ability as soon as you can and it often just makes the battlefield 'flatter' (takes away distinctive features of the maps).
  11. From what I can tell, they usually don't keep their color scheme. :/
  12. I can kind of see OP's point, minus the slut shaming. While other characters claimed to have loved people 'since forever', love isn't so central to their character, as it is with Camilla. You could be forgiven for not knowing Lissa has always been in love with Stahl but Camilla's affection for Kamui is hammered in from her introduction. That said, it's possible (probable) that Camilla still loves Kamui even if she ends up marrying someone else. It's only a contradiction if she claims to have loved more than one person since forever. He didn't just marry 'a' village girl, he married ALL of them. In all the hamlets and in every village. Chrom is a humungous slut!
  13. I'm not very far in the game so maybe I don't have a lot to stand on but I think the nerfs are appropriate. "Melee" characters can still use ranged weapons, but it's situational which is good for strategy. Archers will be your new go-to units for powerful ranged attacks.
  14. >>Implying she won't be wearing a beach burka.
  15. The Nohrian designs are pretty solid besides the Dark Mage and Sorcerer. That Wyvern Rider armor is the sexiest thing I have ever seen but why do they look like they are holding spears?. I'll take 20 please. Hoshido Snipers, Holy Kite Warrior and Shura are awesome too. Aren't we missing the un-promoted male priest? He can get married to the Golden Kite Warrior so we have a King and Queen of Smug. Who are subordinates to Oboro, Empress of Smug.
  16. It makes me sad that all this player worship and shallow fanservice is now a permanent fixture of the series. There is so much they can do with the series but IS is now just focused on giving the player base metaphorical blow jobs. Wake me when Fire Emblem is renown for it's story-telling, characterization and strategy, not a love simulator.
  17. Before Awakening, most people would probably scoff at the notion of swimsuit DLC ever being added to a Fire Emblem game. Before Fates, people would call you a freak for suggesting something like Fire Emblem Amie or heavily involved incest but here we are, and these are highly praised features. It's just us grumpy old men who have a problem with it anymore.
  18. It's possible but what I find more unlikely is all 4 of your siblings coming to the conclusion that Kamui is a very fuck-able brother/sister and yet they don't feel that way about each other because that would be weird, right? I must be getting old because I'm starting to sound prudish by criticizing all this brother-sister fucking.
  19. This is really the core of it. You can completely refrain from participating in the fanservice elements of the game. But you'll always know it's there. Imagine how differently we would have felt about Lyn as a character if in some side mode you could strip her down to her underwear and grope her while she coos cringe inducing lines about how skilled you are with your hands. It's hard to respect a character or story when you have so much debauchery going on in the background. Socially it's incest. One doesn't stop being a brother or sister just because they find out they were adopted. Elise and Leon at the very least knew you as a sibling their entire lives.
  20. It bothers me. Fanservice is nice on occasion but when it's so in your face, it's just embarrassing. Not the sort of game you would want people seeing you playing. It's not enough to make me want to boycott the game but it feels so crass. Umm, it's a close focus on TITS, ASS, CROTCH and a seductive, flirty look. From your sister. She looks like she's a stripper at someone's hollywood bachelor party.
  21. I see. That's true for Felicia and Joker so you're probably right.
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