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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Beautiful. I can't wait until someone translates the whole song.
  2. So how will the class sharing work for the more character specific classes? Will people be able to share Garu, Spirit Fox, Songstress and... Nohr Prince(ss)? If not, what class will the spouse get? Also, if the character starts as a promoted class that is shared by multiple base classes (such as Hero) what class will be made available? Only the class they are when they get married? Theoretically, a first gen character should have access of up to 9 different classes, including the base and promoted classes.
  3. Nintendo: IS, I want you to make an honest effort to include more homosexuals. IS: Sure thing! Gay marriage confirmed! IS: Alright, are they gone? Let's give em two psychos and make them version exclusive. [spoiler=Meanwhile at the IS headquarters...]
  4. Oh jeez... You must be fun at parties. Or incest. Them not being related would undermine half of your motivations for siding with Hoshido.
  5. [spoiler=Aqua Supports] Aqua can A+ Sakura. Make of that what you will
  6. [spoiler=Spoiler Concerning Mozume] Mozume is apparently recruitable in Nohr as well so that opens up some other interesting possibilities. Maybe Cavalier and Mercenary?
  7. I am curious to see how they will butcher localize the incest relationships. If they produce children, it's going to take more than some clever wordplay to tell people they aren't in a sexual relationship. Possibly the werewolf, er "Garu". Shara is Tsukuyomi's daughter.
  8. Your argument is that if incest is okay then gay relationships should be okay, as if they fit on a scale somewhere of acceptable behavior. If pairing characters to produce desired children is one of the priorities for the game, then incest fits into that goal, whatever your moral reservations may be.
  9. And now you know why so many people dislike children and the outrelam in FE. A whole clusterfuck of plot holes.
  10. You got me there. I have no idea why 2nd gen characters needed romance when there was no benefit to it. They thought it would be weird that only 1st gen characters were romantic? I think IS is more interested in the traditional view of "where babies come from" than you are.
  11. Children. The two matters are unrelated. They don't have to support all kinds of relationships just because they green-lighted incest.
  12. People are probably getting their hopes up about full fledged gay relationships but I think they are going to be dropping a subtext bomb with Camilla, Belka and Luna. "Likes strong women" Yeah... You are being over dramatic about this. I don't think IS wants to make a statement about gay relationships being inferior to heterosexual ones. It's a simple matter of making a distinction between married and unmarried but very close relationship. A+ being for gay relationships is just speculation anyway.
  13. The best kind of Emblem. Sacred Stones, Geneology, Awakening? Pshaw! Let no one ever doubt that Fates is the king of incest. It's funny how so few people take issue with marrying your Nohr siblings even though you grew up with them.
  14. Ah, looked like a ponytail at a glance. Pretty close anyway.
  15. - Hoshido isn't lead by Garon - They are peaceful people defending themselves from ruthless conquerors. - Hoshido isn't lead by Garon - They are your real family that desperately wanted you back - Hoshido isn't lead by Garon - Superior katanas folded over a thousand times And if those reasons weren't enough, Hoshido isn't lead by the guy who killed your father and makes several attempts to kill you.
  16. Aqua can S rank Leon, even though they are biological siblings. You can probably S rank the Hoshido siblings as well. <Game of Thrones intensifies>
  17. Post more OP. First one is Fate Zero Saber.
  18. Tough choice. For Hoshido, I'll probably choose Wyvern Rider for Revenant Knight and Mercenary for Revenant Knight. For Nohr, Lancer or Oni. Why can't I hold all these classes?
  19. I treat it as something to tide me over until the localized version comes out. I bought a Japanese 3DS to play Animal Crossing and later the Pokemon games so it's tempting to buy it. I won't be able to appreciate the dialogue or story fully but I'll get to see if I like the direction they took Fire Emblem Fates and if I should buy all three routes later.
  20. Oni seem pretty culture specific so I wouldn't count on it. And can you really imagine the delicate Mozume being the same class as Rinka? I can see Samurai and Lancer though. All evidence points to characters having two base classes so these seem the most likely.
  21. Seeing people obsess over Frederik's crotch and Camilla's boobs brings me equal measures of amusement and the feeling of "this is why we can't have nice things". I swear, Serenes, sometimes I don't even...
  22. Fighters are already proven to promote to Berserkers. Charlotte is seen as one in the classes trailer. I think Lancers will promote to Freelancers because they have similar attack animations.
  23. Talk about a bait and switch with Fire Emblem Amie. "Oh sure, you can feel up your same-sex allies but no gay romance!" Remember to say "no homo" before indulging in Fire Emblem Amie, guys. Wouldn't want to give people the wrong impression.
  24. Just a question but, did the latest magazine scans deconfirm gay relationships or just imply it through marriage?
  25. Probably not. Considering they can't support, have fewer skills, lower than average stats, and possibly lack the ability to reclass, I worry they won't be very solid choices to use on lower difficulties. Now, if they get some crazy skills and stats for the higher difficulties, we might see a lot of use for them. Actually, an idea comes to mind. What if captured and recruited enemies could be "trained" by members of your army? For identical or equivalent classes (mercenary/samurai for example) they could be taught unlearned skills and get stat ups so they meet the standards of the rest of your army. In fact, if you could train them with ANY character, you could give generics the unique niche of being able to learn any skill combination.
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